Tale of Discovery

Chapter 119: Choices ; Farewell ; Summoning

Now that the time for my departure is nearing, I need to think of various matters.

One of which is: Can I take others with myself?


{Affirmative. Those that Father wishes to take along to a Platform should stand within a 1-meter-radius as Father invokes the designated word.}

{Those that Father take should have a connection of sorts with Father.}

Connection? What exactly is considered a 'connection'?

{This means that they should be either listed under the 'familiars' or 'worshipers' section of Father's system.}

Right, there was something like that…

"Codification," I intone.

As soon as the window appears, I think of 'worshipers', and the next I know is that the window has changed.

Now, in place of the usual statistics, there is a list of my current worshipers:

Asia Victorianul (Angel) -|- Raynare Victorianul (Angel) -|- Mittelt Victorianul (Angel) -|- Kalawarner Victorianul (Angel) -|- Gabriel Victorianul (Angel) -|- Aruru Victorianul (Angel) -|- Michael Victorianul (Angel) -|- Uriel Victorianul (Pure Angel) -|- Raphael Victorianul (Pure Angel) -|- Xenovia Victorianul (Angel) -|- Irina Victorianul (Angel) -|- Azazel (Fallen Angel) -|- etc.

As usual, upon checking the extended version of the list, I see nothing more than question marks.

Do I have to make direct contact with them for them to be visible on the list? After all, that's the only thing that all of them have in common.

Also, there is something else that I've noticed. That is, Angels who have been provided with my Energy are listed differently compared to the rest.

As such, Uriel and Raphael are both listed 'Pure Angel', while Gabriel and Michael are listed as 'Angel', as they have received my Energy.

Leaving that aside, who should I take with me to the other side?

Aruru is a must, as I'm sure that she will have a lot of fun over there.

As for the second candidate, it would be none other than Gabriel. The reason for that is I want to spend more time bonding with my daughter.

Finally, Irene said something about a 'familiars' section, so I think of that.

The next moment, the system changes once again.

Familiars (1/3):


Name: Tiamat | Race: Dragon | Bond: 13

Str: 51 (15) | Agi: 48 (15) | Dex: 34 (15)

Int: 44 (15) | Def: 55 (15) | Vit: 46 (15)


Her stats are rather high when compared to other supernatural beings that I've met in the Rift so far.

Everything is clear to me apart from one thing: What is 'Bond'?

{The Bond describes how well Father's Code has mixed into the bloodline of the familiar.}

Does this mean that their race will change at some point?


I don't know if I should be concerned or not. First, there is the fact that her bloodline changing along with my Code means that she will acquire a power related to me.

{It's exactly as Father says.}

Second, if she does change, wouldn't that make her biologically related to me in some way?

{That's correct.}


Forget that. Are there any side effects that come along with the transformation?


Great, I have no worries then.

"Tia, you there?"

[[What is it?]]

"I've got some great news for you," I say cheerfully.

[[For some reason, I have a bad feeling regarding what you're going to say…]]

"Come on, it's nothing like that. It's just that your race is going to change to another one due to being in contact with my powers."


"Isn't just amazing? Not only will you get powers related to mine, but you will also be biologically related to me."


It seems like Tia is so happy that she is speechless.

Right, how do I increase my 'bond' with her?

{Father doesn't need to do anything. As long as a familiar is within Father's Code, it will absorb the Code's Energy on its own.}

{However, if Father seeks more efficient results, copulation with female familiars is always an option.}

"Copulation, huh…" I mutter subconsciously.

[[What did you just say, right now?]]


"Tia, it has been a long time since I've played with you."

[[I would be grateful if you kept it that way.]]

"Don't be shy, we've got to get you stronger for the upcoming trip."


"Oh right, I haven't told you yet. I'm planning to take you over to the other world that I will be visiting soon."

[[Why would you do that?]]

"You mean, why would I take you? It's obviously because I want to spend some time with my lovely dragon."

[[That's what I thought.]]

"I mean, why else would I take you?"

[[Perhaps, make actual use of me as a familiar?]]

Crap, she has a point. Even so, it's not like I've had the opportunity to do so.

Hopefully, in Halkegenia she will have a lot of opportunities to raze buildings to the ground and burn humans alive.

Thinking of such matters makes me look forward to the upcoming trip.


Alright, I'm ready to depart.

Irene, I am counting on you to guide me to Halkegenia.

{Of course, Father. Leave it to me!}

Her fired up response seems to energize me a little as I make my way to where I've instructed the girls who will join me in my journey to stay.

As I reach the door that leads to the empty room, someone blocks my path.

"Is something wrong, Nao?" I question her.

In response to my question, Nao frowns slightly before moving closer to me and embracing me.

"You didn't even tell us that you will be leaving," she complains after a while.

That's right. I had not told the rest of the girls that I will be leaving, which is why I'm a little surprised about what's happening.

"Who told you?" I curiously ask.

"Your sister," she replies.

Sora? That's great. I've been worrying that she isn't getting along with the other girls a lot, but that doesn't seem like it.

Based on how she used to act in the past, I doubt she would tell the other girls about my departure.

Instead, she would've taken advantage of the fact that only she knew one way or another.

Anyway, I focus back on reality and hug Nao back.

After a while, I move away from her a little before shifting my head to kiss her lips.

As it has been a while since we've kissed, Nao stiffens up as she attempts to return my kiss a little awkwardly.

I hold her body close to myself as I insert my tongue into her mouth.

The next moment, Nao seems to melt as all energy leaves her legs, with the only thing keeping her from falling being my arm.

After a dozen or so seconds, I break the kiss and look into her blue eyes before saying,

"There is something that I almost forgot to tell you."

My words attract her attention as she attempts to control her panting and focuses on what I have to say.

"I've acquired a healing ability that's capable of dealing with mental damages."

I don't need to explain anything else as Nao understands what I mean which results in her eyes widening.

"Are you sure?" she asks after a while.

I nod my head as confirmation before placing my hand on her head and gently rubbing it.

Some tears form at the corner of her eyes as she beams a smile and says in a slightly shaky tone,

"Idiot. You should've told me sooner."

Smiling at her words, I move my head closer to her ear before whispering,

"It seems like your choice of following me here has paid off, hasn't it?"

Nao flinches a little at my words before embracing me once again while voicing.

"You know that's not the only reason that I came here."

I chuckle at her reaction before rubbing her back and responding,

"Of course."

We stay like this for a while until I hear coughing behind me.

Nao immediately breaks the kiss as she looks behind me before giving me a wry look and walking in the direction her room is.

I turn around only to be met with the sight of a grumpy Misa standing with one arm atop the other.

"Took your sweet time hugging her," she remarks.

Shrugging my shoulders I walk over to her with a smile plastered to my face.

Misa seems to expect me to hug her as she lets her arms down while still looking grumpy.

Once I'm close to her, I surprise her by swiftly pushing her against the wall nearby and locking my lips with hers.

Taken aback, Misa doesn't know how to react which gives me the perfect opportunity to slide my tongue into her mouth.

Then, while still kissing her, I move my right hand over to her bum and squeeze it a little.

My shock here even more than before as she attempts to move away from me.

However, I don't give her the chance to do that as I create a chair behind me and sit on it while pulling Misa onto my lap.

As she is still in her nightwear, the cleavage between her modest breasts is a little visible.

Tempted, I move my head closer and kiss it which causes Misa to hit my back while exclaiming,

"Perv! What do you think you're doing?!"

It's bad if she attracts the attention of others, so I shut her up by moving her closer and kissing her lips once again.

This time, I move my right hand and place it on her left breast.

Fortunately, Misa seems like she's given up as she makes no movements in response, so I proceed to gently fondle her breast.

Several minutes later, I stop and move back a little before saying,

"I sure will miss you, my cute Misa."

Misa immediately reacts by hitting my head once before saying a little hastily,

"Who's yours?"

Laughing at her actions, I use my right hand to move her nightwear along with her bra away, revealing a slightly erect nipple.

Before Misa can react, I kiss it once and roll my tongue around and it before moving back and pulling her into a tight hug.

"I've got to go soon. Do you have anything to tell me?"

As I let her go, Misa moves back a little and looks into my eyes with a slight blush on her face.

That's rare. She looks so much more adorable like this.

Finding it too cute, I give her a quick peck on the lips.

"Are you going to let me talk?", she grumbles.

"Sorry, you were just so cute," I say while smiling.

"Hmph," she scoffs softly before saying, "Try to not pick women up daily on the other side."

I can feel my brows twitch as I maintain my smile and respond,

"I'll try my best."

Misa takes this chance to get off me and walk away while saying without looking back,

"You better."

Hah~ Such good girls…

---3rd POV---

"Now then, Louise de La Vallière, only you are left," a bald with circular glasses says while looking at a pink-haired girl.

Upon hearing his words, the teenagers nearby who are accompanied by strange creatures all proceed to slowly move away from the pink-haired girl.

"Perhaps, you would like to try to again some other time?" the bald man seems to force himself to utter.

"No! I'm the third daughter of La Vallière. Something like summoning a familiar is easy for me."

Then, the girl, Louise, pulls out a wand and points in front of her while yelling,


The next moment, Louise begins to shout her chant out:

"My servant, that exists somewhere in this universe! My divine, beautiful, and powerful familiar! I wish and assert from the bottom of my heart… Answer my guidance!"

Seeing this, the teenagers nearby move away even further while murmuring various things among themselves, with most of the content being her chant is strange and how it would inevitably fail.

It doesn't take long before a black circle appears on the ground with symbols all over it.

A smile covers Louise's face as she stops her chant and excitedly looks at the newly formed circle.

It doesn't take long before some electric sparks form around the circle as a strong gust of wind pushes everyone back, including Louise, who's the closest to the circle.

Once everyone has regained control over their body, they begin to loudly discuss what just occurred.

"I swear by my family's name that I heard a scream just now," one teenager says to another.

"Stop it. She just failed like usual. Be grateful that there wasn't an explosion this time," the other one harshly rebukes.

And so, everyone begins to make fun of her among themselves for not being able to summon no more than wind.

As for the one that is being ridiculed, she is sitting on the ground while looking down and muttering in a shaky voice,

"Why is it just me?"

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