Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 65: An ominous wind blows…

I just scoffed at Rin as I said, “Don’t you think you are overreacting a bit?”


Rin tore her eyes away from my handiwork and shook her head with wide eyes as she said, “No! No, I do not think I am overreacting! I think I am reacting at the perfect level for what I had just witnessed!”


She then pointed at the corpse with a shaking hand and said, “What in the ACTUAL FUCK?! WHY?!”


I brought my hand up to my chin and nodded while humming in thought for a few seconds before I said, “Why not? I said I was going to kill him, didn't I?”


Still wide eyed she answered, “When you said kill, I assumed you meant with a spell, or a sword or something NORMAL! Not what ever in the FUCK that was! I am freaking out here!”


Again I scoffed as I said, “Oh, quit being such a baby. You’re a Magus, I am sure you know of worse things than this little play I did.”


She was starting to finally calm down, but still whipped her head to the sides as she said, “That’s…. True. BUT! None of that was done in front of me…”


I just shrugged my shoulders as I said, “Don’t worry. You’ll get used to it, and eventually it won’t affect you at all. Hell, you might even enjoy it one day.”


She stood up, and then crossed her arms into an X formation in front of her as she said, “I very, VERY much doubt any of that will ever happen.”


Taking a stealthy peek at the command seal on her hand I said with a subtly sly grin, “You never know, Rin. You never know.”


Fully in control of her emotions again, she just waved me off before looking back at the body and saying, “Can you get rid of you… actions now? Please?”


With a hum I nodded my head and raised my hand to snap for theatrics, but before I could use my spell the body started to glow much like how Medea did moments before she died. Seconds later the body, along with the heart, started to disintegrate just like how Medea did.


With a raised eyebrow I said, “Well, that is interesting. I wonder if he, or even the both of them, will be paying me a visit again?”


Rin tilted her head and asked, “That wasn’t you?”


I shook my head as I answered, “No, it was not. It seems like the Grail wants to play a bit. Anyway, you got your shit together enough to go back to class?”


Rin froze for a second before her eyes went wide and said, “SHIT!”


As she ran past me, with rather impressive speed if I am being honest, I turned my attention to the glyphs that were around the school. The final glyph that was writing itself had completed during my little puppet play, and now the boundary was ready to be activated.


As I teleported to one of the glyphs I thought, ‘Interesting that they are still primed. Didn’t the boundary fail when its creator… oh, maybe that’s why. It’s not active, and to that point it’s no longer linked to anyone.. I wonder.’


I sent a tether of my own mana into the glyph, and it latched onto it like a drowning man to a lifeboat. In a matter of seconds my mana overtook the entire boundary array and the colour of the glyph had turned from a blue to a pitch black.


Ignoring the colour change, I was able to confirm this was the life drain array that Caster had set up in the anime now that I was connected to the whole completed formation. I stood there for a while as I pondered what I wanted to do with this thing, as using it as is would be a complete waste for someone like myself.


A cruel smile slowly crept up on to my face as an idea began to form. I raised my hand toward the glyph and used my Authority of Corruption on it. Doing so caused half my arm to be covered in an inky black mist, and unbeknownst to myself my eyes were glowing much brighter than normal.


A toothy grin cracked my face as I finished corrupting the array moments later. I couldn’t help the dark giggles that escaped my lips as I teleported away while thinking, ‘This is going to be fun!’


As I appeared onto the school roof, I looked up and snapped my fingers. The boundary field activated and I saw my magic shoot out from the four corners of the school and converged above me. When the beams hit each other a massive symbol briefly appeared before a dome slowly formed around the school.


As the massive symbol faded, which looked like my sword in its scabbard loosely, I thought, ‘I may not be able to summon my Black Water, but like it said; still have access to my Authority. I guess I am kind of using my Black Water like how Thor uses his hammer to channel his Authority… or something.’


With the boundary in place, I felt the surrounding mana begin to slowly, extremely slowly, start to be converted into corruption mana. Everything inside this boundary will start to become slowly corrupted, Magus or not. And because I was feeling playful, I didn’t define what kind of corruption, so I have no idea what will happen to everyone.


I couldn’t help but laugh out loud like a B-rate villain before settling down and thinking, ‘This is going to be so interesting! I’ve never used my Authority like this before.’


I looked down with my senses as I continued that train of thought, ‘Who knows what kind of monsters will be born because of this. Maybe even a few literal ones!’


I hummed in glee as I saw the mana starting to take effect on everyone inside. While the corruption speed was dramatically slower than my Black Waters, it is still rather quick.


I narrowed my eyes in thought as I pondered the rate, ‘Hmmm… it should be a few days at most. Changes should start to appear by tomorrow, even if they’ll only be subtle.’


With a final dark chuckle I casted Disillusionment on myself and teleported to Rin. She was focusing on her studies as the teacher droned on about Math. Looking at the clock, it seems it only took me fifteen minutes, give or take, to set up my new entertainment.


I sighed as I thought, ‘This is going to be boring…’


~ After the final bell has rung ~



As Rin was heading towards her locker I thought, ‘And I was right…’


My thoughts were interrupted when Shirou himself nearly bumped into Rin in some kind of classic Rom Com scene.


Rin gave him a glare as he scratched the back of his head and apologised, “I am so sorry, Rin! I was lost in my own head for a few there…”


She scoffed at him while giving him a light glare as she said, “Just watch where you are going. You would have slammed into me if I was as empty headed as you!”


He continued to rub the back of his head as he chuckled awkwardly for a few seconds before he frowned a little and said, “Umm…”


Rin’s glare just deepened as she asked, “What?”


He winced a little at her tone before he just shook his head and said, “No, never mind. Again, I am really sorry Rin! But I have to go!”


With a small bow to Rin, he quickly ran off while Rin just glared at his back for a few more moments before turning on her heel and resuming her walk back to her locker.


Ignoring whatever that just was, I asked, “So, what is the plan for this evening, Rin?”


Without looking back at me she said, “Well, you’ve already taken out one Master. Even if it was a little over the top.”


With a sly grin I thought, ‘Only a “little,” hmm?’


Ignorant to my thoughts she continued, “So I thought we could keep up the pressure and go after another. Are there any more Masters in school?”


I lazily answered, “There isn't any. But, that could change if all of the Masters have not been selected after all~.”


We arrived at Rin’s locker and as she was transferring her things she hummed in thought before saying, “And what about Servants? Any more in the area?”


I nodded my head as I answered, “Yes, there are a few. No idea who they are without actually going to them though. But it seems your cover might be blown, as there has been one that has been hovering around the school for a few hours now."


Rin closed her locker and had gotten everything situated before she nodded her head as she turned to the door while saying, “Then we’ll come back after dusk. I know this area rather well, and it would be a nice home field advantage.”


I simply hummed and followed her while I thought, ‘I wonder if it’s still Lancer. Another interesting thing is that Shirou was completely uncorrupted. I wonder if Avalon is protecting him since the effect from the boundary field is very weak?’


~ Back at the school after Dusk ~



Rin and I have been walking around the school grounds randomly for a good twenty or so minutes before our stalker had finally decided to show up. And much as I suspected, it was indeed Lancer.


He suddenly appeared before Rin standing a basketball hoop of all things, looking down at her smugly. With a scoff he said, “If it isn’t Rin Tohsaka. Rumour has it that you are a Master, but I see no Servant. Did they abandon you?”


Rin took a glance at me, and then in another random area to make it look like she was searching for someone else before saying, “How do you know who I am? As for you... Lancer, I presume?”


He spun his Lance in a showy flourish while the smugness that was radiating off him intensified a thousand fold. After spinning his weapon around like a damn cheerleader's baton for a few seconds he said, “Indeed! As for how I know you…?”


He then jumped off the basket towards Rin, and it must have been faster than she could see if her gasp was any hint. But for myself, it looked like a rather normal jump to be honest.


As he was above her with his weapon swinging down he said, “Maybe someone will tell you in the afterlife!”


I merely stepped in front of Rin, grabbed his spear and threw him towards the school. All at a speed that was far greater than his little jump attack.


As he crashed through the school's wall, I idly thought, ‘Now that I think about it, that attack kind of looked like a jump attack from a Dragoon from Final Fantasy. Huh, neat.’


The annoyed groan from Lancer, aka Cú Chulainn, pulled me out of my musings as he pulled himself out of the rubble. As he dusted himself off and cracked his neck, much to my confusion, he said, “What was that? A spell of sorts?”


I looked back at Rin to see how she was going to play this, and saw a smirk on her face as she said, “Who knows? Maybe someone will tell you in the afterlife?”


Looking back at Lancer a wide smile split his face as he laughed for a few seconds before saying, “Ha! I deserved that. But, if it is a spell, how long will it hold?”


His smile turned bloodthirsty as he once again charged Rin. This time, he tried to circle around her and come from behind and on land. Again, I simply grabbed his weapon before it could reach her, but this time I just held it in place.


Feeling the wind from the attack brush by her, Rin turned around and seeing that I was lazily holding his weapon while he was struggling to pull it back she just smirked. She crossed her arms and imitated his pose from before as she said, “Long enough it would seem. How about another trip into a wall?”


Lancer stopped struggling for a second to look up at Rin and as he was starting to get his question out I heaved his weapon, which he refused to let go of, into another wall.


A minute or so later, as he was grumbling and dusting himself off again, we all heard a soft, “Rin?”


We all turned our heads to the sound, and there peeking from a corner was Shirou. Lancer grinned wildly as he shouted, “No witnesses!”


Shirou made a startled noise and then started to hightail it out of there with Lancer laughing right on his heels.


Rin cursed behind me as she started to run after them while saying, “What is that dumbass still doing in school this late? Damn it.”


Not feeling up to running after them all, I simply sank into the shadows and rested in Rin’s as she ran after the duo. I quietly snickered to myself as I thought, ‘She totally forgot I could just teleport her to Shirou. Oh well, not my problem.’


She spent quite a while running around the hallways looking for the little peeping tom, completely forgetting I could also just sense him. Lancer had already “dealt” with him as well, and was leaving the area. As Rin finally found him, and started to run up to his still form I thought, ‘Kind of disappointed, I was having fun playing around like that. He looked so annoyed at the whole situation, heh.’


As Rin came to a stop next to the barely alive Shirou, I stepped out of a shadow on the wall. And to my slight surprise, Rin wasn’t panicking or anything, she just looked like she was in deep thought.


As I joined her I simply asked, “So, what’s the plan here? Make sure he dies? Save him?”


Rin just sighed before she answered, “I am thinking of saving him.” She then glanced at me and asked, “Thoughts?”


I shrugged my shoulders and said, “Do as you will.”


She released a deep sigh before she said, “I’ll save him. I feel responsible. It was my hair-brained idea to fight at the school. Even if this dumbass shouldn’t be here this late…”


As she pulled out her necklace and started the ritual to save his life I said, “Eh, you do you.”


She ignored me in favour of making sure the ritual was done properly. As it completed, Shirou’s wounded heart started to sealed up, and he regained colour in his face, if only slightly. She dropped the necklace she used as a focus for the ritual with a sigh and stood up.


She gazed at him for a few moments before asking me to teleport us back to her home. As we appeared in her living room, she collapsed on her couch with yet another long and drawn out sigh.


After which she said, “I am going for a bath.”


She promptly stood up and walked out of the room, leaving me my own devices. I sat down on the couch that Rin had just vacated and spread my senses over the city again. A small frown formed quickly however as I sensed the number of Servants. The count should have gone down after I killed Medea, but it didn’t. I still sense seven.


Turning my senses to Shirou, I confirmed he was still without a Servant, and still making his way home. Though I did notice Avalon was pulling Mana from the surroundings into itself.


With slight interest I thought, ‘So it’s getting ready to summon Saber then. I can’t wait to see her reaction when she meets me.’


Ignoring that for now, I went back trying to count the Servants but no matter how much I pushed my sense, I still counted seven. With a bit of irritation I thought, ‘Did one of them come out of hiding or something?’


As I was annoying myself, I heard Rin enter the room. Turning to look at her with a raised eyebrow, she frowned at me and asked, “What?”


Tilting my head I asked, “I thought you were going for a bath?”


It was Rin’s turn to raise an eyebrow towards me as she said, “I was in the bath for a good hour or so.”


I blinked a few times before saying, “Oh. I guess I was totally lost in deeper thought than I suspected. Well, ignoring my lack of awareness of time, did the bath clear your head?”


She hummed as she sat down on a chair across from me before saying, “It did. And honestly, I feel like it was a waste to save him.”


I nodded my head as I said, “Hmm, hmm. It was, but it was your choice. Well, even more of a waste since he’s about to be killed again.”


Rin slumped forward and released an annoyed sigh as she asked, “Really?”


I hummed in confirmation before saying, “Indeed. Lancer noticed he didn’t exactly die, and is assaulting him right now.”


Rin released a frustrated growl before standing up and saying, “Let’s go. I saved his dumb ass, and I’ll be damned if my work is negated so soon.”


With a light chuckle I said, “Sure, let’s go.”


I laid my hand on her shoulder and teleported us near where I felt Shirou, Lancer, and now another. We appeared outside of his little shed, which had its door in ruins. Before either of us could take a step a loud and rather young voice rang out, “Have at thee, knave!”


Then there was a sound of metal clashing before Lancers body was violently ejected from the little shed and through another wall. I couldn’t help the little snicker that escaped my lips at his situation.


However, that snicker died in my throat rather soon as I turned to see Saber walk out of the shed.


She took a proud stance and said, “I will protect my Master to the best of my ability, and your evil will not touch him!”


This time it was my turn to gawk at the scene in front of me and say, “What the fuck?”


Saber shifted her stance for combat and said, “Now that White Saber is here, you are destined to lose!”


Surprised~?! Hehe, did any of you suspect this I wonder? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I was going to write an April Fool chapter, but I got lazy~. See you in the next one~!

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