Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 111 Absorbing Exp points

"We will take our leave Mr. Du" Spoke Feng Fei indifferently.


Luxi came down and waited.

"Of course venerable and Mrs. Feng Yin." Spoke Du Fang.

But Du Meng stay quiet.

At the end Lin cheng, Feng Fei and Feng Hop in the enormous back of Luxi.


Luxy raise her wings and shot towards the sky.

"Dad i tought you were going to ask them about flower seed." Spoke Du meng confused.


"Dont say stupid things in here." Scolded Du Fang after slaping his stupid son.

5 mins later...

Du Meng and Du Fang finally arrived at they Manor.

"Husband Your back." Said Softly Du linxi.

"Hey." Sigh Du Fang.

"What happen?" Ask Du linxi.

"That woman is too strong." Spoke Du Fang solemnly.

"But weren't you going to ask her about the Life seed, perhaps to sell us face." Spoke Du meng.

"Ha, you are rally stupid no wonder your older brother had more Bains." Spoke Du Fang while scolding.

"Husband let it go." Said Softly Du linxi while massaging her husband shoulders.

Du meng felt resentment in his heart.

"When she made that move just now, I felt the same pressure i once felt when meeting the Feng ancestor." Spoke Solemnly Du Fang.

"What? Didn't she recently broken through the Heavenly Deity Realm?" Ask Du Linxi in shock.

Even Du meng was surprise.

"Who know if is true perhaps she have broken long ago." Spoke Du Fang.

"No wonder those guys wanted her dead." Said Du Meng.


But this time the one who slap him was his mother.

"Meng'er what i told you before? Don't ever speak about that do you understand. Now go!" Du Linxi Scolded.

"Yes mother." Du meng left angrily after seeing his father raging face.

Even though he knew his mother slap him, so his father didn't beat him up. He felt angry and jealous. He knew she was also angry by his comment.

"You know what i saw." Suddenly Said deeply Du Fang.

"What?"Ask Du Linxi.

"Feng Fei was affectionately touching the young cultivator who accompanied Feng Yin in the auction." Spoke Du Fang.

"That cold female?" Ask surprise the arrogant face of Du Linxi.

"Yes." Nodded Du Fang.

"Sigh Du Feng won't like this." Said Du Linxi.

"Well he must restraint himself we can't easily offend that woman. And also we must be careful because if is discovered that thing. The consequences would be disastrous."

Spoke Du Fang.

And Du linxi also had a solemn face on her pretty face.

Back to Lin cheng side.

On top of the Flying Vermilion bird Lu Xi. 3 figure standing in it. Lin cheng, Feng Fei and Feng Yin.

"That guy was was going to ask about the Life seed." Commented Feng Yin.

"Yep I still can't believe your guys luck." Spoke Feng Fei.

"You mean our little boy luck." Spoke Feng Yin while squeezing Lin cheng cheeks.

Making him feel helpless.

"By the way where did you guys get those communication devices." Ask Feng Yin.

"Mommy boy made them." Spoke Feng Fei happily while Hugging tenderly Lin cheng.

"Ha, sister your so bad you already change me and didn't even look for me." Spoke aggrieved Feng Yin.

"Bah your all old, what you need me for."

Spoke Feng Fei whole hugging tighter Lin cheng.

Poor Lin cheng was hug by his beautiful mom all the way to the Feng Residence.

2 hours later.....

The trio finally arrived at the Feng Family residence.

"Mom aunty I'm gonna do something and I'll be back." Said Lin cheng running to his mother room.

"Ha look at him, what is he going to do?" Curiously Ask Feng Yin.

"I don't know but i'm going to cook." Spoke Feng Fei also curious but she didn't ask.

"What! Ha I see now your cooking again, my nephew has it easy." Spoke Feng Yin pouting with a jealous like a little kid.

"Of course he is my son after all." Spoke Feng Fei.

"That's unfair, I always begged you to make me food but you would ignore me." Pouted Feng Yin.

If Lin cheng saw her like this his jaw would drop. He would believe that his fierce aunt could act like that.

Back to Lin cheng side.

Lin chen hurriedly took everything out he bought from the Auction house with middle spirit stones.

He put them all in front him.

[Ding! Does host wish to absorb 342 billions exp points?]

Sewing How much energy Lin cheng couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes." Said Lin cheng.

[Ding! Host has absorb 342 billions exp points]

Finally Lin cheng took out the bottles of life nectar.

"How do I consume this?" Ask Lin cheng confused he opened one bottle and a rich aura fill the whole room.

[Ding! Does host wish to absorb 200 billions exp points?]

Lin cheng was hesitating because he didn't know if he consume this with the system would he gain the extra life span.

He didn't know if in order to also gain the life span he needed to drink.

At the end he decided to try one bottle with the system. If it didn't work he would just go and ask his mother.

"Absorb." Said Lin cheng.

[Ding! Host absorb 200 billions exp points.]

[Ding! Congratulations Host earn 10,000 years increase in his life span.]

Seeing the second notification he breath sigh of relief.

He could also feel his body being filled with rich Vitality.

Lin cheng hurrieldy open the second bottle.

"Absorb." Said Lin cheng.

[Ding! Host has absorb 200 billions exp points.]

[Ding! Congratulations host earn 10,000 years increase in his life span]

Lin cheng felt for a second time a rich vitality pouring in his body.

"Check status." Said Lin cheng.

Host name: Lin cheng


Realm:  Void King Realm Early Stage/1 trillion upgrade

Exp avalaible : 1,782,409,600,000

Spritual roots / Supreme Chaos roots activated

Blood line/ Inmortal Dark golden phoenix blood activated

Talent :Supreme heart,Alchemy Heart,Formation Heart

Pets: Baishi Heavenly Nine tail fox abilities illusions of charm. They can fall under her feets a even people from a higher realm might be afected/ Also can use the power space and increase her speed / can throw purple thunder bolts for her mouth

Baishi Realm: Rank Holy Rank 3 middle stage (Earn 50% of experience points from baishi when kills)

Charm:99(Extra info your charm is super atractive to milf like a baby but at the same like some one that can bring the women to move female hormones  so watch out ;)

Equipment/Spear of gold Mysterious rank/Golden and diamond spear Rank Earth upgradeable/Diamond and gold Ring/Pathek Diamond nautylus

Alchemy/ Phoenix cauldron God rank

Techinques:Elementalist techniques Rank God/Spear of king techinques mysterious rank/Divine Spear Intent Technique Heavenly Rank

Usables: /(Weapon Upgrade Card)x1(Full Realm Upgrade Card 1 times use "Mythic")

Mall coins: 9,946,787,000

Lucky Wheel chances:13

Lin cheng felt addicted to absorbing exp points. But at the same time he felt frustated after all he didn't how long would he take to to raise his realm.

Lin cheng was sure with everything he consume just now, probably a normal cultivator would have reach at least the Nirvana Realm.

But still had barely for himself to raise his cultivation base by a small Realm.

After a while Lin cheng search in his Alchemy Heart and found information about the Life seeds.

Like he guess, this life see could actually be use to do a pill call the Beauty pill.

It was a recipe that would make even and a person with appearance of old to become younger. The difference is that after adding the other high ingredients the life span could increase by 10,000 years.

Even though Lin cheng didn't have more of the life nectar he knew he could gain the drops needed using the system function of Alchemy.

Even though he couldn't consumed them. It was perfect for what he needed them.

Lin cheng took out his alchemy cauldron and start it making alchemy. But he was surprise to find that the Drop of the Life flower nectar giving by the system was more rich, he could bet it was the same richness than a whole bottle of nectar that he just absorb.

15 mins later....

Lin cheng finally made 3 Top Holy Rank 3 Beauty pills with 9 veins.

Lin cheng felt happy and put away the 3 beauty pills. And also put away his alchemy cauldron.

At the end he took out care fully the life flower seed. And with his information given by his alchemy heart. He knew how to peel of the shell.

After peeling off the shell, 3 seeds that had zero energy in them. And were the size of a bean and the texture was like a dry wood appeared on his hand.

He calmly put them away and prepared to clean the room but.

The next moment a beautiful figure enter the room.

"Hey brat what are you doing?.... oh my heavens!" Suddenly yelled Feng Yin.

And a charming silhouette who was downstairs in the kitchen after hearing her sister scream. Her image flash and dissapeard.

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