Taking stock of the supreme myths, all characters in the world are broken!

Chapter 49

The world of Norse mythology?!

This is another supreme mythology world!

All the heavens and the worlds, the endless universe, and the endless universe were excited when they saw this second supreme mythology world exposed.

Everyone was curious about what kind of world this Norse supreme mythology world was. Was it as powerful as the Taoist mythology world?

In an instant, everyone in the heavens was discussing…

“The second supreme mythology world to be exposed is actually the Norse mythology world?!”

“The Norse mythology world sounds like a good name. I am curious about what kind of supreme mythology world it is. I wonder if there are powerful people like the Taoist mythology world?”

“The Daozang Mythology World is the eternal god! No other supreme mythology world can be stronger than it. How can this Norse mythology world be stronger than the Daozang Mythology World?”

Anyone who can make this list must be strong. Since it is the supreme mythical world, it must be much stronger than other worlds in the heavens and myriad worlds.

“Nordic mythology world? Why does this name sound so familiar?”

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised. Maybe this Nordic world is a little different from what he imagined.

After all, the Taoist mythology world is so invincible, so this Nordic mythology world can’t be much worse.


Super God World

“Another supreme myth world! I am really looking forward to it!”

Kesha showed a curious look.

The Taoist myth world in front was already so charming that many people gained endless benefits. This Norse myth world must not be much worse, and it may even be stronger, because there is no ranking order for the supreme myth world. Those who can be on this list must be the supreme beings in the heavens.


Genshin Impact World

“Another supreme myth world has come, which sounds pretty good. Mr. Zhong, do you think you can add a few more dishes?”

Wendy said with a smile while drinking.

Zhongli reluctantly asked the waiter to serve a few more side dishes.

But after thinking about it, it seems that he doesn’t need to pay for it himself, and it will be put on the account of Master Hu anyway, so it doesn’t matter.


The World of Shade

“The world of Norse mythology?”

The ruthless emperor’s beautiful eyes flickered. She was somewhat curious about the difference between this world of Norse mythology and the previous world of Taoist mythology.

Since it was on this list, did it mean that there were also supreme gods like Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, Jade Emperor, and Haotian God?


Primordial World

“Is the Daozang mythological world so late? Why isn’t our Hongjun Daozu on it?”

The three thousand great powers in the prehistoric world in Zixiao Palace looked at each other in bewilderment.

Their Hongjun Daozu was at least the first person in the prehistoric world, the first Heavenly Dao Saint. Doesn’t their Hongjun Daozu deserve the Daozang mythological world?

Not only were many great powers in the prehistoric world dumbfounded, but even Hongjun himself was numb and stunned.

In the Daozang mythological world, he really didn’t exist, or it could be said that because his status was too insignificant, he didn’t even have the opportunity to be exposed.

This made Hongjun very angry.

Could it be that he didn’t deserve it?

Now many disciples are already above him, and he really has no face at all.

However, fortunately, another Norse mythological world has been exposed. Maybe he may show up in the Norse mythological world, and maybe he is a heavyweight.

At that time, let his former students see what the highest existence in the heavens is.


Dragon Talisman World

“The world of Norse mythology? This is also a supreme mythology world. Isn’t it also in the universe?”

Gu Chensha was very curious about where this Norse mythology world was. If he couldn’t go to the Taoist mythology world, he could go to the Norse mythology world.

Anyway, the supreme mythology world that could make the list must be very powerful, and it must be a top existence in the universe.


Emperor Domination World

“Could this Norse mythology world be a subsidiary world of the Daozang mythology world?”

In Li Qiye’s opinion, the Daozang mythology world is already so powerful that it is impossible for other mythology worlds to be on par with it. No matter how powerful this Norse mythology world is, it is at most a subsidiary world, and the creation god and the like definitely do not exist.


Marvel Universe

“What? The world of Norse mythology?!!”

Stark was very surprised. He didn’t expect to hear a term that he was familiar with in this world of supreme mythology. It was really rare to see such a thing!

However, this was the world of supreme mythology after all. Maybe it was different from the world of Norse mythology that he had in mind.


Everyone in the universe and the endless universe was curious and excited.

After all, this was a brand new world of supreme mythology, which must be different from the world of Taoist mythology.

With such a wonderful world of mythology in front of them, everyone’s enthusiasm was aroused at once.

Everyone wanted to see what kind of mythology world this Nordic supreme mythology world was? Was it stronger or weaker than the world of Taoist mythology?

At the same time, there was a change in the sky.

【In the beginning, when there was no earth, no sea, no air, and everything was wrapped in darkness, there existed a force called”the Lord of All Things” (Orlaug).】

【It is invisible, and no one knows where it came from, but it exists. All living beings in the world came to a very dark place, which felt very vast, but they could not see anything. It was pitch black, without any light.

Everyone was surprised. Could it be that in the world of Norse mythology, there also exists a creator god?

【At the beginning of the universe, in the center of the vast space, there was a huge bottomless chasm, Jin Ngag, surrounded by the eternal glimmer.】

【North of the chasm is Niflheim, a land of fog and darkness, and within it is the inexhaustible spring Hvergelmir, which is like a boiling cauldron, supplying water to twelve great rivers called Elivargal.】

【The largest of the rivers of Elivagar is called Vimur.】

【When the waters of these twelve great rivers rushed in, they were stimulated by the cold air in the bottomless abyss and immediately froze into icebergs. They piled up on the edge of the abyss and then rolled into the abyss, making a thunderous sound.】

【South of the Chasm, opposite Niflheim, is Muspelheim, the Land of True Fire, where the fire giant Surtur guards.】

【The giant often used his glowing, sparking sword to chop at the icebergs that rolled into the bottomless pit, making a loud scraping sound and causing the icebergs to melt by half due to the heat.】

【The water vapor from the melting ice rose up, and was attacked by the cold air around it, condensing into frost, which accumulated more and more, and finally filled the center of the vast space.】

【Thus, due to the constant work of cold and heat, or even due to the will of the invisible and unknown force – the so-called”Master of All Things”, an extremely huge giant named Ymir or Orgelmir was born from the icebergs around the bottomless chasm.】

【Because he was born from frost, he is also called a frost giant. This is actually the personification of the frozen ocean.】

【Odemra is a large cow from the same source and material as Ymir.】

【Four thick streams of milk gushed out of its breasts, providing food for Ymir.】

【The cow turned to the iceberg nearby for food, licking the salt on the ice with its thick tongue. Over time, the iceberg gradually melted away and the hair of a huge head appeared, and later even the head and body came out; this was the ancestor god Boli (the creator).】

【Ymir was sleeping at the time, and from the sweat of his armpits came a son and a daughter, and from his feet came the six-headed giant Throtgelmir.】

【Soon after Throttgelmir was born, he gave birth to the giant Borggelmir, the ancestor of all evil frost giants.

These giants were so huge that countless powerful people in the heavens and the worlds were terrified.

No one knew how huge these giants were, because the heavens and the worlds had not yet been bred, and there was no reference at all. What everyone in the heavens was curious about was that the creation of the world in the Norse mythology world seemed to be a little different from the Taoist mythology world.

Everyone looked at this relatively novel creation method with curiosity. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【When the giants realized that they were accompanied by the god Boli and his son Boer (which means birth and was born immediately after Boli was born), they fought with the two gods.】

【God represents good, and giants represent evil. They can never coexist peacefully.】

【The battle lasted for a long time, and both sides were evenly matched.】

【It was not until Bor married the giantess Bestla (daughter of the giant Bolthron (the evil thorn)) and gave birth to three sons: Odin, Vili, and Wei, which symbolized spirit, will, and holiness, that the winner was decided.】

【After Odin and his three children were born, they immediately joined their father’s struggle and finally killed the most powerful frost giant Ymir.】[]

【When Ymir died, blood gushed out of his wounds in a torrent that drowned all of his people, leaving only Bergelmir and his wife to escape in a boat.】

【He fled to the edge of the world, settled down, named the place Jotunheim (Land of Giants), and gave birth to a large group of frost giants, who always wanted to break into the world ruled by the gods and do evil.】

【The gods who defeated the giants became the masters of the world. They called themselves the Aesir (which means the pillars and supporters of the world), and they also had time to do construction work. They wanted to create a habitable world in this desolate space.】

【They rolled Ymir’s massive corpse into the abyss and fashioned the earth from his flesh】

【The Norse called it Midgard (the central place), because it was placed in the center of the bottomless chasm, surrounded by Ymir’s eyebrows, and was considered the boundary wall between the earth and the vast space.】

【Ymir’s blood and sweat became an ocean surrounding the hard earth his flesh formed.】

【His bones became mountains, his teeth became stones, his hair became trees and grass】

【After the arrangement was completed, the gods took Ymir’s skull and cleverly suspended it above the earth and the sea, which became the celestial body.

The body of the giant Ymir turned into the boundless earth and countless sun, moon and stars?!

And this Ymir was actually created by the cold air in the even more vast chasm, and was then killed by the god Bur Odin and several others.

After his death, Ymir became the original world.

This undoubtedly shocked everyone in the heavens.

“Holy shit! Is this the creation of the Norse mythology world? It is indeed different from the Taoist mythology world!”

“Why do I feel that the creation of the Taoist mythological world is more magnificent?”

“The creation of this Norse mythology world is also pretty good! Isn’t the battle between giants and gods exciting?”

“Fortunately, the god Bor and the giantess Bestla gave birth to three little gods, Odin and his friends. Otherwise, in the end, it is hard to say who will win the war.”

“If the Ymir Frost Giants win, maybe the world won’t be so beautiful.”

“Not necessarily. This Ymir doesn’t look like a bad guy.”

“This Ymir is like Pangu in the Taoist mythology world, using his body to transform into all things in the heavens.”

All beings in the world were shocked by the wild imagination of the Norse mythology world, and everyone felt incredible.

There was a huge gap between the creation of the world by the creator gods in the Taoist mythology world.

The creator god in the Taoist mythology world can create the world alone.

And the creation in the Norse mythology world still needs to fight and kill the giants before creating a world where people can live.

However, it also looks very fantastic.

It deeply attracted the attention of everyone in the heavens and the world.

At the same time, the sky curtain changed again

【Later, Imir’s brain was taken and transformed into clouds. However, this bluestone-like sky must be supported by something to prevent it from falling.】

【So the gods named four strong dwarves Nordli (North), Sudri (South), Ostri (East), and Westri (West), and made them stand at the four corners of the earth, supporting the sky with their shoulders.】

【Such a world also needs light: so the gods took fire from Muspelheim and filled the sky with it, which is the stars.】

【The largest chunk of fire was reserved for the creation of the sun and moon, and was carried by the golden chariot.】

【The gods found two horses, Arvak (the one who wakes up early) and Arsvi (the one who walks fast), to pull the golden chariot that holds the sun.】

【But they were afraid that the heat from the sun would hurt the horses, so they put large inflated leather bags under the horses’ shoulders.】

【They also built a huge shield called Svalin (the Cold One) and placed it in front of the chariot to prevent the sun’s heat from burning the chariot and thus prevent the ground from being burned by the sun.】

【The chariot of the Moon is driven by a horse named Asvidl (Eternal Swift), but there are no horse defenses or shields, because the light and heat of the moon are mild.】

【But to drive the chariot of the sun and the moon, two drivers are needed.】

【The gods took a fancy to a pair of beautiful children of the giant Mondilfarli: the boy was named Mani (moon) and the girl was named Sur (sun).】

【Sur was the wife of Graur, a son of Surtur, also known as the fire giant.】

【The gods took the two men to heaven and made Mani drive the moon chariot and Sur drive the sun chariot.】

【Then the gods ordered the giant Norvi (Time)’s daughter Nott (Night) to drive a black chariot, which was pulled by a black horse, Helimphax (Frost Horse), whose manes were covered with dew and frost.】

【Nott is the goddess of night. She had been married three times. She had a son named Odd with her first husband, a daughter named Jodi (Earth) with her second husband, and a very dazzling and handsome son named Dag (Day) with her third husband, the beautiful Delrin (Dawn).】

【The gods prepared a chariot for the child, driven by a very white horse, Skiphax (horse of light), whose mane emitted extremely bright light, illuminating all directions and bringing light and joy to the world.】

【There are always terrible wolves Skul (suspicion) and Hatti (hatred) who are always chasing the sun and the moon (the two wolves chase the sun and the moon respectively), trying to swallow them up and return the world to darkness.】

【Sometimes, the Sirius almost catches up with the sun and the moon and bites them. That is a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse.】

【At that time, people on earth must blow trumpets and beat drums to scare away the wolf.】

【But the celestial wolves will never give up chasing after them. One day, they will swallow up the sun and the moon. This will be the time of”Twilight of the Gods”. All living beings in the world saw two celestial wolves chasing after the original sun and moon in the sky, and they were so surprised that they could not speak.

“The sun and moon are somewhat similar to the Taoist mythology world. They are both children of gods, and they both travel in chariots.”

“But the only difference is that in the Taoist mythology world, there were originally ten suns and twelve moons, but here there is only one sun and one moon.”

“What would happen if two wolves ate the sun and the moon?”

“I really want to know, where did the old cow go at the beginning?”

【The gods not only assigned the four gods of the sun, moon, day and night to chariot around in the sky, but also assigned the gods of dusk, midnight, morning, morning, noon and afternoon to share their work.】

【In addition, the gods of summer and winter were appointed: the god of summer was the son of Svasud (gentle, the personification of summer), and was as kind as his father; while the father of the god of winter was Wendsur (cold, the personification of winter), and was a mortal enemy of the god of summer.

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