Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 42: Reshuffling of assets~.

After just enjoying the peace with Tearwyn napping on my lap, I finally decided to do something again.


‘As much as I want this to last forever, it can’t while the Light god faction is hounding her. She may be safe from Divine Law in my dimension, but I don’t want it to become a gilded cage for her. And I need to ascend to Goddesshood if I truly want to call myself her sister.


And, if we will truly share our power because we merged our dimensions, this would also make her more powerful. Protecting without stifling her is the only way to go.’


So with that in mind, I opened up the main menu, and selected [Sacred Gear Management]. While I don’t want to rely on these as a source of power for myself, maybe I could give them to Team RWBY and my other servants.


~ Sacred Gear Management ~


[Distribution settings]

[Edit Specific Gear]

[Create/Destroy Gears]

[General Settings of Gears]


Starting things off, I went with the general settings section.


~ General Settings of Gears ~


System Mana vs User Mana/Stamina for use: 0%/100%

Host link type: Soulbound (Lethal if forcibly broken)

Allow Evolution of Gears: Yes

Passive corruption: Off


From the list presented, there wasn’t much I wanted to change. As long as there was a single Sacred Gear not in my hands or attached to one of my servants, I didn’t want to have my System supply any amount of mana. Nor did I care about the evolution or link types. I was fine with the Gears killing their hosts if removed forcibly.


The one option that I was only really interested in was the corruption one. Opening up the selection, I really only had a few options. They were off, minor, medium, heavy, and severe. A mischievous glint passed through my eyes as I selected a minor.


‘Power has a price, and that will now be their morality.’


I had a grin on my face as I thought of all the mayhem this could cause. I was thinking of letting the Sacred Gears also appear on other races at one point, but with this option enabled, I think I’ll leave it as is.


‘Humanity is full of monsters after all. Now, it’ll just be a bit easier for them to show their fangs. Hehehe~.’


Feeling Tearwyn snuggle into me a little, I started to give her some head pats unconsciously while I moved on. Going back up a menu, and selecting the [Distribution Settings] I quickly went over what was available. Which, much to my expectations, was nothing fancy.


I left it for humans only, but also changed the setting preventing a few of the Sacred Gears from being used by anything but a few specific types of souls. I also enabled the ability for Sacred Gears to be stolen via a new ritual dedicated to corruption. This would by-pass the human only requirement and let anything use the Sacred Gear. As for what that ritual entailed, and how people will discover it? Well, if Gamers can find the craziest things I fully expect someone to stumble upon this new setting eventually as well.


The one setting that surprised me the most though, was the one asking which world or worlds I wanted my Sacred Gears to populate. For now though, I left it set to the DXD world.


‘I assume this is just a general overview for the Gears, and I can assign a world in the management of a Gear itself. If not, I’ll find a way to add that setting.’


Satisfied with my settings so far, I backed up to the main menu again and then mentally clicked on [Edit Specific Gear]. To my surprise and annoyance, a notice was displayed first however.



~ Notice! ~


Several Sacred Gears have been disconnected from the System. The Mistress will have to manually reconnect the lost Gears.



Dismissing the notice I looked over the list of Gears and made note of which ones were missing from the System.


~ Edit Specific Gear ~


True Longinus: Disconnected!

Zenith Tempest: Bound

Annihilation Maker: Waiting for new Host

Dimension Lost: Bound

Boosted Gear: Bound

Divine Dividing: Disconnected!

Regulus Nemea: Bound

Canis Lykaon: Waiting for new Host

Sephiroth Graal: Bound


‘Why am I not surprised that the two I expected to be disconnected are? Been a greedy loot goblin, haven't we Agent of Light?’


Mentally sighing at the obviousness of this Reincarnator, I clicked on Annihilation Maker.


~ Annihilation Maker ~


Host type: Default

Corruption: Default

World(s): Default

Mana usage: Default

Host link type: Default

Allow evolution: Default

Housed Soul: None


‘Hmmm. Basic, but gets the job done. Let’s fiddle with this… and there.’


Going over the settings, a small smirk appeared on my face.


~ Annihilation Maker ~


Host type: Specific (Weiss Schnee)

Corruption: None

World(s): RWBYverse

Mana usage: 100% system/ 0% user

Host link type: Soulbound (Non-Lethal if removed)

Allow Evolution: Yes

Housed Soul: None


Nodding to myself, I hit accept. I sat there for a few seconds, expecting to feel a change of some sort but nothing happened.


Giving a mental shrug I thought, ‘Well, not everything has to be profound I guess, heh. Hope she likes the new toy. I should get some for the others as well. Let’s see…’


Another smirk appeared on my face as I selected Canis Lykaon and started editing it.


‘I know just who to send this too.’

~ Canis Lykaon ~


Host type: Specific (Blake Belladonna)

Corruption: None

World(s): RWBYverse

Mana usage: 100% system/ 0% user

Host link type: Soulbound (Non-Lethal if removed)

Allow Evolution: Yes

Housed Soul: Yes (Force Loyalty to Host)


Smiling to myself, I accepted the changes and sent it on its way.


‘Blake should love this thing. Even if I am forcing loyalty at the start, maybe the two of them could become friends one day. Next up, let’s see if I can find something for Yang. Hmmm’


The first thing I thought of was Boosted Gear, as it would go well with her ability to store damage. As I was thinking about it, Tearwyn stirred on my lap and woke up. She looked around confused for a few seconds before her eyes shot right up and she turned to me.


Tearwyn: “It wasn’t a dream! Artoria!


She then hugged me and curled her tails all around us, causing me to smile and hug her back.


Artoria: “No, it was not Tearwyn. Though, now that you are awake I have a question for you. Do you still want the ‘Hero’ chosen by this world dead?’


Tearwyn: “The boob dragon pervert? If so, yes.


Then her eyes gained a cold look and glowed a light pink as she spoke with venom.


Tearwyn: “I bet he would lust after you if he could see you.


Tilting my head at that, she noticed and blushed.


Tearwyn: “I don’t mind if people want to chase you, Artoria! But he would only be interested in your body, with ZERO consideration about your personality. Worst yet, he would lust in plain sight in front of his girlfriend! Or, girlfriends depending on the stage of his harem. ZERO TACT! It’s disgusting!!


Nodding my head in understanding, I could see where she was coming from. Honestly, if Tearwyn was ever hit on by something like Issei, I would most likely obliterate the section of the world it was in.


Artoria: “Then it’s a good thing he’ll die from what I am about to do. I am sending some of the Sacred Gears to the RWBYverse world and giving them to my servants there. And I think the Gear Issei has, would mesh well with Yang.”


Tearwyn: “Boosted Gear and Yang… yeah, I agree! She would make great use out of it! Before you send it off to her though, bring the Sacred Gear here. Let’s have a talk with the dragon inside.


Nodding my head, I entered into the system and disconnected the Boosted Gear from Issei, and summoned it in front of us. And like that, this world's hero died an inglorious death that he most likely never even saw coming.


Seconds later, the Booster Gear appeared floating in front of us as its gauntlet form. Tearwyn and I sat there for a few seconds waiting for Ddraig to notice the sudden change, and it wasn’t long before the green jewel on the gauntlet started to pulse with light as he spoke.


He let out a long sigh before speaking however, “So. Mind telling me why you killed my host and summoned me, Artoria?”


Artoria: “Well, little dragon, I have a much better host in store for you. Besides, Tearwyn here wanted to talk to you before I sent you on your way.”


Ddraig: “Hmmm… A better host, eh? We’ll see about that. And who might the little lady be?”


Tearwyn: “Hi! My name is Tearwyn Alter! And your disrespecting attitude towards Artoria is starting to annoy me. Please correct that.


My eyes widened slightly when Tearwyn used my last name as hers, and then they went a bit wider as she started to release an immense amount of Divine Power out all over.


‘She did say merging our dimensions would make us family. And the fact she was so quick about taking my last name actually makes me ridiculously happy.’


As I was in my own little world smiling warmly at Tearwyn, Ddraig on the other hand was shitting his imaginary britches.


Ddraig: “I am sorry, Goddess Tearwyn! I did not realise I was in the presence of Divinity. I meant no disrespect to Artoria! That’s just how I am!”


Tearwyn glared at the gauntlet for a few seconds before she reigned in her Divine Power.


Tearwyn: “That’s good then. Now, the main reason I wanted Artoria to summon you, was to see just how much like her you are. And you two may have the same feeling as each other as Red Dragons, over all you are nothing like my Artoria.


Ddraig: “R-right. I’m… sorry?”


Shaking her head, Tearwyn summoned some of her favourite candy and started to nibble on it. Still mostly lost in my own little world, I didn’t miss how she said “My Artoria” though. Sensing that Ddraig was about to speak up and interrupt Tearwyn from eating, I raised my index finger to my lips while looking at him.


He took the hint and instead just floated there waiting for her to speak up again. While we were waiting I started to give her head pats again. Her eyes narrowed in contentment as she continued to nibble away at her candy.


After a while she stopped nibbling and spoke up again, “It’s fine. I honestly expect you to have fun with your new host. You like fighting strong things, yeah? You’ll get your chance when you’re bound to Yang. She’s a battle nut like you.


Ddraig: “I see. I do like to fight, yes. I wonder how she’ll do against this generation's White Emperor when they appear.”


Tearwyn: “Oh, that fight won’t happen. A lot has been happening behind the scenes of your world. Here.


Tearwyn then snapped her little fingers, and a second later Ddraig shouted in indignation.


Ddraig: “WHAT?! To think a fate worse than our current one befell Albion…”


‘Ahh, she must have shown him that Albion’s Sacred Gear is with the Reincarnator, and is practically guaranteed to be corrupted by the Light fully.’


Ddraig: “May I ask a favour of you two?”


Both Tearwyn and I tilted our heads in the exact same manner as we waited for him to ask.


Ddraig: “R-right. I was hoping I could be there when you engage Albion. I want to be there when you kill him. I want to be there, when you free him of this… horror. I shudder to think of how he would have been changed by this Light…”


Waving him off I say, “That’s no trouble. I’ll most likely summon Yang and the others to deal with any extras this Reincarnator might have. So that is an easy request to fulfil.”


Ddraig: “Thank you.”


Tearwyn: “Artoria is the best, just be loyal to her and I am sure you’ll love the life that will follow. A lot more than being turned into a boob dragon…


Ddraig: “I am sorry, what?”


With another snap of her fingers, I could hear Ddraig take a sharp breath.


Ddraig: “Oh shit. No, so much no. I dodged a bullet there it seems…”


Tearwyn giggled and nodded, “You sure did! Now, off with you. Go meet your new host!


With one final snap of her fingers, I saw all the settings change for the Boosted Gear in my system before Ddraig vanished.


Tearwyn: “He seems like a nice dragon, if not a little blunt. But it's easy to see he’s not used to dealing with entities that are much higher than himself.


Artoria: “I am glad he didn’t mind losing Issei too much. Granted, they didn’t know each other for very long before I showed up.”


Tearwyn: “And without such a strong connection to Issei, showing him what became of his reputation as the ‘Oppai Dragon’ really squashed the feelings I think. He has a lot of pride this early in the timeline still.


Artoria: “I guess so, yes. Anyway, I am glad you’re able to control the System that was linked with my dimension, Tearwyn. Makes things much easier. Ah, speaking of, where is your forest? I really liked it.”


Smiling at me she said, “When we merged our dimensions, I was also connected to your Apocalypse System. It’s a cool thing, honestly.


She turned her gaze to the massive gears behind me and nodded.


Tearwyn: “Much different compared to the Systems the other gods like to use. As for my forest, I am glad you like it! I worked hard on it! As for its location, it should be just below this one. It merged with, and kind of took over the only other area you had.


Nodding my head in understanding I said, “Okay, good. I would have been sad if it was gone. Oh, another thing I was wondering; if you have a connection to my System do you also get unlimited mana now?”


Sadly, she ended up shaking her head in denial.


Tearwyn: “Yes, but actually no. I have unlimited mana for anything that could be done through your system, which is limited in scope till you ascend. But, once you ascend it’ll become redundant anyway. And since I know you are going to ask, yes! Once you ascend into Goddesshood, our powers will fully link and I’ll get unlimited mana through said link.


 My power will also explode in scope, but like I said before, yours won't as I can’t output like you can. You’ll gain some of my abilities though, which I’ll save for a surprise hehe!


I ruffle her hair playfully while nodding.


Artoria: “Sounds fine to me. Now, we have a few more Gears to send off to my servants. Want to help?”


Tearwyn: “Yes!


Patting her head and earning a giggle out of her, we continue in gifting some Sacred Gears to the RWBYverse.


Artoria: “The last two I want to handle at the moment are Ruby and Salem. I think I’ll create a new Gear for Salem though. So that leaves Ruby’s. I was thinking of Telos Karma, as a kind of joke against her Uncle Qrow.”


Tearwyn nodded her head and giggled, “Yes! That is perfect for her! She’ll probably love the irony as well.


With a snap of her fingers Telos Karma was taken from its current host, changed in the system, and sent off to Ruby.


Artoria: “And now for Salem. Let’s make a new one for her.”


Agreeing with me, Tearwyn summoned another stick of candy as I navigated the windows of the system.


Artoria: “By the way, Tearwyn. Do you also see the system in your mind's eye? Can you see what I see in mine?”


Tearwyn nodded her head as she nibbled on her candy and then spoke up a few moments later, “Yes, I do. And yes, I can see what you're currently looking at if I focus on your connection to the system. It’s handy that there is no outer display for other Gods to ‘hack’ into. Honestly, I don’t know why they all go with the phased panels. Anyone with enough power can see them and interact with them.


As I hummed in agreement, I brought up the Sacred Gear creation menu. It looked much like the Law menu in layout and features, so I went about creating a first draft so to speak.


~ New Sacred Gear Creation ~


Name: Muramasa

Type: Sword/Ring

Ability: By channelling a sliver of NULL, this Sacred Gear has the power to kill anything, or imbue the user's attack to achieve the same effect.


Before I could even ask Tearwyn for her input the display shifted in my mind.


~ New Sacred Gear Creation ~


Name: Muramasa

Type: Sword/Ring

Ability: By channelling a sliver of the True Abyss, this Sacred Gear has the power to kill anything, or imbue the user's attack to achieve the same effect.



You are not nearly strong enough to grant the blessing of Null yet little Artoria~. Maybe in time, but if you tried to create that Sacred Gear, it would have just erased itself out of existence upon being created~. Try the True Abyss first, it should be more than enough for what you have in mind for Salem~.


Both of our eyes were wide at the notice before I looked up and said, “I understand, thank you for your leniency and guidance Lady Lilith!”


Nodding her head Tearwyn said, “Yup, big sister Lilith is awesome. The True Abyss can be something just as terrifying as NULL to a lot of creation.


Artoria: “I see. Well, the main idea I had for this Gear was for Salem to gain the ability to kill the Brother ‘Gods’ should they ever come back to that world looking for trouble. I know she would love the chance.”


Tearwyn: “I agree! Those two gods are kind of like a neutral party in the eternal war between Light and Darkness. They never chose a side when they ascended. I wonder what they’re up to these days…


Shrugging my shoulders, I finalised the new Gear and hit create. Moments later, a ring appeared in front of us floating.


(Source: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1251975812/cool-red-stone-ring-red-jewel-adjustable?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=red+black+stone+ring&ref=sr_gallery-1-6&col=1&sts=1&organic_search_click=1)


The black metal part of the ring almost looked like it was flowing like my Black Water, and if you looked closely into the red gem it seemed to have blood flowing in it calmly.


Artoria: “That’s a cool ring.”


Tearwyn: “Yeah! I love it, and I think Salem will too.


With a snap of her fingers, the settings for the ring were finalised and it was sent off to Salem.


Artoria: “Alright, let’s change a few more things, then I really should be getting back to killing that garbage infecting your world.”


Tearwyn: “Onward!


Bit of a long chapter, but I don't think you all mind... right~? Hehe, anyway, here is chapter 43 for you all! Sorry I have posted anything for a bit, but winter does hell on my emotions and I tend to shut down a lot, so sorry in advance on the slower releases~. See you in the next one~!

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