Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Tsuru & Kate Threesome

I had finished my work only halfway through the workday - a consequence of the fact that I had finally gone through all of the backlog, leaving me with hours to blow doing nothing. I glanced over at Xico, and had various prurient thoughts, which made the squid girl blush... but I decided against having sex with her at work, fun as it might be.

"We could probably... go home early..." Xico suggested nervously. "If you want to..."

I got up from my seat and kissed her softly on the lips, enjoying the way her cheeks bloomed with color, the waggles of her tails behind her. When I broke off the kiss, I gave her the bad news she might have picked up. "I was kind of thinking of spending time with a girl I haven't in a while."

"Okay," Xico agreed, nodding along with the suggestion, swallowing a moment later. "I could... watch..." she suggested nervously.

I considered her suggestion. My thoughts had mostly wound up turning towards Kate and Tsuru. I idly wondered how much Xico would get out of participating in a threesome with them - she'd seemed to enjoy time with Kate, but she hadn't done anything with both me and Tsuru. A foursome with two telepaths did sound like it could be fun...

Xico flushed. "Ah... m-maybe later..." she said.

"Intimidated by Tsuru?" I asked. She bit her lip and nodded a little. "I guess I can understand that. Don't worry. I'm not upset." She just nodded quietly, and I took out my phone, sitting down and deciding quite how I wanted to arrange things. I hadn't checked my texts lately, and found that over the past few days, Kate had sent me no less than six pussy pics; any hesitation I had about setting up a threeway pretty much instantly vanished on seeing how ridiculously thirsty she was.

* * *

Kate cleaned up quite nicely: looking at her, in her blouse and smart skirt, it was hard to imagine that she was actually an obscenely masochistic sub. She smiled as she spotted me, and I took her by the hand. I remembered she'd enjoyed coming over and playing Custom Argo Kart Racer, so I decided to steal a page from Nora's book and take her to an arcade. "What game do you want to play?" I asked, as we arrived; her gaze was running across all the options, her lips slightly pursed.

"Something... cooperative?" She suggested. "What do you like?"

I looked around for a moment, then I noticed a side scrolling shooter that reminded me of Metal Slag, and gestured for her to follow me over to it. We both fed a few quarters into the machine, and soon enough we were blasting our way through hordes of Nazi-themed villains, as well as UFOs, krakens, and some kind of six-legged frog-looking alien species which I had absolutely no clue about. It was either a reference to some popular media here I hadn't seen, or else an actual alien species - I was about fifty-fifty on the question.

Obviously, being a twitch-based game, I was insanely good, able to see all the incoming projectiles for what might as well have been a solid ten seconds before they actually hit me. I'd jump over them, throw a grenade, duck, and otherwise evade basically everything. Stuck with more human reaction times - though, significantly better than Lope's, so I think it was still superhuman - Kate wound up chewing through a few bucks, particularly on the completely unfair final level which was just clogged with insane amounts of enemies. My machine gun ripped through enemies as I carefully dodged and weaved, only getting hit once or twice, whereas the mass of projectiles was killing Kate constantly, seeing her spend more and more money just to keep up.

When we finished the game and were offered the opportunity to restart from the beginning to earn more points... it had been about a full hour. I decided to spare Kate's wallet, and just casually got myself killed.

Obviously I quickly won the highest score on the board, which gave me some nice good feelings as I stepped away from the controller, my palm a little sticky from how long it had been attached to that joystick.

"You're really good," Kate said. There was a certain heat to her cheeks that I didn't really understand, so I chose to ignore it for the moment, as is common for people to do regarding things they don't understand.

"You were pretty good yourself," I said. It was true - she was probably the best at video games, other than maybe Mira, that I had played with in my time in this world. She probably had the better reflexes, though I suspect Mira would have been better at predicting projectile paths and preemptively not being in the way of them.

"You got more than twice as many points on like... one dollar, to my fifteen," Kate said, still talking me up. It was confusing, being praised like that. Nice, sure, but not something I was accustomed to.

As was often the case when I was sufficiently confused about something, I tried inverting the genders. Guy goes on date with hot chick, she completely stomps him in at video games... some guys would be insecure, but given that Kate called herself a horny sow and (at least in private) called me Sir, I didn't think that was quite what was going on. Perhaps it was some kind of dominance-establishing thing? Or maybe just it being hotter to be dominated by somebody who was 'better' than you in some substantial sense. Personally I preferred being dominated by somebody who was normal, like May, but her being a rich hottie certainly didn't hurt... imagining her being much better than me at some video game didn't make it any hotter, no.

"Yeah, I guess," I said, rolling my shoulders. "Did you enjoy yourself?" She nodded enthusiastically. "Good. I'm going home," I said, taking out my phone. "I worked up a sexual appetite, so I'm going to call Tsuru over." I started to text, but I glanced out of the corner of my eyes over at Kate.

Kate's eyes widened momentarily at my words. "Uh... oh. Okay. I'll head back to my place," she said, completely missing the obvious subtext that I was telling her this to offer her some position as third in the sex, as she clearly quite enjoyed.

"Oh, I was planning to fuck her right in front of you," I whispered, leaning in close to her. She swallowed audibly at that. "You could play with that loose pussy of yours as you watch me fuck a hotter woman. I mean, every woman I fuck is hotter than you, but you know what I mean."

"Yeah," Kate said, with a dumb nod. "Uh. I mean, I'll go with you. Yeah." She scratched her neck, glancing around, worried that some random person was paying attention to a quiet conversation she was having with her date. To reveal the obvious: they were not. She licked her lips. "Is it gonna be like with Nora?"

"Tsuru's a telepath, presumably it'll be even better." Kate swallowed at that, nodding along, and letting me properly text Tsuru.

I have Kate en route to my place.

You still want to show up and humiliate her?

sounds fun

her brainwaves are always a joy to pick up on, day after you fuck her stupid again

dw, I know how to play a girl like a fiddle, thanks to my darling ;)

not that i anticipate eating out your fuckpig

is it fuckpig? what's the gender reversed version

It's sometimes fuckpig, yes.

I use Sow with Kate, though.

start calling her fuckpig lol

she'd have no idea why

kinda hot tho, yknow?

well, up to you.

your brain is fucking wild

i'll admit to maybe spending a bit extra time close to your office because your sexual fantasies are H O T

Thank you for the compliment, I guess?



i'm gonna fuck your brains out while riding the high of Kate's cuckshit

get your dick ready

* * *

Tsuru was leaning against the wall outside my apartment wearing a blouse and knee-length skirt when I showed up, and she smiled at Kate. It was interesting, the casual way she wrapped herself around my arm, obviously showing off to Kate on purpose. Kate just wetly swallowed as she watched me enter my apartment with a beautiful woman on my arm, following after me like a loyal dog.

At times I worried about her, some natural consequence of being socialized to treat women kindly, but then I would remind myself that Kate was an adult and could take care of herself. If she was really offended somehow by my treatment of her, then she could just say something.

Once we were in my bedroom, Tsuru started to strip herself naked inexpertly, then noticed my observation of exactly that fact. "Mm, guess you want a girl who really... takes her time," she said, shifting to face me. "A hot one," she added, for Kate's benefit. "Mm... let's see. Not the first horndog I've stripped for," she said, popping the top button of her blouse, then the next one down, slowly revealing the creamy flesh of her breasts as she did, inviting my gaze down to the lace of her white lacy bra. "Yeah," she said, softly. "I own lingerie. You like it, don't you? That I don't dress in sports bras and spats like that fuckpig over there?"

Kate let out a mewl from the corner of the room she was hiding in, while Tsuru got close to me, intentionally angling herself so I could see right down into the valley of her cleavage. "It's hot," I agreed. "Kate really should work on her clothing choices."

"She should," Tsuru said. "She should learn to dress like the fuckpig she is, right? That's what you want from her?" My cock was throbbing in my pants, as Tsuru's fingers dipped down to tease at the next button of her top. "I bet she'd dress however you want. That kind of obedience is her only good point, so tell me how she should dress." Her fingers reached down for my groin, stroking my erect cock as Tsuru smiled up at me.

"Lingerie, definitely," I said. I honestly had no idea what sort of limits Kate had, but Tsuru gave me a wink that suggested she didn't have any, so I pretty much just said whatever came to mind. "A choker, a collar, something like that, to represent that she's my sow."

"Mhm," Tsuru hummed pleasantly, popping that next button, shifting her arm subtly to make her tits seem to bulge and pop. "She's your horny little fuckpig, obediently oinking for you. Isn't that right, Kate?"

"Yuh, yeah," Kate said, with a vibration to her voice that suggested she was masturbating already - she wasn't in my vision so I couldn't see to confirm.

"Yeah. She's masturbating like the horny fuckpig she is. The animal she was born to be, just wanting to rut with a superior male specimen, a man who can put her in her place." Fuck, my cock was incredibly hard from Tsuru's dirty talk, and her hand certainly didn't hurt. "I know you like a good beej," she teased. "Rather I start you off with one of those?"

It was tempting - oh so very tempting - but I had planned to fuck her right in front of Kate, and that was quite a different thing from getting a blowjob from her. "No, Sow can always use her mouth on my cock. It's the only thing her mouth is good for, anyway," I said, grabbing Tsuru's ass in either hand, grinding my cock against her pelvis as I halfway lifted her off the ground, walking her backwards to my bed. "I want her to have to watch as I make another woman feel good - as I treat her with kindness and generosity, so she understands the difference between a fuckpig and a woman."

Kate let out a hot pant, and Tsuru actually laughed, leaning up to kiss me quickly on the lips. "You are the goddamn sexiest dude, fuck."

"I'm pretty sure for you, that just means I'm the horniest," I told her, as I pushed her skirt up, then slipped her panties out from under it.

"That's the case for every woman," she reassured me. "You think Nora isn't attracted to how willing and eager you are? That Xico doesn't love that you fuck her cute little brains out? That Priscilla isn't turned on to see you turned on?" She flashed her tongue out past her lips, and fished my cock out from my pants. "I mean, you're hot too, I can appreciate that even if it doesn't really matter to me - but Hank, Alexios, Jacy, they're all pretty hot too, aren't they, Kate?" She asked, earning some mewling noise of agreement from the sub, who was clearly masturbating just by that sound alone. "What's the difference? You're fucking horny, is the difference."

I thrust inside her. Her words had an effect on me, of course - a vague sense of being a piece of meat on display. She just panted as I upped my pace to a ridiculous intensity, wanting to shut her up so I could just enjoy sex. It was hot, watching her features twist as her head rolled from side to side, her lips working at the air as I just rammed away at her at what - for her - was superhuman speeds, while for myself, they were languid, generous movements, slow and methodical, one thumb gently brushing against her clit as her panties remained dangling somewhere on her ankle, the squeak of the mattress overwhelming any sound.

"Don't," she panted out, and I immediately slowed, worried that I'd gone too far. "Don't feel, bad, it's, normal-" seeing that she wasn't angry at the sex, I upped my pace once more, "-to like people, that are horny, fucking, would you be fucking Nora, if she wasn't, a monogamous nympho?" At that point, she came, her pussy squeezing tight around my dick. I basked in the sensations, simply burying myself inside her, admiring her half-naked body as her back arched, her fingers clawing vaguely at the sheets beneath her. A wet mewling noise came from behind me, as Kate played with herself, and I spared a glance her way.

Kate had actually stripped herself completely naked at some point, and her nipples were hard and perky, a flush of red stretching from her cheeks down to the tops of her breasts, making it almost look as if she'd been sunburnt from the nipples up. Her skin was lightly shiny in the fluorescent light of my room, and her lips were parted just a bit, as if she'd forgotten she could close her jaw. I could almost see the drool pooling on her lower lip, her whole body vibrating with arousal as she frantically frigged herself. Even with her wild-eyed lust, she hadn't managed to come yet, mostly because it had barely been a minute since I'd stuck it in - I'd gone really hard on Tsuru, I guess.

"Oh," Tsuru panted out, as she came down from her orgasmic high, and I glanced down at her. "Nora, would want me to tell you, she ran over you fucking her brains out while playing house, pretty much, all day. Thinking about what she could have done, better. Thinking about, how hot it was. Wondering if she should have, worn this, or that," she said, still catching her breath, wetly swallowing up the spit in her mouth. I wondered why she was telling me all this, since I was given to understand telepaths weren't supposed to share those kinds of secrets - she just grinned. "Nora said, quote, 'As you are very talented at seducing men, due to your telepathy and superior social skills, please share my private thoughts with Roger if they would make it more likely for him to have sex with and/or fall in love with me.'"

Those words were hot as hell. There was an old saying that hard work made up for natural talent, and Nora was proving it, making my cock twitch inside Tsuru despite not even being present, just by bluntly slamming her head into the wall that was my heart over and over again. Tsuru gave a cocky little grin, wiggling her hips around my dick, clenching on my cock with her tight sex.

With that encouragement, I decided to get right back to fucking Tsuru absolutely senseless on the bed. I was going at her as hard as I had been earlier, also to shut her up, but this time because I wanted to see that cocky face of hers twist up with pleasure. She moaned softly at that thought, her eyelashes fluttering, her hands limply going for her top, undoing the remaining buttons, trying and failing to peel her way out of her blouse. My cock was rock hard as I just rammed into her over and over again, making the mattress squeak, as she numbly tried to undo her bra as well, to reveal those creamy breasts to open air.

She didn't manage to, not before she came - and at that point, I pretty much just tore off her blouse, hurriedly twisting it around, taking advantage of my superspeed to get it off in a fraction of a second. I had a brief flash of inspiration and threw it directly at Kate, treating her like a clothing rack as I similarly removed and tossed Tsuru's bra over at her - it was only once I'd done both that I spared a glance at her, seeing that she'd tried her best to catch both of them, holding them together in one hand as she masturbated.

"Fuckpig," Tsuru sputtered out. "You masturbating, to another woman's, bra?" Kate flushed crimson and dropped the clothes unceremoniously.

"If I wanted her clothes on the floor, then I'd have thrown them there, Sow," I said, making her eyes widen, some genuine fear in her expression, worried that she'd fucked up enough to be denied my cock. That wasn't going to happen, but I let her squirm on it, turning my attention back to Tsuru and fucking her brains out - I could hear as Kate bent over to pick back up the clothes while I focused on making Tsuru come.

It took me maybe ten minutes of objective time to actually start to get close; in that time, Tsuru had come at least another eight times, probably more, I had lost count somewhere around four. She was a sexy, sweaty, nearly-naked mess on the bed, but I didn't want to come inside her. I had the idea of fucking Kate while eating out Tsuru, and I didn't want any backwash, so I pulled out suddenly, my cock twitching in the open air. She looked up at me, a lewd expression on her face - and her hands reached for her tits, silently positioning them as if to offer a titfuck. Seeing the way my dick twitched, probably feeling my intensifying lust as well, got a cocky smirk from the woman, and I couldn't deny it was hot, seeing a woman in this world offer up a titfuck.

"You like my breasts, huh?" Tsuru asked, squeezing her tits tighter around my cock. "Never done this with Kate, have you?" I shook my head as I pumped in between her breasts, feeling my orgasm rapidly approaching. "Because her tits are all floppy and gross, right?"

"Yeah," I breathed out, then promptly came, spraying out white cum all over Tsuru's pale features, enjoying as her pink lips curled into a smile, her eyes closing as she got bathed in my cum.

It was quite the nice sight, the look of her getting cum drenched on her features - and when I was finished, she set about manually cleaning her face, fingers dragging up my cum and feeding it into her mouth, making an exaggerated expression as if it was the tastiest thing she'd ever eaten. It was obviously fake, but that didn't make it too much less hot. "I'll have to work on my acting skills," she said, as she licked her face clean. "I like your... mm... competitive edge," she said, with a wink, as she kept cleaning her face off, popping her fingers into her mouth in a way that at the very least suggested that my cum didn't taste bad. "All I have to do to turn you into a woman-pleasing sex king is act like I'm so cool and confident, eh? Too bad Kate can't manage that, since she's a pathetic, masochistic little fuckpig."

"Sorry," Kate whimpered out, then promptly came. I looked over her way, admiring the lewd look of humiliation on her face as she spasmed in pleasure, fingers tightly gripping onto Tsuru's bra and blouse for dear life.

I moved from where I was straddling Tsuru, standing up and getting off the bed, stripping myself naked and eyeing up Kate - who reciprocated the action, her gaze wandering up and down my naked body. I took Tsuru's clothes out of Kate's hand, and promptly tossed them onto the ground. She just stared up at me, her lips softly parted, one hand still in her cunt as she gently played with herself, slowing down a mite in anticipation of what I was going to do to her.

"The first thing you have to do, Sow, is clean my dick off. It's all messy with Tsuru's sweat and juices," I explained. "You like being forced to clean another woman's juices off my dick, don't you?" Her cheeks were turned red by the comment, her lower lip trembling softly, as if to deny the obvious fact that she wanted me to treat her like crap. "If you don't, you can always go home," I threatened, and she shook her head, getting down on her knees immediately, wrapping her lips around my cock.

In order to look over at Tsuru, I kept my dick in Kate's mouth, but turned my body around, forcing her to hurriedly crab-walk on her knees in order to keep my cock from leaving her lips. With Kate, I'd always had a difficult time quite knowing how far to take the denial play, the sadism, the cruelty, with her. It was fun, but she was the kind of girl who obviously didn't want to talk about her kinks, just have them indulged. Tsuru smiled at that mental comment, her tiny smile confirming my appraisal of Kate's mental state. Would Kate prefer that I fuck her, or that I go fuck you again? Tsuru raised one finger - Kate wanted to get fucked.

Well, a hot piece of ass like her was definitely worth fucking. I glanced down at her - her dark eyes were staring up at me, full of lustful worship as she bobbed hungrily on my dick, her tongue having cleaned off pretty much all of Tsuru's taste from my dick, and now rededicating itself to pleasuring me. I yanked on her hair, pulling her off my cock, slapping my spit-slick dick against her features as I spoke. "Did I tell you to try to bring me off with your mouth?" She shook her head. "What was that, Sow? I can't hear you."

"No, Sir," she said, hurriedly.

"That's right. I didn't. I told you to clean my cock off. I understand your confusion, though - you probably think the only thing your mouth is good for, is pleasing men, right? Since you aren't very smart or charming." She whimpered at that, her hand in between her thighs. Fuck, that was hot. "You're desperate to make me feel good so I don't just throw you away to fuck better women, right?" She nodded, and I slapped her face with my dick. "Words, Sow. Unless you really are just a fuckpig - but even a pig can oink."

"Oink oink," she whimpered out, nodding her head limply.

Goddamn, that was beyond even what I'd been thinking of making her do. Tsuru grinned over at me, making a finger-in-O motion with her hands. I could definitely imagine that Kate was wet and ready. "You're not very attractive, but I guess I have to fuck you, don't I? Otherwise, you might go around doing perverted things with other men, disgusting them, traumatizing them, with your body," I said, using her hair to force her back to her feet, dragging her over to the bed, laying her down on her belly. I practically shoved her face into the pillow, while Tsuru idly rolled over to look - then got what I was actually planning on and hopped to her feet on the bed. "I'm just going to pump my dick in your pussy, Sow. If you want to feel good, figure that out on your own," I said. "I'm going to occupy my mouth with Tsuru's hot, wet, pussy," I explained, as Tsuru stood, straddling Kate's naked body, presenting her wet sex to me, completely blocking my view of the other woman.

I thrust inside Kate, and she immediately came. Her pussy was unbelievably tight on my cock, those powerful muscles really working me over, while Tsuru just gently pushed her pussy against my lips, encouraging me to lick and suckle at her lower lips. Her fingers came down for my hair, running through it hungrily, a wry grin on her lips as I ate her out like that. "Only thing better than cunnilingus - cunnilingus while somebody else is coming their brains out," she said, with a lewd grin as she ground against me. "None of the work, all the pleasure. I guess that even completely ridiculous perverts have their place, huh, Roger?"

I couldn't respond verbally, so I just thrust inside of Kate even more roughly, admiring Tsuru's tits from below, the creamy orbs bouncing and jiggling from the force she was pushing her pussy up against my head with. She let out a hot pant, then spoke again. "He loves my tits," she said. "He's never asked you for a titfuck, right?" Kate let out some mewling noise that said no. "That's because your tits aren't good enough," Tsuru explained as I kept on licking away, making my trailing way up to her clit and starting to suckle on it.

It was hot, hearing Tsuru just go full force on it. Xico was more nervous and unsure when she bullied Kate - and that thought earned a tight fistful of my hair getting grabbed as Tsuru ground on my face. "Fuck. He thinks that Xico's way hotter than you, and that he's glad I'm degrading you verbally. That it's no less than you deserve," Tsuru said, as she ground her pussy up against my face. "Any other thoughts?" She asked, with a lopsided grin that said she was going to liberally interpret them too. "I can relay them to your fuckpig so that you can keep on licking my pussy."

I didn't really have any particular thoughts, just enjoying thrusting away inside of Kate. "He thinks you're just a convenient place to stick his dick, basically no more than a meat fleshlight," she explained to Kate. The thought came to mind that I'd never eaten out Kate. "That he's glad he doesn't have to care about your pleasure and can just enjoy using you, since it's all you're good for - getting fucked like a piece of meat. He doesn't want to think about how to make you feel good, that's why he's never eaten you out."

Any worries I might have had that perhaps Tsuru was going too far were countered by the way Kate came on my cock. Tsuru let out a small laugh. "He thinks that I should go even further. Degrade you more. Maybe force you to eat me out, you horny little dyke sow. You love licking other women's juices up, don't you? Why not get some from the source?" Kate mewled pitifully then, her body twitching frantically on my cock. "No? You think you're too good to eat me out? You think you're better than Roger, who happily eats me out?" Kate whimpered more, her pussy shivering around my cock from the bullying she was receiving. "He says you feel good when you're being humiliated like this," Tsuru added. I wondered at how quiet Kate was being. "He says to just lie there, take his cock, and oink like the fuckpig you are."

Immediately, Kate started to oink, making that exaggerated noise again and again, clearly and happily displaying how much of a fuckpig she was. Her hand went down in between her thighs, starting to masturbate, and the feeling of pressure intensified the pleasure on my cock. Tsuru just sighed, casting her head back and closing her eyes as she came atop me, grinding her pussy into my face. Around the same time, Kate came, a bizarrely loud oink being the noise she made to signal as much.

I relished the sensations of both women orgasming, the sense of pride that came with it, as well as the way that Kate's tight cunt squeezed my dick. The thought earned a faint chuckle from Tsuru, whose eyelashes were fluttering wildly. "Fucking, love making girls, come, huh?" She panted out. "Lucky, for Kate. Otherwise, you'd never bother, making sure, she felt good, since, she's so, nnn, pathetic, that she'd put out, even if she never, came. That's how, much of a needy, little, masochistic, fuckpig, she, is," she ground out the last few words and came a second time right then and there, less than a minute later - either my cunnilingus skills were rising at a precipitous rate, or Kate's thoughts were the most arousing thing that Tsuru'd ever gotten access to.

Whatever the case, I couldn't keep it up for much longer. Even exaggerating my sense of time and slowing the physical movements of my hips from my subjective perspective didn't change how intensely arousing every last word that came out of Tsuru's mouth was. "You love getting stuck, don't you, piggy? Oink for your master, let him know how happy you are." "Master's fucking you extra hard now, isn't he? You're his little fuckpig and this is what you were born to do, get fucked on his hard cock." "Thank him for fucking you, for deigning to let you get speared on his cock, squeal like the stuck pig you are, Sow."

I wound up coming inside Kate within a couple minutes of listening to those lewd words coming out of Tsuru's mouth, just ramming into her pussy before finally finding release, spraying hot cum into her waiting pussy. My fingers dug into her sculpted, muscular ass, as I found a comprehensive release inside her. When I was completely, one hundred percent spent, I pulled out, sighing for a long moment as I broke off from Tsuru's pussy.

"I feel kinda bad," Tsuru said, making my eyes flick up to her. "I got to come like thirteen times or so. I think I ought to pay back the favor on the cunnilingus... oh, you know what I know you like? Double blowjobs. Hey, Sow," she called out, glancing over her shoulder at Kate. "Are you too good to suck Roger's cock?"

"No," Kate said, hurriedly starting to pull herself up, clearly using her flight power to help, twisting her body around as Tsuru shifted her own weight. "Ah, what, oh, I have to clean off my disgusting juices from your dick," she said, starting to lean forward to suck me off. I took advantage of my superspeed to make her work for it, as I rolled around and then flopped onto my back on the bed - but Kate followed my dick the whole time, then hoovered it into her mouth, wrapping her lips around it and just sucking hard.

"Look at this pathetic pervert," Tsuru said, half-crawling down to level with Kate, kissing my bare thigh a moment later. "She's getting wet from sucking your cock. She wants to play with herself, but she's too embarrassed to do it without orders, that's how pathetic she is."

"Play with yourself, Sow," I ordered, and Kate immediately started to masturbate, her cheeks a brilliant red as she held herself down on my dick, glancing up at me for approval.

"Yeah... he likes something a little special, did you know? It's called a 'double blowjob' - and I know, confusing with the other kind of double blowjob, where you get two dicks stuck in your face, but you don't deserve one cock, much less two." Kate actually nodded in agreement at that, twisting her head around on my cock. "Basically, we both suck and kiss his dick - you're making it hard, with his entire cock resting in your throat. Am I supposed to kiss the bulge in your neck?"

Kate popped off my dick then, panting as she kept on masturbating. "Suh, sorry. I wanted to get it, clean," she explained, breathlessly, a bit of saliva dripping out of her mouth. She swallowed, and Tsuru leaned forward, kissing her way along my cock softly, red eyes looking up at me lewdly, seeming to know she was teasing me.

Kate didn't know that, though, and promptly started copying the more 'experienced,' 'aware,' 'competent' woman, who in this case was pretty much just dragging it out to really tease me. Tsuru gave me a playful little wink as her tongue flashed along the crown of my cock, her head twisting around as she followed it. "Mmm, tasty," she said, and Kate mimicked the movement as her mouth moved away, still masturbating to the act of sucking cock. "I think he's not satisfied with how you're doing it, Sow," she said, making Kate's eyes flick up to me. "You're just not that skilled, you need to get facefucked to make up for it." Tsuru glanced my way, giving me another wink - ah, Kate wanted me to be rougher with her.

Well, if a masochist wants you to fuck her face, then - I grabbed Kate's head and started to thrust her down my cock, pumping away roughly, my balls slapping at her chin as I pounded her mouth. She wetly gurgled around my dick, saliva dribbling down my length. Tsuru shifted her weight, getting down under me, hefting up my thighs and butt, showing that even if she didn't have the insanely muscular physique of Kate, she was still fit enough to twist my body into shape. Once that was done, she started rimming me, occasionally trailing up to lick and suckle on my balls while Kate got frantically facefucked.

Naturally, Kate came like that, her eyes rolling up. I tried to draw on what I'd caught from Tsuru of what Kate liked, and- "Look at you, you dirty, dirty girl," I said, making Kate lewdly moan around my dick. "Sorry, girl is too high for you. You're just a sow, right?" She nodded. "My personal fuckpig, right?" She nodded again, more enthusiastically this time. "You send me all those dirty pictures of yourself, but you know what? They're all terrible. You gross, floppy tits, your loose pussy - why would I want to see them?" She mewled around my dick at that, her body twitching as she kept on fucking her face on my cock, kept on masturbating. I'd occasionally glance over at Tsuru as I spoke, and she'd just wink playfully, reassuring me that I wasn't going too far. "You- need to fucking buy a choker. If I ever see you, again, not wearing it? Without orders from me? Then I won't fuck you, ever, again," I groaned, grabbing the back of Kate's head and holding her down in my pelvis, enjoying the throbbing of my cock in her throat. "Got it?"

Kate nodded, mewling as best she could around my cock, the sound carrying vibrations into my dick. Combined with Tsuru's tongue rimming me, well - I started to spray, groaning as I found release in Kate's throat.

Once I was spent, Tsuru let my ass fall back down onto the bed, idly wiping at her face. "I'm going to take a shower," she said, rolling her shoulders as she got off the bed. I considered getting up as well, and she quickly shook her head, glancing down at Kate meaningfully - the woman still had my dick thoroughly wrapped up in her throat, tongue, and lips, which were all working to affectionately please every last inch.

"Sow," Tsuru said, "I think that Roger wants to use your tits as a pillow tonight." I hadn't even been thinking about it, but gauging by Tsuru's words, it was something Kate would like - and, hell, it'd be hot. Tsuru winked at me. "Mmm, anything else before I go clean up," she said, tapping her thigh with one finger, looking meaningfully down at Kate. Kate's cheeks burned with embarrassment, definitely aware by this point that Tsuru was skimming her surface thoughts for suggestions to give me. "Oh yeah. You like video games, right, Roger?" I nodded in response to the question. "I bet you'd like them even more if you were getting your dick sucked by your fuckpig at the same time, right?" She winked at me, then practically pranced off to the bathroom to get herself cleaned up.

Kate sucked me off the entire time that she was in the bathroom; when she finally got dressed and left, Kate was still sucking me off; when I said I wanted to grab a bite to eat, Kate got up, let me make myself a sandwich, then promptly knelt next to my seat wearing an expression that said she wanted to suck me off (I let her); and when I finally went to bed, yes, I used her tits as a pillow like she wanted. I even cuddled up tight to her, practically treating that busty, muscular body like a big pillow to hug and grind against.

We separated the next day, Kate heading home to get a fresh change of clothes; when I next saw her at work, she was wearing a simple black choker, not something that anybody would really notice.

Well, Xico definitely noticed it. Tsuru too. Also a few other people I didn't know but was reasonably sure were also telepaths. And Kate kept touching it every time she looked my way, either to remind herself that she was my fuckpig, or to show me that she was being a good girl and wearing a choker.

Whatever. It was hot.

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