S*x Recompense System

Entry 23: Reality Check [02]

Sat alone in a fairly large classroom was a teenager slumped back against the backrest of a chair. His tall and broad frame made the chair look minuscule in comparison, and yet such a chair had held the young adult back for the last hour. 

From his tightly shut eyes were dried streaks of tears which trailed down his cheeks in an apparent display of grief. The light snoring escaping the snot-faced individual accompanied by the slight wrinkles on his forehead indicated that the young man was probably having a nightmare in his sleep.

“Mai!!” Jun screamed as he suddenly jumped out of his seat. His widened eyes with their dilated pupils, accepting as much light as they could, looked around the room, as though searching for the remnants of the nightmare he had just experienced.

But no one was there.

When he’d confirmed the room he was in was empty, he immediately felt a bout of pain radiating within his head which was brought about by the grogginess from having suddenly exercised his brain too hard. Clutching his head in his hands, he again looked around to work out where he currently was, before his thoughts inevitably went back to the way he had woken up in a start. 

‘Mai? Did something happen to her?’ Feeling confused about the memories of the previous two hours, with the trace feelings from his rapidly fading recollection of his nightmares beginning to dissipate, Jun began to wonder about the circumstances he found himself in. 

The last he could remember was that he was in the canteen with his friends awaiting Mai’s arrival. He had been slightly anxious, but he had no clue how that correlated with him ending up in the abandoned art room. 

‘Did I get so nervous I ended up going to look for her? And… I fell asleep?’ Feeling baffled by the state of things, Jun hadn’t realised he’d made life easy for Samuel by making up the reason for his situation. 

‘But what’s with all this snot? How can a big man like me still cry over a nightmare? Fuck.’ Wiping away at the mess hurriedly, so as not to be caught by anyone in the school and subsequently ridiculed, Jun didn’t bother with trying to make sense of anything. 

‘I gotta check if Mai is alright… I haven’t even managed to find her yet. Wait… what time even is it?’ Having noticed the slight buzzing of the student’s voices in the corridor and outside the building, Jun wondered if the lunch break was about to end. 

“Fuck. I went out to look for her but now she’s probably looking for me.” Facepalming after looking at the clock displaying 3.10 pm, he realised he’d been asleep for over an hour and missed the entirety of the final period. 

‘Ugh… I better reply to Mai.’

After reaching into his pocket to pull out his 9-pad Nokia mobile, he was surprised to find there were no texts from Mai. Putting it down for some reason or other, he decided to send a message to her anyway to confirm that she was alright. Given the fact that it’d been a few hours since he’d last seen her, the unease had yet to be quelled. 

{Hey wya? R u ok?}

Having sent off the text after fumbling around with the much too-tiny number pad, he patiently waited for a reply. But he didn’t have to wait too long, as a few seconds later his cell phone received a short reply. 

{Just got home. Didnt see u at skl?}

Putting aside the disgustingly abbreviated messages sent between them, Jun had established that his girlfriend had run home and was feeling slightly under the weather. She’d asked to have some alone time which he was, honestly, all too happy to give. The stress from earlier needed an outlet, and he was looking to have some fun with his friends. 

Jun hadn’t even known that whilst he was hanging out with his buddies, his childhood friend was wiping out the semen of another man from inside of her crotch in the shower.

— — —

Currently, Samuel was leaning up against the wall of a random building on the route between the school and his home. He had taken and administered many potions in the previous few hours, and the side effects were coming back to bite him in the butt.

He could categorise the side effects into two different waves. The first wave comprised the drowsy effect of the dual sleep serums and the lowering of his surroundings’ lust as a result of the sexual scent’s side effect. He dealt with them by taking a quick anti-potion while getting the first blowjob from Mai (as he didn’t want the second side-effect to affect Mai who had been on a lust high). 

The second wave, which hit him like a truck soon after leaving the school premises consisted of the hypersensitivity from the numb potion, the croaky voice of the magnetic voice which made his throat feel clogged up, his lowered lust as a consequence of the aphrodisiac, and increased fertility from the birth control. They wouldn’t have been as hard to deal with if they weren’t concurrently affecting him and if Samuel’s stamina hadn’t been as low as it currently was. 

But he’d just have to suck it up and deal with it. He’d already spent enough to orchestrate the act, and wasn’t too fond of the idea of spending extra to deal with the effects. He’d reasoned that all the troubles he was now facing could just be character-building. After all, every great man must suffer on the road to the top.

Putting aside the displacement strategies he employed to cope with it all, the actual silver lining in all this was that if he could get home in time and initiate the reward for his 4th mission, he could have all the embarrassment and shame brought on from being seen walking home like a mess wiped out by the 10-minute forgetfulness side-effect of the memory wipe. This single thought was driving him towards his house, step-by-step, as he didn’t bother with any of the weird looks he was getting every time he shivered when his dick rubbed against the material of his boxers. 

— — — 

Eventually, and with much effort, Samuel made it to his porch and leaned against the wooden door while unlocking it. As he was pressed up against the chilly surface of the door, he fell right into the corridor when it opened, and so with his left leg, he kicked the door shut before his mind began to interact with the system. 

‘System. Quick! Issue the reward.’

[Understood, Host]

[Issuing rewards for completing Mission 4.]

[Mission 4: Get revenge on the couple who antagonised you this morning]

[Accessory Mission: Your revenge is of a sexual nature]

[Reward 4: +1in height +1% muscle mass]

[Accessory Reward: +1 max stamina]

[Time limit: 48 hours]

[Status: Completed (Accessory Completed)]

[Host is advised to prepare for undergoing physical changes to the body.]




“Arghhh!” Samuel vocalised his pain as he knew he was in an empty house. The bones in his legs were throbbing as though they were being shredded in places and stretched apart. Coupled with this feeling, was the feeling of the structures in his thorax being pushed aside by his lungs, which felt as though they were much heavier and more inflated than ever before. 

Samuel writhed around on the ground for a few seconds, before finally, the pain abated and he took in huge gulps of air to refill his needy lungs, re-supplying his circulatory system with its new capacity for oxygen. 

His mind felt light-headed. He couldn’t remember what happened to him after leaving the school, but right now he felt like he could run 10 marathons. He jumped up into the air and quickly did a star jump, and consequently felt overjoyed when he found that he didn’t feel out of breath after just the single jump. It felt like there was more strength behind his movements, even if his heavy body still prevented him from moving that far off the ground in the first place. 

‘System. Show me my status.’

[Displaying system panel.]

[Name: Samuel Armaan]

[Age: 18]

[Sex: Male]

[Level: 3]

[Level 4 Threshold: 940/1000 CSRP]

[Health: 80/100]

[Stamina: 99/100]


[Body Fat: 28% -> 27%]

[Muscle Mass: 30% -> 31%]

[Height: 5ft 9in -> 5ft 10in]

[Weight: 107Kg -> 108Kg]

[Penis Length: 6in]

[Penis Girth: 5in]

[Sperm Load: 2.5ml]

[Facial Features: 5/10]

[Max Health: 5/10]

[Max Stamina: 5/10 -> 6/10]

[SRP: 885]

[Skills: Status Window (Level 3/3), Pleasure Point (Level 2/3), Mind Read (Level 1/3)]

[Missions Completed: 3 (1, 3, 4)]

[Missions Pending: 1 (2)]

[Achievements: 2]

[Assets: 5.78 Polarian Dollars]

[Partners: Emily Cooper (Temporary), Mai Matsushita (Temporary)]



‘Wow! Big changes! Too big… what the fuck?’ Samuel’s eyes first landed upon the changes to his constitution where he could see his muscle mass, height, and max stamina had been boosted. But what he was slightly confused about was why some of the other values had changed too. While he could think of a reason, he decided to confirm his thoughts with the system anyway. 

[Body Fat and weight have changed due to receiving the rewards of Mission 4. Increased muscle mass directly resulted in an increase in weight. As the Body Fat % is a ratio of the total body contents, while Host did not actually lose any fat, the ratio of fat to other components has decreased, and so it appears as though Body Fat has decreased.] 

‘I see. Thanks, system.’ Indeed, Samuel had been confused about why he appeared to receive more than he’d bargained for, but it appeared to make sense mathematically. But the thought was quickly thrown aside as Samuel thought of addressing the elephant in the room.

‘System… Why do I have so many points?’

[Displaying notifications.]

[SRP earned: Fellatio (15)* 2 + Footjob (5) + Basic Bondage (5) + Vaginal Sex (50) * 2 + Creampie (25) * 2 = 190 * Adultery (2) * Virgin (2) = 760]

[Host has reached Level 2 threshold]

[Upgrading to Level 2]

[Congratulations! Host is now Level 2 and has received the skill Pleasure Point (Level 1) and an upgrade to the skill Status Window (Level 2)]

[(New Skill!)]

[Pleasure Point (Level 1/3)]

[Description: When active, will allow Host to be able to visualise the erogenous zones of the individual they are having sex with.]

[Status Window (Level 2/3]

[Description: Displays the name, age, sex, relationship status, body count, obedience, favourability, lust, height, weight, and cup size of anyone- whether or not they are a partner.]

[Host has reached Level 3 threshold]

[Upgrading to Level 3]

[Congratulations! Host is now Level 3 and has received the skill Mind Read (Level 1) and an upgrade to the skills Pleasure Point (Level 2) and Status Window (Level 3)]

[(New Skill!)]

[Mind Read (Level 1/3)]

[Description: Be able to see the emotions of an individual Host is having sex with as a colourful aura around them.]

[Pleasure Point (Level 2/3)]

[Description: When active, will allow Host to be able to visualise the erogenous zones of the individual they are having sex with. Additionally, the value of an action Host does is quantified and displayed as a counter.]

[Status Window (Level 3/3]

[Description: Displays the name, age, sex, relationship status, body count, obedience, favourability, lust, height, weight, and the cup size of anyone- whether or not they are a partner. Finally, Host will be able to learn an in-depth history of the individual this skill is used upon.]


[Achievement Unlocked: Sexing the Sexless]

[Description: Has sexual intercourse with an individual who believes they are asexual.]

[Reward: Healing Potion (Grade 3), Mind Control Potion (Grade 3)]

[Partners Updated]

[Mai Matsushita has become a Temporary Partner] 

[Mai Matsushita]

[Obedience: 30/100]

[Favourability: 5/100]

[Lust: 7/100]


‘Mai was a virgin?!’

— — — — — —


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Extra long chap so please leave a rating! 

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