Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 69: Easy peasy lemon squeezy (NSFW CHAPTER)

This is my very first attempt at Lemon. Do NOT expect much...


Seeing the smirk on my face Barghest asked, “You are not going to use a silencing spell at all, are you?”


My face split into a smile instantly as I answered her, “NoPe~!” As I popped the “p,” I was back to smirking and asking in a sultry tone, “And judging by that sentence, you are willing to share my bed tonight?”


Barghest blushed deeply before meekly nodding her head and saying, “I greatly desire for this to be real.” She then looked me directly in the eyes, while determination and something else… something primal burned in them as she added, “I will have you prove your honesty, your desire for me. Make me yours; mark me as yours. While I do the same.”


My smile became predatory as my eyes beamed with desire as I said, “Remember, My Barghest… You asked for this.” I wrapped my arms around her neck, and roughly pushed her against the wall behind her causing it to crack heavily as I kissed her deeply. Soon we were in another battle, our tongues fighting for dominance in our mouths.


I moaned rather loudly into her mouth when she used her wonderfully strong hands to cup my ass cheeks and raised me up. Even feeling her armour wasn’t a turn off in the moment, the cool metal being the only thing not panting from the “heat” we were now both giving off.


Finally breaking off the kiss, I rested my forehead against hers as I whispered in a husky and needy tone, “Bedroom. Now.”


Looking into her eyes, and seeing an equal amount of desire and lust colouring them would have made my nipples rock hard if they weren't already. My black lace panties were already starting to give up on life as they struggled to hold up at their new job as floodgates.


Panting heavily she started to say, “I don’t-”


My lust however, was no longer willing to wait and I simply teleported us to an unoccupied guest bedroom in the mansion. In my need to have Barghest, I didn’t even notice I had used a new form of teleportation, one that used neither Fate or Potterverse magic.


Barghest blinked a few times at the sudden change of scenery, before she looked behind me and frowned. Having a bit of the haze from my lust cleared up in confusion, I tiled my head and looked behind us.


Before I could voice my question Barghest said, “While that is a nice bed, it is too small… and weak.”


With a wave of my hand, I sucked the bed into the shadows and ejected it somewhere randomly. Having cleared the area, I snapped my fingers and a new triple king sized bed started to materialise. Because it cost me nothing but a bit of imagination and some more of my infinite mana pool, I went all out on creating the bed. A few moments later, the entire construct stopped glowing and what was left was a bed fit for two Goddesses.


The mattress, if you could still call it that from the sheer size of it, was coloured like Barghest’s eyes. The left side is her ruby red, and the right her forest green. The two colours faded into each other in the middle, rather than just a sudden colour change. The covers and pillows were my royal purple, and the silk canopy was her wonderful grey blue in a soft tone.


Turning back to her, I whisper gently into her ear, “I know it’s over the top, but so are we.” I started to nibble on her earlobe gently as I added in an almost needy, husky tone, “No more stalling, My Barghest. Claim me.”


I then went to her well defined neck and softly bit down and started to give her a hickey. That was the action that broke her out of her little daze, and with speed that far surpassed anything she used in our duel, we were suddenly beside the bed. As I pushed myself from her hold to fall back onto the bed, my clothes dissolved into shadowy smoke. All that was left was my extraordinarily racy bra and very much wet panties.


Barghest wasted no time at all, and her armour glowed a bright blue before it shattered like glass leaving behind a pair of undergarments much like my own. Raising an eyebrow, she answered my unasked question with a blush that has never left, or grown, her face since we started, “I may not be able to be a full fledged mage like My King, but a simple change of garments is child's play.”


It didn’t take long though for my lust to come back in full force at seeing Barghest in all her glory wearing only a skimpy pair of white undergarments. Her massive breasts, muscular and perfectly toned arms and legs, her six-pack that demanded respect. Everything about her screamed "perfect" in my eyes. And noticing a nice trail of glistening liquid dripping down her inner thighs only heightened my own lust even further.


Much to my glee, I didn’t have to wait long before her towering form joined me on the bed and lovely golden hair joined mine against the mattress as she hovered her face mere centimetres above mine. I noticed her right eye flicker slightly as the sclera dyed itself black for a few moments as she said, “Mine.”


I reached up and pulled her down onto my lips as I kissed her deeply, our tongues resuming their battle. My hands explored her muscular back as I closed my eyes in pleasure as she explored my body with hers. I was leaking so much from her caressing and had a micro orgasm when she cupped my right breast in her strong hand, causing me to moan loudly into her mouth.


She then broke off the kiss, and started to lightly plant several as she trailed down the side of my neck. As she started to approach the breast she was gently kneading, she used her other hand to roughly rip off my bra and then took up my now freed breasts with a bit more force.


She started to kiss around my areola gently, and then teased my left nipple with a few flicks of a finger. I threw my head back while letting go of Barghest and gripping the sheets strongly as a loud moan escaped my throat. I could feel my lust growing rapidly, and much to my inner surprise, I still had enough clarity to think about my next action; albeit barely.


My hands glowed purple as digital like lines of mana raced across the bed and soon covered the entire room. Barghest clearly noticed my spell but all she said was, “Good foresight. Now we do not need to worry about damage. You deserve an award…”


She then bit down on my right nipple, while roughly pinching and tweaking my left. With nothing but lust colouring my voice I yelled on in pleasure as I orgasmed. I shivered in pleasure and anticipation as Barghest moaned into my breast as she huskily said, “That’s one.”


While still nibbling on my nipple, she reached down and pressed several fingers through the cloth of my panties against my vagina causing me to orgasm once again. Releasing my nipple from her teeth she started to trail down my stomach with kisses as she gently said, “Two.”


When she got to my panties, she growled and ripped them off easily. She leaned down and gently licked the tip of my clitoris several times, causing me to whine in anticipation. As I propped myself onto my elbows, and pushed myself into her face to try and get her to stop teasing me, she did something I did not expect.


She put one arm against my ass, and the other against my lower back and then lifted me up as she straightened out. She quickly guided my legs over her shoulders and then dove deep into me with her tongue.


My eyes widened as I gasped as I instantly orgasmed from her actions, but she didn’t let up. Instead, she started to moan into my vagina as she picked up the speed of her tongue’s exploration of my inner walls. As she was starting to massage my ass with both her hands, I could only scream in pleasure as I leaned against her head.


As I gripped her scalp through her lush hair I continued to scream out in pleasure, “Yes! YES! Don’t stop, Barghest, don’t stop! I keep cumming! Can’t stop!”


I crossed my legs against her back, and tried to pull myself even further into her embrace as she listened and picked up her speed once again. My lust-addled mind didn’t even pick up the sudden sensation of her toying with my back door with a few fingers, before plunging deep into my ass.


My entire grip on her head and body tightened greatly as I let out my biggest orgasm yet while I screamed, “OH Ṅ̵̺Ṷ̸̯͐L̴̹͆L̶̞̣̓̀!!! FUCK YESSSSSSSSSS!!!” I continued to cry out in pure pleasure as a bit of my own fluid splashed onto my face from the sheer force I had cam with while I was hunched over Barghest’s head.


As she continued to work me, I started to act on instinct. On my need to also pleasure my lover. Not at all aware of my actions, I ripped off her clothes with a burst of magic telekinesis, and conjured up a rather large and bumpy dildo. I then doubled it, and quickly shoved them into Barghest. Her loud moan of pleasure as she continued to eat me out sent vibrations through my entire body, eliciting yet another orgasm.


This continued for several minutes as we both worked each other, the sheets below us completely soaked from both of our many, many discharges. She made me cum one final time, before she gently laid me back down on the mattress, a little further up from the absolutely huge puddle we both had created. As my mind started to clear from the fog of pure lust I was in, I unconsciously waved my hand and vanished all of our sweat and fluids from our bodies and bed.


Noticing everything was “clean” again, Barghest hummed happily as she cuddled against me. With some pride in her voice she whispered into my ear, “I do believe I have claimed you, and won that round.”


Turning my head slightly, I kissed the tip of her nose and smiled wryly as I said, “I have thoroughly been claimed, and I do concede that round. But the night is young, and I have a surprise you my lovely Barghest.”


Since she was leaning on her side, I was able to see the wonders that were her breasts on full display. I couldn’t help myself as I turned into her while groping both of her wondrous mounds; truly omniversal treasures. She moaned softly as I continued to gently play with her breasts before saying, “You know of my legend as King Arthur, no?”


Her eyes were closed as she gently nodded her head and continued to enjoy my groping. With a smirk she couldn’t see I continued, “Well, you also know of the wizard who trained me to be that failure of a king, Merlin?”


With her eyes still closed she only answered me with a low moan, so I continued, “Well, he may be known as an extraordinarily powerful wizard, but I know him as something else. A pervert.”


I quickly kissed her on the lips before I gently made her lay on her stomach as I got up on her back. I massaged her perfectly muscular back gently and kissed the back of her neck softly as I whispered, “He didn’t mean to teach me the spell, but I learned it nonetheless. I hope you’re ready, my love, My Barghest.”


As she tried to turn over to look at me, I pushed against her shoulder and said, “No no, no peeking. I suggest you grab hold of a pillow though. It’s my turn to claim you, and make you scream.”


She gently giggled and took my advice and grabbed a pillow to rest her head on. I shuffled down her body, and over her large, perfectly toned ass which I slapped a few times in appreciation. Mana started to gather near my abdomen, before lowering down to the front of my vagina. As my spell was taking hold, and finished its job I said to Barghest, “Mine.”


I then spread the lips of her vagina with my thumbs before plunging my newly grown, fully functioning penis deep into her depths. She screamed out in pleasure as she gripped the pillow tightly from my sudden intrusion. Her inner walls gripped me tightly as I started to roughly pound into her, causing her to gasp and speak brokenly, “Wh…what? Is. That… what I. Think… it…  YESS!! HARDER!”


I wrapped my hands around her stomach and lifted her up into the “doggy style” and then followed her command. I started to plough into her with reckless abandon and speed, causing her to orgasm with every other pound. It really was a good thing I had used reinforcement on the bed and room, as I was not holding back very much. Ripples of energy appeared with every thrust into her, as her ass itself rippled from the impacts. I had to decrease my speed ever so slightly as the constant snaps of the sound barrier breaking from each thrust was starting to annoy me.


I was thoroughly enjoying her screams of pleasure as much as I was enjoying watching all the muscles throughout her body flex and contract from the impacts.


It wasn’t long before I felt myself coming close to my limit, and so I said, “Barghest, I am about… to…”


She didn’t let me finish as she yelled, “DO IT! I DEMAND IT! FILL ME!”


Her vagina clamped down on me with a vise grip sending me over the edge, causing me to explode inside her. We both moaned loudly as Barghest joined me as she exploded into an impressive squirting orgasm despite me being inside her.


As I pulled myself out of her I said, “You are mine, I am yours. More?”


She flipped over causing my eyes to drop to her massive breasts, which were honestly larger than my head, as they jiggled. She smirked at my still lust filled gaze as she said, “I am yours, as you are mine. And it fills me with an unending desire to see that look in your eyes as you look upon my body. As you said, the night is young. Break me, as I break you!”


She then dove at me, and plunged my still very much erect penis into herself with a loud moan. It was going to be a long night, and I couldn’t be more excited for it.



Well~? How was it? Should I even bother writing smut again down the line, or just stick to the "They had seegs, NEXT!"~?

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