Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 148

Chapter 148

"Indeed, that's true."


Yonaire was taken aback by Yi-Han's reaction.

It was the first time she had heard that the undead needed rest.

Could it be that such a change in the dark magic world occurred without her knowledge?

"If you were to make them stand guard, how would you do it?"

“Hmm... I suppose I will have to select a few students from each tower to patrol at night.”

'I still think it's not a very useful method.'

Yi-Han did not believe that a few freshmen wandering around at night would be able to detect and capture intruders.

On the contrary, it seemed more likely that they would be captured themselves.

"Isn't that a bit dangerous?"

“No need to worry. If anything happens, my summoned creatures can handle it.”

'The undead need rest too...'

Although the skull principal just contradicted his own words, Yi-Han responded unwaveringly.

"Is that really so?"

'The skull principal might be more dangerous than any intruders.'

He was, after all, the person who had been making magic fireworks to shoot, or rather, use on the students.

Yi-Han found it very suspicious that he was so eager to send the freshmen out for a forced stroll at night.

"It would be wise to be cautious."


After the skull principal left, Yi-Han muttered to himself, and Yonaire looked at him quizzically.

Since they were monitoring for intruders, wasn’t it natural to be cautious?

"Right? You never know what kind of person might be among the intruders..."

"No. Not the intruders, but the principal."


Nillia gripped her bow and moved with a spring in her step.

Surprisingly, students from other towers had readily accepted the skull principal's command to patrol at night.

Students like Yi-Han, who believed 'whenever I want to go out is the right time to go out,' permission or not, were rare. In fact, many students refrained from going out after evening, deterred by the rules.

But now that they were allowed to roam legally, they couldn’t help but be excited.

In contrast, Ratford, who followed Nillia, looked serious.

"Why so serious?"

"Don't underestimate thieves. They could be lurking anywhere, waiting for a chance to steal."

True to his nature as a professional thief, Ratford reacted sensitively to the principal's warning that thieves might enter the academy during the spring festival.

Thieves were always looking for an opportunity to ply their trade.

"It doesn't seem that serious, does it?"

Nillia tilted her head.

If it were that serious, the principal wouldn't have asked the students to patrol.

"Maybe he just wants us to roam around just in case? To enjoy the festival atmosphere?"

"Indeed... If that's the case, it would be a relief."

Ratford nodded.

A festival wasn't just about laughing, talking, and enjoying events.

Preparing for the festival, patrolling, and being vigilant against thieves were also part of enjoying it.

That was also the case when Ratford was in the city.

People enjoyed preparing for the festival more than the festival itself.

"Right? It's probably not that dangerous."

"Yes. It reminds me of the old days."

"Wow... Have you ever prepared for a festival?"

Nillia looked at Ratford with envy.

She wasn't ashamed of being born and raised in the mountains, but she envied city-born students at times like this.

Especially when they enjoyed various festivals and city entertainments while Nillia was chasing prey with her bow in the mountains!


"Oh, how was it?"

"It was enjoyable. I was able to earn a lot thanks to checking the loopholes while preparing."


Nillia decided to pretend she didn't hear it.

"Look. There's a light over there. Let's go."


Nillia moved towards the distant light to check it out.

'Could it be other tower students?'

Neither Nillia nor Ratford were particularly worried about the light.

Since it was not far from the tower, and those who openly light up like that were usually not intruders. What kind of intruder would act so boldly?

That must be another tower student...


"Tha... That's a griffin!!! Ratford! Retreat!"


Nillia immediately prepared her bow and arrow to shoot.

A griffin!

It was unbelievable.

A monster that was even rare to see in the mountains was here on the grounds of the magic academy.

'I heard all sorts of monsters come out, but this is too much!'

Nillia observed the griffin without hastily shooting. Shooting in fear would only provoke the creature.

If the creature had no intention of attacking...

"Nillia. It's me! Calm down!"

"Wa... Wardanaz?"

Nillia was confused upon hearing a familiar voice from the griffin.


"You transformed into a griffin?!"

"...Look behind the griffin!"

Startled, Nillia then realized that there were two friends behind the griffin.

They had been hidden by the griffin's large body.


'You thought I transformed into a griffin. What have you been thinking of me all this time?'

Yi-Han thought to himself and greeted Nillia. Ratford, who had fallen down with weakened legs, also hurriedly stood up.

"Tha... That's?"

"Calm down. I can explain."

"Did you transform the horse into a griffin?!"

At Ratford's words, Nillia looked at Yi-Han in surprise.

Could it be?!

Yi-Han firmly shook his head.


"Not? I naturally thought..."

After the skull principal left and Yi-Han finished checking the surroundings, he took Niffirg out.

Then, he and Yoner carefully administered the potion.

-They said it can't completely remove the curse, right?-

-Yes. If it returns to its original form after some time, it means the curse's power is stronger than the potion's and it's impossible to completely remove it.-

-Why would someone cast such a powerful curse... No, it's pointless to ask.-



Freed from the curse and returned from horse to griffin, Niffirg glared at Yi-Han and Yonaire with a resentful look.

It was a look that said, 'I told you so'.

Seeing that, Yonaire whispered worriedly.

-I heard griffins are very fierce and savage monsters, isn't it going to attack?-

-But Yonaire. I heard once a griffin pledges loyalty, it remains loyal.-

-But we've always doubted it.-

-Um. That makes sense. Should we keep our distance?-

-■■■■! ■■■■!!-

The griffin protested vehemently, stomping its front hooves on the ground.

-Niffirg. It's a misunderstanding. I trust you.-


The griffin looked at Yi-Han with eyes full of sorrow and injustice.

Yi-Han had to work hard to appease the griffin with a thorough brushing.

As the griffin's sorrow eased a little, his friends appeared.

"So... It wasn't Wardanaz who transformed it, but the professor?"

"...I don't even know where to start..."

Nillia trailed off her words in disbelief.

Even Professor Bungaegor, who seemed relatively sane, was doing such things.

Who was she to trust anymore?

Regardless of Nillia's thoughts, Yi-Han spoke to the two Black Tortoise students.

"Don't go near the principal if he's doing something, especially if he's about to set off magic fireworks. Avoid at all costs."

"What? Got it."

"Yes. We'll avoid it."

Having grown up in dangerous environments, the two friends accepted the warning first and thought about it later.

The reason could be asked afterward.

"Are you two on patrol for the Black Tortoise?"

"Yes. We were told to just circle around the tower."

"That's good."


Nillia was surprised by Yi-Han's words.

"Are the intruders really that dangerous?"

"No. I caught two earlier."


"It's more about the principal being dangerous than the intruders."


"What did you two do during the festival?"

Nillia was more curious about the story of the dangerous principal, but she first answered the question.

"I assisted in alchemy and participated in archery competitions..."

"I was asked about good places to hide treasures."

'Really, everyone else is enjoying the festival except me.'

Yi-Han felt sad but quickly composed himself.

It was good, after all, that his friends were having fun.

"You were asked about good places to hide treasures? By whom?"

Yonaire asked with curiosity.

"The principal asked me."


"The principal inquired about suitable places to hide treasures..."

"Did he say anything else?"

"He said there would be a treasure hunt."


Yi-Han's expression turned serious.

Given the skull principal's character, it wouldn't just be a normal treasure hunt...

'How many traps is he planning to set?'

The next day.

Before the festival resumed, Yi-Han went to see Professor Bungaegor early in the morning.

"Professor. The horse I'm riding seems to be a griffin."

Professor Bungaegor nodded gravely.

"You've realized it too quickly."

"...But why?"

"Isn't it better to learn how to deal with a griffin now, transformed into a horse, than to meet a real one later and learn then?"


Yi-Han, about to be convinced, snapped back to reality.

Upon reflection, there was no need to learn how to deal with a griffin.

'She said such nonsense with such a serious face.'

Yi-Han was not fooled.

"Is that so?"

"You don't seem very convinced."

"No, I am convinced. But, Professor, I have a question."

"Go ahead."

"If I fly up from here on a griffin, won't the magic around the main building interfere?"

Yi-Han, quick-witted as he was, had some idea.

There must be a reason why the high spire of the main building of the magic academy had stables for flying creatures.

There were designated paths in the sky of the magic academy.

Flying off in another direction to escape would attract all sorts of magic attacks.

"That would be the case."

Professor Bungaegor saw right through Yi-Han's intentions.

Thinking of escaping on a griffin as soon as he found out.

He was a tricky one indeed.

"It seems difficult for me at my level to avoid that right now."

"That's right."

Professor Bungaegor nodded.

There were dozens of spells in place, and it was too much for Yi-Han to counter them all.

Before that, an alarm would sound and other professors would fly in.

"Perhaps I should look for a place with a path connected to the outside, like the spire's stables."


Professor Bungaegor felt a shiver for the first time in a long while.

'How on earth?!'

As one of the entrances for outside visitors, the spire's stables were connected to a sky path unaffected by magic.

But for a freshman to have already figured that out was beyond belief.

"Right. It's impressive. To have found it already..."

"Then, Professor, please tell me about another such place."

Yi-Han boldly requested.

Professor Bungaegor was dumbfounded.


"Since I already know about the spire's stables, please inform me of another path that is not obstructed by magic."


Professor Bungaegor was at a loss for words.

What kind of student was this?

But audacity was also a talent of a mage.

And the boy in front of him certainly deserved praise for what he had accomplished.

'After all, he did figure out the griffin's true identity...'

Even though it was Professor Bungaegor's own doing, she was still amazed at how the boy had figured it out.

Before the professor could speak, Yi-Han said again.

"If you do not tell me, I will speak of the griffin's matter to the guests from outside."

"...Get out the paper. I'll tell you about one place only."

Professor Bungaegor had no choice but to acknowledge that her student was indeed a formidable character.

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