Taboo Recovery: My Life Simulator

Chapter 138

[28 years old: After a series of chases and counter-kills, you have finally temporarily got out of trouble. At the same time, you also know more about the 'killer', he actually rented a warehouse in the city to serve as a base, which has all kinds of firearms, etc., and he is also the seventh well-known killer in the underground killer list, if not later suppressed by the 'priest', now he is likely to be promoted to the top three. At the same time, you also know why the gangster is chasing and killing you, because the 'killer' once killed the son of the gangster boss, originally the 'killer' did things very cleanly and would not leave clues, but that time there was an accident, and you woke up at the critical moment. Later, the gang boss finally found you after a series of investigations.

[29 years old: The 'pastor' occasionally comes online to have a good chat with you, apologize for what happened to him, and try to ease the relationship between you and him. And to say that the 'killer' is dangerous, even if you don't want to believe him anymore, he can help you suppress the 'killer' again, but only if you cooperate with him. And the 'killer's reaction to this is not fierce, just let you think about it. After much consideration, you decide that you are not going to join with the 'pastor' for the time being. First, the threat of gangsters has not been completely lifted, and once they find it, only the 'killer' can deal with it. Second, the 'priest' is too old-fashioned, and you need the presence of the 'killer' to form a check on each other, so that a delicate balance can be reached. [

30 years old: The 'priest' seems to be more and more impatient, he even wants to unite with the 'killers' to knock you off the line together, and they will share your body. But the 'killer' did not agree for some reason. The embarrassed 'priest' turned his face with the 'killer', but was taken advantage of by the 'tyranny' that had not appeared for a long time, and the moment you regained consciousness, there was a bloody corpse lying beside you, holding a sharp axe in your hand, and the police car whistled and was pressed to the ground before you could react. You've been arrested on suspicion of intentional homicide, and you don't understand why 'tyranny' would do this.

[31 years old: After you were arrested, you were found to have multiple personality disorder, and after several trials, you were finally put in an insane asylum. The 'Priest' and the 'Killer' are ready to join forces and want to escape from here! However, for some reason, they fell silent. Then, without knowing it, you killed a nurse who bullied patients for fun every day, which once again had a great impact, and you were completely restricted from freedom, tied up in bondage every day, and imprisoned in a small dark room. I don't know how long later, the 'killer' suddenly reappeared. Now you and your subpersonality can communicate smoothly, and you no longer have to leave information to check each other like before. The 'killer' tells you that the 'priest' is dead, and the reason why the 'tyranny' deliberately killed and was caught by the police was all because he had already been controlled, and what controlled him was your other personality, a very deep hidden personality - 'destruction'! 【

'Destruction' has only one purpose, that is, to destroy all personalities, including you as the master! You are extremely frightened, but the 'killer' tells you not to worry too much, although the 'priest' dies, but before he dies, he also suppresses the 'destruction', and now the body still belongs to you, and the 'killer' after telling you this, it is silent again, no matter how you call, it has no effect.

[32 years old: In this dark little dark room, you don't know how long you have been detained, but fortunately there is "art" and "happiness" with you. However, as the doctors forced you to take some drugs, these two friends were gradually suppressed, and now you don't want them to disappear, so you try your best to avoid taking medicine and deceive the doctor. [

33 years old: You always feel that there is a voice in your head talking, you think it is one of your subpersonalities, but when you want to communicate with him, he disappears. As the focus of detention in the insane asylum, you have to check in detail every time whether you have taken medicine, which makes you unable to resist at all, so that in the end 'art' and 'happiness' are all suppressed. All the subpersonalities seem to have disappeared, only you are left, but now you are in a small black room, which is not good news, endless loneliness and loneliness, people feel like crazy! 【

34 years old: You were finally taken out of the little black room, but you stepped into an even more terrifying abyss! They are even ready to let you act as a guinea pig and try the newly developed shocker. When you are shocked, you feel that every brain cell seems to boil, and the whole person becomes stupid and crazy. 】

【35 years old: After a year of electroshock treatment, you are judged to have been cured, but the whole person is like Alzheimer's, like a wooden person, like a puppet, just obeying the orders of doctors and nurses, without the slightest emotion and feeling. [

36 years old: Such a wooden man's day, after a whole year, suddenly one day, an accident occurred. There was a small earthquake, although no one died in the entire madhouse, but there were also many people injured, including you, you were injured in the head, for two months to recuperate, and during this period, you always felt that someone was talking to you, from childhood to adulthood, all the people you knew flashed in your mind, and in the end, even your subpersonality, there were specific images, 'art' and 'happiness' were released again, but you felt that they seemed to be a little different. Then the 'killer' also appeared, and then the dead 'priest', who said that because of the miracle, he was resurrected again. In the end, even 'tyranny' and 'destruction' appeared. Everyone gathered together, and you had never been like this, looking at each other and not understanding what was going on. However, at this moment, a low and hoarse laugh sounded in the surrounding darkness. A smiling face greeted him: "Why be so serious?"

[37 years old: The doctors of the madhouse never dreamed that their series of actions not only did not cure you, but created a real demon! - 'Crazy'! He is your new personality and the strongest personality, and almost all personalities are infected by him, including you as the master. He did what all the subpersonalities failed to do, that is, replace you and become the master! And then, the good show officially began. Just three months, 'crazy'.... Or now, you have planned a crazy and gorgeous performance, wailing is the soundtrack, the flame is fireworks, the blood is covered the red carpet, and you are gorgeous at this moment.

["Create a little commotion, disrupt the original order, and then everything will become chaotic, and I am the representative of chaos, do you know the benefits of chaos? It brings fairness. "—you said as you stood center of the stage. 】

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