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Chapter 31: A blast from the past~!

I quickly mulled over what to tell Great Red while looking at his massive form. But I came to the conclusion that telling him lies would quickly lead to my death. 


(Source: https://all-fiction-battles.fandom.com/wiki/Great_Red)


Artoria: “As impudent it is of me to answer a question with a question, it will help me to understand where I need to start. So, with that said, do you know about the Multiverse, and Omniverse?”


Great Red just huffed in an amused manner before answering.


Red: “Of course I know about them, little Hatchling. What do you think I do here in the dimensional gap?


Much to my dismay, I retorted before really thinking.


Artoria: “Laze about, while doing cool flips and tricks and sleep? While also keeping an eye open for invasions from other universes?”


Great Red coughed a bit as his breath got caught in his throat.


Red: “R-right. That is exactly what I do. But, never mind that! Back to my original question?


Smiling ever so slightly, I nod and start my explanation.


Artoria: “So, your universe falls under the care of the Dark Goddess Tearwyn. But, as she is a new Goddess, there are other gods who are looking to take what is hers. Most notably, the gods of the Light faction. They have sent someone to this universe already, to try and take it from Tearwyn. I am here to destroy that person, while also having a bit of fun myself.”


Great Red narrowed his massive eyes at me, and hummed in thought.


Red: “I’ll be honest with you, little Hatchling. The only reason I didn’t instantly obliterate you, was because of the feeling you give off as a dragon. I thought you were the child of Ddraig, of all dragons. But, you are not. You feel the same, but that’s about it. You are honestly a lot Darker than any of the other dragons we have here, including the crazy Evil Dragons. And that is saying something.


I am going to be taking a peek at your life thus far. And I’ll judge you from that. Do not resist, and it’ll be painless.


I just slumped forward, and with a wave of my hand motioned him to continue. For a moment, his eyes glowed a fiery red before my world went dark.


Moments later, I opened them and looked around in confusion.


Artoria: “Where?”


Suddenly, a voice from the side of me spoke up.


Red: “We are in your soul's mind, Young Dragon King. What an interesting existence you are, from that standpoint alone. An entity who is a physical soul, marvelously amazing.


Turning to my right, I saw a very much mini Great Red. He was absolutely tiny, and absolutely adorable! It took everything I had to not hug him like the plushy he now looked like.


Noticing my look, Great Red released a sigh.


Red: “And this is why I never shrink down. Speaking of down, why not have a look in that direction?


Tilting my head, I looked down. We were currently floating high above a massive battlefield. There were bodies everywhere, and quite a few small hills of them all over, with a lake of blood under them all. A familiar yell attracted my attention.


Looking a bit into the horizon, I could see some fighting going on still. Blinking, and we were now above the battle.


Artoria: “No, battle is too small of a word for this.”


Red: “Agreed. War would be the apt term. Truly, you are a one woman army, Young Dragon King.


Below us, was me, and I was slaughtering an army of sorts. This was clearly after I had become a Servant though, and was tainted from my looks. But something was off with the army I was fighting. Looking at all the soldiers, both dead and alive, I could see demi-humans mixed in with normal humans. Another yell caught my attention.


???: “Hold the line, men and women of the world! We must stop the push of this Dark War Goddess the Demon King has summoned! Or else all will be lost!”


Army: "HOOO!"


Past Artoria: “At least you are all strong in spirit! Feel honored to be slain by my blade, and die with pride that someone such as myself has acknowledged you!”


My past self then continued to completely decimate the supposed defenders of the world. None were able to slow my advancement into the ranks, and none were spared. Looking back at the fields of corpses, I was impressed with myself.


Artoria: “One woman army indeed. There is what, thousands dead over there?”


Red: “Hundreds of thousands.


I let out a whistle. But then tilt my head in confusion.


Artoria: “Why show this to me, Great Red?”


Great Red shook his tiny little head at me and said, “I am not directing this per say. I wanted to see what drives you. And what you have done, in the pursuit of that goal.


Artoria: “I… see. You know I don’t remember this, right?”


Nodding his head Great Red said, “Naturally. Your mind was wiped by something that is well beyond me in terms of power. The memories are there, but you can not access them normally. Nor can I even. Hence why we are both watching it play out like this.


Before I could respond, the memory flashed around us. My past self was now standing on a veritable mountain of corpses. It was truly a massive pile of them, and a river of blood was freely flowing down. I was standing next to some woman, with my sword through her chest.


Past Artoria: “You put up a great fight, Holy Saintess. But it wasn’t enough. You and your forces fought bravely though. I commend that.”


The Saintess, who honestly looked like every Saintess to ever Saintess from anime, fell to her knees with a cough. Blood leaking from both her wound and mouth, she looked up at my past self.


Saintess: “The Gods will punish you for this, Evil One. It is against Divine Law for a Goddess to descend.”


The past me laughed, and leaned next to her ear and whispered.


Past Artoria: “I am no Goddess, Saintess. You and yours merely started to call me that. But I can see why you all would be confused when fighting something like myself.”


My past self then slid the sword out of her chest, and let the girl fall to the ground. Again, the memory flashed, and now we were in some kind of throne room. It was obviously the supposed Demon King's room, from all the demon-like spikes and shit everywhere.


Past Artoria: “It is done. I have completed the task you have summoned me for, and your race of Demons are all that is left in this world.”


In Front of us was myself and the Demon King, from the looks of it. The massive demon nodded his head at my past self and spoke up.


Demon King: “Thank you, Dark Spirit. It was truly a stroke of luck that I found the method of summoning you from one of the heroes the humans had summoned.”


My past self waved the Demon king off with her left hand.


Past Artoria: “No thanks needed. All this killing also greatly served my goal.”


Demon King: “Oh? And what goal is that Dark Spirit?”


My past self started to shine with a black light and started to break apart. I assumed this was me being unsummoned since my past self was not screaming in pain.


Past Artoria: “To one day meet my Goddess, and future younger sister.”


My eyes shot wide open at that. While I noticed Great Red nodding out of the corner of my eye.


Red: “And the piece falls into place. You toiled to have that very Goddess you serve, to be born. Interesting, that.


The memory then flashed yet again, and sitting in front of us sleeping on some kind of throne, was my past self.


A shadow of a woman suddenly appeared, and was floating in front of my past self. Much to both my, and Great Red’s surprise though, she turned to us! I could feel her eyes on us, even though I couldn’t see anything about her, other than the basic humanoid shape that had several tails.


‘Wait, isn’t this-’


Lilith: “That is correct, little Artoria. It seems you and a little lizard are taking a trip down memory lane, hmm~?


Red: “Uhhh…


Lady Lilith then waved her hand in dismissal at us.


Lilith: “It is fine~. Learning about your past like this won’t change your personality. Too much, anyway~. So, just sit back and enjoy the trip down memory lane little Artoria~."


Lady Lilith then turned back to my past self, and spoke something to wake her, me, up.


Past Artoria: “Who? What is going on?”


My past self then looked at Lady Lilith, and tilted her head. Lady Lilith started talking to her, but we could no longer hear her words, unfortunately.


Past Artoria: “Truly? I did that?”


Lady Lilith then snapped her fingers, and my past self frowned.


Past Artoria: “I see. To think my past self was so.. Mundane and weak.”


She then slumped on her throne, and sighed. She soon then looked up at Lady Lilith and asked a question.


Past Artoria: “And? Why have you told me this, Godd… err, Lady Lilith?”


Nodding to whatever Lady Lilith was saying, she spoke up again soon after.


Past Artoria: “I see.”


We could suddenly hear Lady Lilith’s voice again as she spoke.


Lilith: “I give you two choices. Work towards the birth of a new Dark Goddess, that you will be the older sister of, when you eventually ascend from the wishes your past self has made.


Or don’t. And ascend by yourself and face eternity alone as a Goddess of War and Death.


My past self hummed in thought before asking a question.


Past Artoria: “And, what is the advantage to helping with the birth of a Dark Goddess that would become my family?”


Lady Lilith just answered with clear amusement in her voice.


Lilith: “Are you really asking that question, little Artoria?


My past self sighed, and shook her head.


Past Artoria: “No, I am not. Not after everything you have shown me. I just have bad memories of Family, as you know.”


We could no longer hear Lady Liliths voice anymore as they continued to talk. Lady Lilith then turned to Great Red and I again. I could almost FEEL the smile I couldn’t see, before the memory flashed, as we found ourselves over another battlefield.


Artoria: “So, that happened.”


Great Red just numbly nodded his head.


Red: “Yes, yes it did.


He then shook his head and spoke up again with more confidence in his voice.


Red: “Right. Anyway, so it’s clear that your goal is ascension to Goddess-hood, and to be with this new Goddess as family.


Artoria: “So it would seem. It is no wonder I feel such a connection to Tearwyn.”


A large smile formed on my lips at the realization that my past self, the self that was truly Artoria Alter in mind and soul, had chosen to help bring Tearwyn into existence for us.


‘I don’t even care if Lady Lilith had a large hand in this. Or any of that. Tearwyn is adorable, and my life would be so much worse without her in it. Well, if Lady Lilith showed my past self Tearwyn in any way, it’s a no brainer we’d both agree that she is awesome. She’s Tearwyn after all~.’


Red: “Oi! You there?


Snapping out of my thoughts, I look over to Great Red and give a slightly embarrassed smile.


Artoria: “Sorry. Was lost in my thoughts a bit.”


Red: “So I noticed. Your memory actually flashed quite a lot already while you were zoned out.


Artoria: “Oh? Uhh. What did you learn?”


Red: “What I needed too. Also, your Goddess Tearwyn is adorable. I can see why you are so infatuated with her.


His eyes glowed a fiery red again, and I blacked out. Seconds later, I opened my real eyes and was looking at a, once again, Giant Great Red.


Red: “So, I understand what drives you, and your goals, Young Dragon King. I’ve seen what you’ve done on the other worlds, and what you are willing to do for your Sister/Goddess.


As long as you don’t destroy this world, I am fine with you hunting the agent of Light that is attacking Goddess Tearwyn’s domain. You will most likely be the Darkest entity that will ever grace our little universe, and others will not take kindly to you. You are strong enough to hold your own, but I suggest you don’t go pissing everyone off.


Artoria: “Right. Tearwyn gave the same advice, so I intend to follow it.”


Nodding his massive head he said, “Good. Now off you go, Young Dragon King.


Before he ported me away, I quickly asked a nonsensical question.


Artoria: “Am I really that young to you at three and a half million years old?”


Great Red chuckled lightly and said, “That is why I upgraded you to ‘Young’ and not Hatchling~. Now, off you go.


As soon as he finished speaking, I found myself standing on top of a building in some city. While looking around and trying to get my bearings, I couldn’t help but think back to what I learned.


‘That meeting did not go the way I thought it would. At. All. Was nice to see some of my past though, and knowing about my connection to Tearwyn from before I even met her. I wonder if she knows? Should I even bring it up? Does it even matter in the end?


Not really, in the end, I guess. My end goal changed though. Went from just unlocking my seals for power, to unlocking my seals for power and ascension so I can truly be Tearwyn’s sister. I have a long road ahead of me, but it is looking better than ever.’



So~. Did this go in any of the directions you were thinking of? Should I avoid these types of chapters from now on (Glimpses of her past)? Let me know~! I really hope you liked it, and I'll see you in the next one~.

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