Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 41: ~Chapter name at the end~

~ Merging of floors done. ~



Going back into the floor menu to confirm, I nodded to myself.


‘Looks good from here. Just one giant area now, and my waters are flooding and spreading across the increased expanse.’


~ Manage Dimension ~



[Default Entrance Requirements]




I then opened up [Laws] to see what that was all about.


~ Laws ~


Active Laws: 0



Mana Available: N/A


‘Not surprised to see no Laws in place, since I seemed to have done a slight system reset by taking the dimension for myself. Well, let’s see what I can add.’


With a mental click, I open up [Add]. I was greeted by the UI asking for the Law name, a description of what the Law should be doing, and how much mana said Law is allowed to use to get it done.


Raising an eyebrow at the very ambiguous looking UI, I decided to test it out. After creating the Law, it displayed it in a nice clean UI, and asked if I was done. I double checked it just to make sure it was exactly written as I wanted it to be.



~ All the Evils Barrier ~


An infinitely dense barrier of Black Water of the highest order surrounds the entire dimension. Nothing may enter this dimension without first being baptised by this barrier. Entities with hostile intentions are instead ripped apart, soul and all, by All the Evil’s of the True Omniverse.


Exceptions: Tearwyn.


Allotted mana: N/A


[Decree] [Revise] [Cancel]


As soon as I clicked on [Decree] however, a notice appeared.


~ Notice! ~


Description for “Black Water” does not match with the current ability of “Black Water.” The Mistress is suggested to travel the True Omniverse to gather more power for “Black Water.” 


Decree Law regardless, and have “Black Water” set to auto update?


[Yes] [Revise Law]


‘Well, that answers if this system would be omnipotent if it had enough mana. Expected honestly, but this works just as well.’


Clicking on [Yes] I immediately felt the change to my dimension. The feeling I would always get while surrounded by the Black Water, now permeated my entire being. I felt an immense sense of peace wash over me as I leaned back into my throne.


‘I may have destroyed the Human Heaven, but by this act I have created my own. There is only one thing missing.’


I sigh in near perfect contentment.


Artoria: “I wish Tearwyn was here to share this with me.”


I suddenly felt a weight on my lap, and as I opened my eyes in confusion they could only open further in surprise.


Tearwyn: “Artoria!


Tearwyn then hugged me and snuggled a bit against my breastplate.


Artoria: “Tearwyn?!”


Quickly dismissing my armour so we could properly hug each other, I do just that.


Artoria: “How are you here, Tearwyn? I thought Divine Law prevented you from coming into this universe? You won’t get in trouble will you?!”


She snuggled deeper into my embrace before I felt her shake her head at my question.


Tearwyn: “Nope! Artoria, you are amazing! You not only took over this dimension with your own power, you were able to create an Omnibarrier!


Tilting my head in confusion, I asked Tearwyn what that was.


Her tails wrapped around us, as she leaned out of the hug while summoning some of her favourite cotton candy. I wait patiently while she nibbles for a few seconds before she looks up at me.


Tearwyn: “An Omnibarrier is something that we Gods naturally create around our home dimension. My forest for example. Nothing may enter it without my permission, as long as I am stronger than it. But even then, it takes an immense amount of power to break such a barrier. Well, not for big sister Lilith, but she’s special.


Anyway! These barriers are the main reason we Gods can’t just kill each other. And as I said, they are created naturally and not by our own intentions. This is why they are so strong… I think.


She stops for a bit to nibble on her candy, and I can’t help but start to give her head pats. After a minute of nibbling, she continues.


Tearwyn: “Besides the strength of each barrier, their effects are just as crazy strong. You never know what may happen when you attack an Omnibarrier. It may absorb the attack, and send it back! Or, just simply absorb it and use the energy to repair itself. With the strength of the Omnibarrier's and how powerful and crazy the effects can be, it’s just not worth the risk!


Big sister Lilith said the Gods used to attack each other's barriers back at the start of the True Omniverse, but that quickly stopped when the first few fatalities started to happen. So that’s why we attack each other's power base, so to speak, and then summon the target out of their barrier.


Nodding my head, I pause though at a contradiction.


Artoria: “But, wouldn’t the summoning be prevented by the barriers?”


Tearwyn shakes her head as she takes a bite out of her cotton candy.


Tearwyn: “Normally, yes. But that is where Divine Law comes into play. By said Law, if we have no power base, our barrier will permit us to be summoned. We then have to fight the champions of the offending God, because by the same Law, they can’t descend. It’s a weird system if you ask me!


Giving her some scratches behind her left ear, I nod and agree with her.


Artoria: “That is weird. But, then how are you here?”


Tearwyn then dismisses her empty cotton candy stick, and looks up at me with almost literal stars in her eyes.


Tearwyn: “That’s the amazing thing, Artoria! Your Omnibarrier is so strong, it is actually blocking Divine Law! Only super duper powerful Gods have Omnibarrier’s that can do that! But, you pulled it off like it was nothing! I knew you were awesome, Artoria!


So, since Divine Law can’t enter your dimension, I am free too because you let me!


My eyes widened at that revelation as I realised the implications of such a powerful barrier.


Artoria: “Tearwyn, I have a question for you.”


She tilted her head to the side as she nodded.


Artoria: “Are we… well. First, how do you feel about my Black Water?”


Tearwyn: “Hmm? Black Water? Oh! You mean the liquified evil you always have around you, and summon?


She then waves her hand over the throne we’re on, and over the “floor” of my dimension. As I give her a nod, she smiles at me.


Tearwyn: “It feels very welcoming, because it's from you, Artoria! Well, I know I said it’s ‘Liquid Evil’ but we both know that’s not entirely right. But, why do you ask?


Artoria: “You don’t dislike it? It doesn’t bother your tails when they touch?”


She shook her head and said, “Nope! Like I said, it feels welcoming! I can feel that your Omnibarrier is made out of said Evil’s, which is causing the whole dimension to feel very relaxing honestly. But that’s only because of how you regard me, which honestly makes me feel very happy!


She then hugs me and nuzzles into my chest once again.


Tearwyn: “While many Dark Gods, including me, can summon something much like your ‘Black Water,’ at the same time though, we can’t as yours is super unique. In human terms, it's much like a nuke. It will just destroy whatever it’d touch. Only yours corrupts like this, and converts.


She then makes a point to lower one of her tails onto the floor, and we both watch as it sinks into it.


Tearwyn: “Only yours can be selective on who it harms, and even feel welcoming at all.


I bounce my chin lightly on her head to show her I understood.


Artoria: “I see. I am glad you feel comfort from it as I do. Then, my next question is this: Would you like to merge our Dimensions?”


She shoots out of the hug and looks at me with shock on her face.


Tearwyn: “REALLY?! You want to merge your dimension with me?!


Tilting my head in confusion to such a reaction I slowly nod. Tearwyn sees the clear confusion on my face and starts to explain.


Tearwyn: “Merging your dimension with mine, would give me the protection of your Omnibarrier, Artoria! Since yours is so much stronger than mine, it would take priority. Doing so would also free me from Divine Law while inside our dimension! Which only really means that I can’t be summoned if I were to ever lose my power base! But that is a huge deal!


Tears start to form on the edge of her eyes, which surprises me greatly.


Tearwyn: “You’d really do that for me, Artoria? You’d share your home with me?


I hug her tightly as I nod.


Artoria: “I’d share my everything with you, Tearwyn. Keeping you safe is one of my top priorities.”


I can hear her sniffle in my chest as she hugs me back with all her strength. Even though her voice is muffled a bit because of the hug, I can still hear the worry in it as she talks.


Tearwyn: “Are you sure, Artoria? Really, REALLY sure? You are on your way to ascension, I can tell. You’ll become a Dark Goddess like me, one day. You should know, because I am sure you can feel it with your dimension. They are not simply a home for us. They are a part of us, as much as we are a part of them.


She pulls back from the hug, and looks me dead in the eyes.


Tearwyn: “By merging your dimension, an essence of yourself with mine, you are saying you want to be family. That you are willing to share your power with me, and I with you. So when you ascend to Goddesshood, we will share our power.


She then looks down as her ears droop.


Tearwyn: “And you will be so much stronger than I will be, Artoria.


Looking back up at me she continues, “Are you fine with that? With shar-


I don’t even let her finish as I pull her into a hug again, patting her head, and rubbing her back.


Artoria: “Shhhhh. I am more than fine with that, Tearwyn. I said it before, didn’t I? Just a few minutes ago, even. ‘I will share my everything with you.’ And I mean it, Tearwyn.”


I can feel her tiny arms wrap around me, as she hugs me with all her being as she starts to cry.


Tearwyn: “I was so scared, Artoria! I was so alone, and under attack! No one wanted to help me!


I hug her tighter and say, “Shhh, it’s okay Tearwyn. I am here now. Nothing will harm you, and I will wash away anything that dares to try. I am not going anywhere. Ever.”


I can feel her nod her head as she continues to cry.


Tearwyn: “I believe you. I was so worried about you leaving eventually, Artoria! I really like being around you!


She tries to bury her head deeper into my embrace as more of her tails wrap around us.


Tearwyn: “I was so scared that you’d leave after all the Reincarnated were killed. But I didn’t know how to bring it up! I didn’t want you to hate me, and think I was trying to use you…


I hum a little as I continue to rub her back and give her head pats in an effort to calm her down.


Artoria: “I would never hate you, Tearwyn. While I am not very powerful right now, it is only a matter of time. So while I can’t take care of all your problems just this second, I am willing to help with what I can. Like those bastard tools the gods of Light sent.”


I pull Tearwyn out of the hug, and gently lift her chin to look at me.


Artoria: “And I will never leave you, Tearwyn. They would need to completely destroy my soul before I let something like that happen.”


Tearwyn smiles at me through her tears and nods her head. She quickly returned to hugging me.


We just sat there for a few minutes, as I let her calm down fully and rest in my embrace. I then hear a very quiet but sincere Tearwyn speak.


Tearwyn: “Thank you, Artoria.


A notice then appeared in my mind as she snuggled into me again.


~ Notice! ~


The Dark Goddess Tearwyn wishes to merge dimensions! Doing so is a permanent action, and has consequences!


[Accept] [Reject]


Without even needing to read it fully, I mentally clicked on [Accept]. I, and most likely also Tearwyn, felt a shift. Not only in my dimension, but to myself as well. I could not only feel a connection to Tearwyn's dimension, but to her as well.


‘But it’s not complete. I guess it’s because I am not a Goddess myself. But I can feel that the connection is at least strong and solid.’


Looking down at Tearwyn, I can tell she has fallen asleep in my arms. I smile as I gently run my hand through her hair and feel her squeeze me back in response. A soft smile blooms on my face, as I now bask in the feeling I was getting from my dimension, and because of Tearwyn's presence.


‘Yes, this was it exactly. This was what was missing from my dimension.’


Closing my eyes, and leaning back on my throne I tighten my hold slightly on Tearwyn. 


The feeling of my dimension now felt complete, whole.


Chapter name: Hi! My name is Tearwyn Alter! 

I won't apologize for the second helping of sugar intake I have written~! Hehe, I hope you enjoyed the new chapter, and I'll see you in the next one~!

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