Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter 153

Chapter 149 Rain Aiyama

Primitive universe, Milky Way, Bailan Star.

A spaceship about 1,000 meters long, 400 meters wide, and 500 meters high, with a dark body like a strange giant beast, quietly parked in the best spaceship mooring port on the planet.

Wearing a black battle suit, the old man with a hook nose, who looks almost exactly the same as a human on earth, stands in the control room at the top of the spacecraft with his hands, his eyes through the transparent window, staring at this barren and desolate planet.

“My lord! How long do we have to wait!” A young human with two horns on his forehead came behind the old man and asked softly.

“Huh? With your domain master-level life span of one million years, you can’t even wait for a year?” The old man with a hook nose turned his head and looked at the young human being with horns, the ice and snow mark on the center of his eyebrows exuding a powerful aura.

This is a realm master who has been recognized by the original law of the universe.

“Don’t talk about a year, it’s okay for ten or a hundred years, but I don’t know when the summer solstice will come. We are just waiting here stupidly?” The horned human youth respectfully said.

“Huh!” Hearing the other party’s words, the old man with a snort coldly snorted, raised the ground and turned around to face him, staring at the young human horns with cold eyes, “Can you talk about Your Highness Xia Zhi? I’m fictitious. You can question what the top executives of Universe have decided? Get out of here! If someone talks about it, all will be handed over to the law enforcement team for trial and punishment!”

The powerful world master-class aura broke out, causing this young human with horns, who was also the top powerhouse among the domain masters, to kneel on the cold metal ground, “Yes, the subordinates dare not! The subordinates retire!”

It wasn’t until the horned human youth knelt and exited the control room that the old man with eagle nose regained his momentum and turned around to look out of the spaceship again.

“His Royal Highness Xia Zhi, who is hailed as a tens of thousands of eras, can only be born, and now he has received the attention of the highest level of the company. You gang of domain masters and cosmic-level little guys, dare to be impatient?”

Thinking of that Highness of the Summer Solstice, who hadn’t appeared until the appointed time for nearly a year, the old man Ying Hou Noi was very envious, “Only a constant star can be treated with such attention, and the future is absolutely immeasurable!”

“Huh?” Just in a daze, the old man with a hook nose suddenly noticed a pyramid-shaped mechanical clan spaceship rushing in from outside the planet.

As the master of the four secret realms of the Virtual Universe Company, the ‘Apocalyptic Secret Realm’, he is naturally knowledgeable.

“Looking at the size, it should be an E-class mechanical clan spacecraft, and the entire galaxy should be able to purchase the entire galaxy. Only a constant star! The spacecraft is better than mine!”

The old man Ying Hook nose looked at that mechanical clan spaceship with envy, worth more than one thousand yuan, even he couldn’t bear it! If this trip were not for the F-class super spacecraft arranged by the Virtual Universe Company, he himself would only use the cheapest E-class human spacecraft, the value of which was not even one percent of that of the same-level mechanical clan spacecraft.

Seeing the mechanical clan spacecraft landed, a black-haired young man in a blood-colored battle suit walked out of it. The old man with the nose, who had already obtained the information, did not dare to neglect.

The strange giant beast outside the spaceship.

“Sha Vu, I have seen your Highness!” The old man with a nose bowed slightly to salute the black-haired young man who came by.

A large group of subordinates behind him also respectfully saluted: “See you!”

“Wait, everyone!” It was Xia Solstice who came here.

Seeing a group of people flying out of the strange giant beast spacecraft, the old man with Hook-nosed nose was clearly a realm master, and there were five realm masters behind, nearly a hundred universe-class.

“Whatever your Highness said, I was originally ordered by the company to come and take His Highness to the headquarters of my virtual universe company. We should wait for your Highness.” The old man with a nose smiled.

“His Royal Highness, let’s get on the spaceship first. Since you are here, we will set off immediately! On the way, there will be a strong person arranged by the company to help us interstellar teleportation, ensuring that Your Highness can reach the company headquarters within two years.”

“Okay.” Xia Zhi followed the old man Ying Hook nose, surrounded by a group of people, into the strange giant beast spacecraft.

“Hey, Your Highness!” Babata sighed, “In the universe, this is the name of the royal family of one country for their direct descendants. It seems that this virtual universe company treats you as royal princes! Also, with your status as a member of the Primal Secret Realm, you are the prince of the Witch Royal Family, and you are far inferior to you in terms of status!”

Xia Zhi smiled slightly, ignoring Babata’s sigh.

“Stone Mother Guiyan, this is an F-class spacecraft made by Stone Mother Guiyan.” As he approached the strange giant beast spacecraft, Barbata was surprised when he noticed the materials of this spacecraft.

try{mad1(‘gad2′);}catch(ex){}   The space inside the entire spacecraft is very large, and the position below the chest of the strange behemoth is the main cabin such as the power cabin of the entire spacecraft.

In the summer solstice, led by the eagle-hook nose old man, he came to the head of the strange giant beast, which was the uppermost layer of the entire spacecraft.

In the luxurious hall with a length of about 300 meters and a width of 60 meters, comfortable sofas, exquisite food, and mellow wine are all set. In the summer solstice, there are even bone china tea cans that are as white as jade and look like exquisite works of art.

The beautiful maid salutes him very respectfully, always waiting for any command from the master.

“His Royal Highness, sit down!” The old man Sha Vaughn with a smile.

“Mr. Sha Vok can just call me by name.” Xia Zhi smiled to the old man sitting on the comfortable sofa.

“Your Royal Highness is welcome. In my Virtual Universe Company, in the secret realm one level higher than your own, members who have not reached immortality must be labeled’His Royal Highness’ as a sign of respect.” Shaving explained.

“Introduce myself first, I, Sa Val, a realm master in the core layer of the Virtual Universe Company in the ‘Apocalypse Secret Realm’.”

Xia Zhi nodded slightly, “The Last-Day Secret Realm” is the end of the four great secret realms. According to Shaving, it is no wonder that he is calling himself His Royal Highness.

“The core members of my virtual universe company are very rare. Apart from the selection of the most elite geniuses in the entire universe from battles of geniuses and battles of the strong, like His Royal Highness, they are the outstanding elites cultivated within the company and a small number of landlords. The super genius manager whom the Ministry of Commerce has fancyed.”

“The Ministry of Commerce?” Xia Zhi asked puzzledly.

“Yes, my Virtual Universe Company is mainly divided into the Armed Forces Department and the Commercial Department. Both His Royal Highness and I are in the Armed Forces Department. They have a strong peak combat power to deal with battles in other races in the universe.

“Regardless of whether it is to develop science and technology or cultivate military forces, massive resources are needed. The Ministry of Commerce is set up for this purpose. Those who can enter the Ministry of Commerce are the best business management or investment talents in the universe, among which the most qualified are even You can enter the “Secret Realm of the Beginning” and enjoy the same treatment resources as our Armed Forces.”

Xia solstice nodded, no matter what, to be the top of the universe is an extremely rare human elite, and it should be enjoyed equal treatment.

“True elites, true strong, can become core members.” Sa Val continued to introduce. He naturally knew that he had just entered the virtual universe company during the summer solstice and did not understand these conditions. He was naturally happy to introduce each other to strengthen mutual familiarity. .

“Of the four great secret realms, Primitive, Beginning, Heaven and Earth, and Last Worlds, the secret realm of the last days belongs to the outermost layer. The core members of the secret realm of the last days, when you see the members of the three previous secret realms, if the opponent is lower than immortality, they will all be called Your Highness!

“And your Highness, you have entered the ‘Prime Secret Realm’, and you have the highest status.” Sha Vok smiled, “Also, those peripheral members who are not the core layer, who see core members below the immortal level, are all called Your Highness.”

Summer Solstice nodded slightly, expressing understanding.

The competitive atmosphere created by the Virtual Universe Company can be seen from this small title.

“His Royal Highness, you and I enter the virtual universe together.” The lean old man smiled, “I will take you into our company’s virtual headquarters.”

“Oh?” Xia Zhi’s eyes lit up, and the long-awaited day finally arrived!

At this time, the strange giant beast spacecraft has already shuttled into the ‘dark universe’, and its speed has been increasing, and it has now surpassed 40 times the speed of light.

The moment the summer solstice arrives in the spacecraft, the identity record in the virtual universe has been changed to a member of the core layer of the virtual universe company. As his virtual assistant, Babata automatically gets a special function. Once the summer solstice enters the virtual universe, it can be directly transmitted to one Special plane space.


The summer solstice, which had just appeared in the home of Jiuxingwan in the virtual universe, disappeared in place with a flash of light.

The virtual universe company headquarters plane.

A suspended mountain surrounded by endless clouds and mist is extremely huge, even much larger than an ordinary planet in reality.

A figure suddenly appeared on one of the bluestone roads on the mountain, it was the summer solstice.

When the summer solstice just appeared, I looked around, and there were many people on the street. There were buildings in the distance, and beautiful villas in the distance.

“His Royal Highness.” A figure ran over the street, and it was Sha Vu.

“Mr. Sha Vok.” Xia Zhi said with a smile, and he was in a great mood when he came to the headquarters of the virtual universe company.

try{mad1(‘gad2′);}catch(ex){}   “His Royal Highness.” Sha Peng said with a smile, “This entire plane space is the “virtual headquarters” of our virtual universe company. The headquarters and the virtual headquarters will be more lively. After all, most members, and even many big figures, are guarding one side, each with their own responsibilities, and it is impossible to stay in the real headquarters all the time.”

“Yeah.” Xia Zhi nodded.

“Come on. I’ll take your Highness around to get familiar with the environment.” Sha Peng took the summer solstice and started walking along the street. “This mountain suspended in clouds and mist is called’Yuxiang Mountain’, with a diameter of about 89,000 kilometers. .”

“Huh, it’s really big!” Xia Zhi exclaimed. The light diameter of this mountain is about seven times that of the earth.

“Of course it needs to be bigger. The core members of the company’s four secret realms are all cultivating and living in this Yuxiang Mountain. Smaller ones are not enough.” Sha Wu said with a smile, “The entire Yuxiang Mountain is divided into five districts. They are divided into five areas. The’primitive zone’, the Taichu zone, the sky zone, the end-time zone’ and the’public zone’. The areas of these five zones are all about the same size.”

“There are tens of millions of people in the apocalyptic zone, and each of them lives in a suite divided among high-rise buildings.”

“There are probably more than 10,000 people in the sky area, and each is a villa.”

“There are about a thousand people in Taichu District. In addition to the villas they live in, there are special training and study places, which is very luxurious.”

“As for the primitive area where His Royal Highness will go.” Sha Voo’s eyes were full of envy. “The population is only 120. It is basically a luxurious manor covering an area of ​​thousands of kilometers in diameter for everyone! There are various kinds of manors in the manor. The magical training facilities are all unique to one person! There are also dedicated immortal-level powerful teachers who can guide them at any time if they live by their side for a long time, there are also a large number of servants to serve, and they can also recruit a lot of training partners at any time, and so on.”

The summer solstice is praised in my heart!

Sure enough, in order to motivate all core members of the Virtual Universe Company, there will be differences in all aspects.

The different treatments of each level are used to inspire the members of the lower secret realm to sprint into a higher secret realm.

“Of course, like the realm master class in the primitive zone, every person who goes out to the outside world is an absolutely invincible existence of the same level! It is not difficult for them to kill the immortal class powerhouse, all of them are the real thing of our company. It’s not surprising that the elite of China can get such treatment.”

With that said, Sha Vu glanced at the summer solstice and complimented: “With your majesty’s unparalleled talent for the first place in this genius battle, and with the super resources in the primitive zone, he will surely rise quickly and become a superpower!”

“Haha, thank you Mr. Sha Wu for his good words!” Xia Zhi smiled.

Under the leadership of Sha Peng, the summer solstice has a general understanding of the entire Yuxiang Mountain. In addition to the different areas where the members of the four secret realms stay, UU Reading also has a public area, which is a place for business and entertainment. , For this group of young princes to relax and entertain occasionally.

The entire Yuxiangshan gathered members below the immortal level of the core layer of the virtual universe company, and the powerhouses above the immortal level were in the larger Thunder Island.

Standing on a steep rock on the edge of Yuxiang Mountain, Sha Vu pointed to the huge island in the distance, which was a hundred times larger than Yuxiang Mountain, surrounded by infinite thunder and lightning.

“His Royal Highness, please, that is Thunder Island, also known as the’Immortal Island’. All the company’s immortality usually live there in the virtual universe. Then Thunder Island is the company’s real gathering place for the strong and the immortal gathering place. ”

“Yeah.” Xia Zhi looked at the Thunder Island in the mist and nodded slightly, showing longing.

“His Royal Highness, I will send you to the primitive area. Of course, I can only send you outside the primitive area.” Sha Voke smiled. “The four core areas prohibit members who are not in this area from entering other areas. After your Highness enters, naturally there will be The person in charge of the original area received.”

“After you enter the Primordial Zone, Your Highness, you will know why countless people want to get in. The number of places in the Primordial Zone is 120 at most. On average, there is only one out of ten universe nations.”

“Let’s go!” After listening to Sha V’s introduction for a long time, Xia Solstice had already been looking forward to it.

After years of planning and hard work, I finally came here today!

“Original Secret Realm, my summer solstice is here!”

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