Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 34: It just HAD to be him! Err.. her?

It’s been two days and I am currently making my way to the meeting area Sirzechs informed me of. Much to my annoyance, I’ve not found anything about the Reincarnator. But, they had to have had access to a Satan somehow, so that shortens the list.


‘I swear to Tearwyn, if they turn out to be another angel, I’ll be so… so… I honestly don’t know. Annoyed? Disappointed? Underwhelmed? One of those, I am sure.’


Grumbling to myself as I step out of the shadows, I look over the building that’s my destination and sense for souls. So far, I can only sense Sirzechs and Grayfia.


‘Odd that there is a building in the middle of nowhere like this. Totally not suspicious. I guess they are expecting some form of trouble maybe.’


The building looked like a nondescript warehouse you’d find in the bad part of a city by the docks. Really, all that was missing was the docks, and city, and you’d have a classic low level gang hideout.


Shaking my head, I step into my shadow on the wall of the building, and then out of one inside the room with the devil pair. Looking around, it was actually a super fancy meeting room. 


A large circular wooden table was in the middle of the room, with about 10 chairs around the whole thing. Royal purple carpets and red painted walls with some gold outlines. Some paintings of people were along all the walls evenly placed, devils to my guess.


‘Did not expect such an interior from the look of this building outside.’


Looking at Sirzechs I ask, “And the others?”


Sirzechs nods at me and says, “They’ll be teleporting in soon.”


Artoria: “Excellent.”


I then started to flood the entire room with my Black Water while I placed a hand on the wall.


Artoria: “Reinforcement.”


As my waters were spreading all over the room, Grayfia spoke up.


Grayfia: “This Black Water no longer gives off such a horrible feeling like last time. It feels comforting now, even.”


Artoria: “Not surprised. You’ve already been touched by it. So you have nothing to fear from it any more. And I agree with the comforting part as well. It always relaxes me to be surrounded by so much of it like this.”


A small smile makes it onto my lips as the Black Water finishes covering the entire room, ceiling included. I close my eyes and lean my head back to enjoy the feeling of my waters dripping down onto me.


Sirzechs: “I have to agree. This is very pleasant. Almost like I am in a hot spring even.”


The three of us just sat there, enjoying the Black Water for a few minutes before Sirzechs spoke up again.


Sirzechs: “So, not even going to check if they are corrupted by the Light?”


Without moving I say, “Doesn’t matter at this point. The Reincarnator has expressed their interest in corrupting a Satan. I will not take the chance and let the others be corrupted if they already were not.”


Sirzechs: “I guess that is fair.”


As soon as he finished talking, the magic circle for the House of Sitri appeared. Soon after, Serafall Leviathan materialised from the magic circle already in a magical girl pose while wearing one such outfit. Before she was even able to move a centimetre however, my waters surged forward and washed over her not even giving her time to yelp in surprise.



(Source: https://highschooldxd.fandom.com/wiki/Serafall_Leviathan)



Her circle was quickly followed by the Houses of Astaroth and Glasya-Labolas. Much like Serafall though, both Ajuka Beelzebub and Falbium Asmodeus were taken by the waters instantly.



(Source: https://highschooldxd.fandom.com/wiki/Ajuka_Beelzebub)


(Source: https://highschooldxd.fandom.com/wiki/Falbium_Asmodeus) (PS. Yes, that is the best picture of his face...)



A few seconds after the two were pulled under, Serafall broke the surface. Grayfia quickly made her way over to her, and helped her up to her knees and patted her back.


Serafall: “Thank *cough**cough* you, Fia-tan. That scared me for a second there! Being taken under water like that before I could even do my intro.”


Grayfia: “You okay, Serafall-sama?”


Serafall wiped the last bit of Black Water from her mouth, and shot to her feet. She then took up one of her magic girl poses, wand included somehow. She had her left hand over her closed left eye with a peace sign and her left leg lifted behind her.


With a large smile, and entirely too much energy for what just happened to her she shouted, “Something as simple as that won’t keep the great Serafall down~~!”


Sirzechs: “No, no I guess it wouldn’t! Ha ha ha!”


She then relaxed, and went to sit down. As she sat down she asked, “So… What exactly just happened?”


Just as Sirzechs was about to speak up, Ajuka Beelzebub and Falbium Asmodeus both returned to the surface. Grayfia also helped both of them to their feet as they were coughing out the water from their lungs.


Ajuka: “Thank you, Grayfia. Well, that was certainly an experience.”


Falbium: “I am sad it ended. It was quite comfortable after the initial shock.”


Everyone shook their heads at that, with Ajuka speaking up.


Ajuka: “Only you, Falbium, only you. So, can anyone explain what exactly just happened? I am aware that I have changed, and judging by everyone's new look, we all took the same dip? And while we’re at it, who is that woman standing near you Sirzechs?”


As he was asking his question both him and Falbium took a spot next to Serafall at the table.


Sirzechs sighed and said, “It’s a long story my friend. Get ready, because it’s a bit of a doozy too. So, here is what happened.”


Sirzechs then went on to explain what happened at the meeting between myself and him, everything about it. Even the feelings he was able to get from myself and my sword, his reasoning on why he accepted the Blackening, and what it did and why it was necessary.


After he was done explaining everything he stood up and bowed to his friends.


Sirzechs: “I am sorry everyone. I thought we were going to give you a choice in whether or not you were going to be Blackened. But Artoria here decided not to, and set up the ambush. But, in the end I did nothing to try and stop her or convince her otherwise as I truly think it’s better to be Blackened like this than to be corrupted by the Light and be changed.”


Serafall: “Scary! If all that is true, then I 100% would rather have this happen to me! I have no idea if I’d still act the same toward my cute So-tan! That is something I won’t risk! NEVER EVER NEVER!”


Falbium: “Or worse, I could develop the desire to do actual work, and not sleep as much as I can. Truly, a horrifying thought…”


Everyone, including myself, rolled their eyes at that. Ajuka looked at me and posed a question.


Ajuka: “So? Were we all ‘corrupted’ by this Light?”


I gave a nod and said, “Yes, you all were. One thing I noticed is that all four of you had the same levels of corruption. Meaning, you were all corrupted at nearly the same time.”


Ajuka hummed in thought while leaning back in his chair.


Ajuka: “So, we happened to meet this agent of Light at the same time, then hmm.”


Artoria: “Reincarnator, in this case. But yes, it was at the same time.”


All four Satan’s frowned at the same time, and looked at each other.


Serafall: “You don’t think…?”


Ajuka: “It would make sense.”


Falbium: “Even I see the connection, and it fits with what happened to us.”


Artoria: “What’s up? You have an idea of who it might be?”


Sirzechs: “Possibly. Are you aware that we had a peace summit with the other two factions about a month ago?”


Artoria: “I had no idea on the time frame, but I knew you did have one, yes.”


‘Or rather, I knew it’d happen eventually if it didn’t yet.’


Sirzechs: “Well, during that small crisis, a third faction introduced itself to the supernatural world. Representing the humans, and was being led by quite possibly the person you are after and who corrupted us.”


Tilting my head, Ajuka answered the question I was about to ask.


Ajuka: “They were being led by the Reincarnation of Gilgamesh. A female, mind you, but she was very much Gilgamesh. She had everything one would expect from the original Gilgamesh, and then some. I was very interested in her, because Reincarnation had never worked like that before.


Yet, there she was during the battle. Using an untold amount of weapons, weapons from legends lost to time, like it was going out of style. What’s more, is that she is also the White Dragon Emperor. Or Empress in this case.”


‘Really? Gilgamesh? Well, at least I can get my revenge on the fucker in a way for all the shit he put me through during my time as a Heroic Spirit.’


As I blatantly ignored the fact that this Gilgamesh was not the one I had a grievance with, and the fact that she was the damn White Dragon, I asked a question.


Artoria: “In order for her to corrupt you, she’d need to touch you. She managed to touch all of you?”


Serafall: “Well… She was so cute that I kind of hugged her after all the fighting was done…”


‘No surprise there…’


Sirzechs: “She was also very polite to everyone, and introduced herself… with a handshake to every respective leader in attendance.”


Artoria: “Great. So, she also managed to corrupt a few angels, fallen angels.”


Falbium: “Not just any, but the faction leaders of the two, and a few subordinates. She was overly polite now that I think about it, and was super eager to introduce herself to us one by one.”


Ajuka: “And now we know why.”


All of a sudden, Serafall shouted out in a happy tone, “Yes!”


We all turned to her, and saw she had a small mirror in her hand while looking like her old uncorrupted self.


Serafall noticed we were all looking at her, and she blushed a bit before putting away the mirror.


Serafall: “Sorry, it’s just I was dreading how to explain my new look. But, we can just use a bit of magic to use an illusion over ourselves for now!”


All the devils seemed to have an epiphany, and then shimmered a little before looking like their old selves. All but Falbium. He noticed I was looking at him, and simply shrugged his shoulders.


Falbium: “What? That’s way too much work to bother with. People will find out eventually anyway, so meh.”


Artoria: “Fair. So, back on topic. It’s looking a lot like the target I am hunting is the ‘reincarnation’ of Gilgamesh, and she has likely corrupted the other faction leaders as well as a few of their close subordinates. And is this White Dragon Empress. That about sums it up?”


They all nodded their heads, while I sighed.


Artoria: “Looks like I am going to war with Heaven.”


Ajuka: “It would seem so, yes.”


Serafall: “Yea… they wouldn’t take kindly to you ‘Blackening’ two of the four strongest angels. It’ll most likely cause them to fall, and well…”


‘Damn it. I want to just corrupt all of Heaven with my Waters, but I think that would count as a global thing…’


Suddenly, all the colour drained from the world around me and I was unable to move. I then heard the lovely voice of Lady Lilith in my head.


Lilith: “I’ll allow this exception. I think it would be absolutely hilarious that their “Heaven” would be a corrupted place of Darkness~. The looks on every soul's face that ends up there, only to see it like that? Priceless~. Go for it! I find that situation would be great~!


The world then regained its colour and Lady Lilith was gone.


‘Well, that is great for me then. I might very well end up fighting everyone anyway though. Well, at least I have a backup plan that could also function as my main plan to deal with Heaven.’


Closing my eyes, I focus on recalling all of my waters back. 


Serafall: “Awe. It was nice to be surrounded by that stuff.”


Ajuka: “Indeed. May I have some?”


Falbium: “I would also like some.”


Artoria: “Sure.”


Then they both made some basic containers with their magic, and had me fill them. Rather large containers too.


Artoria: “Anyone else?”


Everyone else shook their heads, while I nodded mine.


Artoria: “Alright. I want to ask you all to help me track down this Reincarnator so I can remove them. The sooner they are gone, the sooner you all can get back to… whatever you normally do.”


Ajuka: “That’s fine with me. I am honestly rather cross with her for pulling that shit against us.”


Everyone: “Agreed.”


Giving another nod I say, “Great. Just leave a message with Sirzechs, as I’ll check in with him every day. Unless your communication magic can get a hold of me?”


All of a sudden, several of their family crests appear in front of me with their voices speaking out at once.


Satan’s: “Works fine.”


Artoria: “I got it, I got it. I am not familiar with devil magic. So, if you catch anything about her whereabouts, contact me. In the meantime, I got some angels to turn… and maybe wipe out.”


As I was sinking into my shadow, Serafall called out, “Have fun! I am going to go see So-tan!”


Shaking my head at her carefree nature, I speak to Sirzechs.


Artoria: “I want the location to the fallen angels main base. Or, you call their leader to you. I’ll wait for you at your office while you finish up here.”


And with that, I fully enter the shadow and step out inside Sirzechs office.


‘It just had to be fucking Gilgamesh.”


While I am annoyed it could turn out to be Fate Gilgamesh, I am also super excited to fight her. This could turn out to be a very real fight for once, if she was able to manhandle the attackers back at the peace conference.


A cruel smile made its way on my lips as I was lost in thought.


‘I hope you’re ready, Gilgamesh. I won’t make this easy, or pleasant.’


Boom BOOM~! Did you expect that to be the hunt target? Surprised~? I hope so~! Anyway, I'll see you in the next chapter~.

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