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Chapter 64: Unforgivable?

Rin’s eyes were wide as she asked once again, “Say that again?”


Giving her a sly grin I answered, “Your teacher. The one that just left? He’s a Summoner, or a ‘Master’ as you mortals like to say.”


There was a lot of sarcasm in my voice as I made air quotes when I said master. I could only silently scoff to myself as I thought, ‘Leave it to the weak to try and prop themselves up with lofty titles.’


To her credit Rin managed to collect herself rather quickly, then asked in a lower voice as to not draw (more) attention to herself, “Are you sure? Like, really sure?”


With a soft hum I nodded my head before I responded, “Yes, I am sure, Rin. The Servant he summoned is Medea. So I ask again. Shall I kill him?”


Rin frowned and bit her thumb in thought for several minutes while she sank into her own little world. I patiently waited for her while keeping tabs on Medea’s soul signature and her master Souichirou Kuzuki, Rin's teacher.


While Rin was thinking on what to do, I was making note of what a Servant’s soul felt like, ‘This is interesting. It’s like a fake soul, a copy even. I can tell it’s linked to something that leaves this reality but I can’t follow it. I wonder if their Servant selves act like Shadow Clones from Naruto in that they transfer everything they did to their main soul/body when killed. I can only assume so.’


I was brought out of my musing by Rin when she said, “I need to do this. I entered this war with the intent to win; my wish has to be granted!”


A cruel grin appeared on my face as I said, “Good. I know just the way to kill him. Want to watch? It’ll be very… dramatic. Heart breaking even.”


She seemed a little put off as she leaned back with narrowed eyes before responding, “Ummm… right. Evil alignment. All of my instincts are screaming to say no, but I need to see this through… Let’s go.”


My face cracked an nearly inhumanly wide and sadistic smile as I said, “Excellent! He’s going to meet her at the back of the school like some kind of fucking angsty teen right now, haha!”


Casting Disillusionment on the both of us, I then grabbed Rin by the shoulder and we sank into the shadows. I didn’t want to risk alerting Medea with Apperating, or having Rin do it by puking her guts out because of the spell. Moments later, we stepped out of the shadow of the building a few metres away from Kuzuki.


Seeing that we arrived before Medea, I quickly took action; I pointed at Kuzuki and said, “Imperio.”


The spell took effect without a hitch and Kuzuki relaxed and his eyes looked glazed and a little lifeless. With a thought, he went back to his proper stance, and his normal indifferent look appeared on his face.


Rin noticed the sudden change in his demeanour that appeared for a second before vanishing, so she asked, “What was that? What did you do?”


With a sinister chuckle I said, “The start of a wonderful play. Do you know the history of Medea?”


Rin frowned and tilted her head in thought for a bit before she said, “Just a bit. The Grail is giving very condensed footnotes of her past; most of the information is about her strengths and weaknesses with a few notable achievements and highlights of her life. Why?”


When I turned to her, she visibly flinched and leaned back because of the face I was making as I said, “Because you’re about to see that strength in War is not only just measured by one's power output from their magic or muscles.” As I turned my head back to Kuzuki I continued, “And that there are a few things much worse, and effective, at killing someone than steel or flashy spells.”


And as if on queue, Medea appeared via teleportation. I made a mental note to try and figure out how she was teleporting like that later, as it was better than Apparition in my eyes. 


As Medea smiled at Kuzuki after she appeared and walked over to embrace him I whispered to Rin, “They were in love, by the way.”


I could see Rin’s eyes widen every so slightly out of the corner of mine as she asked, “Were?”


With a sinister chuckle I said, “Just watch…”


Only a few seconds after they hugged, Kuzuki pushed Medea away, much to her confusion. She asked, “What’s wrong, Souichirou?”


Kuzuki sighed and said, “I am sorry, Medea… I can’t do this anymore. I can’t keep this up.”


She pulled down her hood, and had a look of absolute confusion on her face as she asked, “Do what? What do-”


She was interrupted by Kuzuki raising his hand, with the command seal facing Medea, and saying “I command you to not move or talk.”


She instantly shut her mouth and stopped moving, while the look of pure confusion only seemed to grow on her face. Kuzuki sighed again and said, “You can come out, Dear. I am sorry, I can’t do this anymore. It makes me feel dirty being around her and not you.”


With a wave of my hand, and a few spells there was a glow of red and pink near Kuzuki before a humanoid figure condensed in the light. It started to take the shape of a very defined woman, and after a few seconds the light seemed to flake away into rose petals to reveal a stunningly beautiful woman in a skimpy white dress with long, lush red hair.


Medea’s eyes widened at the woman's appearance, and she started to struggle against the command seal's effects when the woman floated down and hung herself off of Kuzuki’s neck like a human cape.


In an incredibly seductive voice the new woman said, “It’s okay, my love. I understand, she is rather… vile after all.”


Kuzuki closed his eyes and sighed while leaning unto the woman's arms for a few moments before he said, “Still, I hate to disappoint you like this, my love. But I just couldn’t stand being around someone that wouldn’t hesitate to betray me at the drop of a hat.”


The woman hummed in agreement before floating to the front of Kuzuki and giving him a deep kiss. I smiled in sadistic glee as Medea’s struggle started to increase in intensity from being called a traitor and the woman’s kiss.


After the long and overly dramatic kiss, she floated back to her original position behind Kuzuki and looked at Medea with a mocking smile. She floated lower and leaned her chin on his shoulder as she asked, “What’s the matter, Medea? Do you not recognise me? Well, I can not blame you, it’s been so terribly long after all.”


The woman ran a finger over the side of Kuzuki’s face, before pressing their cheeks together and saying, “It’s very surprising a princess like you could forget me. After all, it’s not every day a Goddess of Love blessing a mere mortal with pure Love for another after all.”


Even though the woman spoke in a jovial manner, her smile was anything but. And the woman's words had the effect she was after, as Medea's eyes were wide, and she was starting to move ever so slightly; despite the command still being in effect.


Medea was struggling with all her fury, and madness started to colour her eyes as she struggled to say, “Aph…rod…ite…!!!”


The woman let out a boisterous, yet mocking laugh as she gleefully said, “So you do remember me!”


Aphrodite then forced Kuzuki to face her as she kissed him deeply again, much to the extreme ire of Medea. She even made a show of it by moaning loudly into his mouth before pulling back with a wide smile as she looked at the positively livid and raging Medea.


Aphrodite scoffed, and with her voice filled with disdain she said, “Look at her, my love. What did I tell you? Nothing but a rabid beast. Best put her down, and out of our misery.”


Kuzuki nodded his head and said, “As you wish, my love.”


While his face was full of love and longing when he was looking at Aphrodite, when he turned to Medea though it became blank and emotionless. He raised his hand again and said, “I command you: Kill yourself.”


Medea then took out a blade from inside her robes and I could only smile slyly as I mumbled, “Clever girl.”


The dagger she took out was her Noble Phantasm, and its jagged blade was already glowing with magic. She screamed loudly as she stabbed herself in the heart with her own blade, only for it to activate. Purple threads of magic were escaping where the wound was, and for several seconds this continued with her screaming. A shattering sound, almost like glass, came from Kuzuki’s hand as the last command seal vanished from it.


Medea was panting wildly as she pulled her dagger out of her body, drawing some blood. She looked up at the duo with nothing but hatred and madness colouring her eyes as she screamed, “APHRODITE!!! SOUICHIROU KUZUKI!!!!!!!!”


And as she charged at them, I let go of the Imperius curse on Kuzuki. He moaned and looked confused for a second, but before he could even gather his wits, Medea was already tackling him.


With a grunt the two of them crashed against the school building, before falling to the ground in a heap. All the while Medea was screaming their names, and to his credit he managed to urk out a single “Wait!” before Medea plunged the dagger into his chest.


With hatred and madness unending she screamed out, “I am not a traitor! YOU ARE!! YOU BOTH ARE! DIE! DIE DIE DIE!!!!”


She stabbed wildly with reckless abandon at Kuzuki’s body, while repeatedly screaming at him. This went on for several minutes, before there was nearly nothing left of Kuzuki’s chest that even remotely looked human.


She was brought out of her madness induced rage by a soft giggle above her from Aphrodite. Medea’s head whipped to her direction, and the madness started to seep back into her eyes as Aphrodite said, “Oh my my. Such barbaric behaviour! To think you would betray the man you loved so easily just like that!”


With a scream that promised nothing but the most epic of pain, Medea lunged at Aphrodite with her dagger. However, as soon as Medea made contact with Aphrodite, she simply phased through her. Medea hit the ground hard, and quickly scrambled back to her feet and looked at the Goddess in confusion.


Aphrodite floated down to the ground, and simply smiled as she said, “Were you not paying attention to me? I had asked why you betrayed your lover so easily. I ask this because… well…”


She then faded away, and I revealed myself standing over Kuzuki’s corpse with a sinister smile. My voice was filled with sarcasm as I mocked her, “Well? How could you kill your lover like that, Medea?”


I squatted down and looked over the mutilated corpse and continued, “He had nothing but love for you in his heart. You were his everything. And you betrayed that with a cruel and painful death…” I looked back up at the stunned Medea and finished with, “Truly, you are the Princess of Betrayal.”


Medea’s eyes started to rapidly move between myself and the body of her former lover. And soon, realisation and grief flooded her eyes. She looked down at her blood covered hands and started to hyperventilate. She then grabbed the sides of her head and screamed in grief as she crashed to her knees.


I couldn't help myself when she started to spiral down in grief and sorrow at her actions and started to laugh. She stopped her wild mumbling to look at me as I stood up while I was laughing at the whole situation.


A few moments later I settled down and said, “To think. You would kill a lover who was bent to someone's will in a similar way to what was done to you. In your madness, you didn’t even notice I had let that spell go, and he tried to talk to you!”


I couldn’t help but laugh again for a few more seconds before I continued, “Even his last breath was used to say sorry to you! Even his final thoughts were filled with nothing but shame at how he was used to hurt you, and how he was powerless to even resist!”


I cracked a sadistic grin as I closed with, “Truly, a fine gentleman who gave his heart, which was full of nothing but pure love, to you. Only to have you literally break it without a second thought. Par for the course though, when you are involved no?”


My sadistic smile only grew as Medea digested what I was saying, and she started to vibrate in rage. Soon, all the sanity and grief in her eyes was replaced with unbridled fury and hate.


As she stood up, and started to charge me I said, “Here, I’ll show you what your lover went through since I am such a wonderfully considerate person. Imperio.”


When she was only a few centimetres from stabbing me with her dagger, she froze. I could only nod my head in appreciation to her will, as I could feel her struggling against my control.


I leaned in and whispered to her ear, “How does it feel? I know your true self can hear me above her addled brain right now. This is what your lover felt like the entire time. He was screaming against my control like you are. But even you are not strong enough. Your will, your magic just can not compare to something like myself.”


I straightened my posture and with a mocking chuckle I said, “Now, I think it’s only fair that you give your heart to your lover, like he did for you.”


And with a blank face, and a non-glowing dagger, Medea started to carve out her own heart. Not even a grunt escaped her lips as she went about the macabre task. It didn’t take her long before she was pulling out her own heart and emotionlessly dropping it onto her ex-lovers corpse.


I released the spell, and she collapsed to the ground with a pained cry. Tears were falling from her eyes as she crawled to her ex-lovers face with the last remaining strength she had. She started to fade away in short order as she could no longer keep her form because of the damage.


With a final whimper she looked up at me and whispered, “You… are… a... mon-monster…”


She breathed her last as her body disintegrated into magic particles. Interestingly though, her heart was still on Kuzuki’s chest.


As I was smiling at my work, I heard a very disturbed and yet softly spoke, “What the fuck?!”


Turning around, I saw Rin on the ground with a look of absolute horror on her face.


A dark chapter for a bright Wednesday~! Hope you enjoyed another depiction of just how EVIL Artoria really is~. See you in the next one~.♥

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