Superheroine Seducing Accountant

Visiting Nora’s Home For Wife Play

Nora had managed to subtly ask Roger about how she should act around him, by asking what sort of things he would want from a wife. He had been vague at first, suggesting things such as being honest (she was very honest), considerate (she was very considerate), loyal (she would be very loyal if they got married, although at the moment she was, occasionally, having casual sex with other men; even if Roger was much better, they were technically not exclusive and he was unwilling to put in the time necessary to sexually satisfy all her bodies), and so on. While it was good to know that Roger held good character in such high regard, it was not very useful to her attempt to seduce him.

She had managed to change the question by suggesting that she was aroused by the concept of 'husband play,' wherein they pretended to be married, and asked what sort of thing he would want her to do as his 'wife.' He suggested several ideas: 'naked apron' wherein she would wear nothing but an apron (she also found that very sexy in men, and thought that perhaps she could use the social principle of reciprocation to suggest it later), lots of kisses and cuddling (which she would enjoy doing anyway), and calling him 'darling' (which she would definitely enjoy doing).

She had mentally and physically prepared herself, waxing her bodies' pubic hair in accordance with something she had heard him off-handedly mention about how it made cunnilingus easier, which made sense, as his similar waxing made fellatio easier and avoided the discomfort of pubic hair in her mouth. She had collected a number of different outfits for various roleplaying ideas, as well, given that Roger had seemed to enjoy roleplay when she had pretended to cuckquean Kate. They covered all the standard bases: maid, princess, police officer, burglar, deliverywoman, and principal. She had also checked out his size of pants and shirts during one of their previous sex sessions, and purchased for him several different outfits: butler, schoolboy, salaryman, dogboy, doctor, and slaveboy.

She now had one body seated outside of Roger's office, waiting for the work day to complete so she could go say hello and ask him if he would like to come to her home to engage in erotic husband play. (If he refused, she would suggest alternative roleplaying scenarios or a more conventional date.) While engaged in the erotic husband play, she would show how incredible of a potential marital partner she could be, and therefore, Roger would begin to more seriously consider becoming exclusively romantically involved with her, potentially leading to a real marriage.

The door opened, and Roger emerged from it, Xico floating behind him. Nora immediately stood up, and he looked at her, his expression perhaps surprised to see her there, or otherwise shocked, anxious, afraid, interested, or perhaps in love. Surprised was the most likely emotion, based on context. "Roger. I would like to invite you to my home, for a 'date.' As part of this date, I would like to suggest engaging in erotic husband play, but if you are unwilling, we can simply have an ordinary date, or do another roleplaying scenario."

Roger was quiet for a second, his eyes running up and down her body. She was unclear on why. According to her research, men did not generally 'eye up' women, a fact that was proved by the fact that, when one of her bodies was more scantily dressed, 100% of all spontaneous compliments, catcalls, etc, came from (homosexual or bisexual) women, rather than men. "Sure," he said, after a second, and she smiled at that.

"Excellent. I have numerous ideas of how to make this date exceptionally good for you, proving my value as a partner, and if you find something I am doing annoying or unpleasant, simply tell me, and I will change to another idea."

For some reason, he decided to pat her on the head. One of her other bodies quickly searched online to find the significance of the action. According to the results, it was an 'act of affection,' and was intended to make one 'feel calmer or happier.' She smiled after learning this. "Let's go, then. I'm curious what your place looks like."

* * *

Her home was significantly larger than his apartment, though it was much more cramped than the open internal spaces of, for example, Mira or Priscilla's expensive mansions. This was due to the fact that she prioritized function over form in her housing choice. There were three separate bedrooms, with numerous bunkbeds incorporating a full twenty beds, so that all her bodies (except one, which was kept elsewhere) could sleep at once if necessary. She had never actually used more than fifteen at once, however, as she found it more pleasant to always keep several bodies conscious.

There was also a large kitchen, wherein she could cook meals for herself, which she was quite expert at, as she was very good at following the directions in the recipe books precisely. She planned to prepare a very nice, home cooked meal for Roger as part of the date, to show she could be appropriately domestic. She was still unclear on if Roger had "traditional" tastes in women (reliant, domestic) or "modern" tastes in women (independent, income-earning). She had attempted to determine this previously, but he had responded in a fashion that did not commit to either. Nevertheless, even a breadwinning spouse with good cooking skills was considered appealing.

"Wow, I've never seen this many of your bodies in one place," Roger said. There were in total twelve of her bodies at her home at this point, several of which were exercising, and several others were using one of her home computers in her office, which had ten desktops for various personal projects or merely personal interest. "I mean, other than on TV."

He watched her on television. Was this good? She was under the impression he did not pay much attention to superheroic drama. She was concerned, however, that he brought it up, since often people will bring up things they wish for others to correct, as this is considered more polite than simply telling them for some reason. "Is it unpleasant?" She asked. If it was unpleasant, she would simply have the excess bodies leave until Roger was comfortable.

"Oh, no. It's just different," he responded. "Oh, did you want to start the wife play right away?"

It was unusual that he called it 'wife play,' when it was obviously husband play, but she did not correct him as she understood his true meaning. "If you are comfortable with that. I have read that in roleplaying scenarios, it is common to have a safe word or other way to quickly end the scenario. I suggest the word 'Uncle,' as that is used as a sign of surrender and you are unlikely to use it accidentally or to forget it, as it can be traumatic to forget a safe word."

"I don't think we really need a safe word for wife play," he said. "I mean, if you were my wife, and I told you to stop doing something, what would you do?"

"I would stop doing it," Nora agreed instantly. Obviously she would not intentionally do something that would make her husband unhappy. That was just common courtesy in a marriage, and the reason why, if they were married, Roger would have to stop sleeping around with other women, as it made her unhappy. She paused for a moment, thinking about what she would say if she were Roger's wife. There was the obvious question of where their children were, as they would have quite a few, as she had many bodies with which to become pregnant and nurse her children (formula was less effective than breast milk to ensure the long-term health of the child, so she would not use formula). Therefore, the logical thing to begin with was to explain that the children were not present, creating the erotic scenario of 'having the home to themselves.' "Darling, the children are all with various babysitters," she explained, stepping towards Roger and physically touching his chest. "Let's have lots of sex while I cook you dinner."

He let out a small laugh of that, but he smiled earnestly and grabbed her ass, his fingers digging into the flesh she had spent so much time sculpting. As she had twenty-one bodies, she had to exercise twenty-one times as much as a typical person. "That sounds great, hon."

She felt a heat to her cheeks bloom as he leaned forward, his lips soon meeting hers. Although they had previously gone on dates and engaged in sex, it was somehow very different when her 'husband' was calling her 'hon', and the kids were out of the house. The experience was much more intense than the 'cuckquean' roleplay that she had done with Kate. His tongue strode confidently into her mouth, and she did her best to reciprocate, brushing against his gums for a moment before she found a spot on the inside of them that he found particularly pleasant, his body briefly shivering before he broke off the kiss.

"Should we go to the bedroom to fuck?"

"We can make love in any room of the house, as we have it all to ourselves," she told him. He licked his lips at that, staring down at her. Again, she got the distinct impression that he was leering at her, despite the fact that men generally did not leer at women. Perhaps Roger was unusual in this manner, as it related to sex, and he was also unusual in relation to sex in that he was willing to engage in gangbangs and group sex with numerous bodies. (He also engaged in threesomes involving other women, which she did not like, but suggested he was a satyriac, which she hoped was true.)

"Hmm..." he said, one hand leaving her butt, sliding up her stomach to just grope her tit, fingers sinking into it. She decided to reciprocate, reaching for one of his pectorals and groping it, admiring the muscle there, the sharp tone of his body. He grinned as her other hand went to his ass, also reciprocating his groping of her butt. "I really want to do it in the most inappropriate place in the house."

"That would be the upstairs balcony, as it would be visible to the neighbors."

"...the most inappropriate place that's indoors," he corrected.

She paused for a moment, trying to think of which room in her own home would be least appropriate to have sex in. Obviously the bedrooms would be highly appropriate for sex. The exercise room would be quite appropriate for sex, as it was a place one got sweaty. The entertainment and computer rooms would be appropriate to sex, as they could watch pornographic material while having sex, which was a common erotic scenario. The bathroom would be appropriate for sex, as they could have shower sex. "Let us have sex in the kitchen, then," she said. It was either that or the dining room, but the kitchen felt more inappropriate.

"Oh yeah - is your body there cooking naked, other than an apron?"

"No, I apologize. It is now stripping so that it can be nude other than an apron," she said, quickly disrobing that body. Roger just hefted her up into a princess carry, making her heart race at the sudden shift in her body. She very much liked it when he carried her like this, as it was very romantic and sexy, and also established he was physically strong, which was a desirable trait in a mate. (That was part of why she exercised so much, in addition to the obvious value for her main job as a superheroine.)

He took her into the kitchen, where her other body was currently wiggling its way out of its panties, the ingredients for their dinner laid out on various countertops. It was going to be chicken and salad, with a cake dessert. She was making excessive portions, as she could always eat the extra with her other bodies. "Fuck, that's hot," he said, as her other body began to start cooking, wearing nothing but a baby blue apron. She believed the color was highly erotic, as when she imagined Roger naked but for an apron, she found it most attractive when he was in a baby blue one. "Hon, bend over the island," he ordered.

The island, naturally, referred to the section of countertops in the center of the kitchen. She quickly obeyed him, ready for him to start fucking her at any moment. She was wearing slacks from work, and he began groping her ass cheeks again, just massaging the supple flesh as a form of teasing foreplay. "Please, darling, do not tease me, as I am your wife and deserve you taking the effort to sexually satisfy me."

He let out another small laugh at that. "Sorry, sorry," he said, popping the button to her pants and pulling them down until they were arranged around her ankles. He peeled her panties slowly down, but did not bring them all the way down, instead stopping just below her butt, restricting the range of her leg's movement but leaving her pussy exposed. Perhaps he was into bondage play? She would not mind being bound very much, if it satisfied him. After all, she still had twenty other bodies that weren't bound up. Still, if they were married, she would know that sort of thing, so she didn't ask.

He thrust inside her without any hesitation whatsoever. She had almost expected him not to be quite ready, to require more foreplay than this, but he clearly was an incredibly eager lover. With Alexios, she often had to spend quite a bit of time getting him fully 'warmed up' for sex - Roger was already hard when they had entered the house, and now he was frantically thrusting inside her without any foreplay necessary whatsoever. She just panted, enjoying the sensation as he fucked away at her cunt.

He was such a giving, incredible lover, she felt she should do more, but the body that was currently getting fucked could barely manage to pull a sentence together. "Should, I, bring, in, a second, body," she managed to get out, as her breasts slid and scraped back and forth along the countertop beneath her, confined in a bra and blouse. In front of her, her own nude body busily cooked them dinner. After she finished the sentence, she realized it would have been much easier to have the one cooking to do it - the sex was sufficiently good that she made mistakes like that, which were very rare for her.

"Fuck yeah," he grunted, not slowing down for a second. His hands groped her ass. "As long as the second body does whatever I say, hon, I'll never object to another one... or two... or three..." One of his hands slid around as he spoke, beginning to brush at and tease her clit, sending electric spikes of pleasure up through her body.

That was one of the ways in which Roger was a superior lover to any other man. Other men, at best, fetishized her ability, which was pleasant, but also generally saw the men being uninterested in her pleasure, instead focusing on orgasming from whatever she did. Roger was not only particularly willing to have group sex regularly, but he appeared to consider it important to make her feel good. "Very well, darling," came the voice of the body cooking. "I will bring in three bodies." IF he was willing to please three more bodies, then she would get three more bodies pleased. "Would you prefer for the bodies to be sweaty from exercise, or in more pristine condition?"

"I'd rather they were naked and wet," he told her, as he kept on furiously pounding away. That body's cunt exploded in ecstasy, an orgasm hitting her hard, her legs twisting up for a moment. His hand shifted to grab her by the thighs, and if she hadn't been suspended on the countertop, she believed this would have been the 'wheelbarrow' position in short order.

"Yes, darling," she told him with the cooking body, the body she was getting fucked in far too distracted to do anything else. Three then-exercising bodies hopped off their machinery, quickly stripping themselves naked and coming over to the kitchen. The scent of sweat hit her nose as she kept on cooking and getting fucked hard on the countertop. Roger just eyed up the three other bodies, looking them up and down as he fucked away. They approached slowly - he had stated they should obey his commands, which she understood, as with that many bodies, it would be much more likely for her to inadvertantly violate his boundaries.

"One should rim me," he ordered, and instantly she had one do so, getting down behind him and starting to rim him. He clearly worked hard to keep his buttocks clean, as all she tasted was the salty flavor of skin as she did her best to pleasure him like that. "Another should kiss me, and the last, should dirty talk me."

"What sort of dirty talk?" Asked the body that wasn't moving in to kiss him. The one he was fucking shivered softly in pleasure at the hard fucking she was receiving, her perky nipples getting scraped against the countertop more sharply, still inside the bra and blouse combination.

"About..." he trailed off, and she waited patiently, continuing to rim him all the while. "About how happy you are to be my wife, and get fucked by me, and cook the meals and take care of me." That was also ambiguous - did he prefer the 'traditional' type of woman (thus the suggestion of cooking meals) or the 'modern' type of woman (breadwinner, thus taking care of him?). For a moment, she frowned, then she realized she could ask.

"Do you want me to play the role of the 'sexy breadwinner,' who dotingly takes care of her beloved househusband, who in turn watches the children, or do you want me to play the role of the 'sexy housewife,' who dotingly takes care of her beloved husband, who in turn earns the money for the household?" She asked.

"Both," he replied. She blinked at that. Both? They were mutually exclusive options. "Imagine you do all the work, in and out of the house, and I just laze around."

That would make him a very poor husband, even if the sex was very good, but this was merely erotic roleplay, so she nodded as her other body kissed him. The one he was fucking came as he increased the pressure on her clit, moaning throatily as an orgasm ran through her; the one kissing him began to tease his gums as he groaned in pleasure at the sensation of her pussy around his cock.

"I love pleasing you, darling. I am so happy that you have sex with me, which is all you have to do. I will take care of you for as long as you live, providing you with both the financial means to sustain yourself, and also taking care of the household. You can think of me as a combination maid/cook/bank, as I fulfill all three purposes, merely in exchange for the intense pleasure that is regular sex with me." At that point, he bottomed out inside her and came, his hot cum spraying out inside her in spurt after spurt, and he groaned into her body's mouth. She kept on going, kissing and licking and talking all at once. "Of course, as a corollary, you must please all twenty-one of my bodies consistently, as that is your duty as my husband. Your only duty, as I take care of everything else in the household."

He pulled out of her pussy once he was done coming, mashing his butt up against the body rimming him's foce - then he grabbed the one that had been kissing him, twisting it around to mimic the position of the one that he had just come inside. Of course, unlike that body, which was wearing a blouse still, this one was naked, so her bare nipples scraped against the countertop as he shifted over to thrust inside her. "That's right," he grunted out, as the body behind him rearranged itself to lick his ass. "You're completely addicted to my cock, aren't you, wifey?"

Perhaps this was a form of domination play, wherein he established his sexual prowess? She normally avoided reading or consuming mascdom pornography, but it was a common theme in normal porn, so she understood the idea. She attempted to use the principle of 'mirroring' to uncover the best way to talk, by imagining that it was instead her asking Roger if he was addicted to her pussy. Obviously, the correct answer was: "Yes, I am completely addicted to your p- cock, which is much better than anyone else's, and that I need to have constantly, as it is so amazing. I do not even look at other w- men any longer, due to how amazing your cock is." He was clearly aroused by her choice of words, as he throbbed inside her pussy and intensified her pace. "I am completely tamed by your amazing cock, which has made me into a monogamous satyriac."

"Nymphomaniac," Roger grunted out, correcting her terminology as he bottomed out inside her, frantically frigging her clit. She had never heard the word, but a quick internet search suggested that it was, in fact, the term for a sex-addicted woman, which to her seemed like it was just a normal woman.

"Yes. A monogamous nymphomaniac. That is what I am, now, thanks to your amazing cock, darling, husband mine." The body beneath him moaned in pleasure as an orgasm finally hit her, her whole body frantically twitching on the countertop. Roger just bottomed out inside her again, letting the pleasure wash over him, casting his head back. He was very sexy like that. She wished he would come, as she would like to see his orgasm face again. As he came down, not having come, she noticed that he was looking particularly sharply at the body cooking their meal. "Do you enjoy having with me as much as I enjoy having sex with you?"

"Yeah, babe," he breathed out, starting to pound away again, leaning over the body bent over the countertop. His hands slid up to her tits, groping them tightly, protecting her nipples from the scraping against the table that they had previously been suffering. His teeth nibbled at her neck, and the body behind him worked quite hard to properly rim him, while the body next to him gingerly shifted over, kissing at his neck itself. He groaned in pleasure at the feeling, clearly very much enjoying himself, which was good - the more he enjoyed himself while playing at being her husband, the more likely he was to decide that he should become her husband for real, so he could enjoy this every day. He certainly seemed to enjoy it quite a lot. Even now, he continued to look at the body cooking.

She realized that she had become distracted and resumed her dirty talk. "You are extremely sexually attractive, both physically and emotionally, as you are the only lover I have ever had who was simultaneously aroused by my many bodies, and also, actively worked to make me come in all of them with as much proficiency and focus," she told him. His expression briefly shifted as if he were processing her words. "You are physically attractive because of how fit your body is," she explained, hoping that would answer whatever internal questions he had.

He popped his mouth off the body that he was fucking, leaving a faint impression of where he had been nibbling, and leaned back up, looking her in the eyes. "Guys don't try to make you come?"

"Alexios was very attentive, but also considered 'group sex' to be for special occasions," she explained. "It is normally considered the woman's responsibility to make her partner come." She squeezed her pussy around his cock, making him grunt, bucking that extra bit harder as she twisted her tongue around inside him. The body next to him leaned up, caressing and groping him, keeping herself in that strange half-dressed state he had selected. "As such, yes, you are the only man who simultaneously was very willing to have 'group sex,' and also very attentive to my sexual needs."

"So, if some other hot guy, had fucked you like I do, he could have had you for his hot-to-trot wifey instead?" His voice was breathless, and she did not know if it was more erotic to say yes, or to say no, in this situation. Should she exclaim that he was superior to other men, or suggest that there was nothing in the world that could compete with him on numerous other criteria? "What, a bunch of idiots," he continued, which clarified the matter for her sharply.

"Yes. They were very stupid, while you are much smarter than them, as you treated me very kindly and-" he groaned and came in the body he was fucking, just twitching inside her, showing off that beautiful o-face of his, eyes rolled up. She watched silently, staring at his expression, committing it to memory.

When he was finished coming, he pulled out of her body, absently waving away the body rimming her. "I'm feeling a bit tired," he said, flopping down into a seat at the table. "Bring the cook body over here to blow me, I want to get sucked off by a naked apron girl," he explained, and she nodded, quickly putting the body that had been with him at work in an apron, pulling up her panties and pants as the other body, currently wearing nothing but an apron, got in between his legs. "Why baby blue, by the way?" He asked, as that body quickly wiped down his cock with a moist towelette.

"That is because I thought about what the most erotic color would be for you to wear, if you were to go naked apron, and concluded it was this color," she explained, as the body between his legs finished cleaning him off and began to bob up and down. His eyes were completely focused on that body in particular, and she stared up at him in silence as she sucked him off.

"Pink is better for women," he told her, and she instantly seared the information into her memory. Next time that she had the opportunity, she would wear a pink naked apron. "You like thinking about me in an outfit, huh?" He asked, petting her body between his legs.

"I have several different costumes you could wear, if you would be willing to, as that would be extremely erotic and appropriate for you to do. In the current scenario, after all, all that you contribute to our relationship is sex, and therefore at the very least, you should roleplay a little."

"What are the outfits?" He asked, as she kept on sucking him off.

"Butler, schoolboy, salaryman, dogboy, doctor, and slave boy," she told him, and he hummed at that, rolling his shoulders. Her tongue flashed and slithered along the underside of his cock.

"Do you have any sexy outfits of your own?"

"Yes, a great number of them. Maid, princess, policewoman, cat burglar, deliverywoman, and principal."

"Deliverywoman?" He asked.

"As in the scenario where you do not have enough money to pay for the package or pizza, and therefore are forced to make up for the lack with your body." His cock twitched quite significantly at that. Did he eroticize being forced to have sex for money? That would explain why he fantasized about a marital relationship wherein all he contributed was sex: he would be, in effect, a whore. "Would you like for me to enact that now?"

"Well, we have to eat, first," he noted, glancing at the body that was cooking. "But afterwards... yeah. It's not really wife play at that point, though, is it?"

"It is, as if I was your wife, I would definitely be willing to participate in roleplay scenarios in order to satisfy your apparent desire for multiple women."

"You should get a cheerleader uniform," he sighed, and she frowned. What was sexy about a female cheerleader? There were male cheerleaders in women's sports, but female cheerleaders were not very common in men's sports. "Um. A sexy cheerleader uniform?" He tried.

"Very well, darling. I will attempt to find a sexy female cheerleader uniform, to wear. What sort of sex would we have?"

"Obviously, I'd be, an athlete, and you'd be some hot teenage slut, who wanted to be my girlfriend." He grabbed the back of her head, grinding her down into his pelvis as he continued to speak. "Then, I'd make you, fuck me, and do, whatever I said, if you wanted to fuck me."

Ah. Apparently he eroticized the concept of 'being so desirable women do things for him,' which thus far included "being a housewife/breadwinner combination," "taking sex in lieu of money," and now "being a very submissive girlfriend." It was strange that he simultaneously had this fetish, yet was also a very giving lover, but that strangeness was very sexy, so she did not question it too much. "That sounds very sexy. Would you like to do an erotic roleplay scenario wherein I am the principal, and will raise your grades if you, a schoolboy, have sex with me?"

At that point, he came directly down her throat, groaning and casting his head back as his hips bucked futilely, balls slapping at that body's chin. She quietly waited until he finished. "For, mm, for now, let's just do, the wife husband stuff."

"Very well. I will go along with this," she said, as her other body began to set the table. "But you do enjoy the idea of erotic roleplay based around other things?"

"Yeah," he panted, finally letting the body in between his legs go. It had to suck in desperate breaths, having been nearly rendered unconscious by asphyxiation, but she had not resisted him at all, as she wanted to show what an excellent wife she would be.

"Good. In the scenario we are currently enacting, please tell me about anything you would like your 'wife' to do, so that I can do it. Do not worry if it is selfish. I have become completely enthralled by your cock, and will do all sorts of things in exchange for sex with you." By the way his dick twitched in front of the kneeling body's face, he was definitely aroused by those words. Good. Being attentive to his preferences would give her extra points over the competition.

He began to dig into the food.

* * *

She did not have any non-bunkbed beds, which she realized was a very big problem to the erotic roleplay scenario they were engaged in as the day began to wind down to a close. She had hoped that she could keep him over at her house over the night, but if he could not sleep as 'husband,' that would be much tougher.

Over the course of the evening, he had had vaginal sex with eight of her bodies, and eaten out four others during group sex sessions, which was all of the bodies that she had at home. He had made her come a total of forty-three times across the twelve bodies in question. She had managed to make him orgasm a total of thirteen times. He was a very giving lover like that, and she hoped that he would not consider her selfish for being unable to please him as much as he pleased her.

She was currently curled up with him on the couch, with three freshly-showered bodies draped over him, two resting their cheeks against either thigh, the other sitting right in front of his legs. They were watching a show that he was interested in, which was some type of science fiction program that was very optimistic about the generosity of Venusians with regards to their space flight technology. Elsewhere, two of her bodies were driving home with a queen sized bed. If she did ultimately get married to him, it would be an investment, for when they would sleep together. While he watched the program, she brought in the bed from the garage, cleared out a room that had previously been used to store various boxes she had never unpacked, and set up the bed. She managed to do it all before the program ended.

"Would you like to go to bed, darling?" She asked him. "All three of us could sleep with you, in whichever configuration you want."

"Don't you only have bunkbeds? Seems like it would be a bit cramped."

"No, I have a queen sized bed," she told him. Should she mention she did not have it when he first came to her home? If he asked she would say so.

"Oh. Cool. Yeah, I'd rather stay here. And, wake me up tomorrow with a triple blowjob, sweetie?"

"I will wake you up with a triple blowjob if you take a shower and/or bath that does not involve sex with me, first, as your cock is currently still coated in my juices."

He patted both of the heads that were on his thigh. "Alright. I'll go do that, wifey."

She smiled at the nickname, shifting to let him stand up and head to the bathroom. The next morning, she gave him the best head that she could possibly manage, and he seemed to enjoy himself quite a lot. She was hopeful that she had made a sufficiently good impression on him, that he would be subconsciously (or consciously) considering entering into a monogamous relationship with her in order to gain perpetual access to her many bodies.

* * *

Nora's fetishization of being a wife was honestly much more fun than I had expected. When she had first brought up the idea in casual conversation, I hadn't realized just how serious she was about the fetish. Cooking meals, going naked apron, talking about how much she loved getting fucked by me, her husband, the monogamous nympho talk... she was definitely really into it.

It wasn't even in my top ten list of fetishes, personally, but her enthusiasm was infectious, so I went along with basically everything, and tried to one up her. She certainly didn't seem to mind when I talked about having lots of kids with her, or making her cook for me, or making her the breadwinner - honestly, at times, I was just trying out everything I could think of that worked as 'wife play', but she never complained.

Kind of a weird fetish, sure, but it was definitely really hot. I wondered if she approached other roleplay fetish scenarios with the same intensity. It had me looking forward to trying them out.

Not immediately, though. She had enough bodies to make sex with her genuinely exhausting, particularly given that I always made sure not to come too quickly, having to instead make her come at least once before feeling like it would be okay for me to come as well. I needed at least a day to sleep it off.

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