Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

"Guests visiting the magic academy usually enter through the main gate during the day and through the spire's stable after evening."


As Yi-Han began to jot down notes immediately, Professor Bungaegor momentarily wondered if Yi-Han was from the Wardanaz family or the Thieves' Guild.

"But there are more ways into the magic academy than you'd think. Have you ever been down to the underground?"

"Yes. I was lucky."

"It was wise not to try again. Gonadaltes is not so negligent as to leave a path, once breached by a freshman, open."

Yi-Han nodded.

He had known since his admission that the skull principal was insane.

"Anyway... one of those paths is here."

Professor Bungaegor quickly drew a map, pointing to a spot on the huge mountain range behind the academy. It was a simple and rough map, but it clearly showed the way.

-Rockgrass Underground Cave (Beware of the cave owner) 

"Sometimes, professors sneak out using this cave. It connects underground to the outside."


Yi-Han was puzzled.

If that was true, it meant that anyone could easily enter the academy from outside.

'No, that's not it. Does the cave owner filter out intruders?'

If there seemed to be a vulnerable and easy spot in the magic academy, it meant there was a separate entity managing it.

Set foot carelessly, and you die!

"Who is the cave owner?"

"That's a secret."


Yi-Han gave Professor Bungaegor a sorrowful look.

The carrot and stick approach worked not only on students but also on professors.

Looking even more pitiful with his statue-like face and sorrowful eyes, Yi-Han was already a topic of gossip among the professors. They said he was favored by the skull principal and was receiving special attention, or rather, teachings...

"It's not that I'm trying to torment you, but I can't reveal it because of a promise. Other professors who have permission to pass through the cave have made the same promise."

Clever and powerful monsters or spirits didn't like to reveal their identities or locations.

Wasn't that the case with the 'statue of the forgotten beast' on the third floor that Salko had shown him before?

"If that's the case, I understand. Could you at least give me some precautions?"

"Searching behind the academy and taking as many artifacts related to physical defense as possible would be wise."


Yi-Han paused in his note-taking.

'Maybe I should just breach the spire's stable?'

“Seeing the renowned figures of the empire gathered here today makes me even more cautious in my action as an insignificant mage.”

In the morning, as the skull principal, floating in the air, politely greeted the guests who had come to the magic academy, applause erupted.

Gonadaltes was a person who could be as cunning as necessary if there was something he desired.

The first-year students of each tower looked on with expressions as if they were about to vomit.

"Such despicable..."

"Shh. Be quiet. Do you want to end up in the punishment room for speaking too loudly?"

A few students from the White Tiger Tower clenched their teeth in anger.

“Some might think focusing solely on magic is already time-consuming enough. However, this Einrogard is not just a place that teaches the grand discipline of magic. It also aims to strengthen the students physically and mentally, nurturing them into pillars of the Empire!”

'I guess the budget will be well spent.'

Yi-Han was honestly a bit impressed by the skull principal.

If an unknowing person were to see this, they might think, 'mages are usually so absorbed in their own magic that they don't pay much attention to their disciples, but this person is really different! If there's any strange rumor in the future, I'll have to refute it myself!'

“Therefore, this spring festival would indeed be a good energizer for the newly admitted freshmen.”

"But principal, why are the other grades..."

"Now, I would like to give a gift to the freshmen here."

The skull principal ignored the guest's question as if he hadn't heard it.

The freshmen, hearing about the gift, looked around nervously.

"Are there undead lurking around?"

"A surprise attack by the undead as a gift?"

But this time, it was actually a gift.

"I've hidden treasures all over the academy, so enjoy your spring by finding them."


"No traps...?"

"How could that be?"

"I've prepared some minor pranks as well, so it'll be even more fun when you find the treasures."


The freshmen seemed to have a rough idea of what these 'minor pranks' might be.

Seeing the lukewarm reaction of the students, the skull principal smiled kindly.

"Among the treasures, there is also an outing permit."


"An outing permit...?!"

Some students from Baldurguard were puzzled by the skull principal's words.

Do they need a special permit to go out? Why?

"...Should I challenge that guy to a duel?"

"Hold on. He's a guest."

Regardless of the skull principal's ulterior motives, the mention of an outing permit heightened the students' anticipation for the treasure.

They were already jittery, eager to start moving.

"Let's go!"

"Even if it's a trap, let's try finding it."

"Yi-Han. You're coming too, right?"

"Yeah, I am..."

As Yi-Han was about to leave, someone placed a hand on his shoulder.

It was Professor Boladi.


"Let's go."


The professors' events didn't just last for a day; they continued throughout the spring festival week.

This meant that Yi-Han had to participate daily in Professor Boladi's tent.

For the first time, Yi-Han resented the Emperor he had never met.

'Why can't the professor just exclude me...'

If the professors were busy, the disciple ended up doing the work.

Perhaps because of this sorrow, Yi-Han's water beads became sharper and more precise. Some of his moves even earned praise from Professor Boladi.


"There's no need to go this far!"

Another student from Baldurguard, having heard the rumors, protested upon seeing a friend bleed from the nose.

The White Tiger Tower students, who came first and already bleeding from their noses, angrily defended the situation.

"Does dodging water beads seem like a joke to you?!"

"We are fighting for our lives here! You outsiders have no say!"

'These guys learn only the bad things quickly.'

Yi-Han looked at the White Tiger Tower students with contempt.

To be so oppressive to outsiders.

Of course, Yi-Han, who was beating up external guests with water beads, wasn't really in a position to talk...

"Are you alright?"

"Uh. Uh-huh."

"I'm sorry. I've heard so much about Baldurguard's reputation that I felt I had to do my best. Even that might not be enough."


Professor Boladi slightly tilted his head at Yi-Han's words.

But the students from Baldurguard had already calmed down.

"If that's the case, it can't be helped."

"Yi-Han from the Wardanaz family? Let's meet up next time when the third-year students gather."

"No, wait..."

Before Yi-Han could explain, the students from Baldurguard had already left.

"As a first-year student..."

After the Baldurguard students left, a White Tiger Tower student wiped off his nosebleed and stood up again.

"I challenge you."

"...Aren't you going to stop?"

"Hmph. Are you scared?"

Other White Tiger Tower students whispered to their friend in a frightened tone.

"Hey, don't provoke Wardanaz."

"He can increase the number of water beads."

"...Who's scared? I'll show you—cough!"

Yi-Han took advantage of his opponent's momentary lapse in concentration and struck his face with a water bead.

The essence of magic combat was always to strike first.

After spending the entire morning beating people with water beads and having a quick lunch, Yi-Han went to meet Professor Beavle Verduus.

The beaver mixed-blood professor, busy eating bark, looked up.

"It's okay. I've eaten." 

"Really? Then let's begin."

Professor Beavle, perhaps due to the skull principal's strict instructions, only made very simple and ordinary magic fireworks.

He finished them with and .

Even Yi-Han, after a few mistakes (and accidentally burning the surroundings each time he failed), got the hang of it. It was not a particularly difficult magic.

However, Professor Beavle's face grew darker and his mumbling increased.

"I don't want to make these..."


"They're boring to make... not fun..."

'He's putting pressure in a different way.'

A silent professor was scary in its own way, but a talkative one wasn't necessarily better.

Yi-Han focused as much as he could to get out of there.

'Every time I fail, my time here gets extended.'

Waving his staff, chanting spells, completing the magic fireworks.

In the uncomfortable and awkward atmosphere, Yi-Han's concentration was honed to a sharper edge.

One of Yi-Han's strengths was his nearly limitless mana.

With this vast mana, he continuously produced magic fireworks.

It was a speed difficult for even seasoned enchantment mages, let alone freshmen, to match. The fact that he needed no breaks made it possible.

"I'm done, Professor."

"Boring... huh? Really?"

Professor Beavle, muttering to himself while making fireworks, lifted his head.

"Yes, I've finished."

Yi-Han responded with a faint smile. Professor Beavle blinked and checked the number of accumulated fireworks, his face brightening.

"Really impressive, isn't it?"

Any other professor would have focused on the fact that a student made more than the professor.

Even though Professor Beavle grumbled while making them, it was still remarkable that a freshman, starting at the same time as the professor, had made more.

But Professor Beavle was just glad the tedious task was over.

"That's great!"

"Yes, Professor. Then, if I may..."

"Well, since we have time left, let's make something more interesting."

"...Uh, I'm not confident in enchantment magic..."

"It's okay. It's fine!"

'What's fine exactly?'

The magic spell Professor Beavle taught next was .

This spell, cast over a thick robe, was essential for novice mages learning various flame enchantment magics.

Despite Yi-Han's apprehensions about fire magic, he couldn't deny the usefulness of this spell.

But Professor Beavle's words cast an ominous shadow on Yi-Han.

-If you learn this spell, it will help you practice other enchantment magic in the future.-

-Is that so, Professor? But I'm not skilled in enchantment magic…-

-I know, I know. You say you lack talent. But don't worry too much. Other enchanters also lack talent but still manage.-


In truth, the fact that Yi-Han started making magic fireworks with the professor and made more, and somehow succeeded in mastering the 3rd Circle magic within the allotted time, was something impossible without talent...

But Professor Beavle evaluated it differently.

If one is worse than him, they lack talent, and if one is better, they have talent!

Of course, this was a dilemma for Yi-Han.

Even being told he had talent, he wondered if he could learn properly, especially since his mentor was not very reliable, often saying things like 'Just do it because it's fun! Whether it will work out or not is not important!'

'I think the speed at which I'm learning magic isn't too bad. Maybe I should ask Professor Garcia for advice.'

Yi-Han resolved to seek out the true mentor of this magic academy, the trustworthy troll mixed-blood professor.

"Let's give up on that one."

"Are you calling that a solution? What if that's the outing permit? Is there even any guarantee of finding other treasures?"


As Yi-Han walked out, he was puzzled to see students from various towers gathered and chattering.

What's happening?

"Wardanaz! Help us!"

"No, not Wardanaz! He'll take it for himself!"

"Let's get it out first and then think!"

As he got closer, Yi-Han immediately understood what was going on.

There was a treasure chest, personally made by the principal.

...On top of a huge, fiercely burning firewood pile that is easily several meters high.

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