Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 29: Because you may find that this new Evil, is so much worse.

Buckle up, my dear Readers~. This is a long as chapter, because I couldn't find a good spot to end it! So, enjoy this 5905 word chapter~.



When I started to create my wonderful Black Water, I had only given it one command. And that command was “Show me something beautiful, show me what you can now do.”


As my Black Water was flooding the room and ravens were forming to leave under the door, I started to produce even more Black Water.


‘Forget this small room, I am going to sink this entire city.’


Responding to my desire, the Black Water started to gush out from all around me like the torrent of a raging waterfall. This caused the door I was standing near to be blown off its hinges as it was smashed into. The noise had woken up team RWBY, but sadly for them, it was much too late.


Yang: “Wha..?”


Ruby: “Morning already?”


Blake: “Yang, why are you so loud in the morning?”


Weiss: “I need my beauty sleep, people!”


I watched on as the Black Water surged towards all the girls. They all yelped in surprise before the water washed over them, and they disappeared from their beds.


An interesting thing I made note of was that I could feel my waters changing them, and forming some sort of connection to myself. And it wasn’t just team RWBY either, as my water was making its way throughout the entire school I could feel it taking people into its embrace and changing them. All the while I could feel connections starting to form with everyone converted.


‘Now that is an interesting development. I guess my Black Water has taken on more than just the ability to form Grimm-like constructs, from the Grimm Pools.’


Soon, the four girls surfaced from the dark depths of my waters. And to say they were changed, would be a massive understatement. As the girls all groaned, they steadily started to become aware of their surroundings as they looked around. The room was still completely flooded with my Black Water, as it was running over the walls and ceiling. They all closed their eyes in seemingly content as the water droplets from the ceiling dropped on them.


Ruby: “Ah!”


But then Ruby broke them out of their daze when she noticed I was standing there watching them. She swiftly got up to one knee and bowed her head. The others followed suit as soon as they saw her and then myself.


Girls: “Mistress! Command us!”


Currently, I was glad I had replaced my faceplate, because my eyebrows were so high on my face they threatened to launch into orbit.


‘Okay, I was not expecting that at all. I guess that is what the connection is for then?’


Quickly schooling my face, or at least my eyebrows, I took in their changed forms.


(In order: Ruby, Blake, Weiss, Yang. Source: https://www.deviantart.com/dishwasher1910/art/Grimm-773345213) (Ps: They have some NSFW stuff, so be warned before you check out more of it)



And I have to say, they looked damn awesome. Shaking my head slightly to clear it, I asked them a question.


Artoria: “Do you remember everything?”


Girls: “Yes, Mistress! We thank you for our change!”


Artoria: “Good. You also remember my summoner?”


Ruby: “Summoner? Oh, you mean the human male that was on our team? ‘Jake?’”


Artoria: “Yes, him. He is not necessary any longer. Play with him as you will, but when you’re done, remove him.”


Yang: “Yes! The little bastard always keeps his eyes glued to my chest. Didn’t even try to hide it, the prick.”


Blake: “Agreed. Mistress, do you know where he is?”


Nodding to Blake I say, “Yes. He’s currently with Ozpin, in his office. Why don’t you all go and say hello while you’re at it. Do try to get Glynda into the waters. But not Ozpin. No, I have a different plan for him. But if it’s too much trouble, just kill everyone but Ozpin.”


Weiss: “Your will be done, Mistress! Come on girls, we got a simpleton to hunt.”


Ruby: “A shame about Jake, honestly. He has such a nice face, but everything about him besides his looks really ruins it…”


Yang: “Ha! Don’t worry, sis. We can find a better match for you~.”


Much to my surprise, they all stepped into one of the shadows on the wall of the room, and disappeared as they bantered with each other.


‘Well, that’s a good thing to know. I guess they get several new abilities beyond just their changed bodies, hmm?’


By now, I could feel that my Black Water had covered the entire ground floor of the school, and was now making its way up the school. Not wanting to stop my production of the water for even a second, I instead walked out of the room as the water continued to freely flow from me.


As I was walking through the school halls that were now dripping with Black Water all over, I felt an immense calm wash over me. Even the screams I could hear every now and then when someone was pushed into the waters by their former friends only added to the serene feeling I had. I felt more and more connections start to form as I made my way to the front of the school.


As I walked out of the school, I looked out onto the plaza with a cruel smile.


‘I said I would drown this city, and I intend to do just that.’


With a thought, my waters formed like a tidal wave in front of me, and started to sweep forward. As I watched my Black Water rush forward, I had an amusing thought.


‘My summoner was so worried about changing the “plot” and giving up his advantage he thought he had with his foreknowledge. Well, swine, here is a new plot. Everyone submits, and a new dark world order is set in stone.’


My cruel smile widened when a familiar soul came rushing at me from the sky. Looking up, I saw a raven flying towards me. Or should I say, I saw Raven falling towards me.


Raven: “AAAHHH!! What have you done to my daughter, MONSTER?!”


She had her sword drawn, and was ready to unleash hell on me the moment she got close. When I deemed she was close enough, I taunted her a bit before taking action.


Artoria: “Care for a dip, Raven? Your daughter would give it a 5 star rating, you know~.”


And before she could even retort a thin wall of water shot up in front of her, and Raven disappeared into it. The water wall rippled a little as she entered before it collapsed and joined the rest of the now flowing lake of Black Water.


Soon, I not only felt a connection form to Raven, but hundreds and soon thousands of people as my water finally reached the city proper. I calmly waited for Raven to change, and before long I was rewarded with such a wonderful sight when she surfaced.


(Source: https://www.deviantart.com/dishwasher1910/art/Nevermore-798284952)



She groaned a little before looking around confused, much like her daughter had done before her. Soon however, she saw me and took the exact same position of submission as team RWBY had.


Raven: “Mistress!”


Artoria: “Go. Help your daughter contain Ozpin if she needs it. And if Qrow is there, have him take a swim as well.”


Raven: “At once, Mistress!”


She then sank into the waters, and I felt her presence instantly shift to where team RWBY was.


‘Oh, now that is a fine detail. They can also move via the waters, hmm?’


Turning away from the direction of the city, I looked at the school. And sure enough, the entire thing was covered in my Black Waters. As I was smiling at this new “water temple” of sorts, I felt something from my waters. It almost felt like a question, or like it was seeking permission for something.


As I focused on that feeling, I was made aware that my Black Water had reached the harbour, and had stopped. It was now, seemingly, asking my permission to corrupt the entire ocean.


Artoria: “You know what. In for a penny, in for a pound they say.”


With a thought, I “granted” my permission to my waters, and I could feel it get to work as it started to merge with the normal water. I stopped my creation of the Black Water, as it felt like I didn’t need to produce it anymore. I sank into the waters and appeared next to the harbour to check on the speed at which normal water could be converted.


Artoria: “Well, damn. That is pretty swift, if I am being honest. It’s only been, what, 20 seconds and over half the harbour is now Black Water.”


As I was just casually watching my Black Water convert more and more of the harbour, I felt a tug on my consciousness. Raising an eyebrow, I focused in on the feeling, and soon Ruby’s voice echoed in my mind.


Ruby: “Mistress, we’ve taken out the human you told us too, and we’ve gotten Ozpin, Glynda and my Uncle Qrow surrounded. We can not enter the bubble Ozpin has raised though, we don’t know what he is using to power it.”


Artoria: “Good work, Ruby. I’ll be there in a moment.”


Sinking into my waters, I rose out seconds later next to Ruby in Ozpin’s office. Looking around, the entire thing was like the rest of the school. Positively soaked and covered in my Black Water. Turning my attention to Ozpin, and the bleeding Glynda with a dusty old crow holding her in his arms, I could only smile.


Artoria: “How cruel of you, or does the lady know you’re using her life's blood as fuel to power the protection bubble?”


Ozpin glared at me and simply said, “You.”


Giving him a small cruel smirk I say, “Me.”


Ignoring them for now, I look around at my new subordinates.


‘Still wild this is possible with my Black Water now. I am going to so abuse this.’


Rose and Yang were more or less fine, but Blake was missing an eye and even an arm. Turning to my left, I could see a beheaded Weiss laying on the ground and a dead Raven pinned to the wall via a scythe.


Artoria: “My, you really are cruel. To kill a child and a relative. How in the world did that even happen, hmm?”


Ruby: “Let me, Mistress! I can tell you!”


Smiling that Ruby still had her energy, even like this, I gave her a nod to continue.


Ruby: “So, it happened like this, yea?”




~With Team RWBY after getting the order from Artoria.~

— P.O.V switch Ruby Rose —




As my team and I stepped into the shadows after our Mistress gave us our orders I couldn’t help but ponder out loud.


Ruby: “You know, I am surprised how easily we know how to use our new abilities. Even more so, by how absolutely great and free I feel!”


Yang: “I was just thinking the same thing sis! Lady Artoria is pretty damn amazing right? I knew she was super strong from the way she killed those Grimm, but what did she did to us? Easily takes the cake!”


Weiss: “Quite. Lady Artoria is full of surprises.”


Blake: “I am glad she decided to bless us like this, personally. I am with Ruby, I feel so free. The new abilities are just an added bonus really.”


Girls: “Agreed!”


We were already at our destination, but we have not left the shadows just yet. Inside Ozpin’s office, we could see the old man wasn’t alone. He was with Glynda, and my Uncle Qrow, along with our target. Along with some woman in a Grimm mask.


Ruby: “Any idea who the lady with the snazzy mask is?”


As I looked at the girls, they all shook their heads. I hummed in thought as I tried to make a plan of action.


Ruby: “Okay, I know Lady Artoria said we can play with the human, but I honestly don’t care about him enough to do that. And with the other three in the room, I think it might be better to just kill him fast and dirty. Then move on to the others?”


Yang: “Dibs! I want to do it! He stared at my breasts so much, I NEED this sis!”


Laughing, I gave her a nod.


Ruby: “No problem, Yang.”


Yang: “Yes!”


She pumped her first excitedly and cheered.


‘I guess she really took offense to his leering. Oh well.’


Blake: “So, what should we do about the others? Kill them as well?”


Weiss: “We can’t kill Ozpin. Lady Artoria has a plan for him, remember?”


Blake: “Right, right. The other ones are free game?”


Ruby: “Yea. We could also just delay till the Mistress's water makes it up here. I can feel it expanding at a rather fast pace.”


Weiss: “That’s true…”


Yang: “Then why don’t we just have fun, and fight~! If we kill em, we kill em. If not, the water will get em.”


Ruby: “Works for me. Everyone else good with the plan?”


All the girls nodded, and I nodded back with a cruel smile forming on my lips.


Ruby: “Ah! Remember, we are dealing with the elite of the elite of hunters here. And the big boss. Expect heavy resistance, everyone. We are a lot stronger because of Lady Artoria’s blessing, but don’t overdo it, okay?”


Everyone: “Right!”


Yang: “Me first!”


Before anyone could even react, Yang was already in the room with her first through the poor guy's chest holding his heart.


‘Damn, she was really annoyed by his lecherous behaviour it seems. Well, he got what was coming to him because of his own actions.’


I then saw Yang lean next to the boy's ear and say, “I know you really liked me, Jake. By all the blatant staring at my chest. So, why not go the extra mile.”


She then viciously ripped her arm out of his chest while still holding his heart.


Yang: “And give me your heart for all eternity?”


Everyone was wide eyed at the scene in front of them and stunned. Which was understandable honestly. We look so different now, so I can’t blame them.


The boy stumbled forward a few steps before falling to the ground dead.


Masked woman: “Y-Yang? Yang, is. Is that you, Yang?!”


Taking that as a queue, I signalled the rest of the girls to attack. We all blitzed out of the shadows, and attacked. And as we expected, even by taking them sort of by surprise, they were able to easily defend against the attack.


I had chosen to go after my Uncle Qrow, while Weiss went after the Masked lady. Blake had gone after Glynda, while Yang was taking a bite out of the heart in her hand. That left me a bit surprised to see after our first clash. As we backed up from everyone and regrouped, I couldn’t help but ask a question to Yang.


Ruby: “Really? Yang, Really?”


Yang: “What? I couldn’t resist, okay? It looked so inviting! And, I’ll be honest sis, it’s not terrible. I mean, I wouldn’t give it a full 10/10 for taste, but it’s at least a 7.”


Blinking, I look at her dumbfounded.


Ruby: “R-really?”


Yang: “Mmm. Try some?”


As she was handing the half eaten heart to me, my Uncle Qrow called out.


Qrow: “Ruby?! Is that you, Ruby?! What the fuck happened to you?!”


Ruby: “Hm?”


Turning to look at my Uncle, I took a bite out of the heart. My eyes widened at the taste.


Ruby: “Whoa! You’re not lying, Yang! This is actually pretty good!”


Yang: “Heh, see!”


Blake: “Hey… can I-”


But before she could even finish asking, I quickly shoved the rest of the heart in my mouth and ate it.


Blake: “Awe…”


Weiss: “Such a glutton, I swear.”


Qrow: “This can’t be happening. Someone wake me up please. There is no way that this is happening!”


I just gave my Uncle a big smile to assure him.


Ruby: “Don’t worry, Uncle Qrow! You’ll be like us soon! It’ll be fine~.”


He only looked at me with horror in his eyes though. I tilted my head in confusion.


Ruby: “Why do you look so scared, it’s not a bad thing?”


Weiss then let out a sigh and said, “Ruby, your mouth is covered in blood.”


Yang: “Yea sis. I mean, I think it makes you look adorable, but I can see why a human would be unsettled?”


Ruby: “Ah! My bad!”


I then started to lick my lips and wiped off the blood with my sleeve. I then tried to give my Uncle another award winning smile.


Qrow: “This isn’t happening. This ISN’T happening!”


Ruby: “Oh come on, what now?!”


Ozpin: “Ruby… what happened to all of you?”


Ruby: “Hmm? Lady Artoria blessed us, that’s all! And soon, you’ll all join us.”


All four of the adults narrowed their eyes. Well, at least I think all of them did, as the one lady still had a mask on.


Masked woman: “I knew she was horrible news, Ozpin! Damn it! I’ll kill her!”


She then slashed at the windows, and burst forth turning into a bird like my Uncle can, flying off towards Lady Artoria.


Blake released a small giggle while covering her lips with her… tentacle arm? Tentacle arm.


Blake: “Someone is eager to join us. Couldn’t even wait a few minutes.”


Yang: “How did she even know me?”


We all just shrugged our shoulders. Honestly, I can’t believe these hunters are letting us stall like this. The Black Water of Lady Artoria is nearly here, and we only had to exchange blows once.


‘This is a bit too easy, isn’t it?’


As if to mock me for such a thought, Ozpin took up his cane and activated its weapon mode.


Ozpin: “I know you are hurting right now, Qrow. But that is no longer Ruby. That. Is a twisted abomination. We can’t save her, only release her. Come you two, take up arms.”


Ruby: “Tch. I am still me! Crummy old man couldn't wait a few more minutes. Oh well. Come on everyone, let's play some!”


We all charged, as Yang yelled “dibs” as she attacked Ozpin. I once again went after my Uncle. Merely treating this as another training session, but with a twist!


‘The twist is death. Hehe~.’


As my Uncle and I were trading blows, there was a flash of golden light and then Yang flew past me with a yelp. She then got embedded into the wall rather deeply.


Yang groaned as she pulled herself out of the wall.


Yang: “Magic sure is some bullshit~. Oh well, let’s turn up the heat then!”


She then activated her Semblance, and rushed back to Ozpin. Meanwhile, out of the corner of my eye, I could see Blake and Weiss seemingly having the time of their lives attacking Glynda.


Weiss: “Come now, Professor. Do keep up!”


Blake: “You’re a teacher at this grand academy, how can you let two newbies pressure you like this, hmm?”


Glynda: “Brats!”


I could hear the giggles of both Blake and Weiss at her retort. Ducking under a swipe from my Uncle, I then countered with a thrust with the butt end of my weapon. He spun to the left much to my expectation, and was met with an elbow to the face as I jumped to meet it.


Qrow: “Fuck!” 


After a few more clashes, we backed off to resettle our stances. It seems he wanted to waste some time talking to me, which I was more than happy to allow. I could feel Lady Artoria’s water was so very close now.


Qrow: “Ruby, you need to snap out of it! You need to fight this! Please, come back to me!”


Spinning my scythe around in a flourish, and then embedded it into the floor as I smiled at him.


Ruby: “There is nothing to fight, Uncle? Ozpin, the old goat, had it right from the start. What Lady Artoria has done, can not be undone. And, even if it could be, I don’t want it undone! You’ll see, Uncle Qrow! I feel great! And so free! Just give up, Uncle Qrow.


I’d much rather you join us, than have to kill you. Honestly, I don’t want to kill you if I don’t have to. But Lady Artoria was quite clear in her orders. If you prove to be too much trouble, I have to slay you. And you’re making it really hard to not consider you too much trouble so far, Uncle Qrow.”


Our conversation was interrupted by a sudden shout from Glynda.


Glynda: “Enough!”


With a flash from her Semblance, Blake and Weiss were pushed away and slammed into the wall. Glynda then sent some very sharp looking ice sheets at both of them. Weiss was then beheaded by the attack, while Blake merely faded away into smoke. A sign of her Semblance usage.


Rose: “Awe, not Weiss.”


Yang: “See, I told her she would never get ‘a head’ with her stuck up personality. Ehh? EHHHH???”


Blake rose out of my shadow and stared blankly at Yang who was still fighting with Ozpin, but somehow managed to still find time for a bad pun.


Blake: “That was a terrible pun, Yang.”


I merely shrugged, and sheepishly smiled while I said, “I mean… it was kind of funny?”


Yang: “See! Sis gets it~. Don’t be such a stick in the mud, Blake!”


I could see Ozpin frowning at our remarks, while my Uncle and Glynda had looks of shock on their faces.


Qrow: “Ruby, your friend just DIED. And that is how you’re acting?”


I just shrugged and said, “She died doing what she, all of us, loved doing.”


Blake: “Following Lady Artoria’s orders. She died a proud warrior's death. Besides, it was YOUR friend that killed her.”


Our little back and forth was interrupted by a yelp from Yang as she was blown back once again by some magic mambo jumbo from Ozpin.


‘Ignoring the fact that our shadow movement is most likely magic.’


Ozpin opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a blood curdling scream from Glynda. We all looked at her and saw a sword being slipped out of her back by a newcomer. She then jumped backwards away from the now heavily wounded woman when Ozpin attacked, and entered a portal. A portal then opened up near Yang, and she stepped out.


Qrow: “No… not you too…”


The woman looked at Yang, and her eyes went soft. She then put her hand on Yang's head and gave her some headpats.


???: “We’ll be talking after this, you and I.”


Yang: “Uhh… okay. Quick question, who are you?”


She stopped patting her head, and took up a ready stance to fight before answering.


???: “I am your mother, Raven.”


Yang: “Say what?! I’ve been looking for you!”


Raven: “I know, and that is why we are going to talk later.”


Blake: “Yang, your mom looks like a total badass.”


Ruby: “Agreed!”


Raven huffed, and said, “Thank you girls. Now, stand back while I deal with the humans.”


What happened next was crazy, to say the least. Raven then charged my Uncle with crazy speed. Almost like she had a speed Semblance even! My Uncle's eyes widened when she attacked, but then they quickly started to exchange blows. My attention was briefly taken away from the action though from some bubbling noise behind me.


Smiling as I turned around I saw that the Black Water had finally reached us, and it was starting to fill the room slowly from the elevator. Turning back to the action, I was very impressed with Yang's mom; she was a total badass!


She was using her immense speed, and Semblance to portal around him, and was slowly chipping away at him. Cuts slowly appeared all over his body. But I think my Uncles Semblance, Bad Luck, had kicked in and Raven seemed to trip on nothing suddenly and tumbled a bit.


This gave Ozpin an opening, which he took. He swung his golden glowing cane at Raven. There was a loud explosion of magic as the sword and cane met. Unfortunately for Raven, her sword couldn't hold up versus the magic explosion, and broke. A piece of her sword came flying towards us, as Uncle Qrow dodged out of the way.


Qrow: “Whoa there!”


Sadly, Blake wasn’t paying any attention it seemed, and the blade ended up taking her right arm clean off as it passed her.


Blake: “Shit!”


As she turned with the blade's direction to grasp her now missing arm, it seems my Uncles Semblance wasn’t quite done. As the blade hit the wall, it shattered, and a piece flew into Blakes face, taking out her right eye.


Blake: “Fuck! OH COME ON!”


I couldn’t help but giggle at the situation. That was short lived though, as Raven came flying towards Qrow seconds later with a yell from Ozpin.


Ozpin: “Damn it, Qrow. DO IT!”


With a look of anguish on his face, he embedded his scythe into Raven's chest, using her momentum, and then let the scythe go. The result was Raven being pinned to the wall with a scythe embedded rather deeply into her chest. It was then that Ozpin called out, and had Qrow pick up Glynda while he created some sort of shield. Just in time too, as the water had finally filled enough of the elevator shaft to start flooding this room rather fast.


As I was watching the water flood the room, and Blake was moaning in pain on the ground, Yang walked up to her mother.


Yang scratched the back of her head, and sighed.


Yang: “Damn it. I just finally got to meet you, and you go and die. Just my luck.”


She then turned to Ozpin’s shield, and walked up to it. She tapped it a few times with her hand and sighed again.


Yang: “We’ll have to call Lady Artoria. I don’t think we can get through this shield easily.”


Ruby: “Oh oh, I’ll do it!”




~Back to present~


— P.O.V switch Artoria —



Ruby: “And that’s what happened!”


As I was listening to Ruby inform me of what happened I was also looking at the bodies of Weiss and Raven.


‘Their souls are still attached to their bodies.’


I gave Ruby a nod, while also giving my Black Waters a command. It quickly swallowed Weiss, Raven, and Blake.


Blake: “Oh?”


Blake had let out a little surprise gasp before she was swallowed up. Moments later, all three of them surfaced from the waters. And all three looked complete and whole.


Blake: “Ohhh, this is nice. Thank you, Mistress! I was not looking forward to having to deal with one arm and eye, truth be told.”


I gave her a nod, as I looked at the other two. And much to my surprise and delight, they both stirred and started to groan. As they sat up, Qrow and Ozpin spoke out at the same time.


Qrow: “That is not possible…”


Ozpin: “What unholy magic is this.”


Shaking their heads, both Weiss and Raven got up and stretched a bit.


Weiss: “I’ll tell you. Getting beheaded was not fun.”


Raven: “Yea? Try getting impaled by a scythe through the chest.”


She pointed at the scythe that was still stuck in the wall, with black blood all over the blade and wall.


Weiss: “No thank you. I’ll pass on that, and just assume it was very unpleasant.”


Raven: “You do that.”


Yang: “Yes! You’re not dead, mom!”


Raven: “Yea, I’ll be honest Yang. I was feeling pretty shitty about dying just after we met.”


Yang: “It’s okay. At least you died like a total boss!”


Raven coughed slightly and just nodded her head at that. I just shook my head at the duo, and turned to the shielded humans. Walking up to it, I ran my knuckles against it lightly while looking into Ozpin’s eyes.


Artoria: “Having a bad day, Ozpin?”


He glared at me and said, “You could say that.”


Qrow: “What have you done to Ruby! What have you done to my little girl!”


Looking over Qrow, for a few seconds, I only shrugged.


(Source: https://rwby.fandom.com/wiki/Qrow_Branwen/Relationships#Ruby_Rose)


Artoria: “Improved? Blessed? Set free? Pick whatever you want, really. Ruby! Do you like what I did to you and… well, everyone else in the city of Vale?”


Ruby: “Yup! Love it~.”


A cruel smile appeared on my lips as she answered.


Artoria: “You don’t have to worry though, Qrow. You’ll be joining her soon enough. This little bubble can’t actually stop me. I am just waiting.”


Ozpin: “For what?”


A large smile formed on my face, as I felt a connection form that I was waiting for. I focused on the new connection, and told them to come to where I am. Turning my head at the person who was now rising out of the waters, I could only smile even wider.


Artoria: “Her.”


As the person fully rose out of the waters, they spread the large wings that were on their back to stretch a little, and then took a knee like the others before her.


Salem: “Mistress. I have come at your call.”


(Source: https://www.deviantart.com/dishwasher1910) (PS. NSFW warning again for the rest of their work~)



Artoria: “Welcome, Salem. How do you feel? I am happy you decided to take my offer."


Salem huffed a little before answering while looking up at me.


Salem: “You didn’t leave me much choice, Mistress. With every pool that one of your ravens dived into, I felt my connection to the Grimm weaken. And when one such raven landed in front of me, I knew my time to think was up.”


She reached up and touched the cheek I had cut just an hour ago. She then sighed as she spoke again.


Salem: “I was almost tempted to take up your offer, and embrace oblivion finally. But something stopped me. A little nagging feeling, if you will. When I looked at your raven, I made my choice. I could give ruling the world in a golden age a try. And if I didn’t like it in the end, there was nothing stopping me from asking you to end me anyway.”


I clapped my hands together as I was pleased with her reasoning.


Artoria: “What a great line of thought to have, Salem. Now, I have a present for you.”


I turn back to Ozpin and his little bubble.


Salem: “So I’ve noticed. What are your plans for him, Mistress?”


Artoria: “He’s yours to do with as you please, Salem.”


A wonderfully cruel grin appeared on Salem’s face as she looked Ozpin dead in the eyes.


Salem: “Then, if you would be so kind. I would love to have him untainted, and chained. So he is forced to watch me rule the world, and see that after all this time. All this time. His struggle was worthless, and I was right all along.”


I barked a laugh at that, and nodded my head.


Artoria: “How wonderful.”


Ozpin: “It won’t happen, Salem. The people will rise up. They always do.”


I could only let out a loud, belly filled laugh.


Artoria: “Oh, oh, that was a good one. Haahhh. Silly Ozpin. There won’t be anyone left to ‘rise up.’ I am corrupting the world's oceans with my Black Water as we speak. This entire world is going to be bathed in wonderful Darkness. Just think, no more wars. No more suffering… well, maybe to the suffering bit.”


I shrug my shoulders as I continue, “But! Everyone will be connected via this transformation. And with the world's water supply tainted? Well, it’s only a matter of time. And unlike Grimm, I don’t aim to destroy. Honestly, I am perfectly fine if everyone lived a happy life, as long as that life is under Goddess Tearwyn’s rule. And now, your world will be added to that list~.”


Ignoring his confused face, I tapped the barrier with my knuckle causing it to shatter. I then used some magic to rip the cane out of his hands, and lift him off the ground. As all of this was going on, my Black Water surged forward and took in Qrow and Glynda.


As I was turning around to say something to Salem, I suddenly found myself standing in a pure white looking temple. In front of me, was a large being of pure white, sitting on a pearl looking throne.


???: “Foul creature of the Dark. You have made an enemy today by taking a world from me.


I instantly knew what I was dealing with. A god of Light.


A cruel smile appeared on my face as I responded to him.


Artoria: “It matters not, false god. All of those who belong to the Light faction are my enemy. Any who attack my Goddess, are my enemies. Be they tools of the Light, or the gods of the Light.”


???: “So brazen, you are. Do you truly think that the mark you have from the NULL Kitsune will save you?


I could only bark a laugh at that.


Artoria: “If you don’t respect Lady Lilith, that’s on you. But, no. I do not expect her to bail me out every, or any, time. She expects me to be entertainment for her. And what could be more entertaining than some dark creature coming out of the wood work and murdering the entire Light faction?”


???: “You are nothing but a frog in the well. A big fish in a small pond. The NULL Kitsune has sent many agents over the eon’s to both sides of this eternal war for her entertainment. You will not change anything.


I crack a smile at that as I say, “Yeah. But all of those sent before me were very different.”


The entity leaned forward and asked in an almost bored tone, “Oh? And what, pray tell, makes you different?


Artoria: “Simple. I’m me. I am Artoria Alter, and for the offence of attacking my Goddess, I will break your faction upon my sword.”


The entity lightly chuckled at my declaration, and simply waved a hand in dismissal as he leaned back into his throne.


???: “Sure, you do that. Begone from this place then, creature of Darkness. I tire of your stain upon my Light.


I was then back in Ozpin’s room, looking at Salem.


Salem: “Mistress? Is everything okay? You stilled for a few seconds there.”


I smiled, and waved her concern off.


Artoria: “It’s fine, Salem. I just had a meeting with one of the Light faction gods.”


Salem: “I see? And, how did it go?”


I beamed a massive and cruel smile at her.


Artoria: “Wonderfully, Salem. It went wonderfully.”


‘After all, I now know of his dimension. And when I am strong enough, I can pay him a personal visit…’


Sorry for the abrupt ending, but I had to close it off somewhere~. Well? How did the chapter go for you? Did you like it~? Hate it~? Let me know~! I'll see everyone in the next one~!

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