Taboo Recovery: My Life Simulator

Chapter 137

Gu Qing watched from the perspective of God.

One side frowned.

This simulation game seems to be a little different from the previous ones.

Because of the talent influence of 'Twenty-Four Billy', his own stand-in has now shown four personalities!

But she is only nineteen years old now!

Gu Qing suddenly thought of something, and instantly felt his scalp numb.

If he enters the game world by himself and experiences it himself.

This will certainly still be the case.

If he stays in the game world long enough, when he returns to the real world, will those subpersonalities come back with him?

It's terrifying!

But then, Gu Qing shook his head again.

The system is not so kind.

Everything in the game world needs to be redeemed.

Gu Qing will definitely not be allowed to smuggle in this way.

Even if it's such a thing as a parapersonality.

When the stand-in died, the subpersonalities must have all died.

But Gu Qing was not sure if he really experienced such a split personality.

Returning to the real world, will it inspire and split out of personality by itself?

Taking a deep breath, Gu Qing continued to cast her gaze on the simulation game.

[20 years old: You returned to the United States to continue your studies, because you inherited the family property and received compensation, you are not short of money, you can continue to study abroad to complete. ] But you found something amazing, your condition has deteriorated for some reason, and taking medicine can only play a certain inhibitory effect, but can not make you return to normal as before. They will still come out occasionally and bring some trouble to your life. [

21 years old: Your fans on Tik Tok have exceeded 100,000, which makes you a small Internet celebrity, but also a figure in the school, and the focus of people's attention, and there are many handsome guys who come to talk to you and want to win your favor. But trouble also followed, some female classmates united against you, specifically to create trouble for you, you are afraid of 'tyranny' to come out again, have been deliberately forbearing, but they have intensified

[22 years old: One day you wake up and find that you have an extra gun at the end of your bed, followed by the next day, the incident of the white female classmate who used to take the lead in bullying you was shot and killed, and it was on the news, and you were terrified. You think this must be 'tyrannical', but in the days that followed, you found that something was wrong, the guns in your house began to increase, in addition to some cold weapons such as daggers, and even one day you woke up and found yourself in a small hotel, with some injuries on your body and blood on your clothes, which is hundreds of kilometers away from where you live, and you begin to feel that things are not so simple. 】

【23 years old: Because you are involved in a murder case, you may even be burdened with more than one life, you dare not go to the hospital for consultation, which leads to your condition becoming more and more serious, the drugs prescribed before have even been eaten, and life has become a mess, just when you are about to collapse, 'art' contacted you, comforted you, you left messages to each other in your notebook, and under the instinct of survival, you and 'art' gradually became friends. But one day, you wake up and find that the font on your notebook is messy and hard, and the words reveal despair. It's 'art' asking you for help! She confessed everything to you in her notebook, in fact, you have a total of five personalities in your body now! 'Tyranny', 'art', 'pleasure', 'killer', and yourself as the master. The sub-personality can only come out to operate in the gap between the rest of the master's personality, but the 'killer' personality, which has always been a newborn before, occupies most of the time, and the 'art' also comes out, so he gets in touch with you and becomes friends, but all this is recognized by the 'killer', and now the 'killer' is ready to kill the 'art'!

[24 years old: You haven't seen 'art' appear for a long time, maybe she was really killed. Recently, you often feel dizzy, almost half of the day is sleeping, but every time you wake up, your location is different, even the clothes on your body will be different, once woke up in an underground clinic, just woke up surrounded by severe pain, the doctor came to ask about your condition, you learned that you were shot, came here to take out the bullet, and asked not to take anesthetics, you feel more and more desperate.

[25 years old: The 'killer' has not appeared for a long time, you don't know what happened, but your life has gradually returned to calm. You don't have much money left, you're going to get a job, and you're not going to go home, your situation is too dangerous, even if it seems to calm down again, but you don't know when 'they' will appear again, so you want to stay away from familiar people so that you don't bring them danger. One day, a person called 'Pastor' contacts you and claims to protect you, so that you don't need to worry about the 'killer' in the future, you are amazed, how the other party knows about your multiple personalities, and as you gradually get in touch, you find that the 'Pastor' is actually one of your subpersonalities! It's just that he has a gentle attitude, only occasionally comes out to communicate with you, never interferes in your life, and also helps you suppress the 'killer' and 'tyrannical'. At the same time, you also get the good news, that is, 'art' is not dead, although she is only a subpersonality of yours, but the only friend you have had since childhood.

[26 years old: This year is your happiest year, 'tyranny' and 'killer' are gone. And you became good friends with 'art' and 'happiness', you played musical instruments together, you shot short videos together, and you respected the fifty-six-year-old 'priest', the oldest deputy personality to date.

[27 years old: Under the teaching of a 'pastor', you began to have faith and become a devout believer. But gradually, you perceive some strangeness, your intelligence is not weak, but you have been tortured by various subpersonalities for a long time, so your psychology has been on the verge of collapse, and the calm of the past two years has allowed you to recover some. You feel that the 'pastor' seems to be constantly instilling ideas in you, and more and more often. Until one day, you find out that he wants to fool you into giving everything to the gods, and to relieve you of all suffering, and ascend to heaven where there is no pain, only beauty. Of course you don't want to, and you have a preliminary understanding of the ambition of the 'pastor', who wants to replace you directly! Promoted from sub-personality to master! At the same time, the 'killer' finally found an opportunity, as a qualified killer, he never lacked patience, and in the years of being suppressed by the 'priest', he has been dormant, looking for opportunities. And now, it's his best chance! The 'killer' no longer ignores you and ignores your feelings as before, but begins to communicate with you. But at the same time, a new crisis appears, the gangsters in the city for some reason, must find you, they are menacing, you can't deal with it at all, so you have to temporarily lend your body to the 'killer'! 】

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