Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 50: A plan hatched.

So, my bad. I forgot to mention it last chapter so I'll do it here! This is a collab with Saeko_Kaburagi and the book "Branwen." Again, my bad for that~.


As I was watching Qrow sink into the throne, I heard Raven give out a pleased hum. As a favour to her, I lessened the change as much as I could to Qrow while still having it strong enough to prevent any corruption.


As I was checking on his transformation, movement from Raven and another hum caught my attention. As I turned to look I noticed that a large amount of shadows with eyes in them began to seep out of Raven’s weapon. 


‘Huh, that reminds me of Alucard’s stuff.’


The shadow with eyes started to take a form and with a grunt that sounded exactly like Raven it solidified. Much to my surprise and glee it was another Raven, but she was butt naked.


‘Oh hot damn. Look at those curves… and those breasts. A shame she already has a lover in her life…’


And to add icing to the cake I was feasting on, she stretched for a few seconds while releasing a satisfying moan.


With a small smile the new Raven said, “Ahh.. better. I was confined for a little while so it's good to stretch. Hello there, Artoria, Raven and Tearwyn. I, am Pride.”


Raven was blushing up a storm as she asked, “Why are you naked…?”


With a mischievous glint in her eye she said, “Because you and I have an amazing figure? Anyhow, nice to finally talk to someone.”


I released a sharp whistle and with great effort I tried to lower the amount of lust in my voice when I said, “You're not doing yourselves justice, Pride. Amazing is to tame a word for you.”


Tearwyn nodded her head and said, “Yes! You are very pretty.


Looking down at myself I internally sighed. With a thought, I shimmered a bit as I dismissed my armour and donned my beautiful blue dress.


With a sigh I said, “Ahh... I can hardly wait until I naturally look this old. Wait, did I age up again, even in this form?”


Tearwyn looked at me for a few seconds while humming before nodding her head and saying, “I think so! You look more mature, a bit "Thiccer" as Neo would say. As well as your bust, it's much larger now!


I smiled and gave Tearwyn a head pat, causing her to giggle joyfully.


‘I am happy then. Honestly, I much prefer to look mature and “Thicc” as Neo says than as a teen.’


I was broken out of my thoughts when Pride said, “I do enjoy the compliments, thank you. You should take pride in yours too. Raven certainly 'noticed'. Ah, right.. Before we go charging in though, I do need to let you know a few things of importance.”


She then released a mass of darkness that quickly solidified into a throne of sorts, which she promptly sat down while slowly crossing her legs. As I was burning the wonders in front of me into my mind forever, I saw her give me a wink while Raven just ran her hand down her face in what I assumed was a mix of embarrassment and exasperation.


As a sly smile made its way across my lips, I subtly gave Pride a nod to show I very much enjoyed the show. A soft pop drew my attention to above Raven's head as I saw Tearwyn start to give her head pats with her tails while she giggled. Naturally, this calmed Raven down a bit as she just smiled wryly and waited for Pride to speak up.


With a soft hum first, Pride then said, “"First off. Though we have a far better chance against the Gods, now that you have all but one sin, it will be a rather damaging fight. Though the thing you plundered is being processed by Envy and Greed. That is, the Gate of Babylon you devoured from Gilgamesh. The chains of Enkidu can hold off the Light one while you kill the Dark one.


Get them away from the castle before you use that, though. It'll likely obliterate Salem if she's nearby. Apart from that, bathe in their blood. We're a step away from Ascension and only need the blood of a Dark and Light God to make that step. Any particular questions?”


A grunt from Qrow caught my attention as Raven said, “I guess Kimblee knew that was necessary to Ascend huh…”


Qrow started to complain to Raven before he caught sight of Pride, “Augh.. Rae come on.. I- My eyes!!”


‘A shame they are siblings, he can’t appreciate how fucking sexy his sister is.’


With an air of dismissal and taking a look over her brother Raven said. “Don't be a wuss. We're twins, who cares?”


Noticing her curious gaze, he stood up and we all took in his new appearance. His skin was paler and smoother, hair a darker colour while his eyes were a brighter shade of ruby. He nodded with a grateful sigh. Glancing away from Pride for a moment, I snickered lightly as Tearwyn patted him on his back.


With a sigh and boldly sitting back down on the throne of Black Water he said, “Well.. I'm a little confused here but that can be explained after you do what you gotta do.”


Nodding, I thought back to what Pride had said which caused me to sigh and speak with a not so subtle hint of envy in my voice, “You are that close to Ascension, huh? How enviable…”


Sighing in slight disappointment I continued, “Then you don't want me to fight the “gods”. I tend to erase what I fight.”


Pride then said, “No. But those two slaves of theirs are all yours. For your help, we can offer you one of the fruits that will come about thanks to the Ascension.”


‘Those slaves will most likely be stupid weak. So, I can’t expect a good fight. This fruit on the other hand…’


Artoria: “Colour me interested.”


"Ever heard of the biblical story of the forbidden fruit? That is the Original Sin. The mortal discovery of the God's Malice. In those fruits is the concentrated power of evil, you could say. Further on, in your very own path to Ascension, once you're close to it, the fruit can help you push past that final hurdle. Or, you can give it to a Dark aligned God or Mortal and they'll grow in power" Pride explained, watching myself and Tearwyn closely.


I was about to say something when Tearwyn interrupted me, “No. You will not be giving me that fruit, Sister. You need it. And remember, when you Ascend our powers will be linked. I do not need any ‘power ups.’


‘Caught red handed it seems. But, she’s right. She is safe from nearly anything while in our dimension, so I just have to make an effort to ascend fast to release her from this gilded cage.’


Nodding my head to Tearwyn I then turned to Pride and asked, “I assume you don't have this fabled fruit on you. Need to grow it?”


Pride hummed while looking around at Tearwyn's forest with a smile while she said, “Yes. It'll use the blood of the Gods to grow a fruit. Which can be planted here, with your permission. I suspect with the influences here, it'll grow into quite a large and unique tree.”


With a smile and creating some Abyss Water to flow around my hand I said, “Yes, I would think someone of your standing would appreciate my Abyss Water and everyone loves Tearwyn's forest.”


As I dismissed my Waters Raven said, “Hm? Others come here? I suppose I'll meet them after. I'm ready.”


Both Pride and I sported a smile filled with bloodlust. Though, soon mine faded slightly when I remembered I only had weak prey.


Turning to Tearwyn I asked, “Yes, it's time we go and take care of your little god infestation. Tearwyn? Any pointers?”


Tearwyn nodded before looking at Raven and asking, “Yes, just one. I assume they are both in mortal shells, since you said they attacked you personally?


As Qrow and the Raven’s nodded their heads Tearwyn said, “Then before you fight the two Raven, you have to say 'I challenge you two in Divine Combat. Upheld by the rules of Divine Law.' This will lock them in the mortal shells, soul and all. And when you kill them, they will suffer True Death


She then smiled wryly and said seriously, “But make sure you also do not lose. Because True Death would also be your reward.


Much to my disappointment Pride soon melted back into shadows and eyes and quickly entered Raven’s weapon.


Raven then said, “Understood. We’ll be back…”


Giving a smile to Tearwyn I cooed, “See you soon, Tearwyn~.”


Raven held her weapon, Omen, to the side and cut open a rift back to her world. As she peered into the rift, her chest marking glowed. She exhaled sharply before going through quickly.


Before I stepped through I said, “Oh, right. Tearwyn, why don’t you let Qrow watch the fights? You should be able to with the link we have right?”


Tearwyn nodded her head and said, “Yup! I was going to do that anyway. I want to see the two Brother Gods die.


As I was stepping through the rift I said, “I am sure she’ll make it hurt~.”


A second later, I stepped out of Raven’s Rift, and caught the last part of her declaration. As I looked around, in curiosity I noticed we were in Salem’s castle. Taking a second to look at the “gods” I could only scoff.


‘They are not that powerful at all. I guess this is what happens when you are arrogant though. Taking up those mortal shells will cost them dearly.’


I then looked down at Salem, and I could only pity her slightly. The Light was purging her Grimm parts. Which at this point, was a great deal of her body. Interestingly enough, he soul was still completely unphased.


‘Must be because of all the extra souls that are basically crushing her soul. Interesting turn of events that. Being protected by something that must have been causing her no end of trouble. Though her body won’t last long at this rate.’


Turning my attention back to Raven I said, “Raven. Your lover is being re-written by the light. May I?”


Raven’s eyes turned soft and filled with pain when she looked at Salem and said, “Yes… please.”


In a grand show of willpower and a want to hide her immense suffering from her love Salem said, “A-Ah.. Another woman? You're popular, Raven.”


Raven responded with a wry smile and nodded to me as the “gods” came closer, only to have their faces grabbed by a still furious Raven. She then jumped into the sky, still holding onto their faces. Seeing Raven quickly moving away while shaking the entirety of the Castle with her jump, Salem looked at me with a grateful smile.


With a sigh I said, “She's going to have all the fun. These two are so weak... oh well. First thing's first. Now, Salem. This is going to hurt. A lot more than what you are dealing with. Remember Raven, and you'll survive. Maybe.”


‘I really do hope she survives this. All those souls crushing hers need to go. And she can still see me, even though I have three seals released now, showing the powerful soul she has.’


Before anyone that was left could react, I summoned my Abyss Water and sent it to embrace Salem with its black depths. The water moved the fastest I have ever made it, as it engulfed Salem in less time than it takes for an excited heart to beat once.


I felt the immense pain Salem was soon overcome with in the depths. The waters were working on destroying the Lights' corruption as well as reforming her soul and body. Unfortunately the Lights’ corruption was trying to put up a futile fight, which only slowed down the progress and extended Salem's torment.


‘If she can survive this though, she’ll be a lot stronger, and free of both the Light and the millions of souls.’


Soon, the two little shits I was going to play with turned away from their patrons’ fight and looked at me.


As I looked at them with boredom and contempt in my eyes the one that looked like Vali from DxD shouted angrily at me, “You… you killed Gil!!!”


The woman next to him had a scowl on her face as she said, “"Tch.. shut the fuck up and think for a sec. Did you see that fucking water she casually summoned?”


She gripped her spear tightly as I struggled to think of who this Vali was saying I murdered.


With an apathetic shrug and boredom on my face as I said, “Gil? Gil...? Gil... Gil... OH! You mean that fake Gilgamesh? No no, my foolish usurper. I didn't kill that fake Gilgamesh.”


Vali paused in his motions of getting ready for combat when I had said that, but my next words threw him into a wonderful rage.


With a cruel smile I said, “I ripped out her system, and then tortured them for a few trillion years. Then, I erased them.”


Much to my slight amusement, Vali was completely enraged. His fist became covered with Draconic might while his body erupted into flames of a similar feel. As he rushed me, I noticed the panicked movements of the system stuck on him.


He leaped up at me, and punched my face with all his might. Flames exploded around me while the ground lightly cracked from the pressure of the attack. However, I didn’t move a centimetre. He even failed to displace any of my skin, let alone my body. As he noticed this, his face started to pale, but before he could do anything else I spoke up.


Artoria: “How horribly weak. And boring.”


With a light flick of my finger I sent the boy rocketing away from me and embedding into a castle wall.


Boredom and disdain laced my voice as I looked at the woman and said, “Another fake, hm? Jeanne d'Arc Alter this time. Tell me, do you like dragons?”


Jeanne had a cocky smile on her face when she replied, “Considering who I currently am? Yes. But for you, I'll make an exception!”


Planting her spear into the ground, she activated her Noble Phantasm. Waves of flame converged on me and several pikes attempted to pierce me from underneath.


With a sigh I said, “How boring.”


The weak flames simply washed over me doing no damage, failing to even warm me up slightly. While her spikes simply shattered on contact with my dress and skin.


‘I knew they would be weak, but come on. I don’t even have my armour on…’


Vali soon pried himself out of the wall and quickly rejoined his “ally.” But I could only sigh in absolute boredom. Even if they both came at me, I could kill them with my aura alone most likely. Well, if they didn’t have systems to shield them anyway.


With what felt like the millionth sigh since coming here I said, “You both are not worth the effort. But, I have other ways to play with you.”


With a snap of my fingers my shadow exploded out in all directions. Several seconds later, a massive Grimm dragon rose out and released a mighty roar that blew off the rest of the castle's roof. I lightly smiled to myself as I noticed the worrying look on the fake Jeanne’s face.


Moments after the dragon was fully summoned another person rose out of the black depths. As she fully materialised she looked around for a few moments before she quickly bowed to me. I had summoned my Salem to get some fun in.


With a tone eager to please me Salem said, “My, how nostalgic. My old castle. My Goddess, you have called?”


I created a throne out of my Abyss Waters and sat down while I rested my chin on my right hand in boredom.


Nodding to Salem I said, “Hello, Salem. I have a few surprises for you. But first, please play with that little ant over there that fancies himself a dragon.”


"And for you my cute pet. Kill her, and make it painful." I commanded the Dragon while pointing at Jeanne d'Arc Alter.


Jeanne paled and cursed, “Fuck…”


And the fights are starting to.... well start. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I'll see you in the next one~! Also, was it just me or was there a LOT of sighing this chapter...? Ehh~.

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