Tale of Discovery

Chapter 141: Battle ; Another Battle *NSFW*

Confused by her claim, I inquire,

"Who are they?"

"Those that wanted to stop Branch from developing any further."

As I deliberate on the information I just got, Tiamat walks close to us and says,

"Are you going to be telling me what's going on?"

Nodding my head, I begin explaining,

"This girl is from a Platform my past self was in. Apparently, she's an android that used to serve me."


"Ah, right. You wouldn't exactly know that term… She's basically a machine," I say.

"So, does this machine want to serve you again?"

Before I can reply, Saturnus points her finger at Tiamat's face and exclaims in a loud and cheerful voice,

"That's exactly it!"

The next moment, a blush appears on her fair skin as she begins rubbing her hands against each other and muttering,

"Ah! All the joy that's to be had while serving the Creator!"

How the heck is she blushing? Isn't she supposed to be an android? Or are the androids from that Platform she spoke of that developed?

Anyway, this girl seems to be looking forward to serving me. I will be able to tell her character if I ask this,

"Saturnus, what was I like before?"

My question seems to flip some sort of switch as an expression of excitement covers her face while she begins to recount everything she found great about me – which practically consisted of everything regarding my existence.

It seems like I was not so friendly toward humans in the past, as according to what Saturnus said, I was constantly fighting against them.

However, for some reason, I wouldn't do it personally. I would always have androids and members of Branch fight my battles.

It's highly likely that I was doing some sort of experiment, as my powers back then should be way beyond anything ordinary humans can achieve.

Setting that aside, this shows what Saturnus's character should be like quite well.

From what I can tell, she's very happy to serve the 'Creator' and fight for him. So, she will most likely be an important asset to me depending on her capabilities.

"Hey, Saturnus," I say, attracting the daydreaming android's attention,

"How about having a mock battle with my familiar?"

"What?" Tiamat voices dubiously.

"Of course!" Saturnus exclaims with vigor as she raises the armament beside her and points it at Tiamat.

"I challenge you to a duel!"

As enthusiastic as she may be, I highly doubt that she will be able to hold her own against Tiamat.

Tiamat lets out a sigh while slowly shaking her head and saying,

"Fine. But, be warned: I won't be going easy on you."

Alright, it seems like Tiamat is up for a fight. I wonder if there is a way to repair Saturnus if her circuits get damaged…

Deciding that it's probably better if she's dressed properly, I create a proper attire for Tiamat.

She shoots me a grateful look before wearing the attire on top of her swimsuit.

"Very well, I say after having stepped back a few meters, "Fight!"

What happens next, surprises both Tiamat and me, as Saturnus dashes toward Tiamat at a speed on par with Tiamat.

Naturally, Tiamat regains her composure fairly quickly as she repairs to strike Saturnus with a fist filled with energy.

However, our expectations are overturned as Saturnus suddenly throws her armament to the sky before leaping up herself.

Reaching her arm out, Saturnus grabs the armament and somehow boosts herself mid-air by making use of some energy.

Saturnus proceeds to make use of her boost to slam the tip of her armament into the ground.

The following moment, a great wave of energy is released from where she struck and moves at an incredible rate toward Tiamat.

Tiamat seems to have expected such a thing as she quickly dodges by moving to the side, however, the energy wave suddenly explodes.

As if all energy has been drained from her, Tiamat gets down her knees while panting heavily.

Not wasting this opportunity, Saturnus pulls her armament out of the ground and proceeds to dash at Tiamat.

The armament in her hand all of a sudden begins to change from what it was to a trident with strange energy focused at each one of the three tips.

Just as Saturnus is about to strike Tiamat with it, Tiamat suddenly releases a burst of energy which effectively blows Saturnus away from the spot.

What I find surprising is that Saturnus doesn't lose her composure as if something like this is normal for her.

Effortlessly landing on her feet, Saturnus begins spinning the armament in her hand as its shape begins to change once again.

This time it turned into a blunt spear, however, the energy focused at the tip is much more compared to before.

Before Saturnus can dash toward her again, Tiamat slams her leg into the ground with enough force to shake everything up.

Destabilized, Saturnus is caught off-guard as Tiamat suddenly appears in front of her and punches her guts with enough force to send her flying into the palace's wall.

The wall breaks down and falls along with Saturnus.

However, unlike what I expected, Saturnus suddenly plunges her armament into the wall and yells,


Immediately after she says that, a great amount of energy is released from her armament resulting in the wall to break apart and its debris to propel into the air.

What's strange is that there seems to be an energy that's holding the debris up which Saturnus makes use of to change her position.

As soon as Saturnus is right above Tiamat, she prepares to make use of her armament once again, but, before she can do that, Tiamat covers her arms in an energy that feels quite familiar to me.

What's that?

{Father's familiar is currently making use of the energy it has absorbed.}

Oh, right! Now that she can make use of it, her nature must have changed a lot, right?


Great, she's even more closely related to me right now. I'm so proud of this beautiful dragon of mine...

Anyway, Saturnus is much stronger than I expected. That weapon of hers is sure something else for being capable of the functions she showcased. Besides that, there is something else that piqued my interest: The energy she has been making use of.

That energy is unlike any I've encountered up until now, making it a unique one.

Could it be something that can be only used by androids? That might be it. Even so, I wonder how much of it can she store, and how does it replenish?

It seems like Saturnus is going to be a very valuable asset for both battle and research. Hopefully, she will be an entertaining companion as well.

Shifting my focus back to the battle, I find Tiamat and Saturnus at a deadlock with Saturnus holding the tip of armament against Tiamat's neck, while Tiamat is pressing her palm brimmed with energy against Saturnus's chest.

"That's enough!" I exclaim, resulting in the two of them to back away from each other without harming one another.

I've already obtained the data that I sought, so there is no point in making them fight any longer.

I approach the two girls before turning my head to face Saturnus and saying,

"How much energy do you have left?"

"Creator doesn't have to worry about that! I have more than enough," she replies with a bright smile on her face.

"I see," I respond before shifting my focus over to Tiamat who seems to be a little gloomy.

"What's wrong?" I inquire.

"Nothing," she simply replies.

Right, now that this matter is over, I should continue what we were doing earlier.

"Tiamat," I say, "Let's continue our bath."

My words seem to pique her interest as she looks over at me with a slight amount of expectation apparent in her eyes.

"Saturnus, you are to do whatever you want until we're done," I say before moving closer to Tiamat and holding her hand.

"Alright!" I hear a voice behind me as I drag Tiamat along with myself to the pool.


After a long while of bathing and enjoying our time in the pool, Tiamat and I step out and head over to one of the rooms in the palace to get dressed.

Unfortunately, I'm unable to recreate the attire that I had on upon arriving here, so I have no choice other than to wear a 'noble' attire.

Thankfully, the cloak that had been given to me by Henrietta is available in the database.

However, upon creating it, I feel my headache as AI's voice resounds within my head.

{WARNING: Energy has dropped below 30%.}

Ugh. It seems like this drained more energy than I expected it would.

My focus subconsciously shifts to Tiamat who's drying herself using one of the two towels I created upon reaching the room.

Setting everything I created aside, I slowly approach Tiamat before embracing her from the back.

"Master?" she mutters, confused.

Not uttering a single word, I use my hand to turn her head and kiss her lips once again.

She doesn't flinch or show any signs of discomfort, but instead, attempts to return the kiss.

Making use of this chance, I slide my hand underneath her swimsuit and fondle her bare breast.

After a few seconds, I'm unable to hold myself back anymore as I swiftly push her down on the bed and getting on top of her.


I slide my right hand into the lower part of her swimsuit and begin to gently rub her clit while continuing to kiss her supple lips.

Moments later, I find myself inserting a finger into her vulva while folding her breast with my other hand.

Tiamat was a little stiff in the beginning, but, after a while, she entered a relaxed state as I continued to play around with her lovely body.

As I continue with my actions, I feel something grip my rod.

Looking down, I find Tiamat's slender hand gently stroking it.


After deliberating for a dozen or so seconds, I decide that it's about time I moved on to the next base.

While making sure to not cause her any discomfort, I continue to play around with her body and changing my position so that I'm right beside her.

Then, I telekinetically change the way her legs are positioned so that I am right in between her legs.

I place both of my hands on Tiamat's breasts as I move closer to her and say,

"You're one attractive dragon, Tia."

"You philanderer," she responds while panting a little.

Not minding her words, I proceed to kiss her lips once again, before gently pinching her nipple.

After a few minutes of kissing and fondling, I stop and begin to take off whatever I have left on, while Tiamat does the same.

As I'm about to prepare for the real deal, Tiamat surprises by suddenly turning and getting on her knees and hands.

With her butt facing me, Tiamat says,

"Just this over with already."

A smile covers my face as I press my rod against her butt crack and move my head closer to hers.

As if knowing what I want, Tiamat turns her head and kisses me of her own accord.

Shortly, I break the kiss and move my head back before getting in a proper position.

I rub the tip of my rod against her wet entrance before slowly pushing it inside.

What the heck. Why is it so tight?!

The tightness is unlike anything I've experienced before. It's like her walls are trying to crush me.

Naturally, this can't even get remotely close to harming me, and only serves the purpose of providing me with a unique experience.

"So tight," I mutter as I slowly insert the whole thing inside.

"What were you expecting?" Tiamat responds with a scoff as a small stream of red liquid flow out of her.

She was a virgin? Color me surprised. I didn't expect her to be inexperienced in this regard.

It's not like I'm upset, in fact, I'm glad that this is the case.

Once a good while has passed, I begin thrusting my hips a little more vigorously than I usually would.

Tiamat seems to be trying to hold her voice in for some reason, so I decide to make it my objective to force her voice out.

As I begin to gradually hasten my thrusting speed, Tiamat seems to lose her control as she lets out a slightly loud moan.

After a few minutes, Tiamat suddenly lets out the loudest moan yet along with a sudden burst of energy that disorganizes the room.

What follows after this surprises me, as a thick blue tale seems to appear out of nowhere on her back while two curved horns protrude out of her head.

Naturally, I don't let this stop me from enjoying her body as I continue thrusting inside her while fondling her right breast with my hand.

In this position, my head is a little close to her body, or more specifically, her tail.

Observing it, I realize that it twitches along with my thrusts.

Could it be…

Intrigued, I use my left arm to stroke the tail.

As I expected, this earns me a sudden yell from Tiamat as her body stiffens up and a gush of liquid flows out of her.

"Your tail is sensitive?" I curiously ask while gently rubbing it.

Panting heavily, Tiamat responds,

"Only when I am in an aroused state."


I hug her tail and gently rub it as I continue thrusting inside her.

A while later, I feel like I'm about to orgasm, so I begin to increase my pacing, resulting in even loader moans from Tiamat.

Once the moment has arrived, I thrust inside once more before releasing everything inside.

Tiamat seems to orgasm at the very same moment as her tail abruptly stiffens before pointing toward the sky as a sensual moan escapes from her lips.

The of us then enter a relaxed state as I lie down on the bed while holding her body close to myself.

"Don't you feel uncomfortable," I say while looking at one of her horns.

"Not at all," she responds before moving close to me and pressing her head against my chest.

This dragon… she always acts like she's against every one of my actions, yet here she is, comfortable lying beside me.

Moving my hand, I lift her chin a little as I kiss her one last time.

---NSFW (End)---

Now then, I wonder what Saturnus has been up to this whole time?

Using Clairvoyance, I look around the palace for her for a few seconds before finding her in a dressing room of sorts.

Saturnus is currently standing in front of a mirror, admiring her attire which is that of a maid's.

Near her, there are several other maid attires which I assume she had tried on.

She seems to be satisfied with the one she is currently wearing as a bright smile appears on her face before she turns toward the door and proceeds to leave the room.

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