Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 110 Bidding for the Life Flower nectar

"15,000,000 High spirit stones!" Du meng offered.

"18,000,000 High spirit stones!" Vip room 7 offered

"20,000,000 High spirit stones!" Vip Room 5 offered.

"22,000,000 High spirit stones!" Vip room Room 1

"25,000,000 high spirit stones!" Du meng.

"50,000,000 High spirit stones, I hope people can give me face and stop bidding." Said the only room which had no bid in the entire auction Session.

After a while the Room in Vip 9 release his aura but didn't put pressure on anyone. Showing his middle stage Celestial Realm.

"Enough!" Spoke Li Lie activating some formations.

"Dont forget this is the Wu chamber of comerce Vip 9 room if you want to make trouble wait outside but if you dare do that again. I'll have to inform the headquarters." Threatened Li Lie.

After hearing Li Lie words Vip room 9 stay quiet.

"I'm sorry mrs li I'll promise to not do it again." Spoke a little more solemn his voice sounded like a middle age man.

Back to Lin cheng side.

"100,000,000 High spirit stones!" Offered Lin cheng.

Making everyone shock this guy just threatened everyone, meaning even if the go outside probably would be persecuted by him.

"This guys really has guts."

"Bah you think someone capable of taking a 100,000,000 High spirit stone would have fear."

"Dont forget that in there is the second miss of the Feng family."

"Yea but also don't forget this the Du City and is away from the Feng family."

"Something is telling is telling were about to see a blood bath soon."

"You!" Angrily sounded the person from Vip 9 room.

"You What? If you have money bid if not roll." Lin cheng said domineering.

But at the same time Lin cheng had his offensive talisman ready.

"Oh my, my little nephew has tough character." Feng Yin Chuckle and touch Lin cheng head hair. As if not caring about the guy just now.

"Well no one else?" Ask Li lie.

She couldn't help but feel ecstatic the higher the price the bigger the cut they wu of chamber received.

"Well 100,000,000 in 3!"

"100,000,000 in 2!"

"100,000,000 in 1!"

"Sold for 100,000,000 to the Vip Room 4!"

Announceed li lie.

"Yes brat we got it and I still can't believe for such a small price. If it had been in the central capital the price would have reach probably the 500 millions high spirit stones perhas even more." Said Feng Yin.

In the Vip Room 3.

"Fu*k!." Du Meng kick the table angrily.

100 million high spirit stone was too much even though they had established the city in 100,000 thousands he knew his father  have only about 80 millions high spirit stones. Different from other places the Du City gain spirit stone by fees. Since all of the resources are already taken. And there not none spirit mine around. Not even a lower spirit mine.

That's was one of the Main reason Du Fang told his brother to woo Feng Fei. If they could married they would have climb high. Don't look at a the Heavenly Deity Realm like they have everything. The most important thing are resources. To expand themselves , but they had none.

After all the Du Family is fill with ambition.

Back to Lin cheng side.

Lin cheng paid 58 millions middle spirit stones and 100 millions high spirit stones but he didn't regret it.

At the end he was left with 43 millions middle spirit stones and 100 millions high spirit stones.

After all Feng Yin paid 30 millions High spirit stones for Lin cheng gift(life nectar).

Lin cheng felt excited he couldn't wait to get back and absorb the exp points.

15 mins later....

After receiving and paying for all the items Lin cheng and Feng Yin walk out of the Wu Chamber of commerce Auction House.

"Were been follow." Spoke Feng Yin.

"I know." Said Lin cheng calmly.

"Yin'er we meet again your beautiful as always."

A Male voice sounded walking with arrogance.

"Du meng, were not that close and don't call me that." Said Feng Yin Coldly.

"Buy yin'er-" Du Meng was interrupted.

"I see there deaf people now days. Didn't you hear what she just said?." Spoke Lin cheng.

"Who are you ? Do you know who your talki-" Du meng was interrupted again.

"To a creep who like to call people who are not close to them Yin'er."  Said Lin cheng Sarcastically.

"Hahaha." Giggle Feng Yin seeing Lin cheng actions.

"Let's go brat." Said Feng Yin pulling Lin cheng hand.

And leaving behind a dumbfounded Du Meng.

Seeing the intimate behavior of Feng Yin pulling Lin cheng, Du meng had a killing intent and jelousy.

"Bit*h one day your moan under my crotch." Curse in his heart Du meng.

Scare that she would hear him he left after all Feng Yin was in the Celestial Realm.

"Did you find anything about that guy." ask Du meng.

"Were on it young master." Responded Hi Bu.

Back to Lin cheng side.

"Where are we going?" Ask Lin cheng.

"Take a walk but be careful even the owner of the city might attack us." Feng Yin said.

"You mean the father of that Du meng?" Ask Lin cheng.

"Yea greed has no measure." Spoke Feng Yin.

"Do you know where is the alchemist brand here?" Ask Lin cheng.

"Yea why?" Ask Feng Yin.

"We could wait, there plus I was thinking of using the teleportation array to leave, but after remembering Lu Xi was here and mom is coming i skip it." Express his toughts Lin cheng.

"Your right, it would've been a good idea but, I didn't know we would find such treasures."

Said Feng Yin.

10 mins later..

When Lin cheng and Feng Yin were about to enter the Alchemy Branch in Du City.

Lin cheng got a text.

[Mom: I'm here]

"Mom is here." Spoke Lin cheng excitedly.

10 mins later...

Out side of the Du City.

3 figures could be seeing.

"Mom!" Call Lin cheng.

"Sister!" Call Feng Yin.

"Ha look at you guys why didn't you tell me about this." Spoke a little angrily the Beautiful Feng Fei while walking towards them.

"Mhwa." Feng fei give kiss on the forhead to Lin cheng while giving him a hug.

"I didn't know we would encounter such a thing, i tought it was going to be simple."

Spoke Feng Yin.

"Is okay, good thing is you call me now let's go." When Feng Fei finish speaking they hear a male voice.

"Hahaha how could the dear nieces come and don't said hi to uncle." A strong laugh came and appeared in front of Lin cheng, Feng Fei and Feng Yin.

"Hey Mr.Du were just passing by." Said indifferently Feng Fei.

The person who came had a strong aura, and was carrying a warm smile nor caring about Feng Fei atittude.

He was tall and had a wide back. While you could feel the arrogance on his bones. Next to him a person that had a cocky smile. This guy was Du meng.

But his cocky smile froze when he saw Feng Fei hugging Tenderly Lin cheng.

Not only him even Du Fang had a deep shock this girl who is usually cold is tenderly caressing the kid that was only at the Early stage of the Void King Realm.

When Lin cheng scan Du Fang he saw he was in the Early stage of the Heavenly Deity Realm.

"You little girls are all grown by the wa-" But before Du Fang could speak his eyes shrank by Feng Fei actions.

Feng Fei use her free hand that was not holding Lin cheng and made a reaching pose with it.


The next movement a huge a force came pulling something.

"Ahh! Senior mercy! Please!"

A figure appeared.

"It's you." Spoke Feng Yin

She recognized the voice it was the guy from the Vip room 9.

"I guess your threat was for real." Spoke Lin cheng.

He already noticed the guy because of the system. But he was suprise his mom noticed. Because after couples of minutes this guy was hiding deep.

Even Du Fang had a shock expression he could feel couple of prying eyes. But he ignored them after all he was in the Heavenly Deity Realm. And he knew they were staring at the life seeds.

But this guy that Feng Fei grab he didn't notice it which shock him. But after feeling Feng Fei cultivation his heart start beating fast.

"Ha it seems the venerable of the Feng family really broke through the Heavenly Deity Realm." Compliment Du Fang and change the adress from niece to Venerable.

"Senior please!"


Without second toughts Feng Fei exploded the Celestial Realm cultivator like he was nothing.

Making Lin cheng shock by his mother ruthless. But he also saw that after Feng Fei kill the guy. The people who were prying dissapeard as if they have a received the message.

Lin cheng knew his mother was killing the chicken to make the monkeys understand.

But at the same time Lin cheng felt regretfully after all that was a Celestial Realm if he could have kill him how manny exp points have he received.

But after a moment he shook this idea from his head after all he wouldn't waste the talisman like that.

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