Take It Easy

Chapter 4

Chapter 3 – Picked Up

There is no one in the family, and I haven’t attended any school. I ran out alone to make a living at a young age.

This level is indeed tragic.

But she only tattooed a few numbers, so she shouldn’t be so memorized.

Besides, she had no particular affection for tattoos.

When Tang Yuanzhou said it last year, it was too far for her to refuse.

Afterwards, I came to look for it as promised, and asked Zhou Yi to slip a small note into the massage parlor. After a while, my thoughts became more faint, so I didn’t inquire again after that.

Visiting the door again today is just following Zhou Yi’s invitation to pass the time, so there is really no need to be too elaborate.

Although the expression of tattoos has its unique charm, what really matters is the meaning behind it.

“The last time I swayed and fell on all fours, and complained about the pain in my tailbone for half a month, and I haven’t long remembered?” Tang Yuanzhou’s sudden roar brought Mu Qinglin back to his thoughts.

She looked over and saw that the legs of Zhou Yi’s propped chair had been firmly pushed back to the ground by Tang Yuanzhou, and she was kicking her feet on the ground secretly, unwilling to reconcile, trying to confront Tang Yuanzhou.

The result can be imagined, just like twisting the thigh with an arm, wasting effort blindly.

After several seconds of confrontation to no avail, Zhou Yi stood up abruptly, walked towards Mu Qinglin, and quickly said, “Where is the tattoo? How big is the picture? Color, or black and gray? Designated pattern, or original?”

Four questions in one breath, just enough for Zhou Yi to walk in front of Mu Qinglin.

With a pillow in her arms, she looked at Mu Qinglin with a smile on her face and said, “We only accept originals here, and I don’t get colored tattoos. In addition, as you can see, I am sick and my physical strength is not very good. A small picture is okay, but a big one can’t hold it.”

Mu Qinglin, “…” It’s a shame that she hasn’t been given a choice, is she leaving it here or here with her?

“As compensation, you can choose from my gallery,” Zhou Yi said.

Her pictures are just as Tang Yuanzhou said, they are valuable, and a large pair can be sold for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

The small ones are not that expensive, but they are not the price that any shop on the street dares to ask for.

Today, if he is willing to take it out and let Mu Qinglin choose it at will, it is right to exchange the lives of Tang Yuanzhou and Fa Cai, one person and one cat.

Mu Qinglin didn’t know much about the tattoo industry. He didn’t understand. He only knew that he really didn’t have any special requirements. “No need to choose, 0206. These four numbers are tattooed on the shoulders. If you can understand them, it’s fine if you can see them clearly.”

A few minutes later, Mu Qinglin was taken into a small room and sat there.

Zhou Yi stood at a table not far away, preparing tattoo supplies such as pigments and disposable needles.

“Pure numbers are simple, so I don’t transfer the prints, and draw directly on the skin.” Zhou Yi explained in advance.

Mu Qinglin, “You can figure it out.”

Zhou Yi turned around, with a rare serious expression, “Are you kidding me? It will take a lifetime to get this thing up, and you’ll cry if it’s really ruined.”

Mu Qinglin realized that Zhou Yi was angry, so he had to correct his attitude, “Tang Yuanzhou and I mentioned you as a compliment, not as bad as he just said, I believe you.”

“Trust me…” Zhou Yi came over with a grunt, took a pen in his hand, and said condescendingly to Mu Qinglin, “Take off your clothes.”

“??” The topic changed suddenly, and Mu Qinglin’s train of thought collapsed at the somewhat weird request, and he quickly reacted and took off his coat.

Inside is a thin sweater and fitted bra.

Mu Qinglin raised her arms and continued to take off.

The moment the skin was exposed, Zhou Yi whistled, clean and clear, “Perfect…” she said.

Mu Qinglin knew what his figure was, so he didn’t make too much fuss, “It’s okay…”

Zhou Yi shook his head disapprovingly, “It’s okay, this is the best leather. I haven’t seen such a good leather in almost a year.”

The smile on the corner of Mu Qinglin’s mouth twitched, “What?”

Zhou Yi bent down to take a closer look, his bright eyes were like a dog seeing a bun, “This skin texture, this texture, this muscle direction, why is there a scar here?” Zhou Yi asked, staring at the obvious scar on Mu Qinglin’s back shoulder.

Mu Qinglin was still immersed in the blow of “good skin” and couldn’t extricate himself. Hearing this, he replied not very enthusiastically: “Accident…”

“It’s just such a good piece of skin being ruined.” Zhou Yi felt extremely distressed.

Mu Qinglin couldn’t laugh or cry.

What kind of eyes can only see the pros and cons of human skin?

Well, at least it reflects Zhou Yi’s work ethic from the side.

“0206 is tattooed near this scar.” Mu Qinglin said.

Zhou Yi said “hmm”, temporarily put aside her obsession with the cruel fact of scars, hooked up a stool and sat down, and asked her, “Cover scars?”

Mu Qinglin, “No, avoid it.”

Zhou Yi raised his head and glanced at Mu Qinglin’s calm profile, and didn’t speak any more.

The silent silence began to gather quickly.

Zhou Yi sat behind Mu Qinglin, and after confirming the location with her, he started to draft, and soon picked up the tattoo machine.

The moment the needle was stuck, Mu Qinglin’s body shook and he took a deep breath.

When Zhou Yi heard it, she didn’t raise her head, and didn’t stop her hands, “Does it hurt?” She asked.

Mu Qinglin, “A little…”

Zhou Yi, “It’s like this for the first time, no shame.”

Probably because of wearing a mask, Zhou Yi spoke much softer than before. Especially when she brought the tablet and reminded Mu Qinglin that he could watch TV to distract his attention, Mu Qinglin really felt that this person could get along, but why did he have a mouth?

Zhou Yi stretched out her hand from behind, put a tablet around Mu Qinglin’s chin and said, “But I’m the most annoying yeller when I’m working. If you yell again later, I’ll sew your mouth shut.”

“…” Mu Qinglin didn’t want to shout at all, she was speechless right now.

The whole process is over in less than two hours.

Zhou Yi put a protective film on Mu Qinglin’s shoulders and asked her to remove it after two hours, and dutifully instructed some other precautions, “You can take a bath normally, but don’t wipe excess things; Eat spicy and stimulating food; pure black doesn’t need complementary colors, so don’t come here again if you’re fine; you may get itchy during the recovery period, it’s best to carry a knife with you, take it out and gesture with your hand when you want to scratch…”

Because Mu Qinglin couldn’t shout or shake, she was supported by adrenaline throughout the whole process, and she was a little dazed, and her reply was either “um” or “ah”. She didn’t vomit until Zhou Yi finished speaking and asked her if she wanted to see the effect. He took a deep breath and said, “Send me WeChat, I don’t have the energy to criticize right now.”

Zhou Yi snorted disdainfully, “If you pick out a fault, I’ll call you Grandpa.”

Mu Qinglin declined politely, “If you’re a poor man, you won’t be swollen to pretend to be your father.”

Zhou Yi didn’t bother to answer her questions, and concentrated on doing two hours of work. It was too difficult for a patient. She needed rest both physically and mentally.

“I’ll scan you…” Zhou Yi handed over Mu Qinglin’s cell phone and said.

Mu Qinglin put down the sleeve of the sweater she hadn’t put on to pick up the phone, and took a look at Zhou Yi’s new look along the way.

When he first started working, Zhou Yi felt that his bangs were in the way, so he tied a small rubber band on the top of his head, revealing his smooth forehead and natural eyebrows—

Wild and wild, healthy and energetic, the sharp sense of roots makes the overall age not so young, it will be a bit cool at first glance;

The sleeves were also rolled up, and the exposed forearm on the left was covered with black tattoos.

Seeing that Mu Qinglin was watching, Zhou Yi turned his arms around, and said in a proud tone, “Is it fierce?”

Mu Qinglin’s first feeling was really uncomfortable—the pattern was obscure, the color was gloomy and dull, which made people feel very depressing. After taking the phone and looking again… the ghost’s fang seemed to be missing, as if it had been rubbed off.

Mu Qinglin opened the WeChat QR code and handed it out, looked up at Zhou Yi, “Tattoo stickers?”

“Ding!” The crisp notification sound was completely unafraid of the sudden embarrassment in the atmosphere.

Soon, Mu Qinglin’s phone vibrated several times.

It was Zhou Yi who sent the photo. As for the person, he slammed the door and left after scanning WeChat.

Mu Qinglin had pain in one shoulder, and was slow to put on his clothes, taking five or six minutes to tidy up.

“Come and sit…” Tang Yuanzhou saw Mu Qinglin appear, and immediately got up to greet him, “Xiao Jiu just showed me the picture, and the effect is not bad. Pay more attention in the next week, and come here at any time if you feel uncomfortable.”

Mu Qinglin sat down next to Tang Yuanzhou, “How do I pay? Scan the QR code?”

Tang Yuanzhou, “Don’t embarrass me, can you? Your small picture is the starting price, which is far worse than you saving my life.”

Mu Qinglin smiled and didn’t insist, “Thank you then.”

“You’re welcome. Tea, or water?” Tang Yuanzhou asked.

Mu Qinglin, “Water…”

Tang Yuanzhou got up to pour water.

Mu Qinglin sat alone, boredly took his mobile phone to look at the pictures posted by Zhou Yi.

Suddenly hearing a slight noise, Mu Qinglin raised his head to search.

I found Zhou Yi, who had left her behind, by the radiator, and now she was sitting at a square table with her back facing her, her waist bent, her shoulders straight, and her back looked sneaky and nervous.

“Leave her alone…” Tang Yuanzhou put the water in front of Mu Qinglin, and said in a low voice, “Every time I drink the medicine, I will die or live forever. I was yelled at several times, saying that I have figured out a wonderful way—while Take them when the medicine is not paying attention, which can reduce the pain. So every time I sit there and stare at it for a long time to consume the energy of the medicine, if I don’t know, I think I’m a fool.”

As soon as Tang Yuanzhou finished speaking, Mu Qinglin saw Zhou Yi quickly raised his head, drank a handful of medicine and a glass of water, and got up calmly after drinking it, as if nothing happened just now, with a look of wisdom on his face.

“Oh, I forgot to ask, why did you two come back together?” Tang Yuanzhou remembered and asked.

Mu Qinglin withdrew her gaze, and said truthfully, “I met by chance, someone troubled her, and I gave her a helping hand.”

“Who?” Tang Yuanzhou narrowed his eyes and his face darkened.

“The last time I caught my dog, I kicked it on the ground.” Zhou Yi replied, standing behind Mu Qinglin, leaning against the pillar, not even giving her the slightest glimpse.

“These dogs are inferior!” Tang Yuanzhou was furious, “That foot should be kicked by me!”

Zhou Yi chuckled, but his eyes couldn’t see it, “It still has to be kicked in the direction of Yong’an River.”

After speaking, Zhou Yi went out carrying cat food and dog food.

The anger on Tang Yuanzhou’s face was still there, afraid that Mu Qinglin would see a joke, so he suppressed it, “Xiao Jiu raised a lot of cats and dogs that were left unattended at the garbage dump. With her temperament, she is afraid of heat in summer and cold in winter. I’m afraid of the cold, and I’m so hypocritical, I still go there three times a day on a regular basis to feed them better than myself.

Who knew the effort to change the picture a few days ago, let a group of newcomers take away the dog, and when I finished the picture and looked for it, there was only a pile of bones left. “

“It’s not a thing.” Mu Qinglin cursed in a low voice. She has never had a pet, but she somehow understands what it feels like to be eaten by a dog that is dedicated to taking care of it. Zhou Yi just kicked her. She really has a good temper, but…

“Since I like it so much, why don’t you raise a family?” Mu Qinglin asked. In Hongmen Lane, a living person in Zhou Yi could be blocked, not to mention cats and dogs who have nowhere to go.

Tang Yuanzhou sighed, “I’m afraid I will get into trouble.”


“Xiao Jiu was also picked up from the garbage dump by me. Don’t look at her lying in front of me. In fact, she remembers everything in her heart. When I told her to raise her at home, she interrupted me with a smile and said something” Brother, why are you still addicted to picking up things? I can make you jump up and down with anger, and a few more, and the roof will not be lifted.” “

I see.

I care about it because of the similarity, and I don’t want to cause trouble because of the similarity.

Mu Qinglin held the water glass, and rubbed her thumb against the wall of the glass, “Her, what’s the matter with Xiaojiu?”

Tang Yuanzhou, “There is no one at home, and I haven’t gone to any school. I ran out alone to make a living at a young age.”

The world is not a pure land, each has its own suffering.

Mu Qinglin was not particularly surprised by Tang Yuanzhou’s words, but he couldn’t just laugh at other people’s pain points.

“It’s not very good now.” Mu Qinglin said.

Tang Yuanzhou nodded and said with a smile: “Yes, fortunately, I saved some money when I was young, so I can rent such a shelter from the wind and rain, otherwise there would be no place for her to live.”

“It’s like how old you are now.”

“I’m 35. When Xiao Jiu first came here, she asked her to call her brother and father, and muttered that I was too old and shameless. On the first day, just think about that picture, eat me, use it Mine, whoever lives with me, dares to dislike me, which made me wonder for a while that I picked up some heartless dog. “


Although Mu Qinglin and Zhou Yi were not familiar with each other yet, she somehow felt that she was capable of doing such a heartless thing.

“You’re still young, let it go.” Mu Qinglin said with a smile.

Tang Yuanzhou snorted coldly, “I’m going to be 19 soon, still young? When I was her age, I already opened my own shop, but she still recruits cats and dogs every day, not doing business, fuck!”

Tang Yuanzhou stood up suddenly, looking in shock at the dart that almost wiped his head and stuck into the pillar.

The culprit was Zhou Yi who was walking in carrying pet food without knowing when to come back.

“Can you play darts?!” Tang Yuanzhou roared in disbelief.

Zhou Yi, “No, maybe next time I’ll stab you in the head.”

“What good is it to you to stab me to death!” Tang Yuanzhou was so angry that his chest heaved violently.

Zhou Yi didn’t look sideways, and walked slowly past, “Clean…” she said.

“Joke, without you, this house will not be clean!”

“That’s impossible. A quiet and beautiful girl like me won’t cause trouble.”

“I bother!”

Mu Qinglin watched the two people bickering back and forth, and suddenly understood what beauty is created by distance. The state of Zhou Yi and Tang Yuanzhou is just like “not seeing each other” and “father and daughter filial piety”. “.


“Why haven’t you left yet?” Zhou Yi, who put away the pet food, came over and sat down, and skillfully tilted the chair up and down.

Tang Yuanzhou pushed him back in a few moments, gritted his teeth and said, “Don’t force me to swear!”

Shrugging her shoulders, Zhou Yi nailed the chair to the ground and nailed herself to the chair, determined to be an exquisite ornament.

“Where do you work? Is it far from here?” Tang Yuanzhou remembered and asked.

Mu Qinglin, “Not far, just the building in front of you.”

“Front?” Ornament Zhou couldn’t bear the loneliness, and moved his mouth, “The province of Taiwan, awesome.”

“It’s nothing awesome. The reporter of the people’s livelihood column only talks a few things about his parents every day. In his spare time, he has to help the owner find a dog and the west family find a cat.”

Mu Qinglin lowered his eyes, stroked the knuckles of his index finger with the ball of his thumb and said with a smile: “I’m just an ordinary person, I have the right to dawdle.”

The author has something to say:

thanks and bow

Thanks to the little angel who cast the deep-water torpedo: the happy Socrates, and one student Mei who asked questions if he didn’t understand;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: alone_c, one happy Socrates;

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