Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 30: New world Order, and the hunt begins anew!

As I was thinking about what to do next, Ruby tapped me several times on the shoulder to get my attention.


Turning to her, I tilt my head and ask, “Yes, Ruby? Something you needed?”


Ruby: “Sorry if this is a bit forward, Mistress! But, you’ve not unlocked your Aura yet, right?”


I shook my head at that and said, “No. I don’t even know if I can, honestly. This isn’t a body of flesh like yours. I am an existence that is a bit unique. I am a physical soul.”


Salem: “How interesting.”


Raven: “Ah, so that is why my blade didn’t hurt you when I attacked you?”


Nodding my head to Raven I say, “Correct. To begin with, to even start to damage me, you need something that can hurt a soul. Mundane attacks without anything spiritual are just useless against me. And even magic is pretty useless unless it is extremely powerful, or tailored to deal with the soul.”


Ruby: “I see.”


Blake/Weiss: “No, you don’t.”


Ruby slumped her shoulders and nodded, “I don’t.”


I chuckle a little while giving her a pat on the shoulder.


Artoria: “Don’t worry Ruby. It’s ‘True Magic’ that made me like this. If we understood it, it wouldn’t be True Magic. So, even I just accept I am what I am. But, why don’t you try unlocking my Aura? If I get it, I get it. If not, well easy come easy go.”


Ruby’s eyes sparkled as she gave me a nod.


Ruby: “Great, leave it to me Mistress!”


She then went behind me and placed her hands on my back. Taking a quick peek, I could see she had her eyes closed and was focusing rather hard. After a few minutes, I was about to speak up when all of a sudden I felt something wash over me.


I looked down at my hands, and I could see that I now had a subtle glow of red around me. I also noticed it looked like I had purple-black flames flickering off me randomly all over.


Hearing a splash, I turned around and saw Ruby on her butt leaning back on her hands.


Ruby: “Wow! That took a lot out of me. Phew!”


She then threw her arms up in the air and just splashed down into the water to float there in comfort.


I looked at my left hand as I opened and closed it in a fist. This definitely felt really weird. Like I had something over myself now, providing protection.


‘Well I do, I guess. I mean, I can literally see it.’


Salem: “My my, isn’t that a wicked feeling aura you have there Mistress? I thought the magic you constantly leak gave off a dark feeling. But when compared to your Aura?”


Artoria: “Oh?”


Giving a nod, Salem continued, “Yes. If I had to compare it to something, I would say it feels like a mad beast, looking for its next kill.”


Salem crossed her arms in thought before speaking up again after some time.


Salem: “Your magic gives off the feeling of Darkness and Evil, there is no denying that. Quite so, in fact. But it also gives off the feeling of being able to communicate, to reach some sort of mutual goal or understanding.


Your Aura however, there is none of that. Only Evil, only an all consuming desire and need to fight and kill.”


Artoria: “Well, that is interesting. I mean, I love to fight, there is no denying that in the slightest. But I am not overly blood thirsty I think?”


Salem just shrugged her shoulders and said, “I don’t know what to tell you, Mistress. One's Aura is an extension of their soul, so this does match you in some way.”


Artoria: “So… what? I am using my blood lust as a shield or something?”


Salem hummed in thought before nodding.


Salem: “That’s an apt way to look at it, yes.”


Yang: “Well, I think it’s great, Mistress! Really suits your whole “Death Warrior” vibe you got going on! Do you have any idea if you have a Semblance?”


After focusing inward for several minutes, I just end up shrugging my shoulders.


Artoria: “No idea. How does one normally force a Semblance to awaken?”


Weiss: “They normally do not, Mistress. It just happens. The way someone awakens to a Semblance, if they have one, can be as unique as the Semblances themselves.”


Artoria: “This is also assuming I even have a Semblance. I mean, for all we know my Aura isn’t even the normal Aura you all know. Because, you know, a solid soul and all.”


Salem hummed in agreement and said, “A valid point, Mistress.”


Artoria: “Anyway, let’s move on from Aura and such.”


I looked down at Ruby who was still casually floating around on the waters.


Artoria: “You good Ruby?”


She just gave me a thumbs up, before her hand splashed down back onto the water.


Artoria: “Heh, good enough I guess. Anyway, I can feel that the entire city of Vale has been fully converted by now. And with my Black Water converting the planet's oceans, it will not be long before people all over the world start to join us.


As such, it's about time for me to leave. So, as I told Salem, I’ll be leaving her in charge. I’ll send the command to the Black Waters, as well as everyone else, but you will all listen to Salem as if she was me. Am I understood?”


Everyone: “Yes, Mistress!”


Nodding, I look at Salem and smile.


Artoria: “I expect you to have a new world order set up eventually. The only thing I will impose upon you on how you run things is this: Everyone will worship the Dark Goddess Tearwyn. Everyone. Am I clear?”


Salem bowed as she said, “Yes, Mistress. I will lead this world into an eternal golden age. And the world's religion will be to worship the Dark Goddess Tearwyn.”


I clap my hands a singular time and nod with a smile.


Artoria: “Great! By the way, Ozpin. You’ve been very quiet.”


He just scoffed at me and glared.


Ozpin: “What is there to say, abomination?”


Smiling up at him, I nod.


Artoria: “Exactly. Enjoy breaking him over the aeons Salem. I wonder how his reincarnation will work when there is only the Blackened left. Things to ponder I guess, hmm Salem?”


Salem: “Indeed, Mistress. Interesting times ahead for our little world.”


I was about to say something else, when I felt a tug on my consciousness again. Focusing on it, I heard Pyrrha’s voice echo in my mind.


Pyrrha: ‘Mistress, I have something to report. I do not know its significance, so I’d like to just tell you.’


Artoria: ‘Alright, come join me and give it face to face.’


Pyrrha: ‘I’ll be there in a moment, Mistress.’


Did I need Pyrrha here for the report? Of Course not. Did I want her here for it? Very much so, as I was interested to see what she now looked like.


True to her word, Pyrrha rose out of the waters a few seconds later in a kneeling position.


Artoria: “Stand, and give your report.”


She nodded and stood up, as she started talking I took in her new look.



(Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/comments/4z6tj5/grimm_pyrrha_jennwolfesparreaux/)



‘Nice, very feral looking. I like it.’


Pyrrha: “It’s about Jaune. He didn't survive the transformation process.”


Artoria: “Oh?”


Pyrrha: “Yes. Well, he started acting a little weird since before even, now that I think about it. After we returned from the assembly hall, he seemed to randomly faint for a few seconds. After we checked up on him, he seemed different somehow. More... confident?”


My eyes narrowed at that, as I got an idea of what was likely the cause.


Pyrrha: “And then when your Black Water broke into our room and started flooding it, he started yelling that this wasn’t part of “canon.” Then, when the waters touched him, he started to scream in pain. It was then that I was pulled under and blessed by you Mistress. But, when I emerged, I saw him standing on the top bunk still trying to avoid the waters.


So, I moved behind him, and pushed him in. And when he hit the waters, he started screaming again, and then seemed to… dissolve(?) when he went under.”


Artoria: “I see. Thank you for the report, Pyrrha.”


She bowed, and then turned to talk to team RWBY when I dismissed her. I quickly fell into thought myself though.


‘So. That was a Reincarnator. But, unlike all the other ones, this one seemed to take over the body of Jaune. Question is, were they from the Light faction? I have no idea how a Reincarnator from the Dark faction will react to my waters. I really should have tested that. Oh well, no use crying over spilled Evils.’


With a mental shrug, I sent the command to the Black Waters that everyone should obey Salem as if they were my own orders. No sooner than I had sent that command, did a familiar portal open near myself.


Artoria: “Alrighty everyone, my time here is up. Salem, I expect great things from you. Ozpin, have a terrible life I guess? Everyone else, have fun in this new world!”


Ozpin just glared some more, while everyone bowed to me.


Everyone: “Safe travels, Mistress!”


Artoria: “Oh, Salem. If you need me, and our connection doesn’t work across realities, just pray to Goddess Tearwyn. If she deems the situation worthy, and I am not busy with a task from her, she will inform me.”


Salem: “I will do that, Mistress.”


Nodding once more to everyone, I step through the portal and into Tearwyn’s wonderful forest.


Tearwyn: “Artoria!


Dismissing my new armour, I open my arms to the speeding Tearwyn bullet heading to me. I embraced her, and rub our cheeks together.


Artoria: “Hello, Tearwyn! How’re you?”


With a giggle Tearwyn said, “I am doing great! The new world, and thus reality, has already moved to join the rest of mine. And I can feel my power increase a bit!


Artoria: “That’s great!”


As per usual, I headed to a nearby tree and sat down with Tearwyn on my lap sitting sideways. As I started to give her headpats, she squinted her eyes in content before speaking up.


Tearwyn: “You’ve changed! I can feel it! I also like the new look, very much!


Smiling, I say, “Thank you, Tearwyn. Are you able to tell me exactly what changed about me?”


Tearwyn brought up her right index finger and started to tap her chin in thought.


Tearwyn: “It’s hard to explain. But, I’ll try my best! So, before you had your Black Water, or All the World's Evils, right? Or rather, it was the source of your corruption that you could call upon.


I hummed in acknowledgement.


Tearwyn: “Well, now there is no difference between the two of you. You are the Black Water, and the Black Water is you. A perfect way to explain it is this. Do you know about the soul weapons called ‘Zanpakuto?’


Artoria: “I do. Swords that have a spirit in them.”


Tearwyn: “It is so much more than just a spirit. It’s a reflection of the soul they are connected to. Your Black Water could be now likened to a newborn Zanpakuto. It doesn’t have a soul, mind you. But in that it is an extension of yourself now, a reflection of you. Hence why you and it are one and the same now.


Artoria: “And my new abilities with it?”


Tearwyn: “While some of them were indeed from the combination of the Waters and Grimm Pool, some were born from your desires.


Artoria: “And my Aura?”


Tearwyn: “You were right on the money with your guess. You can not unlock Aura in a traditional sense, as you ARE your soul. You can’t protect you, with you, right?


Artoria: “Makes sense, yes.”


Tearwyn: “So, instead, your soul searched for a way to make use of the power Ruby injected into you. And it came up with the ability to make practical use of the second most abundant thing available to you. Well, I say abundance, but your Blood Lust is just as infinite as your mana at this point, really.


Artoria: “Do you know why my soul reacted in such a way?”


Tearwyn: “Yup! Big sister Lilith told me it was one of the blessings she gave you! Infinite potential I think it was? Your soul/body will always adapt and grow to accommodate a new increase in power without limits!


Artoria: “I see.”


Tearwyn: “Yes! So now, you have an Aura. But because you lack an actual vessel for your soul to protect and channel soul energy through, it instead is going to use your unending Blood Lust as a medium and power source. Really, it’s just Aura, but with extra steps because you lack the fleshy bits.


Artoria: "And my Semblance?"


Tearwyn looked up to me and gave me a cheeky grin and said, "With time.


Chuckling at her antics, I accepted her answer and asked another question.


Artoria: “I don’t really feel like I have a lot of Blood Lust in me.. Or at all?”


Tearwyn just giggled at me, and patted my chest lightly.


Tearwyn: “Oh, you’re silly Artoria! That’s just because of the, frankly, absolutely stupid control you have over it. You’ve released your Killing Intent before, as I am sure you noticed?


I nodded my head at that while a flashback to the second Reincarnator I killed appeared in my mind.


Tearwyn: “Well, Killing Intent is just Blood Lust with a goal in mind. While Blood Lust is just the desire to kill anything and everything you can get your hands on. You don’t feel like you have that, because you have such solid control over it.


Artoria: “Then… Why did the Black Waters (AWE) affect my personality after I lost my memories but not my Blood Lust?”


Tearwyn: “Oh, that’s easy! At the time, the Black Waters were not a part of you. They were corrupting you. Literally. But the Blood Lust you have, is a part of you. Does that make sense?


I just slouch a little and say, “It’ll have too…”


‘I guess that makes sense. My Blood Lust was built up from all the killing I did as Artoria over the millions of years. While the AWE was always just there, corrupting me. Not actually being a part of my existence. So when I transmigrated, or rather when Lady Lilith replaced my memories, AWE did what it does. Corrupt.’


Tearwyn started to fidget in my lap, which meant she had to say something she really didn’t know how too.


Artoria: “What’s wrong, Tearwyn?”


Tearwyn: “Umm.. it’s just. Big sister Lilith asked me to tell you, to not corrupt entire worlds like that again. She says it's boring to watch. She doesn’t mind you using it, naturally. But not on a global scale like that again…


Artoria: “Ah. No worries, Tearwyn!”


I hug her, and tickle her a little to emphasise I have no problems with the request. She started giggling madly at my tickle attack, and tried to tickle me back between laughs. We did this back and forth for a few minutes before we settled down and continued talking.


Tearwyn: “Dangerous! Dangerous tickles!


I giggle softly, and nod my head.


Artoria: “You are quite dastardly in tickles as well!”


Smiling at me, she then got an “OH YEAH!” look on her face.


Tearwyn: “Right! You finished the Divine quest I gave. I can unlock a seal for you!


I smack my forehead with my right hand.


Artoria: “Right. How did we forget that?”


Tearwyn: “Tickles. They are a danger to everything!


Chuckling, I nod in agreement.


Tearwyn: “Without further ado!


Tearwyn raised her right hand, and snapped her fingers. As soon as she did, I felt the immense power being released from the seal breaking, and the pleasure that went with it.


Artoria: “Mmm. I’ll never get tired of the feeling from the rush of power from a seal being broken.”


Tearwyn clapped her hands in excitement.


Tearwyn: “Wow! That really is a huge power up! I really want to unlock more, but big sister Lilith said it would be bad… sorry.


Her tails and ears dropped at that.


I started to give her head pats as I said, “Hey, now. We’ve been over this. Lady Lilith knows best. Don’t worry about it, Tearwyn.”


She nodded her head, and then her eyes glowed pink as she looked at me.


Tearwyn: “Well, with your new power, I’d say you can contend with most of the entities in the world with the last growth system user. Ah, but those four I mentioned before would still crush you. So be careful of them!


Artoria: “How strong am I compared to the normal people in that universe?”


Tearwyn hummed in thought for a second, before responding.


Tearwyn: “I’d say top 5-10, easy. But because all of the stronger people in that universe actually use magic, they can damage you. Even with your absurd magic resistance. Though, it’ll help a lot, for sure. And with your new ‘Aura’, even more so. But, even though you can fight a lot of those entities one on one easily enough, I don’t think you could take on everything by yourself without just outright destroying the world. And that would be bad.


Nodding at that I say, “Good to know where I stand then. Any requests for this world?”


Tearwyn just shook her head.


Tearwyn: “Outside of killing the Light Reincarnator, and maybe that disgusting hero the world picked… no? Could always spread your corruption around, but like Lilith said, no world wide waters. I don’t want big sister Lilith mad at you.


With a nod of my head I agree with her.


‘Having Lady Lilith mad at you, is just a fancy way to commit suicide.’


Tearwyn then hopped off my lap and walked a bit away before creating a portal.


Tearwyn: “Alrighty, Artoria! Go kick some Light ass! And make sure to have fun if possible! I always enjoy seeing what you did in the world after you get rid of the Reincarnator.


I smile up at her, before I stand while summoning my armour.


Artoria: “Count on it, Tearwyn! I’ll see you when I have removed this garbage from your world!”


Tearwyn gave me a little cheer as I walked through her portal. Several seconds of comfortable darkness later, I stepped out into an ally in some city.


Before I could even think about what to do, I suddenly found myself in a dimension full of colours. A real kaleidoscope of colours even. Suddenly, a loud and powerful voice came from behind me.


???: “Now what do we have here? What manner of Draconic creature of Darkness are you, and why have you come to our little universe?


I turned around, and was looking right at one of the select few existences that could destroy me easily. Great Red.


‘Well fuck. Now isn’t this just a horrible start.’


Here is the big ole chappy 30 for everyone~. Hope you liked what I did with it, and the direction I went with a few things~! See you in the next one~!

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