Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 68: Pink is a good colour, no?

While sending Rin an amused smile I turned to Barghest, causing my smile to soften greatly while I said, “Just enjoying a friendly bout with my girlfriend.”


Resisting the urge to coo at Barghest’s forming blush and smile, I turned back to Rin as she stuttered, “G-G-Girlfriend?!?”


I smirked at the growing blush on Rin’s face as she started to become a stuttering mess, which only increased in intensity as I walked over to Barghest and took hold of her right arm and placed it between my breasts while I leaned into her.


I released a content sigh as I gently rested my head on her cool feeling armour, and giggled softly as I felt Barghest go ramrod stiff once she processed the whole situation.


The little gasp from Rin caught my attention, and upon opening my eyes to look at her I saw her pointing hand wildly moving around in my direction while her left was covering, albeit failing to also stay steady, her mouth. She struggled with the sentence but eventually mentioned to spit it out, “Y-y-you…You..! B-b-but! Enemy! She’s the enemy!”


I merely scoffed as I continued to snuggle further into Barghest as I said, “Enemy? No, no. My future wife could never be an enemy to myself.” I glanced at the, frankly adorable, duo of Berserker and Illya as I continued, “I would also destroy anything that would cause my Barghest to unwillingly raise her blade against me with all my rage.”


Barghest’s smooth voice instantly caught my attention, causing me to look up at her wonderful face as she asked, “Un-” She cleared her throat quickly to prevent more stuttering and to calm herself down a bit before continuing, “Unwillingly?”


I smiled at her with a mischievousness colouring both it and my eyes as I raised one of my free hands without releasing my hold on her arm, to her face. I caressed her right cheek with the back of my fingers as I said, “I won’t pretend that my actions might cause your knight training to flare up in defiance of them which would in turn cause you to draw your blade, my lovely Barghest.”


My eyes gleamed with playfulness as I added, “At said time, I do not mind having another lover's duel to decide if I should back off.” I then licked my lips gently and with a sultry tone I finished by adding, “Even more so if you use your true form that you just showed me.”


However, I had to quickly look away so she wouldn’t see my face twist into hate as I quietly said, “That reminds me; Destroy whoever called you repulsive. Their entire soul line must be extinguished.”


Unsurprisingly Barghest heard my whisper when she in turn said in a low tone, “Thank you… M-my Artoria.”


I looked up at her, and while she was blushing a bit she didn’t turn away from my eyes as they locked onto hers. I beamed a wide, jubilant smile at her as I nodded my head and returned to leaning against her arm comfortably.


The sudden frustrated yell from Rin drew my attention to her as she had both her hands above her head in exacerbation. She slumped forward in what looked like defeat before she noticed I was looking at her, which caused her to quickly right her posture. She crossed her arms under her breasts and turned her head away with a “hmph!” 


Several seconds later she sighed and slumped ever so slightly before shaking her head and looking at me with a (not) fierce glare while saying, “Fine! Whatever! Good for you I guess. But what are we going to do about all of this massive damage? It’s too extensive for me to repair.”


I just hummed softly before raising my right leg back a bit and tapping my toes against the road. After casting several silent Reparo’s on the area around us, all the damage and debris started to glow a faint purple as it was all covered in my mana.


Everyone's surprised faces were quite amusing to see as everything started to fix itself in what frankly looked like time magic. And they wouldn’t be wrong, as that is exactly what is happening. It seems the magic population of the Harry Potter world is a lot more powerful, even if they don’t understand exactly how their magic works, then one would initially think.


A large amount of their spells actually touch onto concepts ever so slightly to work, and they have no idea. The main reason Reparo doesn’t work on Organics, is because the spell actually rips something from your current time stream and rewinds it before placing it back into said timestream. Doing so to something Organic has very… delightful consequences. The spell itself was actually crafted to make it unable to work on Organic matter for that very reason I found.


I was broken out of my thoughts about spellwork by Barghest saying, “This is very impressive. Such a subtle use of time magic!”


I raise a brow in curiosity at her comment as I tilt my head to the right ever so slightly and look up at her. While she continued to watch the spells undo all of the damage our first date caused I asked, “You can tell what type of spell that is, my Barghest?”


She looked down at me with a slight smirk as she answered, “I have been around My Queen for numerous years. While I am unable to reproduce much of the magic she uses, I still have learned much about magic in general from My Liege Lady.”


I simply hum softly and nod my head at her explanation while she looks back at the spells that are finishing up. When the last bit of damage was repaired, and my magic washed away from the area, everyone was still just standing there unblinking.


It was Rin who broke the silence as she said with a still dumbfounded face, “What marvellous magcraft…”


Much to my surprise even Illya spoke up, “I agree. Such a large scale spell casted instantly, and without a spell circle to guide it…”


I preened from the praise and smugly said, “Feel free to praise me more. Though I may not be able to hold a candle against my Sister Neo in terms of magic, I am no slouch.”


Catching Barghest turning her head towards me out of the corner of my eye I looked up at her as she asked, “You have siblings?”


I smiled and chuckled a little as I nodded my head before I said, “Several. I would love to introduce you to them! And my mother, Lilith! They’ll all love you, I am sure. I can guarantee Tearwyn would just adore you as well~.”


My smile widened as Barghest blushed lightly as she mumbled, “Meet my mother-in-law…”


I was about to say something when Rin suddenly said, “Oh please, get a room you two.” When her eyes widened when she realised what she said she quickly corrected herself in a panic, “No, don’t do that! It’s a turn of phrase! I didn’t mean literally!”


I just laughed out loud at her actions while I felt Barghest fidget embarrassingly in my grip, which only caused me to laugh louder. When I finally settled down to quiet chuckles our attention was turned to Illya as she coughed lightly into her hand.


Seeing she had everyone's attention she asked with a bit of trepidation, “So.. what now? I am still mad at you for harming Onii-chan… though I know I can’t do anything about that now…”


I smirked as I said, “I’ll be honest with you, Illya. There is a very good chance I will end up killing Shirou before this war is done.”


Her little face frowned as she asked, “Why?”


I just casually shrugged as I answered, “Do you think Shirou will stand by, let alone surrender, to an entity like myself? I am quite literally everything he stands against. Evil, uncaring to most. I have enough blood on my hands that could drown worlds. Do you think someone of his… disposition can stand by idly against something like myself?”


Her frown deepened and after thinking over it for several seconds she shook her head and answered, “No, he won’t.”


I lazily nodded my head as I said, “He’s too hung up on the useless ideal of being a ‘hero who can save everyone.’ He’s so blinded by his righteousness that he can’t see that if you try to save everyone, you’ll most likely lose everyone.”


I saw Barghest nod her head as she added, “That is correct. Life is unfair, and it is a futile gesture to try and save everything and everyone. Save who and what you can, and be content with that. It’s important to try your hardest, but it is even more important to recognize when you are out of options and it becomes futile or even harmful to continue.”


Illya just sighed before saying, “I wish Onii-chan never got caught up in this dumb war…”


I hummed with disinterest before I said, “But he is, and if he doesn’t quit while he’s ahead he will die. If not by my hand, someone else's. Even you may be forced to kill him, Illya.”


The frown returned in full force on her face as she shook her head before yelling, “No! I will never hurt Onii-chan.. He’s family!”


I just chuckled at her naivety for several seconds and then said, “Illya. You should know first hand, that there are fates FAR worse than death.”


She froze for several seconds, before slumping forward a tiny bit in defeat and weakly nodding. A not so subtle cough from Rin however, drew our attention to her.


Seeing she had everyone's attention she said, “Back to your original question: What do we do now?”


I clamped down harder onto Barghest's arm, squishing it between my breasts, as I said, “I don’t really care, honestly. I want to spend more time with my girlfriend.”


Catching Barghest nod out of the corner of my eye, I had a huge smile on my face after she said, “I too, would like to spend time with my g-girlfriend.”


Rin just glared at us, and I swore I could hear her thoughts of “just explode normies!” before she turned her attention to Illya and asked, “Well?”


Illya just sighed heavily for an impressive amount of time before saying, “I need to think on what to do. Saber, I don’t mind you staying with… Caster… But I would like to ask both of you, Rin and Caster, if I need some help to come and help?”


I just shrugged and said, “I don’t mind helping the Summoner of my Barghest if that is what she desires.”


Rin however looked totally flabbergasted at me as she said, “Y-You…” she then sighed in defeat and said, “Whatever. Fine, I don’t mind Caster helping you out Illya. I expect the same courtesy if I need it however.”


Illya just nodded her head before simply saying “Berserker”, causing the large mountain of muscle to turn and dash away.


Another Sigh from Rin drew our attention to her as she said, “Well, come on you two, let’s go inside. It’s been a long night, and I feel like I have aged 10 years. I am so done, and ready for bed.”


I just chuckled softly as I started to drag Barghest gently towards the gate leading up to Rin’s house. As we passed the gate, Rin had already entered her house and left the door open for us, so we quickened our pace a bit.


As we crossed the threshold into Rin’s house, Barghest said, “This is a very nice home.”


A sly smile formed on my lips as I said, “If you think the house is nice, just wait until you see the beds.”


I couldn’t help but bark a laugh as I heard a very audible groan from Rin as she yelled, “Damn it, just get a room already!”


And I could only laugh harder as quickly added, “A-a-and make sure to use some sort of silencing spell!”


And here is chapter 68~! Hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you in the next one~~

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