Tale of Discovery

Chapter 120: Long Fall ; Confusion and Shock

I open the door leading to the empty room and enter.

"Is everyone ready?" I ask the girls who have been patiently waiting for me.

Everyone, apart from Aruru who excitedly jumps into my embrace, serenely affirm by nodding their heads once.

"Although we've done this before, the circumstances were different compared to now," I state.

Last time, Infi helped out a lot by guiding us. Hopefully, things won't be complicated this time around.

Irene, how long will it take for Yuno and Krul to arrive over there?

{Three days.}

I see. It's the same, huh.

What about my Angels as well as Tia?

{One day.}

That's good, I suppose. However, where will they be during the process?

{Their souls will stay in the Mete.}

Say, couldn't Krul and Yuno do this as well? Transporting others close to them.

{Negative. The transportation of souls requires specific Essences, such as those in Father's Code.}

How unfortunate. Well, I should probably think of how I want to transfer over to the Platform. Arrogation or Transcription.

Last time, I used Arrogation which resulted in me getting a powerful ability and an identity to go by, so I'm obviously going to do it again.

Hopefully, I will get another broken power.

"Let's do this," I say as Gabriel moves closer to me.

"Krul, you've already taught Siesta what to do, right?"

"Yes," she replies.

Looking over at Siesta, I notice the excitement that is apparent on her face. She must've been looking forward to this moment…

"Αφήνω," I invoke at the same time as Krul, Yuno, and Siesta.

The next moment, uncontrollable energy bursts forth from my body and envelopes both Aruru and Gabriel.

In reaction to this, the two them curiously examine their bodies. Aruru, in particular, seems to enjoy it a lot as she excitedly hops up and down while the energy keeps on pouring into her body.

Shortly, the two of them begin to seemingly disperse into a golden mist and get absorbed into my chest.

Suddenly, there is an odd feeling within me- It's almost as if I can feel all of their emotions and see through their thoughts.

Aruru's excitement, as well as, Gabriel's affection.

This doesn't go on for much longer as I once again find myself in the Mete, however, before I can think of much, a circular black hole appears underneath me.

The next moment, I find myself falling into nothingness as darkness overwhelms my surrounding.

After what seems like dozens of minutes, I finally set my eyes on something other than pure darkness – Siesta.

She's currently falling the same way I am and screaming like there is no tomorrow.

Fortunately, my body seems to be constantly accelerating at a rate faster than her as I gradually get closer to her.

I try to shout, but something seems to be holding my voice back.

{ERROR: Code unstable. Initializing self-repair... Deactivating all abilities…}

Fuck, this sounds awful. Hopefully, there is no random ridiculously strong retard waiting for me the moment I reach the other side.

After a few more seconds of 'falling', I finally catch up to Siesta, but I'm unable to catch her and go right past her.

Fortunately, upon seeing me, she stops screaming and immediately begins to try to shift her body to increase her speed.

Despite her actions, her speed remains relatively the same as before, which further supports the notion that wherever we are isn't affected by normal laws of physics.

A few minutes later, I once again find myself surrounded by pure darkness as my body continues to accelerate in this seemingly never-ending dark tunnel.

It doesn't take long before something catches my attention.

Looking 'ahead' of me, I see some electrical currents 'slowly' transporting a humanoid body.

The body belongs to that of a black-haired male that's wearing a jersey.

Shit, from the looks of it, I will directly run into him.

No matter what I do, I'm unable to dodge him.

My apologies whoever you were, but it seems like you weren't fated to reach wherever you were going.

After a few seconds, I practically smash into the guy which results in him splitting into several pieces as the electric currents go haywire.

On the bright side, he was unconscious, so he wouldn't even know what became of him.

My optimism doesn't last long as the tunnel suddenly begins to destabilize and white cracks form all over it.

Soon a rather giant crack appears as a strange energy escapes from it and envelops my body.

{Arrogation initiated.}

Oh, this is me merging with someone's existence?

Certainly, I feel my thoughts beginning to change a little as I feel a burning sensation on my head and face.

Unfortunately, I am unable to use Clairvoyance to examine myself.

And thus, I am left to fall for about a few more minutes in this destabilized dark tunnel before I finally set my sight on a bright light.

Trusting my senses, I reckon that the bright light is the end of this 'tunnel'.

It doesn't take long for me to find out, as, after a few seconds, I find myself passing through the exit at a terrific speed.

The moment I pass through, I catch a glimpse of green before the next moment I am several hundreds of meters in the sky.

Finally, able to properly control my body, I turn myself mid-air, utilize Godspeed, and kick the air with everything I've got.

My strength seems to have decreased a lot, but the way I am right now is still powerful enough to break my speed.

As my body begins decelerating before falling back down, I finally have the luxury of examining my surroundings properly:

There is greenery all over the place and it extends into the far horizon.

With the sun shining above my head and the wind pressure that seems to be holding my body, I'm finally able to relax as I let gravity pull me toward itself.

This feels much more liberating than I thought it would…

As unfortunate as it may be, I'm unable to enjoy this for much longer as I sense the presence of something approaching me at an incredible pace.

I turn over just in time to see a screaming Siesta flying right at me.

In response to this, I attempt to make use of Telekinesis and Flight, however, both of them seem to exist no longer as I'm unable to sense them.

Right, AI did say they're deactivated…

Having no other choice, I use Godspeed a few times to move away and 'jump' right at her.

Upon finding herself within my arms, Siesta begins to gradually calm down and look into my eyes as we both fall.

Beaming a smile at her, I pull her closer to me as I examine the location we're about to fall to.

There, I see an eccentric-looking white building with a cone-like design at the center.

Focusing at the exact spot we're about to fall to, I find a field with dozens of teenagers in strange attires surrounded by horrendous creatures, which I assume are their familiars or something.

"Brace for impact," I say to Siesta as I shift our position mid-air so that we will fall right at the center of the field where there isn't anyone but a pink-haired girl nearby.

Once we're about fifty meters away from the ground, AI's voice resounds within my head.

{Self-repair complete. Abilities reactivated.}

I try to make use of Flight, but it doesn't seem to work, so I immediately begin to prepare Vector Manipulation for direct usage upon making contact with the ground.

A few seconds later, I practically crash into the ground feet-first, as I direct all of our vectors to the ground which results in quite the spectacular sight.

The ground all around us breaks apart as soil escapes from under the ground, ruining the once-beautiful greenery.

As I'm holding Siesta within my arms, I look into the eyes of a pink-haired girl who's covered in soil while sitting on the ground a few meters away from us.

She's currently staring right at us with a bewildered look on her face.

And so, I've officially arrived in my second Platform.

---3rd POV---

"Young Lord, may I enter?" the voice of a young woman resounds within a luxurious empty room.

After a few moments, the young woman's voice resounds once again, "Young Lord?"

Getting no response, the young woman says a little nervously,

"Excuse me for entering without permission."

Upon finishing her words, the door to the room opens as a young maid enters the room, and anxiously looks around the room.

Seeing that no one is here, the maid begins to freak out as she makes her way to the balcony while yelling,

"Young Lord, are you here?!"

Once again, the maid finds nothing, so she begins freaking out even as she rushes out of the room and begins yelling,

"The Young Lord is gone! Help!"

A commotion immediately rises as several men covered in medieval-age armor make their way to the room the maid was in and begin hurriedly looking around the place.

"Nothing here," one of the armored men states, which is followed by such similar statements from the rest.

Then, silence ensues as the men are unsure of what to do regarding their now-missing Young Lord.

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