Tale of Discovery

Chapter 142: Changes ; Exit

"Tia, we should head back," I state while gently nudging her sleeping body.

"Hm?" she hums while slowly opening her eyes.

"Come on," I say before leaning over and kissing her cheek.

Right, it's been a while since I've checked my status screen. I wonder how much has changed.



Name: Wales Tudor (Victor -)

True Name: ????

Title: -SEALED-

Age: 8,953 Years

Code: Exousia (2%) {Berserk | Mahesvara | Holy | ????}

Race: Human - 30>>24%

Energy Left: 43%


Str: 80>>81[32] (11) | Agi: 74>>76[30>>31] (11) | Dex: 71[28] (11)

Int: 71[28] (11) | Def: 66[26] (11) | Vit: 66[26] (11)


Essence :-

Berserk: Hunter (1/3) | Tormentor (1/2) | God's Wrath (2/5)

Mahesvara: Creation (5%) | Destruction (2%) | Angelification (??)

C: ???? -|- ???? -|- ????

D: Flames of Devastation I [III] -|- Withering Aura -|- Paralyze I [III] -|- Cancellation -|- Termination I [V]

A: Telepathy -|- Mirroring -|- Blessing I [X]


Holy Slash II [V] -|- Paladin's Aura I [V] -|- Paragon's Eyes I [III] -|- Godspeed III [V] -|- Blink II [III] -|- Light Manipulation IV [VI] -|- Healing Factor II [III] -|- Transmutation -|- Divine Retribution I [V] -|- Clairvoyance (Passive) II [III] -|- Illusion II [III] -|- Rework I [III] -|- Eye of Judgment I [IV] -|- Analyze I [III] -|- ???? -|- ???? -|- ???? -|- ???? -|- ????


Plunder III [V]:-

--- Primary Ability (1/1) ----

- Telekinesis III [V]

--- Secondary Abilities (5/5) ---

Permeation I [III] -|- Location I [III] -|- Hypnotism I [V] -|- Indoctrination I [III] -|- Pyrokinesis

--- Tertiary Abilities (∞) ---

Spiritualism I [IV] -|- Insight I [VI] -|- Collapse (0%) -|- Thoughtography (1%)

--- Irregular (6/?) ---

Flight I>>II [III] -|- Memory Erasure I [IV] -|- Imperfect Invisibility I [X] -|- Time-Leap (?) {R: 4%} -|- Ability Erasure (2%) -|- Gift II [V] -|- Organic Constructs (1%) -|- Regeneration I [V] -|- Absolute Evasion (1%) -|- Vector Manipulation (7>>8%)

--- Unassigned ---


Power of Destruction (Lesser - 0%)


Boosted Gear:-

Dragon Roar (0%) -|- Scale Mail (0%) -|- Draconic Form (0%)


Norse Magic I [X]:-

Teleportation I [V] -|- Curse of Regret I [III] -|- Curse of Memories I [V] -|- Curse of Solitary I [III] -|- Curse of Damnation I [IV] -|- Summoning I [VII]



Mastery (0%) -|- Last Stand (0%) -|- Enhancement (0%)


Current Platform: Sorcerers' Lair


This is great! So much has changed that I'm beginning to get a little excited.

First, it seems like my energy has been somewhat replenished after the short activity I had with Tiamat.

I guess that settles what Infi meant when she mentioned 'a being of power equal to mine, if not more'. One would normally think that she meant someone equal to me in strength or stronger, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Tiamat is weaker than me, yet, copulation with her restored some of my energy.

Could it be, that the requirement she described was meant as 'full recovery' and not a necessity? It does seem like it, so that's what I will go by for now.

Leaving that aside, the changes in my parameters aren't worth looking into. The most interesting part is how there is a whole new section for Mahesvara.

Why wasn't this available before?

{Father has achieved the hidden requirement to unlock it.}

Which was?

{Discover seven functions of the Mahesvara Effects.}

And I suppose that was set by my old self?


Is this my way of pushing myself to investigate more of my powers? It feels like it is. Well, I probably should've played around a little with my powers instead of just using them.

I will be staying in the academy for some time, so there is plenty of time to do all that.

Anyway, I wonder what are the descriptions and limitations.


Flames of Devastation:

Form flames with enhanced destructive capabilities. Inextinguishable. Can only be used on flammable materials. Medium energy consumption.


Withering Aura:

A cloak of destructive elements that destroy all energy and matter that makes contact with the user. Medium energy consumption.



A wave of energy that disables a living being's motor functions. Energy needs to be directly sent into the body. Small energy consumption.



Erasure of energy and aura emitted by opposing beings. Range limit – 5 meters. Medium energy consumption.



A pulse of destruction that obliterates a being's physical body. Direct contact is required. High energy consumption.


These are some great functions. I've already been making use of them for a while, but it sure is nice to see them all listed like this.

Now then, there are the Angelification functions…

They're much more simple compared to the ones associated with Destruction.

Telepathy is how I usually communicate with my angels, while Mirroring is what I make use of to see what they see.

As for the most interesting part, which is the blessing…



Enhances the growth of every parameter by 50%. Provides the following effects: Sacrifice -|- Crusader -|- Heaven's Light.


No wonder my Angels have been exhibiting such horrifying potential. I am unable to check the three effects which are listed, which is a little worrying.

At least, it doesn't seem like Crusader and Heaven's Light can negatively influence them, but the same can't be said about Sacrifice.

Setting that matter aside for now, I continue to examine the new changes.


Flight I>>II [III]:

Unlimited usage | Maximum speed is 40>>200 km/h. | Maximum acceleration is 5>>6 km/s.


Huh, this tier up is going to severely affect my usage of flight henceforth.

Finally, there is the most interesting part of all this. There is something new next to my Time-Leap ability.

AI, what is does R: 4% signify?

{The ability is currently being rejuvenated. Upon completion, usage of the ability will be possible.}

Now, this is what I wanted to hear! Returning in time is something that could be exploited in a lot of ways. Heck, it could practically decide the outcome of any future battles.

Hopefully, the limitations won't be that harsh.

Anyway, why is it suddenly being 'rejuvenated'? You can't possibly expect me to believe this just happened, right? There must be some explanation for this.

{Affirmative. Contact with energy waves emitted by Lacia Class, Type: 003 has initiated the process.}

Saturnus?! Just what kind of energy did she emit for it to have such an effect?!

What the hell had I been doing in that Platform? I didn't think that the matter would be anything simple, but from the looks of it, everything seems to be much more complicated than I suspected.

Using Clairvoyance, I find Saturnus walking around the palace, most likely searching for us.

"Master?" a voice resounds behind me as Tiamat lifts her body from the bed and gazes at me questioningly.

"You're finally up?" I say before moving toward her and embracing her mellow body.

"Took you long enough, sleepyhead," I remark.

"Whose fault do you think that is?" she retorts with a tired expression.

"Whatever. We need to get dressed and leave this place," I state.

"At last, I can go back to resting in the plains," she murmurs after sighing.

"Take a look at yourself. Sleepyhead."

Tiamat responds to my comment by lightly smacking my back with her palm and saying,

"Don't blame me, blame the comfort your space provides."

Is it really that comforting? I would much rather take a rest in the half-broken cities than there.

Now that I think about it, where is Aurora? Ever since I came here, I felt like something was amiss, but I didn't think of it much.

{Father doesn't need to worry about that. The familiar has been taken into the familiar space.}

The familiar space? Is that why I didn't get any premonition?


I see. It makes me wonder what Aurora could be up to right now...


After Tiamat and I had gotten dressed, the two of us left the room and went over to where Saturnus was.

Upon seeing me, Saturnus bowed slightly before jubilantly saying,

"Thank you for allowing me to serve you, Creator."

I shook my head a little before responding,

"Forget that. Are you all done here?"

"Of course!"

"Good," I said before directly leaving the Arena while pulling those two along.

Thankfully, there seemed to be no issue with me taking her out of the Arena.

However, my relief didn't last for long, as I found myself back in the Sorcerers' Lair in front of Louise's door.

A few meters away from us, stood Louise, Tabitha, and Kirche who were seemingly chatting.

They immediately noticed our arrival, as well as our new companion.

"Victor!" Louise yelled before hastily walking over and saying, "Where were you?"

Giving her a strange look, I simply said,

"Out of the academy."

Upon hearing my response, Louise showed a dissatisfied expression but didn't pry any further, most likely knowing that it would be meaningless to do so.

So, here I am, now, standing expressionlessly while Saturnus is introducing herself.

Fortunately, she doesn't give out any information other than her name and the fact that she serves me.

For a moment, I thought her carefree attitude would lead to her saying unnecessary things, but it seems like my worry was for naught.

"Victor," Louise all of a sudden calls out to me, "Today, everyone is going to be practicing magic outside."

Oh? That's great. It seems like I will be exploring my powers sooner than I expected.

Speaking of which, I have yet to try out the capabilities of Gandalfr...

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