Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 76: The start of my very first date~!

As I was simply resting in the living room on the fancy armchair, my eyes suddenly snapped open and a bit of my killing intent started to leak. With a snarl, I mumbled, “My Tearwyn sense is tingling… someone or something needs to be removed-”

However, suddenly I felt calmer as if the situation I was sensing was handled. Reigning back in my killing intent and relaxing once again into the chair I sighed. A small smile spread across my lips as I thought, ‘One of my sisters must have handled it for me. I’ll have to ask what happened and treat them to something nice.’

A silent cast of the Harry Potter spell “Tempus” let me know that it was just a bit before 7 AM, and the cute little sisters were due to wake up and start getting ready for school. A smirk spread across my face as I thought, ‘Assuming they recovered enough energy after such a night of passion~.’

As if on queue, a few moments later I felt Rin starting to move about in her room and not long after, her sister. I continued to relax in the chair waiting for my “master” to finish up and come join me downstairs.

About thirty minutes later, the two walked through the doorway and as I looked at Rin she asked, “Didn’t make any breakfast?”

I raised an eyebrow and replied, “Have I ever made you breakfast? And more importantly, do you truly expect me to lower myself to make YOU breakfast?”

She coughed into her hand and said, “Well, no. I just remembered a random rumour I heard about you and your appetite. I was honestly hoping to just bum some food off you…”

My only reply was an unimpressed deadpan stare.

Sakura cleared her throat and said, “Let’s just get something from a store or a restaurant. We both know our cooking is… not the best.”

Rin gasped and said, “What are you talking about?! Your cooking is wonderful!”

Sakura blushed and said, “It’s not that good… but… well, I am feeling rather lethargic after our nightly embrace, and am not in the mood.”

Rin nodded her head and said, “That’s more than fair.”

With a soft hum, I interrupted them and asked, “Are you two going to hide what you are? And I mean beyond the wonderful new colour palette you two are sporting.”

They both sighed in tandem and Rin said, “We don’t want to. But the world is not very great on same-sex couples, let alone incestuous ones.”

Nodding my head in understanding for a few seconds, I then said, “Well, the situation is clear.”

The girls tilted their heads to the side in confusion as I continued, “Just become strong enough that you can remove anyone who says otherwise.”

They glanced at each other for a few seconds before Sakura shrugged her shoulders and said, “She’s got a point. If we can easily kill anyone that tries to give us shit, eventually they’d learn to keep their mouths shut.”

Nodding her head Rin said, “True. But are you not worried about what they’d say behind our backs?”

With a smirk, Sakura answered, “The only one I am worried about behind my back is you. And it’s not worry, but anticipation and excitement~.”

Rin barked a laugh and said, “You tease. Alright, fuck it. Let’s play it by ear for now. Besides, with Caster with us, it's not like anyone can do anything about it anyway as it stands.”

I just hummed as I stood up and started following the lovers as we made our way outside. As we were waiting for Rin to lock the door, Sakura asked me, “So what are your plans for the day, Caster? More hunting?”

I shook my head and said, “No. Today, I have a date. One that I am very much looking forward to.”

Catching the large smile on Rin’s face out of the corn of my eye, she said, “That’s great, Caster. We hope you have fun!”

A genuine smile formed on my face as I thought about Barghest. Nodding my head I said, “Oh, I most assuredly will.”

With a small flex of my magic, I created a tiny little simple looking stick. Rin raised an eyebrow as I handed it to her, so I said, “Break that if you’re in some shit you can’t handle. I’ll teleport right to you.”

Nodding her head, she put it in one of her pockets before quickly snatching Sakura’s hand and walking away. They both looked back at me and with a wave, they said, “Have fun with your date!”

Simply waving them off for a few seconds, I then teleported to the school roof to waste some time until Barghest messaged me. As I spread my senses down into the school, I couldn’t help the pleased yet equally cruel smile on my face. While the students were naturally still arriving, the ones already here and the teachers gave off a very strong saturation of my corruption mana.

With a silent chuckle, I thought, ‘Today is the day. I expect most of the teachers to pop first, then followed by the try-hards. Then finally, everyone else. I wonder what kind of horrors I’ll get to see. Hmm, better warn Rin. Don’t want this little stunt of mine to cause an interruption in my date later.’

With a thought, some parchment poofed into existence in front of me while words started to form on its face. Seconds later, it started to fold itself and then poofed away to Rin. Satisfied with my due diligence, and spread the rest of my senses across the city and several thousand kilometres beyond it.

I frowned a little at what I was sensing. I was able to easily sense Barghest, Berserker, Rider and Lily Saber. But that was it. I could no longer sense Gil or anyone else. I honestly found it a little bit amusing they had somehow managed to hide themselves from my senses.

With a sigh I thought, ‘Rin said there should be fourteen summons in this war. Yet, I only feel five. One of them is dead. So that’s six. I wonder what kind of magic they are using to hide themselves though. Oh well, don’t care in the end~.’

Dropping the thought for something much more important, I started to focus my attention on Barghest. And it was as if she knew, because her sexy voice echoed in my mind moments later, “Artoria, are you busy?”

A chuckled a little before answering, “For you, Barghest? I will always have time.”

Her melodious laugh brought peace to my mind for a few seconds before she said, “Such a good answer. Shall we go on our date now? My Master says she is going to do something and only needs Berserker for it.”

Without answering I simply snapped my fingers and teleported Barghest before me. However, instead of the expected surprise at the sudden relocation, she instead treated me to a faceful of tits.

Funny enough, we both inhaled each other's scent and simultaneously said, “I missed you.”

My muffled chuckle caused her mountains to ripple a little before I said, “We are, as the young mortals say, very much down bad for each other.”

She responded by pulling me deeper into her valley as she said, “I won’t deny it. You set my heart aflame, Artoria. Not only are you beautiful, but you are incredibly strong.” Her grip got tighter as she added, “And you’ve already accepted all of me. Without feigned disgust. No, instead you said I looked even more beautiful. How could I not fall for you then and there?”

Beaming with a smile she unfortunately couldn’t see I said, “Fair enough.”

With great reluctance, I pulled myself from her heavenly pillows to look up at Barghest and said, “Now, this will be my first date… So, shall we start with some food?”

Smiling down at me she answered, “Alright. What did you have in mind?”

Humming in thought for a few seconds, my eyes lit up as I asked, “How about steak?”

I could almost see the stars themselves in her eyes and a tiny bit of drool as she thought about it before saying, “Yes!”

Giggling a bit, I offered my arm and said, “A quick pit stop at this school's computer room then. I have no idea what the best restaurant for steak is.”

Taking up my arm, she said, “Lead on, L-Love.”

Tossing her a gentle wink, I quickly applied a disillusionment on us and then teleported us to the computer lab. With a soft, barely audible pop, we arrived at the back of the room. And what greeted us was a bunch of students fucking around on computers and the teacher… fucking one of the students on her desk.

Blinking her stunned silence away, Barghest quickly blushed and asked, “I-i-is that normal?!”

With a snort and a bit of a giggle, I said, “It is now~.”

She looked at me in confusion, so I clarified, “I am evil remember? I did a bit of an experiment with pure corruption mana. I had given it no direction other than ‘corruption.’ What you’re seeing is the result.”

While I looked calm on the outside, I was a little worried that Barghest couldn’t accept this part of me. There was no denying that I was a horrid, evil person. But I quickly found myself hoping that she wouldn’t have a problem with my actions.

However, her next question took me by surprise a tiny bit, “Do you want to corrupt me?”

Giving her a sly smile I said, “I do. I want to bath you in my deepest and most powerful corruption, My Barghest. It would change you, but you would still be *you* at your core.”

She nodded and asked, “And, why do you want to corrupt me?”

Smiling at her I said, “A few reasons. The most important part though, is that it would shield you from any corruption from the Light and Dark factions. Secondly, it would greatly boost your strength and soul. And lastly…”

She raised her eyebrow and asked, “Lastly?”

I coughed and said, “I think you would look even more sexy with my corruption, dyeing your entire being.”

With a teasing grin, she leaned down to my ear and with a husky voice she asked, “Am I not beautiful enough for you?”

I instantly answered with, “Yes! But…” I looked away and gently added, “I am greedy. I want everyone who looks upon you to instantly know, you are mine. And they have no chance of stealing you from me.”

She gently grabbed my chin and forced me to face her before she gave me a long, searing kiss.

I unintentionally moaned into her mouth as our tongues battled for dominance. Sadly, before a victor could be crowned, she pulled away and blessed me with a smile as bright as a million suns.

With her eyes alight with passion and desire she said, “You have no idea how excited it makes me to know you want to mark me as yours.”

She leaned down again to look directly into my eyes and added, “And I want to mark you. No, I WILL mark you as well. You are mine as much as I am yours. Other than family, none may partake in our love but us.”

I was quick to nod at her decree, which caused her to peck my lips quickly before standing up straight again. She turned her attention back to the computers and asked, “I’ve never used one of these before. How does it show us here we shall dine?”

Chuckling gently I grabbed the nearest kid near me at a workstation and threw him behind me. A sickening crunch followed by the entire class looking back at the huge bloodstain on the wall. They only looked on for a few seconds before they ignored the entire fact that one of their own just randomly died and went back to whatever they were doing.

As I sat down on the chair and scooched up to the terminal I mumbled, “Wonder if I killed the creepy quiet kid, heh.”

Taking a quick peek at Barghest, I was happy to see she was more interested in the reaction, or lack thereof, of the class to the death than my act of murder.

As I opened up their version of Explorer I thought, ‘I said I wanted to take this slow and find out… but NULL DAMN if she isn’t grabbing my heart and refusing to let go with how perfect she is…’

Phew. It has been... a short spell since I've posted an actual new chapter for the main story. But well... Here you go~.

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