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Chapter 52: Pantheon

Special thanks to Saeko_Kaburagi for working with me on this chapter~.♥


I just looked on in slight confusion at the kitsune woman before me, before it clicked.


‘Neo huh. Well, she sure ascended fast.’

(Source: Sae themselves via a commission.)

She just smirked at our silence while using all nine of her tails to play with Tearwyn. But she couldn’t blame us, she’s rather breathtaking now. That and Tearwyn looks absolutely adorable playing and having fun in her tails! Neo’s gaze then passed over Salem, and she frowned ever so slightly and and then hummed in interest. A few moments later she simply shook her head and gave us a small wave.


‘Well, not surprised. She most likely has had to kill all of the Salem’s she’s encountered thus far.’


She then looked at a little pond of my Black Water as she said, “Nice crib. It needs an onsen though. And not the black, spooky kind.”


Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Raven appraising Neo, and I really couldn’t blame her. Neo was now a Goddess, with several interesting Authorities as well.


‘Balance, Magic, Freedom.. And… Yurism I think? Heh, nice. She also has another, but it’s undeveloped and I am too lazy to look into it, truth be told.’


Realising I had been staring at her a little too long, I quickly blinked and turned my attention to Tearwyn. She was having a blast playing in Neo’s tails, but I was feeling a little jealous.


With an amused huff to hide my jealousy I said, “Well well. Didn't take you long to ascend it seems. What, is it buy one get one free day? And, if you want an onsen, just ask Tearwyn.”


Being unable to take it any longer I look at Tearwyn and spread my arms wide. Tearwyn smiled widely and soon became a pink bullet as she dashed into my embrace.


‘Huh… I just realised I didn’t drop my release of Pandemonium. Eh, I can hold it indefinitely in our dimension so whatever.’


As I snuggled Tearwyn I asked her, “Hello, Tearwyn~. I trust you've been enjoying your time with Neo?”


Tearwyn giggled a little before simply saying, “Hn.


Neo tapped her chin in thought before she finished her explanation with a thumbs up, “It was a good time. Killed a God and cut the moon in half before I destroyed a planet. Blake's here with Arturia too. She's into the whole Sakura tree look. Another Raven too, I see.. Gives me Alucard vibes. Mn.. I approve!”


She then shot Tearwyn and toothy grin before asking, “Oooh.. so am I adopted now? Cousin? Sister? Kitsune club?”


This question had also gotten the attention of the others, but Raven looked a bit distracted in her own thoughts as she cupped her chin in her hand.


She then stilled before giving Neo an odd look while asking, “Destroyed a planet…?”


I could only let out a laugh when I said, “Planetary destruction huh? Damn, even I have only devastated one causing a total extinction event. But not out right destroyed one.”


I then looked at Neo and Raven with a bit of curiosity as I asked, “Speaking of family. Surely you two can already feel the connection you have to myself, Tearwyn, and our Dimension?”


Neo then nodded her head and with amusement clear in her voice she said, “I sure can. Oh, and you’re not far from destroying a planet. And you’re not even ascended yet.”


As Neo lifted herself up on two of her tails, Raven also gave a nod and said, “I can. Is your Patron fine with that?”


Suddenly, a feeling washed over all of us. It felt heavy, yet not oppressive. Tearwyn's ears perked up and she looked around excitedly. Then, a few steps away from us, a large crack formed in reality. Seconds later it imploded inwards and revealed... nothing. There was nothing beyond the hole in reality. Just the feeling of the absolute END.


We didn't need to wait long before soft steps could be heard echoing out from the hole. And soon enough, a tall Kitsune stepped out, and the feeling that was blanketing us intensified exponentially. Yet, it was still not oppressive.


‘Dear Lilith, she is gorgeous!’


(Source: Me via a commission~.)


I then heard a very familiar voice ring out in my head, ‘Thank you, little Artoria. You’re looking quite nice as well~.


My mind came to a screeching halt when I registered what was happening in front of me.


As the Goddess spoke, as Lady Lilith spoke I internally swooned, “I am more than fine with gaining a few more... adopted daughters.


‘Her voice sounds even better in person, just like the stars… wait, daughters?!’


I could see Neo was struggling with something, but knowing her she was trying very hard not to hit on Lady Lilith. While Raven was just looking on in interest and awe.


With excitement in her voice Tearwyn yelled, “Big Sister Lilith! It's been so long since you've come personally!!


Tearwyn then let go of me, and ran up to Lady Lilith who pulled her into a hug with her tails. Salem covered her mouth while her eyebrows raised before looking at Raven.


With amusement she said, “I see a theme, Dear.”


I then caught the two of them glance at what I assumed to be NULL beyond the crack in reality and shiver slightly. I couldn’t blame them, even I who could use NULL as an attack felt wary around such a large opening to it.


I then heard the mutterings of Neo, and it almost caused me to do a spit take, “Don't call her Mommy.. Don't call her Mommy.."


Lady Lilith then had a sly and mischievous grin when she said, “But I am your Mommy, Neo. I can be more than one type at a time as well~.


I nearly fainted at the thought that flashed before my eyes. And it was only through the millions of years of muscle memory that I didn’t blush or get a nose bleed. Sadly for me, Lady Lilith ended up giving both myself and Raven a knowing look.


Raven coughed to herself while she turned away and scratched her cheek. I on the other hand didn’t bother to hold back my imagination since I was already caught.


I again heard Neo mutter something as her eyebrows shot up, “Oho.. Opening up new preferences for me here.”


With a smile Lady Lilith then said, “I could show you heights of pleasure that would break your soul little Neo~.


I felt my brain short circuit before it rebooted moments later when I saw Neo give her a suggestive smirk.


‘I am glad this isn’t a real body, or I would have bled out…’


Clearing my throat I gently asked Lady Lilith a question to distract myself from the fantasies I was having, “Lady Lilith? What did you mean by... daughters?”


She then sat down on thin air as she moved Tearwyn so she was on her lap and started to give her head pats. Tearwyn soon "melted" into the feeling and was purring ever so softly. I made a mental note to improve my head pats, because Tearwyn had never purred for me…


Lady Liliths voice echoed in my mind for a moment, ‘Don’t worry, little Artoria. You’ll get better as time goes on~. And, you can drop the Lady part. We’re family now, so it is fine if you call me Mother~.


She then smiled at Tearwyn for a few seconds before looking up at us and saying, “I mean just what I said, little Artoria. Tearwyn here is my daughter. You, and everyone else here minus Qrow, have formed a soul bound through this dimension. You are all family, my family, and a new pantheon.


‘A new Pantheon… and a family. This… this feels great. While I only care for Tearwyn so far, she deserves as big of a family as she wants. And the others here are good, interesting people. I am sure I can see them as family in time.’


Salem ended up tilting her head in confusion as she asked, “Wait. You included me in that soul link thing?”


Lad… err… Mother smiled at Salem and said, “Naturally. You and Raven are true Soul-Mates. So naturally, you share an extensive soul bound. Did you really think it was just Kimblee's machinations sending Raven to the same world as you~?


While Raven and my eyes widened at the implications of that, I noticed Neo had twitched at Kimblee’s name. Most likely thinking that the god I saw with Raven is the villain from Fullmetal Alchemist.


Mother rested her head on Tearwyn’s as she started to explain, “You two are destined and protected by Divine Law to always end up with each other. Even if both of you suffered total soul destruction and ended up back at the Seat of Creation, you would meet again~.


‘That is an impressive connection. Even being wiped down to the most basic a soul can be before being erased, and they’ll STILL find their way to each other. That’s actually really romantica and cute…’


Salem gave her a grateful nod and bowed her head. Her voice quivered with raw emotion as she said, “Thank you for arranging our reunion.. as rocky as it was. That last part is a little shocking too but I wouldn't have it any other way.”


Raven also bowed her head as she said, “You forever have my thanks.. I wouldn't even be who I am now without your help there.”


With a subtle nod of her head Noe chimed in, “Damn.. That's romantic.”


‘It really is. I wonder if I have that with Tearwyn. If not, I wonder if I could form it? Well, we already have a deep connection. And I refuse to let anyone hurt her in any capacity so I don’t need to worry about always finding her if we die. And, I love her as a little sister, not romantically… would that matter?’


Mother gave the duo a wink before she continued, “Now, as I was saying~. You are all family, in ways that are so much deeper than mere blood. But, I will not simply hand all of creation to you~. I firmly believe in letting my children do as they please, and work for it. Plus, I expect you all would find it boring if I just snapped my fingers and made your lives perfect~.


Neo hummed in approval as Raven nodded.


She leaned back and tickled Tearwyn gently before saying, “But, I am not above granting boons to my daughters should they ask. Just know they will have to be balanced out. Free power leads to nothing after all~.


With a shrug Neo stood up and said, “I like at least a bit of challenge anyway. Nothin' worth doing is ever easy.”


Raven added, “I can agree with that sentiment.”


I nodded my head and with conviction I said, “Yes, that would be boring. And while I am the only non-Goddess here and I am a bit envious, it honestly just makes me want to work harder!”


With a smile Mother said, “And that's why I chose you little Artoria~. Is there anything any of you want to ask me~?


Raven shook her head and held up the Dark Fruit as she said, “I believe I'm fine for now. I have to plant this fruit in a suitable place.”


While rubbing her chin Neo asked, “Hm... I got an idea. Though it's more for Tearwyn. Can I get somethin' to tether souls here? Make a little Valkyrie squad of Kitsune to protect Tearwyn and do stuff for her?”


‘Oohh, that’s a great idea, Neo! Nice!’


Before Mother answered Neo she motioned for Raven to go do her thing while saying, “I am surprised your 'other half' is being so shy, Raven~.


‘Other half? Ohh, the sexy naked Raven maybe? Pride I think it was.’


Then much to my expectation the second Raven known as “Pride” emerged. Though much to my mild disappointment she was not naked, and was instead draped in tight fitting living darkness.


‘Honestly, I would be lying if I said I didn’t also like this. Damn, I have been really thirsty today…’


Mother then nodded towards Neo, snapped her fingers and said, “Naturally. Anything for my little kit Tearwyn~~~


I then felt our dimension expand some, and Neo got a few more permissions that were not originally in the Apocalypse system we were all now connected to.


Neo looked over Pride with a smirk before she turned her attention to her new permissions.


Pride looked up at Mother with a calm smile and said, “How nice to meet you, Patron Goddess.”


Mother smiled back and said, “Nice to see you again, Pride~. I was wondering where you ended up after that last fiasco.


Pride gave her a knowing smile and chuckled.


Pride then started to explain with a little amusement in her voice, “Well it was a long time. They saw fit to seal me when they failed to kill me. Ah but we can talk more in person and more.. intimately later if you want? Raven has no idea yet. Not much use telling her at this stage. Still a lot of growing to do before it's relevant.”


Raven frowned slightly and shot a look at Pride.


Nodding her head, Mother said, “Of course~. Sorry Raven. But it seems you're not quite ready for these spoilers~.


Raven then asked, “Hm.. That's fine. I trust I'll be informed later on?”


Seeing Pride nod her head with a small smirk, Raven was content for now and left to look for a spot to plant the fruit.


Mother looked back at Pride with a sly grin as she said, “You're in for a lovely ride, my dear Pride. Who could have seen you becoming my daughter~? Truly, what a surprise~.


Pride simply chuckled and shrugged to herself before Neo asked another question, “Ya know I have another girl in mind who could join us. Muscular sexy Owl Saiyan girl. Guess you know her, Mo-Lilith?”


Even though she made a small stutter at the end, it was clear that the “mistake” was wholly intentional.


Neo simply blinked her eyes before she found herself sitting on one of Mother's tails while another gently patted her head.


With a smile that somehow was both motherly and enticing she said, “Mother or Mommy is fine with me, Neo~ And yes, I know of the little chaos sprout 'Muun'~.


It was clear to me that Neo was both comfortable and getting slightly into it in other ways.


Pride added her thoughts which caused Salem to nod in agreement, “Hoh? Kimblee might be interested in her then. Guy is Chaos itself. Literally.”


‘Oh? An incarnation of Chaos huh? No wonder I couldn’t comprehend what he looked like. He must be pretty powerful and most likely one of the older gods as well.’


As Neo relaxed in Mothers tails while they swaddled her she said, “Pretty sure she'd be interested in joining our Patheon then. She's not the kinda girl to settle. Especially if she has a higher scope of power to reach.”


‘That looks so comfortable… I want to try that as well… but I don’t want to overstep my bounds.’


Mother hummed softly in thought as she nodded her head before she said, “Sure, I can see her getting along with little Artoria. They could drive each other forward~.


‘Ah, that’s true. If she is anything like me and enjoy-’


My thoughts were interrupted however when I suddenly found myself across from Neo in Mothers tails. I was soon treated to the same sensations as Neo was much to my embarrassment, yet utter delight.


Mother looked down at me with a purely wholesome and motherly smile when she said, “You need only ask, little Artoria. We are family, no need to hold back.


I heard Neo sigh in contentment before she teased me, “Hehehe! Were ya jealous? It does feel nice, doesn't it?”


I could only weakly nod my head as I blushed and tried to hide under one of her tails. Much to my further delight however, I heard Tearwyn giggle before she made her way to my lap and snuggled.


I then heard Neo snap her fingers as she said, “I'll have to make a list for stuff I need to do later. I'd hate for Mumei to arrive and I'd still be at this level. I'll have to kill off the guys in Soul Eater and pick up my Raven, Pyrrha and Neopolitan along with Shizuka. Then I'll go somewhere to learn something.. Ki related…”


‘Hmm, sounds like she’ll be busy. I need to hurry up as well, yet I still want to enjoy my time all the same.’


All the while, a giant black tree sprouted farther away from us. Its leaves copying the Sakura petals from Tearwyn's influence. The bark was black and radiated the same energy as the Black Water from my influence. Finally, it was heavily saturated with magic, from Neo's influence. It stood majestically above the trees around it, like a landmark.


Neo looked at it and muttered, “Impressive…”


We then all felt the tree pulse and then emanated the essence of Sin. Courtesy of one Raven Branwen.


I let out a whistle and said, “Now that is a tree. It feels awesome.”


Mother nodded her head and said to Tearwyn, “Indeed, make sure to take good care of it, my little kit~ It'll not only greatly help your sister ascend when the time is right, but all of you in some way.


Tearwyn was still enjoying the light snuggles I was giving her as she said, “You can count on me Big Sister Lilith!


Pride looked at the tree, which was slowly sprouting fruits and let a small smile reach her face. Mother lightly snapped her fingers and suddenly Raven was standing near all of us again. Blinking and seeing she was near us once again, Raven looked at Mother and listened.


Much to my hidden disappointment she put both Neo and I down as she said, “Now, a final word before I leave. I will not interfere with any of your lives, or fights for the most part~. I may stop by from time to time, or if you call out to me. As I said, we are family. I take that very seriously.


Making sure everyone was paying attention to her she then continued, “That being said, I will not step in and save your life. You are your own entities, and can not be coddled by me. However, I WILL prevent anyone from unfairly killing you instantly with no chance to at least attempt a struggle.


Stopping to let her words sink in for a few moments she continued once again, “Two gods had already tried to do just that. One from each side~. Raven already killed one of them. Well, he was foolish and trusted the Dark Brother god~.


Finally she smiled and said, “If I believe you have a chance at survival, I will not step in. You have to live with the consequences of your actions. Both good and bad~. Any questions, my daughters~?"


Raven took a quick glance at all of us before she said, “Do you care if I kill a good few of these Gods? I've come to realise.. They won't simply leave me be after killing those two. I have to improve. If nothing else than to protect my family. I want them to become stronger too, so any suggestions on how to make that happen is appreciated.”


A warm smile with a hint of sadistic glee in it appeared on Mother's face as she said, “No, not at all. You could wipe out all life in the true omniverse if you really wanted too and I would be fine with it, my daughter~. As for a tip for strength....


Leaning forward and resting her chin on her right fist she said, “Trust in Pride, and the power she and the others have. You're stronger than you think, and the avenues you have open to you are many.


‘That’s true. I can feel immense power from her Authorities, and the fact she can absorb power from other people is a huge win for her.’


Leaning back she added, “And if you ever feel like you need a power up, simply ask me. I will give you a trial of sorts. They won't be easy, but if you truly need power and have no other way, look to me~.


Pride then said, “I do have a method. Let's talk about it after you get your family back to Remnant.” 


She then sank back into Raven's body. I couldn’t help but have a few slightly naughty thoughts about the two of them, more so when I remembered that she also has the Sin of Lust.


Mother then clapped her hands and smiled at all of us before she asked, “Now, any more questions before I leave?


With a small grin and wink Neo said, “Not from me. I'll try to be fun to watch though. Later, Momma Lilith.”


Mother winked back at Neo and added some extra sultriness in her voice when she said, “Be careful my little Neo. This Mommy knows how to play, and push all the right buttons on naughty little kits~.


‘Hot damn.’


We all heard an audible nasal inhale from Neo as she smiled in response. It kind of seemed like she was into it.


‘Shit, I am into it…’


Mother then gave a knowing smile to both Raven and myself before she said, “Okay, now I really must be going. My BFF is waiting for me~ We have some people to terrorise in a Harry Potter universe after all~ Goodbye, my Daughters.


With that, she shattered into hundreds of purple butterflies while the hole in reality finally closed.


With amusement Neo said, “..Eh? She's having fun in Harry Potter? Sounds fun.. Well I'm going down a layer in this dimension. I brought Blake and Arturia with me. Blake wanted to make a library and Arturia wanted to make a teleportation device to beat Excalibur's ass.”


‘Excal… oh right. She did mention Soul Eater. I better stay away, otherwise I’ll kill it, I just know it.’


Neo was smirking in thought as Raven added, “I'm not sure I get the last part but feel free to call if you need something. I'll be moving my family back to Remnant.”


I then started to tickle Tearwyn for a few moments before I said, “Well. That was not something I was expecting. Told you we were family Tearwyn! And now, we even have sisters!”


With a smile Neo patted Tearwyn’s head with one of her white tails as she said, “I got an upgrade from friend!”


‘Huh, her tail smells slightly of vanilla.’


Raven then joined in on the head patting as she said, “Mn. I've never had siblings so this should be.. Interesting.”


I could see Qrow almost visibly deflate when he heard Raven.


‘Poor guy.’


Tearwyn giggled with excitement and glee at the head pats before she said, “I'll still hang out with you Neo! But Raven and Artoria, if you want to hang out you'll need to ask Big Sister Lilith to help me bend Divine Law again to send an avatar to your side.


I nodded my head and said, “I'll ask L-... err, Mother about that. But I don't know if I could focus on anything but you if you came with me Tearwyn…”


I could hear Neo suppress a giggle at my confession, but it was true. How could I focus on anything but trying to have fun with Tearwyn if she came with me!?


Tearwyn giggled and gave me a head pat as she said, “That's fine! We can always just talk then~.


Closing my eyes as I enjoyed the head pats I gave her a nod.


Neo then said, “You're always welcome with me, Tearwyn! Now.. to join Arturia in beating Excalibur with a bat…”


She chuckled darkly as she vanished, and started to make her way down to the new layer in our Dimension.


‘We really need to name this place… hmm… maybe “Corrupted Eden of Sin”?’


I then smiled as I thought of Neo and said, “She makes a great Kitsune~. And an even better sister. You know how to pick em, Tearwyn.”


Raven gave Tearwyn one last head pat as she said, “Pride and I agree. I'll be back soon. I have to take everyone home and make sure Yang didn't teach Shirou anything bad.”


With a smile Tearwyn said, “Okay! Good bye Sisters Raven and Pride! Sister Salem! Uncle Qrow!


"See you later, Tearwyn" Salem waved as Raven pulled along Qrow, who was waving over to Tearwyn with a wry smile.


As soon as they disappeared, I snuggled Tearwyn while I dropped the release of Pandemonium finally.


As I returned to a slightly younger age I said, “Okay Tearwyn. I got a few things I want to do in that world I was in before all of this started. Then I should go take care of the last scout Reincarnator.”


Tearwyn nodded her head as she said, “Okay! I am going to go see what Neo is up to then.


I set Tearwyn down as I stood up while saying, “Sounds like a plan. You really did find a good sister in her. I am happy for you, Tearwyn. Enjoy your time!”


She gave me a thumbs up, and then opened a portal for me as she disappeared.


BOOM~! How'd you like them apples for a twist? Though, I bet many of you saw it coming hehe. Well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I'll see you in the next one~!

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