Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter 154

Chapter 150 What is rich and powerful?

On the summer solstice, follow Sha Peng to walk in the bustling Yuxiangshan public area.

Realm masters recognized by the law of the origin of the universe abound here.

Everyone is released to the outside world, the last time it is a powerful person at the level of’Jiang Tianchen’ in the star field of Heilongshan, his hometown in the summer solstice.

Within the superpower of Virtual Universe, one of the five giants of mankind, it is just barely qualifying to enter the ‘Apocalyptic Secret Realm’.

There are countless world masters who are just peripheral members, and there is still a big gap between them and the core members.

After passing through the public area.

The two walked to a wide and quiet bluestone road.

Not long after, a magnificent and magnificent main entrance, which was carved out of primitive gray rock as a whole, appeared in front of the two of them.

The ubiquitous lingua franca is engraved on the gate-‘Original Zone’.


With a faint halo on the surface of Sha Por’s body, he could no longer move forward, and said to Xia Zhi: “Your Majesty, I can no longer move forward. Along this road, the area in front is the primitive area. After your Highness enters, there will be management personnel. Lead Your Highness.”

“Thanks, Mr. Sha Wu.” Xia Zhi smiled and nodded.

walked into the primitive area alone, and soon an old man in a white robe greeted him, followed by a group of world masters.

“His Royal Highness in the Summer Solstice!” The white-robed old man saluted slightly, “I am Atol, the trivial manager of the primitive area. Welcome to the primitive area! Please follow me, your Highness.”

“Hello, Mr. Ator.” Xia Zhi smiled and nodded, and flew into the air with the old man in white robe, Attor.

Behind Atol, the group of world masters who saluted together respectfully, seeing the two leave, at this moment they also whispered about the late highness.

“This is the majestic genius of the summer solstice, who is said to be able to produce one in tens of millions of eras? He has only come now, and Buran, who was at the same time as him, has been here for a year.”

“Yes, I heard that it was in retreat. I also heard for the first time that because of the retreat, I missed the first time to come to the headquarters. The high level actually allowed it!”

“Hey, no matter how genius is, it’s only a cosmic level! In the next secret realm qualification battle, it is estimated that both he and Nabolan will get to the next level of the ‘primary secret realm’.”

“His Royal Highness in the Primitive Secret Realm, who is not a peerless Tianjiao that is hard to come out in tens of thousands of epochs? The longest time His Royal Highness has been in the Primitive Secret Realm for thousands of years. Haven’t seen it yet.”

The original area.

The summer solstice and Atol flew in mid-air.

While flying, the summer solstice overlooks the huge estates below, and from time to time, powerful laws and fluctuations are transmitted, making the summer solstice secretly shocked.

At this sight, Ai Tuoer smiled, and the whole person faintly made the surrounding space brighter and warmer. He was like a sun, warming the summer solstice around him, making him feel a little uncomfortable by the powerful fluctuations coming from a distance. One light.

“Thank you Mr. Atol.” Xia Zhi thanked the old man around him.

“His Royal Highness Summer Solstice. The biggest difference between Primordial Zone and the other three core member zones is that there are more immortal gods living in Primordial Zone.” Ai Tuoer laughed, “First of all, every Majesty in Primordial Secret Realm will be equipped with a guard. The army, the leader is led by an immortal master-level powerhouse. And every Primordial Secret Realm His Royal Highness can choose an immortal **** teacher who has lived in his manor for a long time. Therefore, the number of immortal gods here is more than the original Your Highnesses in the Secret Realm are taller.”

After speaking, Atol seemed to think of something, and then introduced: “My human power level, from low to high, are planetary star, constant star, universe, domain master, world master, and immortality. level.”

“After breaking through and entering the immortal level, due to the level of perception and application of the law and the strength of the strength, it is divided into ordinary immortality, immortal warlord, immortal prince, immortal king, and infinitely close to the higher-level nobles. The king is invincible.”

“99% of the world masters can break through to become immortal, and it is impossible for them to become immortal, and the higher-level immortal masters are already able to command a team of ordinary immortals and fight against other races.”

“Above, there is a powerful immortal title, that is, the future breakthroughs of my Royal Highnesses in the original secret realm, and most of them are at this level. The strong who reach this strength are already qualified to be titled and spread the universe.”

“The existence of being able to seal kings in immortality is already the middle force of my human race, and it is the strong cornerstone of my human race. Stronger nobles and even other peak powers are born from the immortality of kings.”

“As for the last king-invincible in immortality, it is recognized by the cosmos and all the races, and it is the invincible existence in the first level of immortality.”

Xia Zhi nodded his head. He naturally knew the ranks of the powers who swallowed the universe. He understood that Atol was thinking that he had just entered the Virtual Universe Company, and feared that he did not understand the immortal ranks of strength, so he would introduce it in detail.

“After your Highness becomes a member of my’Primitive Secret Realm’, the authority of the company’s information and materials will naturally be increased accordingly. When the time comes, Your Highness can consult and understand this information by himself.” Ai Tuoer said, taking the summer solstice and flew to a long distance. , The manor that can’t see the head at a glance.

“There are 20 manors in the entire primitive zone. Currently, there are 00 Boundary Masters, 0 Domain Masters, and 3 Universe Masters, plus the newly added Royal Highness Xia Zhi and His Highness Beran. , There are 5 manors in total.”

“This manor No. 5 is your manor of the summer solstice.” Atol pointed to the vast manor below.

“Hmm.” The summer solstice looked down.

The courtyard wall of this manor of my own is like a continuous mountain range, which continues to extend until the end of the field of vision.

In terms of area alone, this manor is even larger than the territory of any country on earth today.

Of course, in the vast universe, the summer solstice, which has gradually adapted and become stronger, naturally understands that the stronger the stronger, the larger the area occupied and used.

try{mad1(‘gad2′);}catch(ex){}  Like an immortal powerhouse, he has an incomparably vast kingdom of God, and it is very simple to make a planet to make a manor.

! Whoosh!

Ai Tuoer and Xia Zhi directly landed at the main entrance of the manor.

At this time, the front entrances of this majestic manor were all formed into teams, at least tens of thousands of people at a glance.

At the front of many teams is a burly silver-haired man standing with a faint black secret pattern on his forehead, and his appearance is almost the same as that of a human on earth.

“Your Highness!” The silver-haired man bowed slightly with the ten world masters standing behind him.

“Well, your lord!” Behind them, thousands of powerful warriors who were almost condensed into one body, all bowed to one knee respectfully.

“Well, your highness!” And the tens of thousands of servants behind the thousands of powerful warriors all knelt down, extremely humble and respectful.

These servants are specially selected and trained by the virtual universe company to serve some of the core characters of the virtual universe company. For these servants, it is their honor to be able to serve a primitive Secret Realm His Royal Highness.

“His Royal Highness in the Summer Solstice.” Attor smiled, “As a member of the Primal Secret Realm, the guards of His Royal Highness are normally organized as a brigade. The brigade has a leader, ten captains, and 1,000 fighters. The leader is an immortal army chief. The team leader is the ten world masters of the eschatological secret realm, and the warriors are 000 domain master-level warriors. In the virtual universe, they are stationed in His Highness. In reality, they also have to protect His Highness and obey His Highness’s orders. ”

“This is the leader of your escort-Gaia!” Atol pointed to the silver-haired man and said, “Gaia is an immortal **** who is good at soul, and his strength is very strong. In many cosmic armies. Among the military masters, it is considered the best.”

“Well. I have seen Mr. Gaia, and I will have to trouble him in the future!” Xia Zhi nodded slightly, but his heart was shocked.

The strength of this **** is comparable to the four sacred places of the Black Dragon Mountain Star Territory, and the immortality inside the virtual universe company and the strength of the landlords are far beyond that of the outer universe. If you really want to fight, I am afraid that it will be able to Swept the entire intermediate civilization of the universe like Heilongshan.

And this Gaia is still the highest strength among the immortal army master class, doesn’t it mean that it is close to the Fenghou class?

Babata usually talks about it, the proud old master Hu Yanbo is just such a strength, right!

Such a strong man turned out to be just the leader of his own guards, and the strength of the Virtual Universe Company, the holy land of mankind in the universe, is evident.

“Your Majesty, you are welcome.” Gaia, the silver-haired man, looked strange at Xia Zhi, and bowed slightly, “This is my duty.”

“In addition to the guards, there are more than 10,000 servants in the manor who usually serve the daily life of His Royal Highness.” Atol smiled, “This Gaia is not only the leader of your guard army, but also the steward of your manor. He is familiar with the things inside, so he will tell you, and I will leave first. If there is anything you need me to help, just come to me.”

“Thank you Mr. Atol.” Xia Zhi bowed and saluted the old man, expressing his gratitude.

Then the white fluttering old man turned into a light and left in an instant.

“His Royal Highness, please come with me.” Gaia, a silver-haired man, led the way and began to take Xia Solstice around the manor to get to know him.

Walking in the vast manor, at a glance, the green meadows, the dense forests and the rolling mountains in the distance, all of which belong to the summer solstice from this moment on.

“His Royal Highness, this No. 5 Manor is about 26 kilometers in length, 036 kilometers in width, and a total area of ​​about 260,000 square kilometers.” Gaia pointed to a large, sealed oval building in the distance, “There is His Highness’s. The exclusive training ground is 200 kilometers long, 00 kilometers wide, and 2,000 meters high. The internal walls and ground are extremely hard, enough to practice any secret technique.”

“Yeah!” Xia Zhi is extremely satisfied. Like him practicing the’Yu Shenbing’ and body skills, his feet on the’Wind Slashing Wing’ are amazing. If the space is too small, he can’t use it. The 20,000 square kilometers of space can basically satisfy the cultivation. Needed.

“There is an artificial lake.” Gaia pointed to a large lake not far away from the practice site. “The water in the lake contains special effects. Even if the body and spirit of your Highness are exhausted after practicing, he enters the lake. They can be recovered quickly, and the vital energy contained in it is not far behind even if it is not as good as the E-grade nutrient solution.”

“Of course, the facilities here are actually simulated according to the real estate of His Royal Highness’s’primitive secret realm’. The conditions in the real residence of His Royal Highness are even better than here. After all, many precious wonders and facilities, even if the virtual universe is simulated. It’s useless.”

“Oh!” The summer solstice was bright.

What is rich and powerful?

This is!

The nutrient solution sold by the catty from the outside world is all about the lake here!

“Unfortunately, it will take a long time to wait.” Xia Zhi said regretfully.

He will have to travel in the dark universe for two years before he can get to the headquarters of the original universe, and then he will enter the original universe. After he exits the original universe, he will go to the original secret realm. That will be a hundred years later.

Gaia took the summer solstice and walked around the manor, introducing the functions of some buildings.

In addition to the filmed palaces for the guards and nearly 10,000 servants, there are also huge guest palaces, auditoriums that can hold large banquets, and a magnificent shrine-style giant palace.

“This is your daily living place. How you want to arrange in the temple can be implemented by a virtual assistant according to your own preferences. After your highness confirms it, we will modify it according to your highness’s arrangement in reality.”

“Thanks for your hard work, Mr. Gaia.” Xia Zhi smiled and thanked Gaia as he thought of all the arrangements.

“This is what your subordinates should do.” Gaia smiled, “By the way, Your Highness should be coming to the company headquarters in the dark universe at this moment. During this time, Your Highness can practice the next secret technique. Every new Highness that joins. Everyone will be given 10,000 points by the company as a training start.”

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}   “Well, I have received the email from the company just now, but I haven’t checked it yet.” Xia Zhi nodded.

“Then I have to remind Your Highness that these ten thousand points are very important. Now is the period of rapid advancement in His Highness’s strength, especially after entering the Original Universe, after accepting the inheritance, it will undergo a radical change from the previous one.”

“Before you have clearly defined your own path, it is recommended that you do not rush to use your points to buy strange objects or items. After all, with your current vision of strength, if you spend your points to buy unnecessary things, it will be too late to regret.”

“It’s very difficult to get points in the later stage, and points are more valuable than Hunyuan units. Many treasures and even secrets in the universe can’t be bought with money, but they can be exchanged with points!” Gaia looked serious and right. Exhorted at the summer solstice.

“Okay, thank you, Mr. Gaia, for your reminder.” For a moment during the summer solstice, I suddenly remembered that the first time Luo Feng entered the Taichu District in his previous life was to spend all his 10,000 points, he regretted his death when it took a short time.

“His Royal Highness need not be so polite.” Gaia felt relieved when he saw Xia Zhi accepting his suggestion, without the arrogance of a new entry into the primitive area Tianjiao.

He continued: “There is one more thing that is extremely important.”

“His Royal Highness has the right to choose an immortal teacher to guide him for a long time in the primitive secret realm. This is a rare good opportunity.” Gaia smiled and said, “The members of other secret realms don’t have this right.”

“I know that. Just now, Mr. Atol also said it.” Xia Zhi nodded and came to teach the members of the Primordial Secret Realm, and the lowest level was immortal.

It is a rare and good opportunity to have such a strong person who has always lived on his side to guide his cultivation.

You must know that in the universe, even if they apprehend, there are very few teachers who can follow their disciples all the time. For example, Huyanbo, who had fallen from the summer solstice apprenticeship, has only Babata as a guide.

In the universe, a strong person goes from weak to peak, and the time span can be tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of years. Naturally, he will worship different teachers at different stages.

One person can worship many teachers, but the status is indeed different.

There is the true tradition of the inheritance mantle, and those who need to really worship and apprehend, then the relationship is very close, and many are even closer than the flesh and blood relatives.

There are also teachers who teach only public classes. They just go to the class and have almost no private contact. This kind of relationship is naturally estranged.

The virtual universe company arranged for the instructor in the manor of the original Secret Realm member, because they will always instruct and have a close relationship, but they don’t need to worship the teacher.

“There is a knack for choosing a teacher.” Gaia smiled mysteriously, “If your Highness applies on your own, even if you specify your needs, most of the dispatched by the headquarters will meet as much as possible. If it doesn’t suit you, you can only accept it.”

“Mr. Gaia knows what to do?” Xia Zhi’s eyes lit up and he stared at Gaia and asked, but the doubts in his heart became more and more.

“This should be the first time I have seen Gaia! Why are you so attached to me? Even if I look forward to becoming a strong man in the future, he is good. But when I first met, I tried my best to plan for me. I don’t know. Thing!”

However, I think so far, what Gaia has said is for his own good, and the summer solstice temporarily let go of the doubts in his heart.

After all, as long as he stays in the Primal Secret Realm for one day, he is the leader and steward of his own guards. With the attention of the headquarters of the virtual universe company, there is no danger of conspiracy.

“His Royal Highness hopes to find a teacher who is good at the original laws of ‘space’ and ‘time’, and is best able to guide his own practice?” Gaia asked with a smile.

“Yes! But those who are good at the two fundamental laws may be easy to find, and those who are good at appointing the gods like Yu Shenbing are not possible, right?” Xia Zhi nodded, and then wondered.

“It’s difficult! But it’s not impossible!” Gaia’s smile seemed to be more mysterious in the summer solstice His Highness added one last sentence when writing the application! Say that you have great admiration for “Tianyu King” and hope that you can be your own teacher by “Tianyu King”. ”

“The King of Heaven?” Xia Zhi said in shock, “A king is immortal? If I say admiration, such an existence would be willing to come?”

Although it is said that the level of ‘king-of-prince immortal’ and ‘universe king’ can also be personally guided.

But every immortal king is a real big man!

If they don’t want to, the Virtual Universe Company can’t force it.

Therefore, most of the people who can come for long-term guidance are Fenghou-level immortal existences.

“You don’t need to worry about this.” Gaia smiled, “With your Highness’s genius battle, you have broken the benchmark set by the company for countless years. Many senior executives are extremely optimistic about you.”

The summer solstice faintly felt that there was any hidden meaning in Gaia’s words, and he didn’t want to say more, so he didn’t ask more. The days to come will be long, and there will be a clear day sooner or later.

After Gaia left, Xia Zhi came to the apse of the shrine alone. The spacious hall is for the owner to handle daily affairs, similar to a study room.

“Babata, transform the entire shrine into a layout that suits my habits!” Xia Zhi said.

“Yes, Your Highness Xia Zhi!” Suddenly appeared, the virtual assistant little devil who fell on Xia Zhi’s shoulder respectfully said.

“Huh? How does Babata feel weird?”

The summer solstice keenly discovered that there seems to be something wrong with Baba, who usually escapes the chatter.

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