Taking stock of the supreme myths, all characters in the world are broken!

Chapter 50

【In addition, in the far north of the sky, there is a giant named Hrasvalgr (the Devourer of Corpses), who is dressed in eagle feathers. When he raises his arms – or wings, a cold wind sweeps across the ground.】

【When the gods were busy creating and decorating the world, a large group of maggot-like creatures emerged from Ymir’s flesh.】

【These little creatures attracted the attention of the gods, who gave them shape and human intelligence and divided them into two types: those with dark skin, cunning and deceitful】

【The gods banished them to the underground Svartalfaheim (the kingdom of dwarves) and forbade them to come out during the day. If they violated the rules, they would be turned into stone.】

【These guys are called dwarves, midgets, goblins, or imps, and their mission is to collect treasures hidden underground.】

【After finding them, they hid the gold, silver and gems in secret places so that people could not find them easily.】

【The other kind is fair-skinned and gentle. The gods call them fairies or elves and send them to live in Alfheim (the kingdom of elves) in the sky. They can fly around at will, take care of flowers and plants, play with birds and butterflies, or dance on the grass at moonlit nights.】

【After everything was arranged, Odin, the chief of the gods, led the gods to live in a plain far away from the earth, on the other side of the unfrozen river Iven, called Idarvald. The place where the gods lived was called Asgard, and Odin was assisted by twelve male gods and twenty-four female gods.】

【So they held a grand meeting, and Odin issued an order that no bloodshed should be allowed in the realm of the gods. Another result of this meeting was that the gods built a huge smelting furnace to forge various weapons and tools necessary for building the temple.】

【The gods lived happily like this for many years; this was the Golden Age of the gods.】

【Although the gods created the earth as a home for humans, in reality, there were no humans on earth.】

【One day, Odin, Willy”087″ and Wei left the temple and walked on the beach. They found two pieces of wood, or two trees, one was an ash tree and the other was an elm tree. They used them to carve into the shape of a man.】

【The gods looked at their work and were very proud of it, so they decided to use it.】

【So Odin gave him soul, Heinir gave him movement and feeling, and Lodor gave him blood. In this way, there were humans who could think, speak, work, love, hope, life and death, living on the earth and being the lord of the earth.】

【The two newly created people were a man and a woman (the ash tree was a man and the elm tree was a woman), and they gave birth to children and continued to reproduce.

This scene instantly caused a huge sensation in the heavens and the worlds. No one thought that in the world of Norse mythology, the human race was created in this way.

It turned out that two trees were cut into the shape of human race, and then Odin gave the soul, Heinir gave the movement and feeling, and Lodor gave the blood, and thus a person was created.

It was incredible

“Is this how humans were created in the Norse mythology? I can’t believe it!”

“In the Taoist mythological world, the Holy Mother Nuwa used some kind of divine soil to create the human race, but here she was made of trees. It’s so weird!”

“It looks quite interesting, and it is very different from the Taoist mythology world. It is a different style.”

In an instant, all the heavens and the worlds were talking about it, and everyone was surprised.

【After that, Odin created a huge ash tree named Yggdrasil, which is the tree of the universe, the tree of time, and the tree of life, filling the entire world.】

【It has its roots in faraway Niflheim, where the inexhaustible spring Hvergelmir billows, and in the seaside, in the house of the gods beside the spring of Urda.】

【On these three great roots the tree grew very tall, and its highest branch, called Laerd (Giver of Peace), overshadowed Odin’s palace, while the other high branches overshadowed Niflheim, Muspelheim, and our land.】

【An eagle perched on the branch of Lailat, and a goshawk named Vidoflnir crouched between the eagle’s eyes, illuminating all kinds of things happening in the sky and on the ground, even as far as Niflheim, and reporting to Odin.】

【The leaves of Yggdrasil are evergreen, so they are the food of the sacred goat Hedren, who provides the gods with goat milk. The sacred deer named Dain, Tevarin, Dunel, and Durathor also eat these leaves; honeydew drips from the horns of these deer, and all the rivers in the world come from this.】

【Near Yggdrasil, beside the inexhaustible spring Hvergelmir, there is a terrible poisonous dragon Nidhogg who keeps gnawing at the roots of the Tree of Life. There are also countless snakes [these snakes’ names are Grin Moin, Grabak, Grafvolud, Ofnir and Swafnir] to help the dragon do this destructive work.】

【The dragon and the snake wanted to kill the tree of life, knowing that once the tree of life died, the end of the gods would come.】

【Ratatosk, the troublemaker squirrel, kept running among the branches of the tree, telling the dragon what the hawk on the treetop had seen and reported, and often stirred up hatred between the dragon and the hawk.】

【The three sisters, the goddesses of fate, have been taking care of the tree of life. They draw water from the Urda Spring to irrigate the tree.】

【High above the earth, across the two sides of Niflheim, is the sacred bridge of fire, water, and air, Bifrost (rainbow). The gods go down from this bridge to the earth, or to the Urda Spring next to the root of the Tree of Life. They hold meetings at this holy spring every day.】

【Among all the gods, only Thor, the god of thunder, does not walk on this rainbow bridge, lest his heavy footsteps and thunder and lightning damage the bridge.】

【The god who guards the Rainbow Bridge is Heimdall, who guards it day and night. His weapons are a sharp knife and a silver horn.】

【Whenever the gods passed by the bridge, he would blow his silver horn to make a soft tune. But if the horn made a high-pitched and passionate sound, it was an alarm. It was the time when the Ragnarok of the Gods came and the Frost Giants, together with the Fire Giant Surtur, were going to destroy the world.】

【Although the Aesir were the original gods of heaven, the Norse mythology world also had other gods of the sea and wind, the Vanir, who lived in Vanaheim.】

【Earlier, before Odin built their Asgard Temple, there was a war between the Aesir and the Vanir, and they used rocks and icebergs as weapons.】

【Later, the two sides made peace, so Njord of the Vanir took his two children, Frey and Freya, to live in Asgard in the sky, which was a guarantee of peace, while Heinir of the Aesir, Odin’s brother, lived in Vanaheim. 】

All living beings in the world were surprised to see this.

I didn’t expect that the creation of the world in the Norse mythology world would be like this, which was completely different from the Taoist mythology world.

At the beginning, there was a huge gap, a fire giant, and an iceberg.

The water vapor melted by ice and fire produced the frost giant Ymir and an old cow.

Later, the god Boli was born. The god Boli and the giant gave birth to the three gods Odin and the other two, and defeated Ymir.

The worlds were created with Ymir’s body.

Then they created the sun, the moon, etc.

Humans were created with trees, and a tree of life was created, etc.

At the same time, other gods would come to make trouble and some wars would occur.

There would also be terrible innate creatures such as poisonous snakes who would want to destroy the world created by the gods.

These scenes made all beings in the heavens and the worlds feel deeply moved.

“I didn’t expect that this is the creation of the Norse mythology. It is really different from the Taoist mythology world. I feel that the creation of the Taoist mythology world is more spectacular. One god is enough, but many gods are needed here.”

“Moreover, I found that the gods here were not omnipotent and were threatened by other innate creatures such as giants and poisonous snakes. They did not have the domineering and majestic power of the creator gods in the Taoist mythological world.”

“There are so many gods, I just remember Odin, the chief of the gods, and I found him so powerful”

“It is really not easy to create the world in the world of Norse mythology.”

All beings in the world discussed it. Although they felt that the creation of the world in the Norse mythology was not as magnificent and domineering as that in the world of Taoist mythology, it was still acceptable. They felt that the difficulties faced by the gods in creating the world here were more than those in the world of Taoist mythology.

After all, there were many forces that were as powerful as the gods, and they all wanted to destroy everything and did not want the world created by the gods to exist.

At this time, there was another change in the sky.

【Odin is the omnipotent and all-knowing supreme god in Norse mythology. He represents everything and symbolizes the omnipresent spirit in the universe.】

【He is the god of wisdom and victory, the protector of nobles and heroes. Because all gods come from him, he is also called the”Father of the Gods” and the Lord of Asgard.】

【His throne is called Hildeskalav. It is not an ordinary chair, but a huge watchtower. From it, Odin can see the every move of the gods, giants, dwarves, elves, and humans in heaven and on earth.】

【This throne can only be used by Odin and his wife Frigg; when they sit on it, they always face south and west.】

【Odin is about fifty years old, tall and full of energy, with black curly hair, or a gray beard and a slightly bald head.】

【He is dressed in grey clothes, with a large blue hood and a cloak with grey stripes on a blue background; this is a symbol of the northern sky with its blue sky and grey clouds.】

【In his hand he always holds his invincible spear Gungnir (the name is a simulation of the sound of metal interweaving, meaningless). This spear is sacred, and the oath sworn to the spear tip can never be revoked.】

【On his fingers or arms, he wears a gold ring or bracelet called Dropnir (Dropper), which is a symbol of”wealth” and is extremely valuable.】

【Odin often comes to the human world. If it is for war, he wears his eagle helmet. If it is to visit the human world peacefully, he wears human clothes and a gray wide-brimmed hat (so that people don’t see that he has only one eye), and calls himself Gangrelli (Wanderer). 】(To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【One of them, located in the Glashir Forest, is called Valhalla. It has 540 gates, each wide enough for 800 warriors to enter and exit side by side.】

【Above the main entrance is a boar’s head and an eagle; the eagle’s sharp eyes can see all corners of the world.】

【The walls of the palace were lined with brightly polished spears, so they were dazzlingly bright; the roof of the palace was paved with golden shields………..】

【The seats in the palace are all covered with exquisite armor, which is a gift from Odin to his guests.】

【All warriors who died in battle, the so-called Enheriya, who were favored by Odin, were allowed to enter this palace as honored guests.】[]

【The Norse people regarded bravery as the supreme virtue and death in battle as the supreme glory, so they also regarded Odin as the god of victory and war.】

【Whenever there was a war on earth, Odin would send his maids, the Valkyries, to the battlefield, select half of the warriors who died in the battle, carry them on their swift horses, and lead them from the rainbow bridge Bifrost into the Valhalla Palace. They would first be welcomed by Odin’s two sons in the palace, and then be taken to Odin’s throne to receive rewards.】

【If there is someone that the gods like among the dead, Odin will personally stand up to welcome him as a special courtesy.】

【In Valhalla, there was a grand feast for the warriors who had been taken to heaven. The beautiful Valkyries, wearing pure white robes, toasted the warriors.】

【These Valkyries, usually nine in number, served large cups of delicious goat milk and large plates of wild boar meat, inviting the warriors to drink as much as they could.】

【This wild boar meat was also a delicacy in the palace. It was the meat of the wild boar Sahlimnir, the god. Every day, Andhrimnir, the cook of the palace, cut it off and cooked it in a big pot. There was never enough meat. Although Odin’s guests were warriors with big appetites,】

【This wild boar is also amazing. As soon as its meat is cut, it immediately grows fat again.】

【After the warriors were drunk and full, they would often fight in the wilderness outside the palace until they heard the horn sound for dinner, and then they would go home hand in hand.】

【There, the beautiful Valkyries were waiting, pouring the milk of the sacred goat from a large bowl into the favorite cups of each warrior, which were made from the skulls of their enemies.】

【That’s how the warriors enjoyed themselves in Valhalla Palace.】

【This kind of life is the most perfect life that the Nordic warriors can imagine, so Odin is also one of the gods they respect the most.】

【When Odin goes to battle, he usually rides his eight-legged grey Pegasus Sleipnir and holds a white shield. His weapons, in addition to his invincible spear Gungnir, are his divine bows, which can fire ten arrows at a time, each of which can hit one enemy.】

【He often grants his beloved ones his famous violent fighting body, and those who become berserkers can go in and out of the forest of spears and swords with bare hands without getting hurt. 】

Seeing the delicious food in Odin’s palace in the sky, everyone in the heavens couldn’t help drooling.

That wild boar is different from the wild boars in the heavens. After eating it, it will greatly improve your cultivation and magic power.

Therefore, everyone is very envious of those creatures who died in the ancient times. Those warriors have the opportunity to visit Odin’s Valhalla Palace, which is definitely a very high honor.

After all, Odin is the supreme god in the world of Norse mythology and an omniscient and omnipotent existence.

At the same time, everyone is also very puzzled. Since Odin is an omniscient and omnipotent existence in the world of Norse mythology, the supreme god, why does he need to go to war?

Is there a god or other giant whose combat power is comparable to that of Odin?

“Is this the father of the gods? Is this Odin, the king of the gods? He looks quite powerful. I wonder who is more powerful compared to Haotian God?”

“4.7 Haotian God? Without a doubt, Haotian God is definitely the most powerful! Odin’s fighting performance is nowhere near as powerful as Haotian God.”

One Person’s World

“This Norse mythology world looks so cozy, just like the house I played with my friends when I was a kid. I can’t imagine that they really created the world.”

Zhang Chulan looked at the sky in surprise, and felt that the gods in the Norse Supreme Mythology World were no different from ordinary people.

Maybe they were a little more powerful, and maybe they had some unimaginable magic power.

It felt like they couldn’t be compared with the creator gods in the Taoist mythology world.

It felt like except for Odin, the other gods didn’t seem to have much fighting power.

And the creation of this Norse mythology world, is it just one world?

It can’t be the heavens and the worlds, right?

Or, could it be that in this world, there are many heavens and the worlds?


Emperor Domination World

“Odin? The supreme god in the Norse mythology world, looks very powerful”

“The road to heaven in the Taoist mythology world has been cut off. I wonder if the road to heaven in the Norse mythology world has been cut off as well?”

“If I have the chance, I really want to visit Odin’s palace.”

Li Qiye looked at the sky with burning eyes.

The Supreme God in the Norse mythology world was a little different from what he expected.

His divinity was weaker, but he had more humanity.


Dragon Talisman World

“Can this Odin defeat a human soldier in the Daozang myth world?”

Gu Chensha couldn’t help but ask this question after reading it.

You know, in the Daozang myth world, a human soldier of Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi can destroy countless worlds, and is also an omniscient and omnipotent existence in some worlds.

It seems that he is not weaker than this Odin.

Of course, this is just his guess.

After all, this is the supreme myth world on the list, maybe it is not that weak.

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