Tale of Eldramir

CH 257 (Book 6 Ch 32): Complications

The final days in Morathi were a rapid-fire series of discussions and preparations for the ships that would be setting out for the Archipelago and Quintessa. The former would be heading south and staying in the island chains. While the Quintessa group would be headed straight west, across the open ocean that wrapped around the other half of the world.

A tribute had been provided and prepared so that they could receive the aid of the Glacial Ocean Spirits whose territories they would be passing through.

It was costly, but it would get them back faster than circumventing the territories and hopping from island to island in the Archipelago.

For Ezekiel, he didn’t have to worry too much once everything was prepared. He organized who would be leading, and after the ships left, he gathered alongside Riley, Wendy, and Ellen. He and his family would be heading east, flying non-stop for the most part, while they headed to Fjorya to speak with the Invera and the Feathered Peaks tribe.

“Are we ready?” Ezekiel asked his group. He received confirmation from everyone. “Alright then, let’s get going. I want to be there before the end of the week if possible.”

Along with his family were three Scholars. George, Fiana, and Marc. The former two, having broken through to the Legendary Tier as Mages, were an incredible boon, even if they didn’t have Spirits that could provide additional support.

The all climbed atop Celia’s back, and Ezekiel spread out his [Domain] to encompass the whole group. A moment later, they disappeared in an instant. No trace was left behind.


Several figures were gathered around a pool of murky iridescent liquid. They took on different shapes but were otherwise made of the same substance as what was in the pool between them.

“This is not good news,” the voice of the figure with claws and fangs said after a moment of silence. “It seems like we’ll need to attack early. Too much preparation will ensure that only opening shots will fail to meet their mark. Even with the new weapons that have finally finished growing.”

The fanged Broodlord’s command was met with approval all around. But one of them couldn’t contain their curiosity regarding how things had changed.

“Where is the leak, if I might ask?” Derrick, the Winged Broodlord, asked after the changes in their plan were made. “Up until recently, everything was going according to plan, but now we’re being forced to attack early because the Empire found out. How did this happen?”

Though it was considered rude for one of the newest Broodlords to speak up against one of the originals, his question was legitimate, even in the Fanged Lord’s eyes.

“It seems like the Herald of the Void’s existence revealed the existence of our dear Kereena’s agents in Morathi. Although it was to be expected, they apparently raised enough of a fuss with the Empire’s Exalt that it warranted some digging. Their allies, the Cult of Light, had skilled enough agents on the border that, when prompted, were able to find evidence of our increased activities. Other than that, we haven’t been able to find out anything else. Unless there’s been an update?” The Fanged Lord turned to the amorphous figure in not to him, along with the rest a moment after.

The amorphous blob shifted to something vaguely resembling a face before turning from side to side. It hadn’t seen or heard anything yet.

“The Herald of the Void...” Derrick’s voice was like a scratchy growl as he thought of the man he had failed to kill several years ago. “Please let me kill him! He is still weak! I can take him out properly now! He won’t always have the protection of an Exalt! I can--”

“He’s Ascended.” Kereena cut Derrick off before he could descend into begging for permission. All the others looked at her in confusion. “One of the last things I managed to get from my agents in Morathi, before the Cult and Kindled forces wiped them out, was that he had broken through to Tier five. Not his Spirit, him. Meaning that he is not limited by his physique like all other Exalts.”

Her words caused all the other Broodlords to stop and think. They knew that the only advantage they had over the massive amounts of mana that a Hunter-Spirit team had was the fact that they didn’t have to reinforce their bodies to be granted greater combat power.

For Tier five Hunters, the full extent of the spells they could bring to bear were always dependent on how much force their bodies could withstand. It was why they often went for bigger and flashier spells that didn’t affect their own bodies that much.

“If that is true, then it is possible that his body could match any one of ours. At least in our humanoid forms. I doubt he could match Primal forms. The size difference alone grants us greater power.” The towering figure of the Bone Broodlord spoke with a deep rumbling tenor that shook the pool of Ichor in front of him. “Though I hate to say it, perhaps Derrick is right. We should remove the Herald before his Spirit can rise to his level, and he has the chance to rise to a higher Step.”

The Fanged Broodlord paused to think. The younger Broodlords nodded in agreement with the Bone Lord’s, but the Wyrm, Swarm, and Chaos Broodlords were more apprehensive.

“... Do we know where he is headed? If he is going to the Archipelago, then we might be able to cut him off. Derrick can fly over, and Christopher can provide aid.” The Fanged Lord’s words were met with excitement and a shake of the head.

“I’m sorry, Lord Rafael, but while the two Glacial ocean Spirits have moved away from the borders, it would be too obvious a move on my part. Especially if I am to finish preparing the Spines for coastal deployment.” Derrick’s joy was pushed down at the Deep Broodlord’s explanation.

“That’s fine. Apparently, it is not the Archipelago that he is headed for.” Kereena spoke again. “I can’t be certain, but it seems like his sister’s soul was damaged, even more so than when you dipped him in the Primordial Ichor. That means that he’s likely headed to wherever it was that his soul was healed.”

“The Fjorya,” Derrick growled out the word like it was a curse.

Out of all the territories that they were planning to attack, the Fjorya wasn’t a dedicated target. With the spread of the Desolate Lands, and the Ichor mists, the Fjorya would be at least partially covered no matter what.

“I’m literally the only one that can make it there in time to fight him. Please! Without an Exalted Spirit, he won’t be my match.” Derrick was desperate to get permission to face off against Ezekiel.

Rafael scratched his chin with one of his massive claws. Before he could answer, a cacophony of whispers echoed from the Chaos Broodlord. The others all winced at whatever it was that the Chaos Lord had said to them, but it seemed like a decision was made, as Rafael seemed to slump over in resignation.

“... If you’re certain. We will enact the plan to spread the Desolate Lands first. It will still take at least a couple of weeks for the Herald to reach Fjorya from Morathi. By then, our territory will actually cover some of the mountains. The rest of us will be too far away to assist you, so you will need to be careful. There’s at least two Mythics you’ll need to be wary of, after all.”

Derrick nodded, “I understand. There’s the Herald, the Lightning bird, and the possibility of one more Mythic Spirit. But there’s no evidence that the hidden Mythic of the Fjorya actually exists.”

Rumors and hearsay once told of a Mythical Spirit that resided deep beneath the Fjorya, but no proof of that had ever appeared. Though, given the current state of war, it would be good for them to see if the rumors were true or not.

“So long as you are careful. You are not allowed to die out there. I don’t think I need to tell you what will happen to your soul if you perish against the Herald.” Rafael’s words brought shivers to all the Broodlords. Their masters’ had explained to them quite clearly what would happen to them if they died before a certain portion of their plans were achieved.

Derrick simply nodded his head once more. This time he was too terrified to speak, but not willing to back down. He resolved to run, even if it meant he couldn’t kill the Herald, but only if it looked like he was going to lose.

“With that said, I think it is time we adjourn this meeting. We need to finish our preparations and begin our assault in a few days.” The Lords all nodded, and one by one they disappeared. The Ichor that held their form collapsed and splashed back into the pool.

All but the oldest of them. Four figures remained. The Fanged, Wyrm, Swarm, and Chaos Lords stayed to speak with each other a little more.

“... Are you sure that this plan will work?” the hissing voice of the Wyrm Lord was a whisper on the wind. “Far be it from me to question the [Will] of the Broods, but this seems like an incredibly risky endeavor. The Cult seeks our annihilation. I fail to see why any word from them should be trusted.”

“It should not be. But to use one’s enemies to wipe out other enemies is never a bad idea,” the buzzing voice of the Swarm Lord filled the area, but no one else was there to hear her.

The blob form of the Chaos Lord shook, and silent words and thoughts were conveyed to its fellow Lords. After a moment of thought, they all sighed as one.

“Tryskan, Jillian.” Rafael, the Fanged Lord, and second in command of the Broodlords, addressed his oldest companions. “There is no longer any room for error. This will be it. The Broods have said as much, through Drake, and through our dreams.”

The Wyrm and Swarm Lords remained silent for a moment.

“Understood,” Tryskan mumbled before he disappeared. His serpentine form falling into the pool like the others before him.

“... Don’t die...” Jillian reached out to Rafael for a moment before pulling back. Her form also fell into the pool.

“Drake,” Rafael was still facing where Jillian had been just a moment before, “you are my oldest friend, and the man who led us to greatness. As terrible as our fates may be, it is better than the dregs of society that we once were.”

Fang met Chaos as Rafael turned to the man who had led him and several others through the Desolate Lands several centuries ago.

“But if this is just some convoluted scheme to bring yourself to a new height at our expense, I will kill you myself. I will rip you apart as many times as is needed, to ensure that you can never reform. Never take shape. Never think or feel, anything else, ever again.”

With those parting words, Rafael’s form fell into the pool in front of him.

Now, only Drake Cross, the Chaos Broodlord, remained. It took a few seconds, but the silently brooding Lord finally reacted to the Fanged Lord’s words. But it was not a fearful or angry response.

Instead, his shapeless figure shook from where it stretched out from the pool.

It was like he was silently laughing.


For the most part, the time it took to travel from Morathi to the Fjorya was filled with no issues. With no targets to hit, and enemies to face, Ezekiel was able to simply [Jump] as many times as necessary to get them as far as possible. After the first day, Riley realized that she could pitch in to speed up the travel, by having Celia carry them while Ezekiel rested up before having them [Jump] again.

“It looks like we’re finally getting close,” Ezekiel said as they set up camp for the night.

In the distance, the Fjorya could be seen stretching into the sky. The vast mountain range was spread across the horizon, and though it was faint, lights from a city were just barely visible.

‘We should finish setting up the formation. We wouldn’t want any Imperial patrols finding us.’ Shine mentally nudged Ezekiel forward to finish the task that they were working on.

‘Right.’ Ezekiel stepped forward, dragging Shine through the ground to carve out several Runic enchantments into the ground. After a few minutes, they were activated, and the area within seemed to disappear. ‘I think this will be good enough for the night. Unless you think another layer would be a good idea?’

Shine mentally shrugged, and Ezekiel figured that this was enough. Of course, given the state of the world right now, he didn’t think that he and his group would be a priority for the Empire.

Any opportunity to kill them would certainly be taken, but he doubted that, with the war being declared, he’d be actively hunted. So as long as they were kept hidden, they should be safe.

After heading to bed, and morning came for them, he found that he was right, and that an additional layer of defenses wasn’t needed. But the pillar of smoke in the distance, coming from the city they had seen the night before, meant that something had happened.

“Are those Cruor?” Ezekiel muttered as he focused on enhancing his vision to observe what was happening. “How... Even if the war has already begun, the Cruor shouldn’t have been able to get this far already.”

Ezekiel’s shock was felt in the others in his group. To the point where they were contemplating stopping at the city to see what was happening.

“It would allow us to resupply and obtain information,” Marc argued after they finished packing up. “We’d also be able to help whoever might still be there. You’re an Exalt! You can’t tell me that you’re not willing to fight the Cruor.”

Ezekiel sighed, “It’s not that I’m unwilling to fight the Cruor. It’s that I don’t trust an Imperial city to not attack me if the Cruor get a lucky shot.”

Their group had no idea whether or not the Cult had focus in the city, and while Riley and Wendy were content to keep going, ignoring the city in its entirety, it was obvious that Even George and Fiana were apprehensive of abandoning the city to the Cruor.

Especially since there was the possibility of finding out what was happening in the world.

Before Marc could say something that would likely have riled him up, Ezekiel saw Fiana step forward and place a hand on her fellow Scholar’s shoulder.

“It wouldn’t hurt to at least pass over the city. Given your power, you can likely do something that would help, right?”

Ezekiel had nothing to say in dispute of Fiana’s accusation. He did have a few tricks that would shift the tide of battle if he went all out. But he wasn’t sure if he wanted to risk it. Especially if the Cruor were attacking the Tribes in the Fjorya.

“... We’ll pass overhead and take out what we can while passing over. But if we’re going to make my presence obvious, then we’re not staying for long. If the Cult knows my allies are here, they’ll use you against me.” This was Ezekiel’s bottom line.

“That’s fine. We should be able to get more information from some of the Tribes anyway. I’m certain that they’re also under attack. So, we can get some answers from them.” George stepped up to act as a middleman. “But we should make it quick, or else the city might not be there when we get there.”

Sighing in exasperation, Ezekiel climbed on top of Celia alongside the rest of his group. A shimmer appeared around them for a moment as Ezekiel covered them in his [Domain] and hid them with a [Shroud]. It took a few minutes to fly over, and when they did, it was a scene straight out of a nightmare.

Bodies were strewn about the land being consumed by Umbral Beasts that climbed over broken walls and shattered buildings. Cruor of different types, thought mostly Bone, Fang, and Winged, commanded hordes of beasts and Cruor alike to swarm the area.

There were a few flashes of light that denoted elemental magic being used, but nothing substantial enough to turn the tide. Worse yet, upon reaching the city, it was obvious as to how they had managed to get so far past the border of the Desolate Land.

A massive hole in the ground, dug by an enormous Umbral Beast of the Wyrm brood was open next to the city. It was only a couple hundred meters away from the walls. If done properly, with the Cruors’ ability to nullify mana, getting past the sensory abilities of Cavern Spirits and Mages was theoretically possible. However, no one had ever expected such endeavors to be feasible with the resources that the Cruor actually had.

“The Broods must’ve bled themselves close to dry in order to grow those things...” Ezekiel couldn’t help but whisper as he watched the carnage below wrap up. “... I hope that the higher number of Wild Spirits in the Fjorya means that they were able to defend themselves more easily.”

No one else said anything. While Ezekiel could certainly take action at this point and take out the vast majority of the Cruor below, there would be little point at this time. There was nobody to save, so they’d just be throwing their secrecy away.

Instead, Ezekiel channeled his mana once more, and the group disappeared in a silent [Jump] further into the Fjorya, and well away from the destroyed Imperial city.


Upon entering the Fjorya, the group were quick to find one of the many tribes on the western mountain ranges that were under attack. The numbers were far smaller than the number that had struck the Empire’s cities but given that there was no hole in the ground to denote a massive army passing underground, it made sense.

Without even a word from his companions, Ezekiel leapt off Celia’s back and struck the Winged Cruor that were still in the air. He knew that with his departure, Celia would be visible to their enemies. He figured it would be best to take out the ones that could attack her while she was in the air with their group on her back.

A series of [Void Piercers], and [Void Slashes] went flying with Ezekiel’s [Will] infused into each attack. The Cruor quickly fell in droves, with anything below Legendary dying in an instant. While the Legendary Winged Cruor were struck down by him directly. It took only a few seconds to do so.

‘Can you sense any more of them?’ Ezekiel asked Shine. He didn’t need to, since his senses were far greater due to his higher Tier, but he wanted a second opinion. Just to keep himself grounded.

‘No. But it seems like the ground forces have begun a retreat. It looks like there’s some sort of massive figure over there that was hidden before.’ Shine directed Ezekiel’s attention to a span of the forest below that he hadn’t paid attention to.

At first, he had thought that it was just a cleared area of the mountain, but now that he was focusing on the Cruor that were fleeing on the ground, he could tell that they were converging in the area he had ignored.

Holding out his hand, he greatly increased the gravity in that area. Suddenly, the Adepts and below were flattened into a past, while the Legendary ones began to stumble and mostly fell over. All while something rippled on the ground.

As the thing on the ground changed color, like a chameleon or a cuttlefish, Ezekiel could see that there was something similar in size to the massive Wyrm Beast that he had seen at the Imperial city. Only this one looked more like a deflated hot air balloon.

From what he could now sense for its flailing figure, it was at the peak of Legendary in strength, but from its appearance, it had no combat capabilities.

‘That must be what they used to transport so many Cruor without a direct route. Who knows how many more of these they have.’ Ezekiel raised Shine into the air. ‘Brace yourself. This might cause you some strain.’

He could feel Shine mentally prepare themself, and as Ezekiel swung down, the land below was split in half, with a shockwave filled with [Will] that only attacked Cruor.

A massive gash now split part of the mountain in half, while all the Cruor that were too close to the new cut in the land were killed from the excessive force.

Only a few Legendary Cruor were left, and Ezekiel quickly made work of them.

Seeing the lack of effort that it took for him to take out the Cruor below, Ezekiel couldn’t help but wonder what he had become. If not for the fact that he had nearly died to Endaria back in Morathi, he felt as though he might’ve believed he was a god, or at least something close to it.

‘We should go and get some answers. Then we should head straight to the Feathered Peaks.’ Shine’s words snapped him out of his wandering thoughts. ‘Let’s go. I think we’re done here, for now.’

Ezekiel moved back to his group, which was now speaking to a representative of the Tribe that they had rescued. Riley had her Badge of Friendship out, and he took his own out as well.

It didn’t take long for the Tribe to tell them what had happened, and the moment they did, Ezekiel knew that they had to move quickly if they wanted any chance of Ellen recovering to still exist within the next few days.

They quickly [Jumped] east as Ezekiel burned his mana to move as fast as possible, with Celia taking over every now and then to make sure that Ezekiel didn’t run too low on mana. But as they got closer and closer to the Feathered Peaks, the news they had previously been given was confirmed.

The Desolate Lands had spread and were within sight just barely beyond their destination.


When Ezekiel and the rest touched down at the entrance to the Feathered Peaks, he was happy to see that the cleanup of Cruor corpses was ongoing. To the point that it seemed like the Cruor had previously coated the region from how many had died.

“Ezekiel!” Elder Welt limped up to then after a messenger had run off to alert the tribe that they were there. “It is good to see you, but I am afraid that this isn’t the best time. We’re not going to be able to give you a proper welcome.”

For a moment, Ezekiel didn’t say anything. All he could do was stare at the stump that remained where the Elder’s left arm had been. Something that Welt noticed right away.

“Things have been rough for us the past few days. The fact that the Desolate Lands spread so far so soon meant that we were unprepared for their attack. Even with the preparation.” Welt shrugged his shoulders. “If not for Invera, we likely would’ve fallen under the combined forces. We only lost a few Hunters in the most recent attack.”

“... I see... I don’t suppose we’d be able to see Invera at this time?” Ezekiel asked.

“I’m sorry, but with how things are going right now, she can’t afford to take a moment off from recovering.” Welt shook his head as he led the group through the tribe’s city. “As our only Tier five, she needs to be ready at all times to ensure that the city is as safe as it can be.”

“What if you had someone else taking over for her to watch over the city?” Ezekiel subtly flexed his power, causing everyone who was near enough to see him turned with wide eyes as they felt the familiar presence of a Mythical being.

“... If it’s truly important, then yes. I assume that Legend Riley can speak in your stead?”

Ezekiel nodded, and Welt gave him instructions regarding where he could go to take over for Invera’s patrols. So, while he and Shine went off to help the tribe, Riley and the rest went with Welt.

While his friends and family headed off, Ezekiel could hear them telling Welt what had happened and why they were here.

In the meantime, Ezekiel took to the sky. All the while preparing for whatever his danger sense told him was coming for him.


It was only thirty minutes after Ezekiel had split from their group that saw Riley explaining their request to Invera. While Welt had been given some of the story on their way here, the Legendary Flame Hunter gave the full story to Invera. Her experiences with Ezekiel told her that keeping anything hidden would be of no use. It would also be disrespectful, given the amount of help the Mythical Spirit had provided in the past.

At the moment, it was only Invera and a few of the Elders that had gathered. Something that Riley was thankful for, since she didn’t think that Callrond would react well to what had happened to his daughter. Even if Spirits weren’t known to be as closely knit and emotional as humans.

“... It is possible that Ezekiel’s sister can be healed if she bathes in the Ancient Glacial Water. However, it is just as likely that her soul will collapse, given how weak it currently is.” Invera had been quite fast in her return to the peak when she had heard what was happening. To hear that things were worse than anyone could’ve expected made it clear that her hurried demeanor was warranted. “I’m sorry, but I'm not certain that letting her do this would be a good idea.”

The group stayed silent as they heard Invera’s words. They hadn’t thought that the damage was that severe. Not after considering what had happened to Ezekiel. But in a way it did make sense. Ezekiel’s soul had been strong enough to at least hold itself together under its own power.

Right now, the only thing keeping Ellen’s soul together was the fact that Ezekiel’s magic was bracing it. If his magic disappeared, it was estimated that she’d have a few seconds before her soul dissipated into nothingness.

“What if she had another soul supporting her?” Everyone’s’ heads turned to Wendy, who was trembling under the attention, but she pushed on. “My brother told me that a connection was forged between me and my sister. One that was empowered by a ritual that the Kindled family performed on her. The Ancient Glacial Water enhances the strength of the soul of those that are accepted by it. At least, that’s what Ezekiel said. So, If I’m there with her, would my soul be able to help her? At least until the Ancient Glacial Water does its work?”

The group looked back at Invera, who had closed her eyes in thought. All around the room, the elders watched in silence. The Guardian Spirit had the final say, so they would wait until she had spoken.

“... It’s possible, if this connection truly exists between you. I would not dare to test it, in case I damage the magic your brother had woven into your sister. But are you certain you wish to take this risk?” Invera opened her eyes. Her gaze seemed to pierce through Wendy’s soul from how intensely she was focused on the young girl.

“I am certain. My brother has already done so much for me and my sister. I need to do whatever I can to help when he’s not around.” Wendy stared Invera down without looking away, but her hands trembled from the might of the being before her.

Invera’s eyes wrinkled in the way that indicated she was smiling. “Good. Then I will let you enter the pool with your sister.”

Spreading her wings wide open, Invera sent the elders, and everyone besides Wendy and Ellen, back and away from the center of the room. A pulse of mana later saw the floor opening up, as the twins and their Spirits remained on a small platform above it.

“Enter the pool and focus on your bond. It is likely the only thing that will help you.” Invera watched as Wendy took a moment to settle herself before lifting her sister and stepping into the pool. Kare and Tina were laid out on Ellen’s body, so as to also be submerged.

Behind them, Riley tried to move forward to stop them. Insisting that they wait for Ezekiel before doing something like this when it wasn’t guaranteed to work. But a violet barrier that was far too powerful for her to overcome stood in her way.

“They are the sisters of your mate, are they not? Trust them, for they are cut from the same cloth as the one you’ve pledged your heart and soul to.” Invera’s words were barely a whisper as they flowed through the room for only Riley to hear.

A moment later, the Legendary Flame Hunter let out a curse and slumped to the ground, just as Wendy and Ellen were fully submerged.

The pool began to glow with a bright blue light, but unlike with Ezekiel, it didn’t remain the same color. It flickered between brighter and darker shades.

Muttering between the Elders told the group that it meant that Wendy and Ellen’s souls weren’t as pure as Ezekiel’s, which they didn’t understand, but they realized they didn’t need to. So long as Wendy and Ellen weren’t being harmed, then it likely meant that things were going well.

Finally, after nearly a minute of flickering, the light from the pool stopped changing.

“It seems like the Ancient Glacial Water has accepted them, and young Ellen’s soul has not collapsed. It shall be quite some time before her soul heals, but they should be fine at this point.” Invera leaned toward the pool to more closely examine what was happening within. Something no one else could see. “For now, I should go speak with Ezekiel. He is likely--”

A sudden shudder flowed through the room. It nearly sent a few of the Elders to the ground, and the water in the pool rippled from the force. Invera turned to the sky, her eyes widened as her pupils shrank to pin pricks.

Everyone in the room felt the Mythical Spirit release her mana in full. Before anyone could ask what was wrong, she whispered a word that made all their hearts clench.


With a flap of her wings, she took to the sky, and in a bolt of Lightning she disappeared.

A moment later, a worried Riley and Celia rushed out as well, but stalled in the air above the city.

Several massive balloon-like things were headed toward the city, and over the ground, she could see numerous Cruor headed toward them.

The next battle for the Feathered Peaks was about to begin, and neither of the Mythical beings nearby would be able to help them.

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