Tale of Eldramir

CH 308 (Book 8 Ch 18): Interlude 36

In the heart of the Desolate Lands, a gasping figure lay on the ground, while portions of her body broke off and turned into dust in the wind. The Broodmaster of The Rot was trembling while her brethren looked on. Not a hint of pity or disdain could be seen in their gazes. Only neutrality and approval.

It had been several days since the disastrous attack and defeat at the Herald of the Void’s hands. Their retaliation strike had just been completed, but at a significant cost. The Rot would not be able to move out again for quite some time now.

Not only that, but The Wyrm was curled up around himself due to his lingering injuries.

Every now and then he would wince in pain, and a small splattering of Ichor would bubble up from his mouth. The extensive damage done to his insides had twisted his internals into ground up meat.

Next to him, The Blood was still missing half her face and hair tendrils, but the rest of her body had recovered. She was battle ready, but since she wasn’t the strongest, physically, the only real heavy hitter they had left was Bones.

Fortunately, at least for the moment, they had no intention of continuing with their retaliation.

“That will do... Given the uniqueness of our most recent attack, and the number sent, I suspect that it will be at least a month or more before the Herald will be able to continue harassing our territory.” Radiant Chaos was once more in his spherical form. Ripples covered his body whenever he spoke. “With that in mind, Rot, Wyrm, you two will remain behind this time. As will Bones.”

The three Broodmasters turned to him. None of them questioned why, but Radiant Chaos knew better than to give an order without an explanation.

“You two need to recover, and someone needs to be here to actually defend our brother’s growing host body.” His round body rose into the air, floating right in front of The Bone Broodmaster’s face. “Unless you wish to follow me to continue the harvest?”

He knew that his large, bone armored, brother wouldn’t want anything to do with harvesting the humans. So, this question was purely rhetorical. But it showed respect, which he needed to present if he wanted to properly manipulate them all to do his bidding.

“Very well.” The Bone Broodmaster nodded his enormous head. “I will stay here and protect our brethren while they recover. Make haste with harvest. More mana means more energy for us to consume and fuel our strength.”

Radiant Chaos bobbed in the air. “Of course. While it will take more time, with there only being two of us, I have an idea that will potentially speed this up. One that our sister is uniquely suited for.”

With that said, Radiant Chaos drifted away, remaining close to the ground so that his companion could follow easily. The Blood moved to catch up, leaving their brethren to recover in relative peace.

“How much water can you corrupt with your Blood at once?” Radiant Chaos asked once they were near the western border of the Desolate Lands.

“... Several lakes worth but doing so will be far less efficient than corrupting the humans directly. It would put them into a daze at best.” Blood answered after a moment of hesitation to think. “Why do you ask?”

He ignored her question for now.

“What about mist? Can your blood retain its effects when thinned into the atmosphere?”

Blood once again paused, this time for much longer, and released a small bit of her Ichor, and seemingly [Willed] it to become a mist that remained under her control.

“I’m not sure how far my direct control will be, but this doesn’t destroy the general effects of my Ichor.” She fell silent again while Radiant Chaos ignored her, thinking about possibilities, and how best to enact his new plan.

“You are quite like them... The humans...”

The moment she said this, The Blood found herself slamming face first into Radiant Chaos’ body. Then she screamed while the other half of her face started melting, corroding, under the golden sphere’s light.

“Do not ever relate me to those disgusting creatures! They are useful pawns and food sources! Nothing more, and I find the fact that you would refer to me as similar to food to be utterly insulting!” The Blood’s screams grew louder, and Radiant Chaos was forced to cut and rip at the tendrils she formed to defend herself. “Take it back! Now!”

“I’m sorry! You are nothing like the humans! You are a supreme being, just as we all are! The one who will set us free and see that we retake our place in the world!”

Only after she said this did Radiant Chaos let her go. She fell to the ground and gasped for breath. They remained in that position for several minutes. Neither was willing to turn their back on the other, nor attempt to get away, because that would mean showing further weakness.

“... Watch your tongue moving forward... I might just decide to leave you for last when I let you all out.” Radiant Chaos formed a drop of Ichor from his body. It fell onto the ground between them. “Here. I can’t do this for the others, since their wounds were either inflicted by the Void, or their [Will] is weak from our most recent attack. Yours is still strong, however, and can take this Ichor in as your own for the sake of recovery. Do so quickly. We need to move on.”

The Blood said nothing but took the Ichor all the same. All the while, Radiant Chaos smiled internally at his success at furthering his corruption in his brethren. Even as his lingering [Will] inside it was crushed into pieces and spread through her body.

Although, he did wonder why he had lashed out as horribly as he had. Yes, the comparison between himself and the humans was aggravating, but it shouldn’t have brought about such an extreme reaction.

Confused for a moment, he mentally shook himself. It didn’t matter. His fellow Broodmaster got what she deserved, and he had furthered his plans. It all worked out in the end. Even if Drake’s laughter in the back of his head was more grating than usual.

Now he could focus on harvesting the Empire in full. Hopefully, he would finish it more quickly this time.


Deep beneath the surface of the Eldramir, several Hunters and Mages sat in meditative positions. Mana surged into the cavern they were in, and each one absorbed what they could of their respective elements.

Most of them had been Adepts, with a few Legendaries, but the last few weeks had been enough for them to make significant progress.

The memory slates and ability to discuss with one another, since many of them had been Scholars, were boons that flung them all forward with their new [Understandings].

Wendy and Ellen, in particular, had made significant progress, and were solidly in the middle Steps of Tier four. Unfortunately, with the lack of battles to temper themselves, their souls were only able to make slow progress forward with the use of the techniques that their brother had helped design.

“Ellen, Wendy,” a voice called out, and the twins exited their meditation with a sigh.

“Yes mother?” Wendy spoke first. She had been taking the lead since Riley had disappeared. “Did the Guardian have something to say?”

Evelyn shook her head. The shadows around her were far darker than the ones cast by the other people and Spirits in the room. They also moved, seemingly separate from her will.

Reya lounged around her neck, eyes closed and with steady, rhythmic breaths.

“Unfortunately, not. He continues to say that Riley is safe, but she is in a place that we cannot go too.” Evelyn sighed and sat down. “I’m here because I need your assistance with something. As you know, the trials we took to get here were nowhere near as difficult as they should’ve been. This was because Riley made a request of the Guardian.”

Wendy nodded, as did Ellen, who listened in from the side.

“Well... I was wondering if it would be possible for us to take on the true trials? That way, at least some of us would be able to get access to the rest of the resources hidden here.”

Wendy couldn’t help but notice how her mother was wringing her hands together. She also refused to look her in the eyes, and a sinking sensation filled her stomach. A glimmer of realization filled her mind when she figured out what her mother was really asking her.

“You want to take the trials yourself, don’t you?” she muttered while staring her mother down.

Ellen flinched at the thought, but neither one could say anything. While they had reached a level close to their mother in power, she was still more experienced, and it was possible that she had managed to figure out a way to circumvent her soul’s mutation.

Given the information they now had at their fingertips, it was more than likely that such a thing was possible. The last few bits of information they had gotten from the war before they descended into the Ancient Legacy indicated that Wolken had somehow managed to break through to a higher Step, even though such a thing should’ve been impossible for the Exalted Hunter.

Nevertheless, she didn’t like the thought of her mother doing this. But before she could answer, Ellen spoke first. Her words made Wendy turn to her in open mouthed shock.

“You should do it...” her words were quiet, and both Obscure Hunters looked at her, causing her to recoil under their gazes. “You’re feeling even more helpless than we are... and maybe you found something when you were studying the memories of the Ancients... All that we’ve done is study our own elements, but you’ve been abusing the fact that, since our access is limited, we don’t have any restrictions on which elements we can view the memories of.”

Wendy paused before she could reply. That wasn’t something she had noticed, but if her mother had been researching other elements, along with her own, then maybe she had figured something out.

It was rare, but the existence of connections between elements was something that had been proven years ago. Though it was never fully utilized as a method of making progress. The dangers of mana deviation and taking in the wrong element was far too great a risk for widespread study to occur.

“... I can’t stop you... I won’t stop you, if this is the choice that you’ve made. I just want you to know that this isn't what we want from you. You know that, right?”

It felt strange, being on this side of the conversation. She and Ellen were acting like the parents in this situation, but she figured that, when it came to capabilities and leadership, she and her sister had stepped into their roles fairly simply.

It was just a shame that it came at the cost of her mother being delegated to a much lesser role amongst the group that they were in.

“I know.” Evelyn smiled, and Wendy felt her shoulders grow lighter at the sight. “However, even if I’m not strong enough to protect you like I did before... I am still your mother, and as such, it’s my duty to open the doors when you cannot. To help you get the things you need to stand on your own in this world. Given the state of things now... I feel that this is something I need to do.”

On the other side of the room, a large opening formed in one of the walls. It was at that point that Wendy realized that several other small groups had formed, just like theirs had.

Older Hunters, and Scholars, were speaking to those that they had connections with.

Some were crying, and others were looking on with no emotions on their faces, but small trembles here and there showed that they were upset, but unwilling to get in the way.

“As you can see, I’m not the only one who had this idea. About a third of us, all older, and more experienced, are going to undergo the trials properly. That way, we can see what else there is to learn and pass it on as needed.” With that said, Evelyn stepped forward, her arms spread out wide and inviting.

Ellen rushed forward, nearly knocking Wendy over when she did the same.

“No matter what happens... You need to live, to leave this sanctuary, and fight for our world... Even if we don’t come back. Promise me.”

Tears began flowing down the twins’ faces.

“We promise,” they spoke as one, and stood there for a few seconds, knowing that this could be the last time they saw each other like this again.

“If I don’t come back... Tell your brother that I’m proud of him, and that I know that he’s the person that this world needs the most.”

This time the twins just nodded, not willing to speak up at the morbid thought of their mother leaving them forever.

Without another word, the family parted, and Evelyn walked away, joined by the others that had separately agreed to do this.

The cavern wall closed behind them, and glowing Runic scriptures covered the walls of the Ancient Legacy.

“Ellen,” Wendy’s voice had an angry growl in its undertones, “we need to step up our training.”

An idea formed in her head. Based off a theory that she had once heard from her brother but had disregarded when he said that it was basically suicidal. Something that everyone else that had heard about it had agreed on.

Though, with the resources they now had, and the knowledge of the Ancients that was available, along with the different mana crystals on hand, perhaps it would be possible.

“Agreed,” Ellen replied with an angry glare and tears still streaming down her face. “What do you need me to do?”

The twins continued to keep their voices low, with light and shadow constructs crafted to keep their conversation private.

“I need you to teach me everything you know about Radiant magic, while I teach you everything that I know about Obscure magic.” Her sister looked at her in confusion.

She briefly explained her idea, the one based off of one of Ezekiel’s theories.

The one that argued that the clashing of opposing elements could act as a means of forging the soul through the strain and adversity of taking in the wrong element, and not letting it run rampant inside your Spirit Paths.

Wendy could see the incredulous expression on her sister’s face mirrored on her Spirit, but she didn’t back down. It was, theoretically, possible. The problem was just that it was so dangerous that it was dismissed out of hand.

“I know that it’s risky, and that there’s a chance that this will blow up in our faces, but so long as we’re careful, and only try it with the most miniscule amounts of mana, I think that we can keep any fatal errors from occurring.” She could see that Ellen was slowly coming around. “Honestly... when I spoke to Ezekiel about different methods for growing our souls, he explained several methods, and while this one is dangerous, he told me that you’ve been through worse.”

Ellen flinched at the reminder of what had happened to her. It had taken a lot of time for Wendy’s sister to recover from that experience. As well as a great deal of treatment at the hands of those that could deal with the mental and spiritual scarring that seemed to pop up when she first woke up.

The Ancient Glacial Pool was good at what it did, but time was still needed.

“You promise that it’s no more dangerous than what I’ve already been through?”

Wendy nearly sighed in relief. Even while her Spirit mentally smacked the back of her head at this idea of her.

“I promise that this will be nothing near the experience you once went through.”

That confirmation seemed to be enough, even though Ellen’s spirit raised a wing and facepalmed. A quick mental conversation seemed to go on between them, but it was apparent that they had come to a begrudging agreement.

“Let’s ask the Guardian for some privacy, and for access to whatever knowledge on our respective elements that he is willing to grant us. We need to prepare properly, if we’re going to risk our lives like this.”

With a smile on her face, Wendy walked toward the tunnel leading to where the Guardian usually rested. Her sister fell into step beside her.

The next time they entered the central cavern, neither would be the same as when they left.


Deep within the depths of the world, a figure that was clad in red armor shone so brightly that any who saw her might think that she was a new sun just waiting to rise over the horizon. Little noises, grunts of pain and effort, could be heard whenever she shifted, but she didn’t move from her place on the ground, nor did she move her arms from where they touched both magma and stone.

Thin wisps of fire emanated from her body alongside streams of steam that disappeared in an instant once they got less than a few inches from her armor.

Riley felt her soul burn while the wild and chaotic mana coursed through her body from the molten mantle outside the Ancient Legacy and into the charging station formed by the Guardian.

“Are you certain that this path is the one you wish to take? To send so many people through the trials, while still increasing the energy stored within the Legacy will be even more painful than it is right now.” An avatar of the Guardian poked its head out from the wall. The stone was blacked, and had to be regrown at a constant rate, since the heat within the specially crafted room was making it melt.

“This will increase our chances, even if only by a small margin... Besides, this pain is nothing compared to the things my husband experienced.” Riley spoke in a whisper, barely heard in the thin atmosphere that was filled with fire. “Besides, this will also encourage the ones who aren’t undergoing the trials to work even harder.”

“Indeed... If this is your choice, then so be it. However, you will not be able to speak with me again until the trials end. That is how much you will have to push yourself. It will be just like when you first started, before you acclimatized to your current state.” The Guardian watched as Riley nodded in understanding and confirmation. “Then, before you do this, there is one last thing I feel I should tell you. Something that might be concerning, but given the changes in the world above, I do not know how serious it is.”

“What happened?” This was the first time that the Guardian had voiced any concerns since he had agreed to Riley’s original deal.

“You companions have begun experimenting with elements that they are not attuned to... The theories and arguments they are discussing seem plausible, so I am uncertain as to how I should let them proceed. The knowledge that I granted them is inconsequential compared to the secret archives you and your husband accessed, but this might undo everything you set out to achieve.”

Riley remained quiet for a moment, taking the time to think and discuss with Celia over the topic. She was well aware of the theories that Ezekiel had talked about. Liquid fire, and molten rock, were examples of the arguments he had made when discussing her own element.

In fact, if it wasn’t for her own [Understanding] and [Logic] pertaining to how molten rock was just a form of naturally occurring solid fire, or at least a substance so infused with Flames that is didn’t matter, she probably would’ve burned up converting the magma outside into usable mana for the Legacy.

“Were Wendy and Ellen among the number that wish to walk this path?” She asked after running through all her memories relating to this topic. “If so, then I think they will be fine.”

The Guardian did not look certain. Even going so far as to rub his melting chin in thought.

“Even if they intend to use each other’s element to exercise each other’s souls?”

That question brought Riley up short. Unlike Wendy, she wasn’t nearly as forward thinking as Ezekiel was. She was more content to listen and follow.

Wendy liked to ask questions, and Riley was well aware of how the younger girl had begun chasing after her brother in the hopes of reaching, or even surpassing, his knowledge and skills when it came to magic.

She had even made a shocking advancement when it came to [Understanding] the Void. Though such knowledge didn’t condense into anything that was usable in her magic.

Or has it? Perhaps that girl will be able to do something just as amazing as Ezekiel... For better, or for worse... The thought sent shivers down her spine. Ezekiel was already her guiding light, but perhaps his sister could carve a path as well. One unseen by those who didn’t dwell in the dark.

Though... Ezekiel did say that the Void was simply an empty, endless expanse of Nothingness, filled here and there with little bits and pieces that made things interesting. Riley mused while pondering Wendy’s fate once more. What better Void could there be than an endless expanse of darkness?

It was a daunting thought. One that she couldn’t get out of her head now that it was there. Ezekiel had once warned her about such things.

Just like it was possible for her to be consumed by the Flame if she burned too hot, so too could Wendy be devoured by the shadows if she delved too deep.

“Let them proceed... But tell them to keep their brother’s words in mind, and to not lose sight of the life that they have yet to live. They cannot be consumed by their elements, no matter how vast the [Truth] may seem to be.”

The Guardian nodded. “Then that is what I shall do. Now prepare yourself. This will hurt.”

Riley clenched her teeth, and her entire body tensed up. The walls shifted, and the flow of mana increased exponentially.

She wasn’t even able to scream, as her entire world became flooded with power that she could barely comprehend.


On the surface of the world, north of the desert of Tarquessa, several weeks had passed since notice of Ezekiel’s return had been received, and changes were occurring that had no known explanation. Mountains had begun to flourish with life in several areas, while others managed to fight off the Cruor forces that were still present.

All the while, the Spirits grew restless, and the humans that lived in the mountains began to grow concerned. Several smoking mountains and hot springs, lifelines to some of the tribes that made use of such geological features, were shocked to discover that the heat was being lost at a slow, but still measurable rate.

Now, several new places, once barren of large amounts of Life and Flame mana, were flourishing in opposition to the fading ones. Thus, the mountains were heating up, and the ever-frozen peaks were slowly starting to melt.

“This is concerning... Are you certain that there is no news regarding what has been bringing about these changes? Some sort of plot put into place by the Cruor and their Broodmasters?” Feynari, the Obscure Guardian bird of the Feathered Peaks tribe, spoke with a quiet and wispy voice.

Across from her, Spina shook her head. “Nothing that we can relate to the Cruor has occurred. Unless their plot was to drive themselves out by increasing the number of Spirits that could rise against them.”

“There must be something that we can say is the cause for this. Morty has lost nearly a third of his territory due to the melting peaks and valleys. Do none of your allies or pack members know what is happening with the world’s inner fire?” This time it was Callrond that spoke up, much louder, with more of a growl than his sister. “With what has happened to Invera, we cannot afford to risk losing anything more before we can be certain that our enemies will not destroy us in one go.”

Knowledge of what was happening outside the Fjorya was scarce, what with them nearly being overtaken not long ago. Even now, it was unknown if the mountains would truly be able to recover, or if they would need to completely relocate. Much like the rest of the continent that was loyal to humanity and Spirits had already done so.

“I’m sorry, but all I can confirm is that the changes in the Flames come from far deeper than anything me or the other Flame spirits can reach. Perhaps Roc would be able to reach it, but even that might be too much for him.” Spina shook her head once more. This time dipping it toward the ground. “As for the changes in the amount of Life Mana... Unfortunately, none of the experts on the Feathered Peaks know what has happened. Though, apparently, the amount of Death magic has also changed. But that is all we can determine.”

The four guardians fell silent. Each one wondering what could possibly be happening to the world.

First were the massive cracks in the sky, which had thankfully disappeared after some time, but now there were more and more changes happening that they couldn’t determine the source of.

It was like the world itself was coming undone, and nothing they did would be able to stop it.

“Pardon the interruption, guardians, but a message has been received from the Com-Slates. It seems that Exalt Ezekiel is beginning to finish his border clean up and will be coming to this side of the continent soon.” A Hunter knelt at the entrance to the guardian bird’s chambers.

“... Perhaps we should reach out to him, and see what aid he might be able to provide? He has helped us before, after all.” Feynari’s proposal was met with silent nods. “Then, let us ask the Void Mages in the tribe to see if they can divine his path, if we can’t get more information via Com-Slate. Messengers and scouts will be sent out to intercept him, and from there it will be left to him to determine his path.”

Each Legendary bird nodded before lifting off. Little had been determined in this meeting, but it was good to keep in touch. Especially since they were swamped with flying from battlefield to battlefield.

Besides that, something that had been lost in the confusion and shifting currents of the world had been found once more.

A spark of hope that the arriving Herald of the Void would aid them in their time of need once again.

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