Tale of Eldramir

CH 256 (Book 6 Ch 31): Reactions

The first thing Ezekiel noticed when he woke up was a pain that spread through the entire right side of his face. A few seconds later, he realized that he could feel the road moving beneath him. Finally, he noticed that he was fully bound in mana restraining manacles.

It took him several seconds of confusion and wonder to figure out what had happened, and why he was shackled to the inside of a wagon that was in the midst of travel. Then he heard Shine’s voice echoing in his mind.

‘You’re awake! Good. It’s been a couple of days, and the healers were beginning to worry as to whether or not you’d need more healing, or if they had left you well enough to recover on your own.’ Shine’s words confused him even more, but a sudden flare up from the bruises and broken jaw kept him from moving. ‘I wouldn’t do that right now. Wolken told the healers to leave you injured enough to not cause any problems when you woke up.’

Ezekiel didn’t bother moving. He just focused on listening to Shine. As well as trying to remember what hit him, and why.

‘I objected, as did Riley and Wendy, the latter of whom joined us after we retreated to Alliance territory, but given you nearly killed several of the supporters from our side in your outburst, we ended up being outvoted. That’s also why you’re currently restrained.’ Shine sent a sense of apology and regret through their bond. ‘Although, no one mentioned that mana restraints don’t work on you. Wolken might be suspicious, but nobody else seemed to realize the connection between the Void magic in the shackles and the Void magic in you. But he’s the one who did this, so screw him.’

Ezekiel’s eyes snapped open, but he still didn’t move. Instead, he ignored the pain in his face, and simply fumed as the memory of what had happened before he got knocked out flowed through his mind. For several seconds, he remained still, barely even breathing as he tried to suppress his emotion.

‘Nope! Can’t do it!’ he mentally screamed before pulsing his mana and [Jumping] as high into the sky as he could go.

Then he [Jumped] again, and again, and again. Until he reached the invisible boundary that marked the barrier that the Ancient Void had placed around the world.

He was so high up that the atmosphere was nearly nonexistent. Had any other Mythic reached this height they would be burning mana at such speeds that they would run out in minutes. Simply from how much they would have to expend to not have their body ripped apart.

For Ezekiel, there was a large amount of strain, and his injuries flared up even more, but he held on, and would be able to last for quite a bit longer, even without his mana to reinforce him.

It was only moments after he reached the peak of his ascent, with Shine still attached to his hip, that he let out an enraged cry that lit up the sky. Space seemed to shake and warp, while opalescent light filled the sky like a small star, while also absorbing the light around him like a black hole.

From the ground, it looked like rings of black and white with flickers of color throughout had taken form in the sky. The pressure that Ezekiel released was enough to stop Shine from saying anything as their soul seemed to become petrified under the immense strain. Yet no harm was done. Their bond with Ezekiel protected them as his mana flowed into the Void Spirit to support them.

However, had there been any Adepts or lower within Ezekiel’s [Domain] their souls might’ve crumbled within a couple of seconds, unless their souls were stronger than their Tier, like Ezekiel’s and a few others had been in the past.

This went on for several minutes, with Ezekiel shrieking and yelling and crying.

He could not remember the last time he had felt such despair. The image of his father being presented as one of the Empire’s new Exalts, on behalf of the Kindled family and the Cult, could only mean one thing.

His father had been [Blessed]. Warren was living on borrowed time now, and it was almost certain that the next time they met, he would try to kill Ezekiel with everything he had. All care and love for his son would be gone. The only thing that remained would be a zealous loyalty to the Radiant Lord.

Given Warren’s new power, and the strength of the corruption that would be inside a Mythical being, Ezekiel wasn’t certain that he’d be able to purge it from his father’s soul, or if there was even enough of his soul left to survive such a purge.

“It’s not fair! Time after time after time!” Ezekiel cried as he stopped moving. His tears froze from the temperature. The pressure and warping of time and space ceased as he floated aimlessly with Shine’s support. “All this effort, all this progress, but it seems like the world just isn’t willing to let me have a win without even more loss!”

He let out a pained chuckle as he thought about it. Now that he was getting closer than ever to the level of the Ancient Spirits, he was fully aware of the chains that bound him. The contract he had made with the world, and the consequences of breaking it.

“You owe me for this!” he shouted at nothing, but directed his attention and soul toward the contract that bound him. “This is far beyond anything you’ve given me! When I reach your level, when I save your world, you will give me answers! You will pay me back and ensure that this never happens to my family again!”

Upon finishing his declaration, a pulse of energy rippled through the barrier left behind by the Ancient Void. As if the long-gone Ancient Spirit had heard him.

If they had, then it seemed like they were not pleased.

A bolt of Lightning flashed out of nowhere, but Ezekiel didn’t flinch. Even as it flew past his slowly healing face and flew into the distance. He knew that no one was near him and had felt the buildup of energy from within the boundary that surrounded the world. It was a warning shot, to make sure he knew his place in the pecking order.

“Once I reach Tier six, we will speak again. At that time, it will be a proper conversation.” He turned away from the endless expanse of stars that shone in the distance void beyond the sky. Mentally nudging Shine to stop holding them up, he allowed himself and Shine to fall toward the ground.

They fell for several minutes, only using mana to ensure they fell toward the same place they had left. A figure donned in gray Spirit Armor with winged snake motifs awaited him. His arms were crossed, and he tapped his foot in the air. A solid platform of gas had formed beneath him.

No words were exchanged as Ezekiel, eyes now dry from the tears he had shed, slowed his descent and joined his fellow Exalt in returning to their convoy.

Questions and answers could wait for now. It wasn’t until later in the evening that he learned of the rest of the Emperor’s announcement. From Riley and Wendy, after they finished fussing about his condition, and confirmed that Ellen’s health had not changed.

Hearing the news, all he did was stay quiet. Silently contemplating just what he was going to do next.


It took a few days for Ezekiel and the convoy he was a part of returned to the Shroud family’s headquarters. The mood was solemn, and it was unlikely that anything would be able to lift the various Hunter’s spirits.

While they had achieved a great victory in pushing back the Kindled family’s forces, the ultimate change in the official boundaries meant that the Alliance ultimately lost ground that would not be recovered anytime soon.

Not so long as a state of war against the Cruor was in place. There were too many concerns to be addressed for them to fight with the Empire at this time.

“Exalts,” a messenger stood and approached Ezekiel and Wolken, who were once more leading the Guild forces from the front, “the Ancestor and family elders would like to speak with you. A runner has already gone to alert out family members who were a part of your forces.”

Ezekiel, who was leaning back in his seat atop his carriage glanced at the messenger before turning to Riley, who was seated next to him. “Keep an eye on the girls for me. If anyone tries to take them, kill everybody.”

The solemn tone of his words could be felt by everyone who heard him.

He had essentially declared that he would wipe out the Shroud family if they dared to repeat their previous behavior toward his family.

A few people likely thought that he was joking, but Wolken’s eyes narrowed. He was one of the few that knew that Ezekiel was dead serious.

For her part, Riley also knew he wasn’t joking, and simply nodded in understanding.

Given what they had been through, and what the Empire had declared, the time for playing nice was over. The world was already divided. If others were going to act against them, then they would not be allowed to exist.

Stepping off his carriage, Ezekiel joined Wolken, who was already moving ahead.

They were both brought to a central meeting chamber within the Shroud family compound, and it wasn’t long before they met with each of the higher ups among the Shroud family. This included Thadeus and Samuel, who had met up with Ezekiel and Wolken on the way here.

Without being prompted, both Exalts took a seat, their Spirits moved to sit comfortably in an easily accessible spot, while also acting in a threatening manner to set the mood in their partners’ favor.

“I thank you for being willing to speak with us in our home, even after what happened the last time you were here.” The apparent leader of the Shroud family stood and bowed toward Ezekiel and Wolken.

Merlin Shroud, the Ancestor of the Shroud family, usually wouldn’t have submitted in such a manner. Something that Ezekiel knew from his talks with Wolken regarding what was likely to happen when they returned.

“I can kill you all, so I’m not worried.” Ezekiel decided to be blunt, and let the others know his opinion of the current events.

The elders all swallowed nervously but didn’t reel back just yet. Instead, they looked at Wolken with trembling eyes. But the Tempest Exalt stayed silent.

“... Regardless, we have a favor to ask of you. Nothing that would keep you here. We know that you will be moving to your respective battlefronts with the Cruor.” Merlin took a folder out of his Void pouch and slid it over to the Exalts. “Instead, we would like you to take a large number of our family members with you. Along with several Flurent family groups, and members of our allied families as well.”

The folder was a breakdown of all the members of the various Alliance families that they were asking Ezekiel and Wolken to take with them. The list wasn’t small, but it also explained that there would be additional ships provided by the Alliance in order to aid in this evacuation.

“... This is quite a smart move. But who will go where?” Wolken leaned forward with his hands clasped together as he stared down at Merlind. “My fellow Exalt will be going to the Archipelago, which is dealing with its own issues at this time. While I will be returning to Quintessa, to take up my duties as one of the Prime Guild’s Leaders once more.”

Ezekiel said nothing as he looked through the folder. He recognized a few of the names that were listed. From what he could tell, it was likely that they would do well in the Archipelago. He actually knew of several islands that were slated for development but lacked the manpower to do so.

“I am assuming that this is being done as a precaution, so as to keep your family lines going if the Empire decides to attack in force, rather than keep the Desolate Lands from expanding.” Ezekiel didn’t look up when he finally spoke. “A smart plan, but you are assuming that your and the others’ families will be able to retain their autonomy. It takes a lot of resources to establish an organization. Even a familial one. I can’t say that either of our factions are going to agree to support you. The Archipelago especially, since it’s so disconnected between islands.”

‘For now, at least,’ Shine finally chimed in, with plans for teleportation arrays that would connect islands together flowing between their and Ezekiel’s mind. ‘Once we get back, besides taking the time to fight, we need to take the time to consolidate our assets and power. Along with reinforcing our protections and methods of staying independent of the Empire.’

Ezekiel mentally nodded in agreement. Given the lack of support that many islands faced, there was no way that things could remain as they were if they wanted to stand a chance against the Cruor. Not with how divided the world currently was.

“I will also not be accompanying them on the initial journey, if this comes to pass. There’s something I need to do before returning to the Archipelago. Now that we’ve more or less returned safely, I actually intend to set out as soon as possible.” Ezekiel’s thoughts went to the Fjorya, where the only method he knew of that could repair his sister’s soul was waiting for him. “If this is going to happen, they will need to make their way to Sanafalls, where I will send a letter explaining what’s happening. It’s not the best situation, but it’s the best you’re going to get.”

The Shroud family members looked displeased, but Ezekiel could tell that they weren’t willing to argue with him when he had agreed to help them. Regardless of the difficulties that they would have to face.

“Even so,” Merlin replied, “we would still ask that you provide what you can for our families. If you do, you will find no lack of allies when the Empire pushes south once more.”

The certainty in the Shroud Ancestor’s voice sent a chill down Ezekiel’s spine. There could be no doubt in his mind that the Empire would indeed try to fight the Archipelago once more. If only to get to him on behalf of the Cult.

“I’ll be taking steps to make sure it doesn’t come to that. But I suppose you are right. Allies are always good to have.” Ezekiel closed the folder and placed it on the table in front of him. “I’m willing to take in the Shroud family and their allied families. There is a small chain of islands that currently has no settlements on them. So long as at least some of them are willing to fight the Cruor, I can probably get the Church to agree to send enough supplies for a year. At least while they set up their own infrastructure.”

The looks of relief on the Shroud elder’s faces almost made him feel bad for what he was about to say next.

“However,” the others looked worried now, “my family will be granted open access to all the records, techniques, and spells that your family will bring with us.”

Several elder’s scrunched up their faces in outrage, but Merlind remained calm. “I assume that when you ask for access, you do not intend to make copies?”

Ezekiel shook his head, “No. There’s no point in that.”

While the elders calmed down, Wolken sighed and spoke up as well.

“Seeing as my fellow Guild Leader had spoken of his support, I will provide my own as well. I will take in the Flurent family and their supporting allies. It will likely be easier to have them settled somewhere in Quintessa than it would the Archipelago, but there’s simply not enough space, or order, within either of our nations to properly support all of you.”

Hearing Wolken’s title for him, Ezekiel gave the older Exalt a look out of the side of his eye but didn’t speak out. If he could get the resources of the Prime Guild, then it would be worth the increased responsibilities. At least for now.

“Then we are in agreement. Shall we sign the contracts and get this migration started?” Merlin clapped his hands together, and several contracts were brought out.

Representatives of the other families would sign their own once the Guilds reached the coast once more, but for now, this would do.

Of course, the contracts weren’t ready to go right away. The finer details had to be hammered out, and Ezekiel found himself verbally wrestling with Wolken and the Shroud family for a few more hours before finally leaving.

‘That was more exhausting than fighting that crazy plant bitch from the Cult!’ Shine complained in the back of Ezekiel’s head.

He did not reply, and merely made his way to the place where the Guilds were resting for the night. The moment he saw Riley in their tent, he fell onto his bed roll to go to sleep.

He’d deal with the rest and tell her what had happened in the morning. With everything that had been going on recently, he just wanted to get as much sleep as possible.


Further to the south, on the island of Sanafalls, several Radiant Legendary and Obscure Mages and Hunters gathered together outside of a holding cell within the Cathedral’s most secure vault.

The protective enchantments were broken, and healers of the Life and Death elements were garbed in the most powerful defensive armors that the Church could provide.

All told, there were over a dozen members of the Church and Guild members standing guard and working on a patient as she rested in silence. A small black cat lurked in the shadows that flickered on the walls, unwilling to leave her partner’s side.

“How is she?” Scarlett asked as she approached from the stairs that led up into the Cathedral proper. “I’m assuming that she’s calmed down, what with the fact that the shadows aren’t trying to kill everybody. Unless you’re holding her back?”

She focused on the Obscure Mages that were standing around. They nodded toward her, and some of the tension in her body was released.

“Currently she is unconscious, but she was awake a few minutes ago. Her mood has stabilized, but it’s obvious that she’s still emotionally distraught at the announcement.” A woman in green stepped out of the cell before anyone else could speak. “As it is, I think we can move her to the new cell. That way, the enchantments will be able to support her, and we won’t need to keep watch in full.”

Across from Evelyn’s current cell, and two units over, another vault had been converted to have the altered enchantments that were used to protect and contain their current ward.

“Good. Given the changes that have been happening, being able to put our people back to work elsewhere will be a boon. We’ve gotten word from our friends in Quintessa. It seems like the war truly had begun, and it will only be a matter of time before the Cruor push further in the Archipelago as well.” Scarlet’s face was settled into a grim frown as she addressed the guards that were standing around. “Apparently, a truce has been called, with agreements to maintain the current boundary lines in Morathi. Though, how likely those lines will be kept is unknown. All we can confirm is that the five Imperial Exalts are currently stationed at the border of the Desolate Lands in the Willowbrush Empire.”

Left unsaid was that the current agreements did not cover the actions of the two newest Exalts.

It hadn’t been confirmed, but the original three Exalts had given notice to the world pertaining to their restrictions. No such word had been given regarding Endaria and Warren. So, the various factions around the world had determined that it was likely that they had no limitations regarding their actions.

“Does that mean that Ezekiel will be returning to us, or going to fight in Quintessa?” It was one of the Radiant guards that asked this. “Right now, Quintessa has two guaranteed Exalts that will fight for them, but we don’t have any, and the ocean Rulers aren’t truly allied to the various islands.”

Given the relative lack of seaworthy Cruor, it was possible to maintain a human presence in the Archipelago, even during the worst of the Age of Despair. But it was apparent that the Cruor were no longer acting purely as individual Broods.

The fact that the Rot had teamed up with the Deep to deliver spores to all the islands closest to the Desolate Seas was proof of this. Such cooperation was unheard of in the past.

“... There is the Death Exalt, and the ocean’s Flame Ruler would likely be willing to at least provide some aid. So long as it didn’t involve crossing territories with the Glacial Rulers.” Scarlet muttered but refused to meet the eyes of any of the Legends around her.

“Getting their aid would require getting into contact with them, which will be hard enough on its own. The Death Exalt only communicates with letters and rebuffs the physical presence of anyone who approaches his island,” a new voice called out. “One that none of us have the ability to do. So, we will be requesting aid from the Void Exalt when he returns. We have his mother here, after all.”

Clad in violet Grand Scholar robes, Linette stepped into view as the guards all saluted her.

While they were all technically of the same Tier, seniority had its place, and Linette was the senior most Scholar in Sanafalls.

“Relax... That was not a threat,” she addressed the shadows that began to waver outside of Evelyn’s cell. “I’m simply staging facts. His mother is here, so he won’t be going anywhere else without at least checking in. He also has to drop off his sisters. I know he already hated having to bring his sister, but had little choice, if he didn’t want to break the poor girl’s heart.”

Reya slunk back into Evelyn’s room. It appeared that they were ready to move the recovering Obscure Hunter. The Obscure Spirit leapt onto the bed as it was pulled out.

“It’s truly a shame that her condition isn’t recovering any further. I thought that the healers had predicted she would’ve been able to leave her cell a while ago.” Linette turned to Scarlet as the healers put Evelyn into her new room.

“Soul mutations have little records. It doesn’t surprise me that something unexpected happened.” Scarlet and Linette began walking toward the exit. The healers, once they were finished, activated the alarm enchantments, and the majority of the guards moved to leave as well.

“Hopefully she is calm enough to at least go on walks again when she wakes up. The Void Exalt would probably like that, would he not?” The Elder Scholar’s question wasn’t answered.

Everyone knew that Sanafalls’ favor in Ezekiel’s eyes was dependent on how well they could take care of his family. Only by proving that they were safe would they be able to keep him around.


All around the world, different people reacted in different ways to the announcement from the Willowbrush Emperor. Some denied the possibility that the Emperor could be that insane, and others solemnly accepted his words as facts.

Regardless, every nation prepared for the state of war that the world was now embroiled in.

For Quintessa, it was a simple matter to push the majority of their forces to the Desolate border, while still maintaining an oceanic force that would protect their ships and coastal regions.

In Tarquessa, much like Morathi, the defenses they had were mostly tied to their coasts, though they were in a far more perilous position due to their proximity to the Desolate Lands. The Desolate Sea in particular was something they would need to watch out for.

The preparations in Morathi had already been made, with their forces split to act as support for the Archipelago, and to defend against the Empire if they decided to attack once more.

Islands in the Archipelago were already under siege by Deep and Rot Cruor combined, but preparations were made in case any of the other Broods took part as well.

It was only the Fjorya that was stuck with their preparations. Due to their position between two hostile nations, they could only do what little they could to muster defenses with the help of the Church along the small coastal areas they had.

They made the decision to ensure that all contact on land between the Empire and Tarquessa was cut, however, since they knew they couldn’t trust either nation, due to the fact that they refused to sweat oaths of ceasefire for the duration of the war with the Cruor.

When the attack by the Cruor finally occurred, it was a strike that no one was expecting.

All at once, all over the world, it was not the armies of Cruor that had struck first.

Instead, it was the Broodlords that attacked. Directly in the heart of the regions where there were no Exalts to defend. With them, they brought massive bone-like structures that were hurled into the earth.

They burst upon impact, and within hours of the opening offensive, the Desolate Land had expanded its borders by hundreds of kilometers in all directions. An Ichor mist filled the areas, consuming the mana all around.

This shocked everyone, and the combined focus of the Broodlords fighting as one meant that the relatively lower number of Exalts were forced to retreat. All the while, towns and cities that thought they were safe, being a fair distance away from the Desolate borders originally, were devoured when the armies of the Cruor finally moved in.

Regardless of the preparations, regardless of the warnings, the opening strike was won by the Cruor, and humanity found itself on the back foot as they tried to recover.

As this was happening, two Exalts were not at the front lines.

One was moving as fast as he could to reach his home, with additional forces in tow, while the other was headed to a snowy mountain region with his family. All in the hopes of curing his sister.

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