S*x Recompense System

Entry 24: Obedience V Favourability

‘How could she have been a virgin?’ 

Samuel was left completely bewildered by the newfound revelation. Even if the teenage couple hadn’t consummated their relationship thus far, from Samuel’s limited understanding of losing one’s virginity, he’d thought girls were meant to bleed in their first times. And yet, there hadn’t even been a proclamation of pain from the wanton female throughout the entire ordeal. Only the mewing of a docile little cat, that had had a particularly troublesome itch scratched, was picked up by the equally as wanton male. 

But once he took a moment after the shocking discovery to think over the facts and put two and two together, Samuel came to an educated guess about the oddity of the situation.

‘Oh… might it have been something to do with her being a sportswoman? I don’t even know, sheesh. But what a fucking payout!’ The young adult had dollar symbols in his eyes when he noticed his current SRP displayed in the status panel. The stacking of multipliers was honestly a game changer and it made Samuel feel a different type of way- he was subconsciously beginning to stray down a line of thought close to that of the sin of avarice. 

‘Relax, mate. First, we need to find the girls.’ Shaking his head at his displaced excitement, Samuel considered how Mai having been a virgin could have affected his plans before having carried them out. Reflecting upon it, there were a few things he could have changed. Ultimately, however, he had a recording of the entire experience, and the grade 1 memory wipe he had applied on Jun wasn’t permanent either. The turd would eventually be facing the consequences of his actions. 

‘Wait… a combination of 3 multipliers would give an 8* bonus, wouldn’t it? How’s that work… I wonder? Harem, Virgin and… Incest. Welp, never mind.’ Putting the thought of applying an 8* multiplier aside for rather obvious reasons, Samuel's thoughts trailed off to consider the other key takeaway from the notifications about Mai- the fact that she thought she was an asexual.

‘Now how does that work? No… how does even anything work these days? I feel like all these supposed notifications just open a new can of worms.’ 

It was publicly known and accepted that Jun and Mai were both in a relationship at LGHS. Jun had all but confirmed his relationship with her when he wrestled against his bindings, with tears, snot and dribble marring his tanned face, practically turning into a concoction of misery. Samuel wondered if Jun had been such a bad lover that it had put Mai off, making her lose the innate desire to have sex, but when placing his observations of the duo beside the fact that she might have been dissatisfied in the relationship, things just didn’t add up.

‘She’s probably got herself into a relationship with him out of pity or something and maybe too scared to leave it… probably?’ Samuel thought, unknowingly theorising in the right direction but being way off of the mark. 

‘Well, it’s still miles better than my situation in my old life.’ Contemplating the loss Jun would feel if they ever broke up, he placed it against the opportunity cost of not having gained the mental defences to deal with such situations in the future. The loss would beget experience and wisdom, which he could use to increase the odds of a successful relationship going forward. Especially since the loss of Mai was only because of something mild such as incompatibility rather than cheating. The emotional impact wouldn’t hurt as much but would still go ways toward making Jun mentally stronger.

‘Actually, never mind. This time around she has cheated on him though, hehe. I wonder how much wisdom he’ll gain from that, eh?’

Setting aside the devious thought, when the young adult truly reflected upon his experience with her, there were all the signs of Mai having been a virgin which he hadn’t picked up at the time- what with her using her teeth on his cock or her curiosity and wonder when she’d seen his cock or semen for the first time. 

‘That explains why she hadn’t even asked about the condom. She might have not remembered- or even known in the first place.’ Finding it hard to believe that she’d foregone the bit of plastic rubber, he shook his head at the girl’s ignorance. Since the girls’ should’ve had plenty of sex education classes sometime in the past, she had probably been an absentee to them. As for Samuel, knowing full well he was probably just as ignorant as her in matters of real sex, he quickly decided to move on over to some other matter related to the new notifications. 

Basic Bondage and Footjobs hadn’t been mentioned in his list of sexual activities but it seemed the system had only listed out a general list of activities. In that regard, he guessed that more niche activities would probably be assigned a value based on how he felt about them. 

Finally, when taking the newly-acquired skills at face value, he chose to learn about and experiment with them in some other situation later on so that he could, at last, put his mulling over the notifications to rest. Now it was time for a more pressing matter- the [Obedience] points that he had earned mid-sex with Mai that hadn’t made their presence known during his time with Emily. 

‘Alright, system. I didn’t mention it earlier, but how do you actually raise obedience and favourability? Those pop-ups kind of just… well, popped up in my vision earlier but I didn’t bother asking about it.’

[To increase a partner’s obedience towards you, the partner must have an increase in any one or all of these: respect or fear for you, trust or dependence in you, and an awe of your authority, power, or status.]

[To increase a partner’s favourability of you, the partner must sense from you any one or all of these: patience or respect toward them, trust of them, kindness to them or a strong sexual capability.] 

[The Favourability bar is slightly more complicated than Obedience as it encompasses many types of love such as Eros (passionate and erotic love), Philia (love of friends/equals), and Storge (love of parents for children).]

‘I see… Yeah, I can imagine if I was to see mum’s favourability bar it’d be quite high but in actuality, it’s just her Storge love for me. But for a relationship like friends, I wonder how I’d be able to work out that it changed into Eros from Philia. Well, no point considering that since I don’t exactly have female friends, ha ha… Ugh. Anyway, and Storge to Phil- No. Nevermind. Let’s not think about that.’ 

Samuel put aside the thought that gnawed at his conscience. He had been brought back to a time when his only parent was still alive, and he didn’t want to ruin his relationship with her because his mind had gotten so adventurous after receiving a sex system. 

‘But the thought of my mother with some other man… I don’t know why, but it makes me feel odd. Could some other guy treat her right? After all the hardships she’s been through? Only Faith and I are capable of understanding that, so isn’t it only ri- No! Don’t think about it. System! Tell me what I stand to gain from raising the obedience and favourability of my partners.’ Samuel had only asked the question to change the subject quickly, but he couldn’t have known he’d get so absorbed by what the system revealed. 

[Yes, Host. 50/100 is a qualitative change in most of the system’s bars. 50/100 Obedience results in an individual attaching greater importance to anything you do or say. 50/100 Favourability means an individual’s like has turned into love for you (whether it be Eros, Philia or Storge).]

[Once Host has 50/100 Obedience and 50/100 Favourability in a partner, they are extremely unlikely to have sex with anyone besides you, and have mentally accepted being in a relationship with you, whether it is verbally acknowledged or not.] 

‘Extremely unlikely? What’s that supposed to mean?’

[If Host asks a partner to have sex with someone other than them and their obedience is sufficiently higher than their favourability, then they are likely to have sex with said person.]

‘Ugh, shit. Why’d I even ask? If I turn into a scumbag that loans his girls out to others, can you just end my life, System?’

[Noted, Host.]

Samuel felt a little shiver run down his spine at, what he perceived to be, the emotionless reply of the system, before putting it to the back of his mind, merely treating it as a joke. 

‘But it seems I’ll also have to account for differences in favourability and obedience when dealing with my potential partners too. How troublesome.’

Despite the thought, a smile crept across Samuel’s face as he realised how useful the System was when it came to ensuring he was on top of his permanent and potential partners’ needs and states of mind. From his preliminary understanding of what the system had relayed to him, he felt it kind of did away with any worry he had about his girls ever cheating on him. 

‘I mean… all I have to do is get their favourability and obedience to 50 and we’re all dandy. Hm… wait, can these numbers ever go down, system?’

[The numbers in the bar for Obedience and Favourability can naturally decrease based on the girl’s current state. However, as 50 is a qualitative change and is hard to cross, so too is it hard to fall out from. Host would need to partake in long-term neglect of the partner or possibly have passed on before the bar drops below 50.]

‘Sheesh, okay I get it. Don’t neglect the girls and don’t die. Gotcha. When I think about it, if ever I notice the numbers decreasing, it’s really easy to know who’s dissatisfied and go and bring the numbers back up. That’s pretty convenient. Though, I wonder… Is there a point at which these values will never decrease?’

[At 100/100. However Host is advised not to take this figure lightly, as not only is it hard to achieve, the figure represents extreme forms of the behaviour of the category it is of.] 


[Correct, Host.]

[A 100/100 yandere of Obedience will be completely submissive to you and will most likely devote their everything and anything to you.] 

[A 100/100 yandere of Favourability will be completely possessive of you and will most likely do anything and everything to obtain you.] 

[Host is advised to raise both Obedience and Favourability to 100/100, or neither at all. They are both as dangerous as each other in different ways.]

‘Ooh… That’s some ominous shit right there, but I can’t say I hate it. Hehe,’ he snickered, while rubbing his hands in anticipation, as he looked forward to what awaited him in the future.

Arc 2 End

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