Take It Easy

Chapter 5

Chapter 4 – Come Over

Then lay hands on it and chop it up for you.

As a TV reporter, even if you just dawdle, you can dawdle day and night, turning black and white upside down.

Another day of non-stop busy work.

Mu Qinglin picked up a takeaway coffee at the door, and walked back rubbing his sore neck.

“My car is limited today, and I will be sent back later.” Fu Xiao appeared suddenly, put his arm on Mu Qinglin’s shoulder, and complained to her, “Once Lao Wang’s 60th birthday is over, he will be under the management of the Retirement Management Office.” I’m such a good person, I still have the energy to create a new column, so I was dragged into the conference room for a whole day of quarreling, and my mind is still buzzing right now, I’m so annoyed.”

Mu Qinglin glanced at her with a smile and said: “The rich don’t know the hungry. If there are programs, there will be ratings. If there are ratings, there will be advertisements. Salaries will rise with the tide. Where is it like our group, which is at the bottom all year round? It’s so poor that it’s hard to get rid of it.” .”

“Are you jealous? You’ll come back when you’re jealous. Lao Wang even dreamed of giving you all his money.” Fu Xiao withdrew his hands and put them in his trouser pockets, and said in a low voice, “It should be your job.”

Mu Qinglin smiled and said nothing, and the two walked towards the office area of the “Ping An Jiangping” column team in silence.

It was already nine o’clock in the evening, and the office area was free of the usual tense noise, and anyone who said anything could be heard clearly.

“This time, Fu Xiaojie won the “Top Ten Journalists” award at the reporter’s festival organized by the municipal party committee. “

“Yeah, for three consecutive years, none of the young reporters in the station can compare to her.”

“Hey, I heard people say that Sister Mu was pretty good before?”

“That’s right, that’s right, I’ve heard it too. It seems that Sister Mu and Sister Fu Xiao used to be classmates. After graduation, they were admitted to the provincial TV station together, and then entered the news center together. They are capable, thoughtful, and aggressive, especially Mu Sister, Director Wang was very optimistic about her at the time, all kinds of resources and opportunities were thrown at her head, and it didn’t take long for her to overshadow Sister Fu Xiao.”

“Really? Since Sister Mu is developing so well in the news center, why did she transfer to our team? Every day she does some trivial news about people’s livelihood, which is not taken seriously. The gap with Sister Fu Xiao will only grow wider and wider.”

“Who knows, it seems that Director Wang personally talked to our director about Miss Mu’s transfer.”

“Impossible, why is Director Wang willing?”

“Reluctantly, Miss Mu has been in our team for more than a year…”

“Catching wind and shadow, guessing out of thin air, this is what you are going to report at the regularization defense meeting?” Fu Xiao’s cold voice suddenly appeared, scaring the few people to quickly end the topic and stand up.

Fu Xiao strode in from the door, with an ugly expression on his face, “You are journalists, not gossip media! “Like” should come from your mouths? “

“No…” Several people lowered their heads in shame.

Fu Xiao’s face was black, and his anger remained undiminished, “Talking about seniors in private, spreading gossip, if you let your director know about this, you won’t even think about becoming a full-time leader!”

“Sister Fu Xiao, we know we made a mistake, and we will never do it again in the future. Please don’t tell our director.” A girl pleaded with a pale face.

Fu Xiao remained unmoved in the slightest, planning to reprimand them more severely.

Without saying a word, she answered the phone temporarily, and Mu Qinglin, who was a few steps behind her, walked in.

She was holding unfinished coffee in her hand, smiling as usual without showing any displeasure at being discussed.

“If you can’t come to our place for ten days and a half months, you will get angry when you come. If you do this again, I will hide from you in the future.” Mu Qinglin said to Fu Xiao with a smile.

Fu Xiao turned her head and stared at her, “Which sentence did I say wrong?”

“That’s right…” Mu Qinglin walked to Fu Xiao’s side, raised the paper cup in his hand, “Come on, calm down, I invite you to drink coffee.”

“Who wants to drink your leftovers!” Fu Xiao slapped Mu Qinglin’s hand away angrily.

Mu Qinglin pretended to be in pain, and let out a “hiss”, “Why did you make a move?”

Seeing the red mark on the back of her hand, Fu Xiao instantly lost her anger, “Just let them get used to it!”

“If you really want to get used to it, how can you not get off work at this point?” Mu Qinglin retorted with a smile.

Fu Xiao snorted coldly, turned and left without looking back.

“The car stopped running?” Mu Qinglin asked from behind.

Fu Xiao, “No, I’m afraid I won’t be able to bear it, and even your car will be smashed!”

When Fu Xiao left, Mu Qinglin walked up to the girl who was terrified just now, and patted her on the shoulder, “The news center is under a lot of pressure, and the people inside are a little bit tempered. Don’t worry, Fu Xiao won’t really take today’s tell the director.”

After finishing speaking, Mu Qinglin withdrew his hand, and said to the others who were silent: “Go back and rest, don’t be late for tomorrow’s meeting.”

Several people responded one after another, but no one dared to move first. It was not until Mu Qinglin walked to his desk and sat down that he took things and left as if his **** was on fire.

Mu Qinglin didn’t stay long, took a last sip of coffee, picked up the key and went downstairs.

She didn’t go home directly, but turned into Hongmen Alley under the thick moonlight.

She drinks moderately and is addicted.

The past few days have been too busy, and the second is to remember Zhou Yi not to touch the spicy and exciting confession, so I just endured not to break the precept, and I suddenly thought about it today.

Red Gate Lane at nine o’clock is the bustling time, the music is loud, the voices are full of people, and there are informal men and women leaning in the dark to tease each other.

The number of times Mu Qing came here was not infrequent, so she was not surprised by this, and walked in steadily, occasionally turning sideways to avoid the bustling crowd.

“Sister, I haven’t seen you for a few days, are you busy?” the bartender asked enthusiastically.

Mu Qinglin didn’t talk to her, she found a seat and sat down, paid the money and said, “As usual…”

Waiter, “Okay, wait a moment, right now.”

Mu Qinglin sat alone, ignoring the dynamic electronic music around him, with his arms pressed against the bar, his head slightly lowered, and he took his mobile phone to browse the news app.

After drinking, I have been in this state, and my eyes have hardly left the phone screen. Compared with other people who come here purely to relax, it is simply a strange flower.

Once the wine is on the top, time will be pulled very slowly.

Mu Qinglin’s speed of reading the news slowed down, and it took a long time to swipe the screen, and his reaction to the surrounding environment was always half a beat behind.

“Xiao Wu, where’s the cake I asked you to keep?” A man in waiter uniform stood beside Mu Qinglin, talking to the bartender who was wiping glasses.

The bartender turned sideways, took out a cardboard box from below, and said jokingly, “Is it for Xiaojiu from the Dongtou tattoo shop again? Brother Chang, you are not good at chasing people. It has been two years and you still haven’t got it.” .”

“Fuck you! She’s my sister! Stop talking nonsense about her!” Lu Chang cursed.

The bartender quickly apologized, “Slip of mouth, I know you are good to her, so hurry up and deliver it.”

Lu Chang didn’t speak any more, just lowered his head and pressed something on the phone.

Halfway through the press, the bartender suddenly came over and whispered, “Brother Chang, the boss is here and seems to be looking for you.”

Lu Chang irritably scolded the country, pointed at the cake and said, “Go and deliver…”

The bartender, “I have a bunch of glasses to wash here, where can I get away?”

“It takes ten minutes to go back and forth, and it takes a while to find someone.”

“It’s really not good. If I deduct it again, my salary for this month will become negative.”

“I **** you…”

“I’ll help you.” Mu Qinglin’s calm voice came from the side.

The two were taken aback, and looked at her at the same time.

“Do you know Xiao Jiu?” Lu Chang asked.

Mu Qinglin pushed the phone over, and the wechat chat records between her and Zhou Yi were displayed on the desktop.

It’s still a few days ago, except for the two tattoo renderings, there is only Zhou Yi’s ruthless words at that time: [If you dare to shake off my tattoo stickers, you will die/Smile…]

To this threat, Mu Qinglin responded with an emoji:【/OK】

She really didn’t shake, she didn’t even click on the dialog box these days, and she will show it to others now, just to prove the relationship.

It is extenuating to act in a hurry.

Besides, she had just deliberately changed to a gaudy dark background, covering up the words “tattoo stickers”, and only showing the thoughtful cat’s head portrait.

“Then I’d like to trouble you for a trip.” Lu Chang put the cake by Mu Qinglin’s hand, and explained: “If Xiao Jiu asks, just say that Lu Chang gave it to you. Recently, she always complains that her mouth is bitter and refuses to eat it.” Medicine, eat something sweet to change the taste.”

Mu Qinglin said, “Is she still ill with a cold?” It’s been more than a week.

Lu Chang, “No, I had a cough the day before yesterday. Brother Yuanzhou was afraid that he would cough up something wrong after a long time, so he gave her an injection at the La hospital today, and then he would ignore her when he came back. Otherwise, I wouldn’t rush to give her an injection. Make it sweet.”

Mu Qinglin turned off the phone and put it in his pocket, got up and said, “I’ll go deliver it…”

Lu Chang, “Thank you, I’ll pay for today’s drink.”

Mu Qinglin didn’t say that he had already paid, and left the bar with the cake under Lu Chang’s watchful eyes.

The tattoo parlor is on the east end, across a whole street from the bar.

Mu Qing closed her coat, carried the cake, and walked forward quickly.

After turning around, Mu Qinglin realized that the small alley she met Zhou Yi for the first time was almost facing the porch of the tattoo shop.

In this way, Zhou Yi’s cats and dogs are actually kept in front of the house.

No wonder it didn’t take much effort to feed her, and you could still listen to the conversation between her and Tang Yuanzhou when you came back.

Thinking of Zhou Yi’s dart that made Tang Yuanzhou turn pale with fright, Mu Qing casually touched his neck.

She was sitting with her back to the door.

There are no eyes in the back of her head.

Mu Qinglin, who had already walked to the entrance of the tattoo shop at the fastest speed, was suddenly a little undecided about whether to go in or not.

Zhou Yi told her clearly, don’t come if you have nothing to do, in case the matter of her tattoo stickers is exposed again…

Mu Qinglin took a few steps back and leaned against the wall, and began to count silently in his heart.

If no one comes out after counting to 100, she will not go in, put the cake at the door, and use WeChat to notify Zhou Yi that she will come out to get it herself;

If someone comes out, she gives the cake to that person and asks him to pass it on.


In the middle of the count, Mu Qinglin’s trousers were suddenly caught and pulled by something.

Gently, with a tentative taste.

Immediately afterwards, a long “meow” floated up through the noisy voices.

Mu Qinglin bowed her head.

A clean black and white tabby kitten was squatting at the base of the wall, staring at her incredulously.

No, she was staring at the cake in her hand.

“I can’t give you this.” Mu Qinglin switched the cake to the other side, took out a bag of biscuits from his pocket and said, “Do you want it?”

Get rich, “Meow…”

This is what it means.

Mu Qinglin walked into the alley and knelt down, put the torn biscuit bag in front of Fa Cai and said, “Eat it…”

Fa Cai pawed twice with his paws, looked up at Mu Qinglin, “Meow…”

Want her to feed?

Mu Qinglin put one arm on his leg, tapped his finger on Fa Cai’s head, imitating someone’s threatening tone and said: “There is no way, my hand can only press the head.”

“I’ll chop it up for you again.” A murmuring nasal voice suddenly sounded above his head, and the light on Mu Qinglin’s side, which had been shaken by passers-by, was completely blocked by the person who came.

Mu Qinglin paused her fingers, raised her head in the shadows, and looked at Zhou Yi who was standing against the backlight.

Her cold seemed really bad, and menacingly limp.

“Don’t you consider the safety of the cat’s quality?” Mu Qinglin asked, nodding his head.

Zhou Yi raised his hand and threw a large bag of **** into the trash can accurately, then looked at Fa Cai who was timid and afraid to move, and said thoughtfully: “No, I’m tired from feeding it so many times a day. of.”

Then this matter will not be easy to handle.

How can she keep her hand without bargaining chips?

Mu Qinglin thought in embarrassment.

In the blink of an eye, Fa Cai slipped away from her hands and climbed onto Zhou Yi’s trouser leg.

“Did you starve to death in your previous life?” Zhou Yi leaned over, pinched Fa Cai’s neck and lifted it aside, with a fierce tone, “Go back to sleep! If you dare to come out to beg for food, I’ll pluck your beard off!”

Fa Cai felt the danger, struggled out of Zhou Yi’s grasp, and ran into the darkness without a trace.

Zhou Yi stood on the spot and watched, making sure that getting rich was not a feint. After she decided to wait for her to leave before sneaking out, she turned around and looked at Mu Qinglin who had already stood up, and said, “Don’t tell you not to come if you have nothing to do?”

“Something…” Mu Qinglin handed the cake to Zhou Yi, and said, “A man named Lu Chang from Xitou Bar gave it to you.”

Zhou Yi frowned obviously, took the cake and said, “Where are the others?”

Mu Qinglin, “The boss is looking for him, but he can’t leave.”

Zhou Yi grunted in response, carried the cake to the door, and found a place to sit on the steps in front of the porch.

“You still have a brother?” Mu Qinglin leaned against the wall next to Zhou Yi and asked casually.

Zhou Yi opened the cake and took a bite, with a vague voice, “Don’t inquire about other people’s affairs.”

Mu Qinglin looked down at Zhou Yi, and said in his heart, “Indeed…”

She shouldn’t even give this cake.

Really idle.

The tattoo shop was close to the entrance of the alley, and the wind came in waves one after another. After a while, Mu Qinglin, who was not too afraid of the cold, couldn’t help pulling up his collar.

Let alone Zhou Yi who was reincarnated as a frozen ghost, she had already consciously turned the fight with Mu Qing into a jade silk, and pulled a corner of her coat to shield herself from the wind.

Mu Qinglin wanted to express his opinion on this, but decided to keep silent after pondering for a long time.

The one next to her legs is probably a hedgehog. If you don’t mess with her, she will stab you. If you really mess with her, she will probably be turned into a hornet’s nest.

“Alas…” Zhou Yi elbowed his leg suddenly, Mu Qinglin lowered his head, “What’s wrong?”

Zhou Yi raised his invisible hand tucked into his sleeve, hooked Mu Qinglin, and said, “Come here…”

“?” Mu Qinglin didn’t know why, but after a short hesitation, he slowly leaned down according to Zhou Yi’s instructions.

When there was almost an arm’s length left, Zhou Yi impatiently grabbed Mu Qing’s badge hanging down in front of him, and dragged her to him.

The distance between the two is so close that even if the overhead light is dim, Mu Qinglin can still clearly count Zhou Yi’s distinct eyelashes.

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