Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 33: Calling a Satan evil, is par for the course, right?

Seeing as I haven’t out right attacked them just yet, Sirzechs spoke up while eyeing my blade with extreme unease. I also took notice that one of them cast something, as there was a thin layer of magic covering them.


Sirzechs: “Let’s keep our calm, and not escalate this, Miss Artoria. Let’s start with what you mean by me being ‘corrupted by the Light?’”


Artoria: “It means exactly as it sounds. You are slowly being corrupted by Light. Swayed from your natural path, and towards the Light. This will eventually change everything about you, including your soul.”


He frowned at that, but was still very much ready for a fight.


Sirzechs: “I do not feel any different though? And, how can you tell I am, as you say, corrupted by this Light.”


Artoria: “Because I am hunting the one who did this to you. I’ve seen their kind do it before. Though, not to one as strong as you. And naturally you wouldn’t notice it, it’s changing literally everything about you. Your likes, dislikes, thought patterns. Everything. Eventually, you’ll even lose access to your demonic magic, and be filled with Light magic and mana.”


‘I am glad Tearwyn gave me the primer on what exactly this Light corruption is, so I am not talking out my ass…’


I turn to Grayfia and say, “You must have noticed something off about him every now and then? Something that stands out ever so slightly about a choice he has made. His corruption isn’t far enough that it can’t be removed and exchanged. But it should already be making changes.”


She narrowed her eyes at me, and thought for a few moments before slowly nodding her head.


Grayfia: “There have been… very minor things that have caught my attention now that you mention it…”


Sirzechs eyes widen slightly, as he asks Grayfia, “What do you mean?”


She hesitates a bit, before speaking up.


Grayfia: “Your attitude towards Devils and Fallen Angels lately. Has taken on a bit of a harder stance. You get slightly more annoyed at their conduct, and make some off hand comments about it. More so than you normally do.”


Sirzechs frowns and looks back towards me, and eventually his eyes fall back onto my blade. We were interrupted by a knock on the door.


???: “Sir Lucifer, are you okay? We can feel a very oppressive holy energy coming from your room!”


I reach behind me, and touch the door and say, “Reinforcement.”


A red-black glow spreads from my hand, and soon covers the entire door. And it continues to flow all around the entire room.


Artoria: “You have two options. And only two options. Either I remove the Light from you, and Blacken you. Or, I will kill you both, and inevitably the entire mansion when I release the hold on my aura and they die from being unable to handle the pressure.”


Sirzechs: “You would be so eager to make an enemy out of the entire Devil race?”


I scoff and say, “My only end goal is to remove the Light that has invaded this universe. I care not for what people think of me nor of the enemies I may make.”


Sirzechs looks at me, then to my sword, before asking a question.


Sirzechs: “What will happen to me, when you ‘Blacken’ me.”


Grayfia: “Sirzechs!”


‘You can tell she is truly surprised because she dropped her maid persona completely. Now, the question is, do I add the Grimm effect as well, or just the Blackening effect…’


Sirzechs face hardened, while his eyes softened as he looked at his wife.


Sirzechs:” Grayfia. You can sense that sword as easily as the rest of the mansion can. The only reason you’re not burning to ash from the holy aura it’s giving off is because I am covering both of us in a thin layer of destruction magic. That sword will be able to cut through our magic and defences as if they were nothing but air.


Do you really want to risk fighting a swordswoman in close quarters with a sword like that, who is also proficient in a form of unknown magic?”


Grayfia scowled and looked back at me, “Tch. I do not like this. But I can understand your reasoning.”


Artoria: “Done with your lovers quarrel? To answer your question, it will be the reverse of what is happening right now. But, unlike the Light’s corruption, this type of change can leave your personality mostly intact if I will it. You’ll just fall firmly into the “Lawful Evil” category. You’ll have your values still, but the way you go about them will very much be… a non issue if it comes to a body count, as an example.”


Grayfia: “‘If you will it.’ And how can we be sure you will do such a thing?”


I gave her a smirk, “You can’t. But you also have no choice. It’s death, or being Blackened. I’ll even be so kind, and to Blacken you as well, Grayfia. That way, you won’t mind his new outlook on life.”


‘I guess I can be that nice to them. I’ll just do the OG method for my Black Waters, and just flip their morality like what I did to the MHA world.’


Sirzechs: “And after you have done this… you’ll no longer be hostile to us?”


Giving him a nod I say, “Yes, that is correct. I am here to purge the Light from this Universe. Either by blood, or by Blackening. And I don’t mean ‘good’ when I say the Light. There is nothing stopping you from continuing to do ‘good’ when you’re Blackened.”


Sirzechs seemed to have an inner struggle before he just slumped and sighed.


Sirzechs: “Fine. Do it. I don’t want to risk my wife and the clan’s lives over this.”


I started to summon my lovely Black Waters, and it made its way over to the pair of devils.


They both backed up out of instinct it seemed, until their backs pushed up against the walls of the room.


Artoria: “Excellent choice. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt. And if it does, it won’t hurt for long~.”


I gave them a coy smile as my Black Water surged forward, and swallowed them both as they yelped in surprise. The waters settled and formed two large puddles where they had been standing. While they were converting, I fell into thought.


‘The fact that the Reincarnator was able to corrupt such a powerful person worries me. If I recall, Sirzechs is classified as High Satan, almost Super Devil.’


I was broken out of my musings by the devil pair surfacing from the Black Water puddles. They both let out coughs and expelled some water that was in their lungs.


Sirzechs: “That *cough* was very *cough* *cough* unpleasant.”


Grayfia simply nodded her head. As I looked on, they both had the telltale signs of being Blackened by my Waters. Their hair was now much duller, pale skin, and red corruption lines over their bodies. As they both shook off the experience and stood up, their eyes were also the dull yellow I expected.


Sirzechs stretched around a bit, and then opened and closed his hands several times before speaking up.


Sirzechs: “Well, I feel… freer, that's for sure. Things I considered problems before don’t seem as bad now. But, I see you were serious. I don’t mind the idea of sacrificing the other factions now if it would guarantee mine would be better for it. But at the same time, new ideas are coming to me already on how I could use them to make the Devil's lives easier… hrmmm…”


Grayfia: “Don’t start a war now. That’d be really annoying to deal with, Sirzechs-sama.”


He barked a laugh and said, “Don’t worry Grayfia. I won’t.”


I dismissed my sword, and asked him a question that's been on my mind.


Artoria: “Sirzechs, I am curious. Why didn’t you use your Power of Destruction on me?”


He scoffed a bit, before looking at me.


Sirzechs: “Oh, trust me Miss Artoria. That thought did cross my mind for a second there. But the moment you pulled out that sword, my instincts were screaming at me. I suspect my Power of Destruction could maybe slow you down some, but it won’t actually stop you. And with that sword, and you clearly being a swordswoman, in this close of an environment? I couldn’t risk it that I could get a lucky shot off. I know nothing about you, but that sword gives off such an oppressive holy aura while also giving off a vile feeling, I at least know you are not a normal person.”


Artoria: “Well trained instincts it seems. And a wise move to listen to them. Anyway, I want you to call the rest of the Satan's for a meeting. I have an inkling that they are also corrupted by the Light. If not, I’ll still Blacken them, to prevent the Light from being able to.”


Sirzechs just sighed, and nodded his head.


Sirzechs: “Do you mind if we do it somewhere else though? I don’t want it to be around my people if one of them decides to fight.”


I wave off his concern with my hand.


Artoria: “I do not care.”


Nodding his head he said, “Great. It’ll take at least a day or two for everyone to be able to convene. I can host you in our territory in the meantime if you desire?”


I shake my head and say, “No. I am going to look around for more signs of the garbage I am hunting in the meantime. I’ll stop by here in a day to get the time and place for the meeting.”


Sirzechs: “That works, Miss Artoria. I would say it was a pleasure meeting you, but…”


Again, I wave him off.


Artoria: “Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you in a day then.”


With that, I sank into my shadow while releasing the magic I used on the doors and room.




—P.O.V switch Sirzechs Lucifer —




I sigh as the, frankly terrifying, woman sank into the shadows and left.


Sirzechs: “Well. That happened.”


Grayfia: “Yes, indeed. I am surprised we didn’t come to blows.”


I shook my head as I went and sat down and slumped in my chair.


Sirzechs: “What I said was true, Grayfia. You felt that sword. You must have also felt the clearly draconic aura she was giving off too, yes? Don’t even start on the magic she was leaking.”


My adorable wife sighed and nodded her head.


Grayfia: “Yes, I did. She felt much like a user of the Boosted Gear. But, we both know Rias-sama’s pawn has that.”


Sirzechs: “Which means, she is a dragon in some form.”


I sigh, and somehow slump even further into my chair.


Sirzechs: “Stressful. So stressful! So, do you think she was serious about this Light business?”


My wife nodded at me with a frown.


Grayfia: “I do. You were displaying some odd behaviour every now and then. But, whether that is better or worse than what ended up happening to both of us, I can’t say. I don’t feel… ‘Evil.’ But, I can also tell I’ve changed. I also don’t disagree with the notion of sacrificing the other factions if it means our boy can live in peace. But, that act better not lead to a war, otherwise it would be pointless.”


A gave a cheeky smirk at my wife and said, “Speaking of changes, I have to say you really rock the pale skin, yellow eye look hunny.”


She simply rolled her eyes before blushing a bit and looking away.


Grayfia: “And you still look handsome. Though I will miss your vibrant red hair.”


I sigh and nod, “Yes, I will too honestly. But, rather have some dull looking hair, then be dead.”


Grayfia: “Do you think it was a wise idea to go along with that woman? We could have maybe fought her off, and escaped to find the one who corrupted you with Light.”


I shrug my shoulders at the question before answering.


Sirzechs: “If everything she said was true, then I was slowly changing into someone completely different than the person you love. Can we really trust an entity who would do that to someone without telling them? It may be called the ‘Light’ but completely changing someone like that isn’t a very ‘good’ thing to do. So I don’t think the line is as clear cut as it might first seem…”


My wife sighed while nodding her head.


Grayfia: “You may be right. Only time will tell if we made a mistake or not. Now, what are we going to do about the other Satan's?”


I brought up my hand and rubbed my chin in thought at that question.


Sirzechs: “We could subtly try and warn them. It’s obviously too late for us. But then again, if they are truly corrupted by this ‘Light’ and it is genuinely going to change them, down to their very soul? Is it right of us to not at least give them a choice?”


She just scoffed at that.


Grayfia: “What choice? Become like us, ‘Blackened’, or be killed off?”


Sirzechs: “Well, if they are truly corrupted, Grayfia, they will still die. Being changed like that counts as a death to me. They won’t be anything like their old self.”


She nodded her head at that.


Grayfia: “That’s also a valid way to look at it.”


I flex my hands a few times before speaking up.


Sirzechs: “Besides, Artoria is most likely telling the truth. She didn’t lie about the effects of being Blackened. So we know she is marginally trustworthy.”


Grayfia: “Also a fair statement.”


Sirzechs: “For now, let’s trust Artoria. With her, we have a small clue as to what exactly we are dealing with. While the person who infected me with the Light is completely unknown.”


Grayfia bowed to me as she went back into her “Perfect Maid” mode.


Grayfia: “As you say, Sirzechs-sama”


And here is chapter 33~. Hope you enjoyed it~! It's an early release because no games foe meeee~~~ Haaahh. Anyway! See you in the next one~.

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