Tale of Discovery

Chapter 143: Training Session (1/2)

As we are on our way to where the training utilities are set up, I ignore the various looks I'm given from the females and the death glares from the males.

Focusing on my telepathic connection with Aurora, I let her out of my Code.

The next moment, Aurora materializes on top of my palm, brimming with excitement.

"Did you miss me?" I say while stroking her small head.

Soon, we reach our destination where a lot of students are already present.

Looking around, I find Siesta chatting with Gabriel while Ddraig seems to be busy with something.

Noticing my arrival, Aruru, who was a few meters away from Gabriel, runs over before jumping into my embrace while yelling,


I hold her within my arms as I continue to walk over to where Gabriel and the co are.

Gabriel and Siesta both respectfully bow once I'm near enough before raising their heads and looking me in the eye as if checking to see if I have any orders for them.

"Gabriel, how about you participate in today's training session?"

In response to my suggestion, she blinks once before peering at me with a confused expression on her face.

"I'm not saying that you should fight these weaklings," I begin explaining while pointing at the nobles in the distance, "But, a sparring session among ourselves."

A look of realization appears on her face as she says,

"Does master want to enlighten these humans?"

Nodding my head, I state,

"It seems like you've understood what I'm trying to achieve. That's exactly it."

As Gabriel said, I'm 'enlightening' the nobles here by showing them the capabilities of those around me.

Also, I will try to see if I can find anything out regarding Siesta's Code.


"Attention!" Jean yells, attracting the attention of all the students, "We will begin today's training session by target practice."

As soon as his voice fades off, the students begin whispering to each other.

It seems like this is something unusual from the way everyone is reacting. I wonder what made them do this.

"Teacher!" Guiche voices, "Isn't that only done during aptitude tests?"

As a response to his inquiry, Jean replies,

"You're right. However, today is going to be different."

Jean glances in our direction for a split-second before explaining how today's training session is going to be.

For the most part, it's what anyone would normally expect, but there was one thing that piqued my interest: Duels.

I wonder if are going to be any students willing to duel me?

Suddenly, I feel an intense gaze. Looking over, I find Guiche looking at me resolutely.

Beside him is a blonde-haired girl that's also looking at me.

"Are you really going to do it?" the girl asks him dubiously.

"Yes, Montmorency. After you will go out with me if I win, right?"

The girl, Montmorency, doesn't reply to his question, but he seems to take it as an affirmation.

"I will win this, for sure," he mutters to himself.

Does this count as a death flag? I will gladly deliver it to him, however, dying is a little too mild…

"Is everyone prepared?" Jean inquires in a loud voice.

The place quietens down as everyone focuses on him and waits for his next words.

"Let's start!"


Currently, I am waiting alongside Louise, Tabitha, and Kirche for my turn in striking the targets in the distance.

The students are making use of various magic to strike their target down, tempting me to do the same once my turn arrives.

Speaking of which, I have yet to cast any elemental spells. Hopefully, I won't fail in doing so.

Irene, I will be using Louise as a catalyst, right?

{Affirmative. Father's use of Elemental Magic will be stabilized through the contract.}

What about the 'focus' required to cast the spell?

{Father doesn't need to worry about such things. Code Exousia automatically absorbs all varieties of energy surrounding Father and filters them.}

So, you're saying that I can make use of Elemental Magic indefinitely as long as I am in this Platform?


What about my Norse Magic?

{Powers and abilities obtained in the Rift are exceptional.}

I see. I'm finally starting to get a good idea of what the Playground is.

The Platforms are the secondary bodies, granting me infinitesimal boosts in power and opportunities to improve my skills in various ways.

As for the Rift, it's akin to an arsenal where I get my 'main' weapons from to make use of in the Platforms.

In a way, the Playground is something akin to a testing facility customized to efficiently improve the power of Anomalies such as myself.

Anyway, if I were to use Elemental Magic, it wouldn't affect Louise in any way, right?



"Sir Wales," Jean's voice resounds within my ears.

Looking over, I find him looking my way along with all every student present.

Just about time.

Moving over to the marked location where I am supposed to make use of ranged magic attacks, I deliberate on what should I use.

Examining the target in the distance, I find a wooden dummy that seems to flammable.

So, I decide to make use of the water element.

Focusing on the image of water in my mind, I raise my arm and face my palm in the direction of the target before attempting to use my Elemental Magic.

The next moment, a water jet 'escapes' from my palm and swiftly penetrates the head of the target.

This results in numerous gasps from my audience as Jean hastily moves over to where I am and asks,

"Your Grace, what was that just now?"

Shrugging my shoulder, I say,

"Water magic."

Shaking his head, Jean impatiently says,

"I know that! What I want to know is what did you just do?"

Acting confused, I say,

"Used water magic."


"What do you mean 'how'? I just focused on the image of water and used it."

Giving up, Jean lets out a sigh before saying,

"Is this all?"

Giving him a strange look, I say,

"I'm just getting started."

He doesn't seem to find my words odd as he nods head before stepping back.

I shift my attention back to the dummy that I just hit and think of what too magic to use next.

Elemental Magic can have various ways of operation, so I try to go for a combo.

Taking in a deep breath, I raise my arm once again and begin to make use of four elements at once.

First, I use the earth element to abruptly form a pillar from the ground, which launches the dummy into the air.

Second, I make use of the earth element combined with the fire element to form thermite before freezing the surrounding particles using the water and air elements.

This, in turn, leads to an explosion that blows the dummy into smithereens.

Perfect. This will surely come in handy mid-battle.

I had seen Louise use 'explosion' magic before, but it was nowhere near as lethal as the one I just caused. For some reason, her explosion seemed 'lacking' in some way.

From the looks of it, I fixed that by making use of four elements instead of one.

Ignoring the stunned look on everyone's face, I casually walk back to where the girls are.

After a short while, Jean says in a loud and slightly shaky voice,

"Who is next?"


Finally, everyone is done with this.

The students took a little longer than necessary due to being a little hyped up from my actions.

Most of them attempted to do act in a 'showy' manner.

Naturally, that didn't bode well, so, in the end, they all had to resort to doing normal magic.

All, but one - Louise.

For some reason, she decided that unless she performed a feat comparable to mine, she wouldn't stop.

Of course, that proved to be difficult, despite her magic being 'enhanced'.

However, after a dozen or so attempts, I began realizing that her explosions were getting stronger and stronger.

It seems like there is some other factor that's affecting the strength of the explosion.

Perhaps, emotion? It's either that or Louise's proficiency is growing at an incredible rate.

I reckon that it's the former, but there is the possibility of it being the latter, as there is the contract. Irene?

{The signed contract doesn't have such an effect.}

I thought so.

Emotions, huh? Speaking of which, are any of my abilities apart from Collapse affected by emotions?

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