Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 51: Is that all the fury you can muster, mortals~?

My dragon released a powerful roar, before it flapped its wings once to lift off towards Jeanne. Out of all the attacks it could do, I was honestly not expecting it to throw a very normal, yet powerful, punch. And by the confused outcry, nor was Jeanne.


Jeanne: “Wh-”


She barely managed to block the titanic sized clawed fist, but the power behind it still sent her off like a rocket out of the castle via several walls. With another roar, the dragon took after her as it ignored the castle walls entirely for its toy… I mean prey.


Turning my attention back to my Salem as she sauntered her way over to Vali, I smiled at his dumbfounded face.


With a gulp and a slightly nervous chuckle he said, “I am glad I am not fighting that thing…”


But then he frowned and turned his attention to Salem, and then looked at me raising his hand pointing at me.


With a rather heated voice he said, “Fight me yourself coward! You killed the love of my life! I will have my righteous vengeance!”


Salem softly chuckled at his outburst and said, “You? Fight Goddess Artoria? Please, I have Grimm stronger than you as non-combat maids.”


I could hear the grind of his teeth in anger from my position, and could only release a soft chuckle of my own.


With boredom clearly evident in my voice I said, “I laugh at your love. I mock her useless death. And I deny you even the chance to avenge her.”


The draconic flames around him roared with his anger as he shouted, “You!”


He charged at me in a blind rage, only for Salem to backhand him down several floors and saying, “Oh, I am going to have fun with you…”


Salem gave me a small bow before she jumped down the hole to follow the foolish boy. I closed my eyes and started to watch both ‘fights’, but for now I focused on Salem’s.


As she softly touched down, I could hear Vali groaning as he pried himself free from the floor. I was also able to hear his system talking to him, warning him.


???: [Vali, that was foolish! You need to focus! That attack she did not only ignored all of your natural defences, but I felt it too!]


His eyes widened in concern when he said, “What? No, you’re right, Blaze. Shit, are you okay?”


Salem hummed in a carefree manner and said, “My, aren’t the two of you a little too relaxed?”


Vali gasped as he failed to notice Salem even get near him it seems, and he quickly dashed back to create some distance.


With some trepidation in his voice he said, “Blaze… How can she hear you…?”


Salem smirked and said, “Oh, I can do more than hear your little parasite. I can see her as well.”


And true to her words, the both of us can easily see growth systems, like this Blaze, as a digital ghostly human hanging around the neck of people.


‘Hmmm… I can’t be bothered to remember the system's name. So, B it is.’


With eyes wide, Vali looked incredibly uncomfortable and warry at Salem while his system said, [You… can see me? That is not possible!]


Salem just let out another soft chuckle while she started to inspect her nails, “See you, hear you…”


As she finished looking at her nails she looked at Vali with a ruthless smile that promised only pain and torment when she said, “And harm you. Were neither of you listening to My Goddess when she said she ripped out your foolish lover's system and tortured both for a long while?”


As the two were talking, I felt a pulse of power from the small pool of Abyss Water that Raven’s Salem was in. Turning my attention into it, I looked over her form and smiled.


Her muffled yells of agony were turning into fierce grunts. The Grimm parts emerged once again. Three sets of wings jutted from her back; three feathery black looking like a Nevermore's wings and three wings with a dragon-like appearance, scaly and leathery. Her white hair cascaded down her back and reached her legs, turning black at the tips. While her irises changed from red, to a pale gold. The Light corruption was fading faster and faster.


‘Interesting. She’s taking on an appearance like my own Salem’s. But with a few key differences… wonder why?’


With a mental shrug, I turned my attention back to the massacre taking place between my Salem and Vali.


But before I could focus on it, I felt like someone somewhere had almost uttered something very foolish towards my Tearwyn. This caused a very brief but noticeable release of my Killing Intent.


Narrowing my eyes I thought, ‘Whoever that was, just avoided a fate worse than death…’


Cooling off, I turned my attention back to my Salem once again and much to be expected she had Vali on the ropes.


‘I turned my attention away for only a minute or two at most, and he’s already this battered… useless.’


An amused thought passed my mind though, causing me to change my orders to Salem, ‘Salem, be a dear and bring him alive after all. Alive, but he doesn’t need to be in one piece.’


Salem replied with the joy I have started to expect from my followers, ‘Yes, My Goddess.’


With a cruel smile on her face, Salem held out her hand that had the Sacred Gear I created for her as she said, “Muramasa, come. We’ve got a new toy to play with.”


The ring then released a large puff of purple fire before taking the shape of a red katana with the sharpened part a pitch black. Along the blade also had ‘cracks’ of black that pulsed with an ominous black-purple light while releasing traces of black smoke.


Salem ran her fingers lovingly over the blade before she vanished from her spot and appeared in front of Vali swinging towards his left arm. 


Vali and B: “[What?!]”


A shield of Light appeared in front of Vail while white dragon scales appeared along his arms. Sadly for them, Muramasa didn’t even register any of it, and cut through it all like it was the air.


With a scream of pain, and missing his left arm up to his elbow he jumped back. He watched in horror as the limb that was cut off withered and then quickly flaked away into nothingness.


Vali: “Shit! [Light’s Healing Embrace]!”


The lower part of his arm rapidly regenerated, and he sighed in relief. Only to soon gasp in horror as the regenerated part quickly withered and flaked away, much like the original limb. When it started to flake away, he and his system started to scream in pain, while falling to his knees.


Salem covered her mouth with her free hand while she laughed before saying, “Foolish child. Surely you noticed exactly what type of damage this did? I didn’t simply cut off your limb.”


His system, while clearly in as much pain as him, said, [Vali… her sword cut… a part of your soul away…! And it was… erased! Along with… a piece of me…]


Looking up at Salem with shock and slight fear he said, “That’s not pos-”


However, Salem seemed to be tired with his prattling, as she once again appeared in front of him and cut off his other arm. Another wonderful blood curdling scream from the duo as the entire arm withered and flaked away before it seemed Vali passed out.


Salem released her sword which caused it to burst into flames and return as a ring on her hand.


Looking down on the fallen boy she released a scoff before saying, “And you wanted the honour of fighting My Goddess? Foolish. There is a bare minimum you need to even think about challenging her, and you are nothing but an insect.”


With a snap of her fingers, Vali started to float alongside her as she started to make her way back up to me. Smiling at the outcome, I turned my attention to Jeanne.


And to say she was not having a good time, would be an understatement. Her armour was crumbling in several spots, and her spear was also badly damaged. The flag was also burnt to a crisp, and only a small portion of it was intact. She also had several horrible looking burns all over her body.


My smile only grew when I noticed the state her system was in as well. It was flickering and somehow was missing an entire leg while a large chunk of its ‘stomach’ was shattered and missing.


Jeanne: “What the fuck… is up with… this dragon?! Nothing I do is working damn it! Anything that looks like it does damage, only causes it to reform not even a second later. What the hell! Tsk… how are you doing, Anna?”


‘Anna, is her system's name, huh? Alright, A it is then. Heh, A and B.’


When her system responded it sounded very glitchy and in a whole lot of pain, “N-n-not g-g-g-good. I-I-I-I don’t und-d-d-derstand how it-it-it is hurting me-me-me-meeee.”


The look of rage on Jeanne’s face was great as she raised her broken spear at the dragon, “Damn lizard. Hang on, Anna. We need to get out of here, this is a losing battle. No, this isn’t even a battle, damn it!”


With a pained sigh it said, “Where w-w-w-woul-would we go-g-g-go? Our p-p-patro-n-n is still-ll-ll-ll fight-ing-ing-ing.”


With an annoyed sigh Jeanne said, “FUCK. Fine, to the death it is then. DIE YOU DAMN LIZARD!”


‘While semi-interesting, I don’t much care to torment her like I want to with this Vali… hmm.. Oh, I know.’


With interest shining in my eyes I say to my dragon, ‘Eat her, and submerge her in the Black Water. I want to see what happens when Dark Corruption meets mine.’


My pet roared loudly in glee, and with a mighty flap of its massive wings it blitzed Jeanne with an open maw.


I could see her smile foolishly as she yelled, “Perfect! I’ll destroy you from the inside then you fucken asshole!!!”


I could only snicker at her outburst, as she clearly forgot this wasn’t a normal dragon in the slightest.


‘After all, both Salem and my Dragon are merely constructs of my Abyss Water. Avatars mostly.’


As the dragon chomped down on the screaming fake Jeanne d’Arc, I converted the water she was going to be submerged into into my normal Black Water. Abyss Water would simply erase her after all.


I watched in some vested interest as she had a startled look on her face for a few seconds before both her and her system started to scream in pain. And much to my expectations, she reacted to my Waters like someone heavily corrupted by the Light does. That is to say, both of them are starting to dissolve and be erased/absorbed by my Black Water.


It took less than a minute for the whole process to finish. In fact, she was dead and gone by the time Salem had landed in front of me with a passed out and whimpering Vali.


Looking up at my dragon, it released one final roar in victory before it slowly drifted down and rested on the side of Salem’s broken castle.


With a smile I said, “Good job you two, I am most pleased. Did you want to stick around and watch what I do with this one? Or do you wish to return?”


Salem bowed and said, “I wish to stay for a while longer, My Goddess.”


With a nod of my head, I turned to look at the dragon who shook hers. It then melted into a massive pool of Abyss Water that simply rushed to my feet before joining my throne.


I then felt another pulse of power from the Abyss Waters Raven’s Salem was in. Turning my attention to her I peered into its dark depths. Salem finally grasped the remaining light within and crushed it to pieces. It was then overwhelmed by my Abyss Waters and she stood up out of the water with a calm disposition. The excess souls were gone and she felt drastically different now. I felt a connection to her that also seemed to branch off to Raven. She began to move, only to stop as we felt a form of assurance from the connection she had to Raven directed to her. Taking a look up at me she bowed her head in thanks.


With a serious tone she said, “Thank you for helping me. I'd hate to think what would become of her again if I were to have died again…”


As I stood up, I snapped my fingers to dismiss my throne and said, “No worries. She might not realise it yet, but we’re family now.”


I then looked down at Vali and with a sadistic smile on my face I said, “Well, let’s get started.”


An inky black covered my hand as I reached down to Vali’s system, and pulled. This quickly woke both of them up with screams. I only smiled more as I started to pull harder causing his system to loosen its hold on Vali. With a final pull, and a blood chilling scream from both they were separated.


Vali fell down in a slump, only to try and weakly look up at me, “N…no. Give… her… back…”


With a toothy smile and my voice dripping in sadistic glee I said, “Oh, no no no. Vali, I am doing you a favour here! You get to experience the same thing your lover did. I am being very magnanimous here, isn’t that right Salem?”


With a light giggle and covering her mouth with her hand she said, “Indeed, My Goddess.”


Turning my attention to the Light system in my grip I say, “Perception of Infinity. Soul Rot.”


And like the system of Gilgamesh, this one started to howl in pain. Though, it was clearly weaker than Gilgamesh’s though as it faded away into nothingness much faster.


As the last bits of the system vanished from reality, and looked down at the broken boy. He was crying and repeating the name of the system over and over, asking for forgiveness and blaming himself for being so weak.


Revelling in his pain, I snap my fingers and cause him to float up to my face. I stare into his eyes and say, “Your turn, boy.”


As it clicked in his mind what I was about to do, he tried to call out to his god, “My God! P-p-please help me! I need your salvation!”


With a cruel grin I gently caress his cheek and say, “Your god has no power here. Now… Perception of Infinity.”


As the spell took hold, I reached forward and crushed his jaw and pulled down causing it to hang there loosely. I then pulled my right hand back and plunged it into his chest and ripped out his heart.


With his still warm and beating heart in my hand, I push it into his mouth and down his throat slightly causing his screams of pain and pleas of mercy to become muffled.


My eyes burning in sadistic glee, I clenched both sides of his broken jaw and pushed them lightly together against his head.


Artoria: “Now remember, your gums are bleeding because you don’t floss your teeth.”


And with a gentle push, I crush his head inwards causing it to explode like a gory pinata. I then let his body crumble down and crash against the floor with a splash.


Raven’s Salem looked at the spectacle happening before her with interest and said, “Well, that was quite creative…”


She then glanced at my Salem and said, “Hm... me but different. Yes.. You don't have any past lives on Earth, right?”


My Salem tilted her head a little and asked, “Past life on Earth? No, can’t say I do. You mean to say you do?”


Salem (Raven’s) cheekily replied, “I do indeed. I see that's where we differ. I mean.. aside from being bedded by a ten. I don't mean Ozpin by the way.”


Salem (Mine) just smiled and nodded her head and said, “Yes, I got a general outline of the situation when My Goddess summoned me. Even I have to admit your Raven is quite beautiful and a good catch. I might try to find love again one day, but for now I am content with torturing Ozpin.”


With a nod of her head Salem (Raven’s) said, “Then I wish you good luck. I barely cared about Ozpin before I took the plunge? Now..? Hmhm... But let's go see Raven, yes? I can tell she's finishing up.”


She then looked at me, as if asking for permission. I just shrugged my shoulders and nodded my head before asking my Salem if she still wanted to come with us. Indicating she did, I snapped my fingers and the three of us were consumed by shadows and moments later we appeared near Raven.


Just in time to hear Raven say, “I'd rather not touch myself right after a slaughter…”


I just blink a few times, and then cough into my right hand to get her attention.


Giving her a cheeky smile I say, “No no, by all means Raven… touch away. Show us a grand play.”


Looking around, I can see a wonderful crimson fog that has appeared. And it's filled with her Divinity.


I sigh and say, "I am honestly jealous. I want to ascend and help my Tearwyn as soon as possible..."


With a sigh Raven said, “I swear, I swear it’s Pride’s doing…”


Glancing over at Salem (Raven’s) though, she had a rather intense look of “appreciation” on her face.


Raven then said, “Well we can still help you on your way. I do have this now.”


The god blood that was covering Raven’s body then coalesced to her outstretched hand and condensed into a fruit that also mixed with some of her Divinity.


She started to recap about the fruit before she interrupted herself, “We can return to plant this. Why.. are there two Salem's?”


Though, it was rather easy to tell which one was hers by the looks they were giving her. What with one being passive and the other being all hot and bothered…


My Salem then did a tiny bow and said, “Greetings Goddess Raven. I am a servant and follower of Goddess Artoria. She liberated my world from the Light’s clutches, and blessed it and its people.”


Nodding her head Raven said, “I see… Better than the alternative.”


Though, she clearly wasn’t used to seeing two Salem’s at the same time.


With a smile she said, “Good to meet you. Should we go back? Plant the tree and pick up my idiot Brother?”


Salem (Raven’s) chuckled and playfully chastised, “You're pretty mean to him, Dear.”


Shaking her head wryly Raven said, “You’ll understand when you meet him…”


Before I could even ask Tearwyn to open up a portal for us, it appeared. Giving a nod to everyone and gesturing to the portal I then turn to my Salem.


Smiling at her I say, “Thanks for the entertainment Salem. Come by sometime to play with Tearwyn whenever you or the girls want.”


Smiling back, Salem gave me a deep bow and said, “It was my pleasure to be of use to you, My Goddess. And I will gladly come by and play with Goddess Tearwyn when I have a chance. Good day, everyone.”


She then splashed down as she disconnected from her Abyss Water avatar. I reabsorbed the waters before I stepped through the portal.


When we all exited the portal moments later we were met with an unexpected scene. A nine tailed fox girl was sitting with Tearwyn, moving her multi-colored tails dexterously under Tearwyn's guidance. Said Fox girl looked over with a raised brow and smirked.


In an incredibly seductive voice she said, “Ara Ara..~”


And here be chapter 51~!♥ Hope you enjoyed it~~

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