Tale of Eldramir

CH 309 (Book 8 Ch 19): Mountain Pit Stop

Although it had taken longer than he had expected, Ezekiel finally managed to finish clearing out the front lines of the majority of the Cruor and Umbral Beasts being sent out by the Broodmasters.

He knew that their recovery would take them a few more weeks before they could step up their assault once more, but he needed this time to check in with his family. There had been too many delays already, and he already knew that he needed to make a detour.

“Are you certain that this is necessary? The Fjorya has been improving, at least as far as the recent reports have indicated.” Shine had mostly kept their silence on the matter. However, it was now apparent that they couldn’t keep silent.

Ezekiel could tell that it was, in part, due to the turmoil that he was feeling right now. Emotions that he hadn’t bothered holding back from his bond.

Far beneath them, the darkened and cloudy skies of the Desolate Land passed by in a blur. Death and destruction followed in their wake, as Ezekiel dropped thousands of explosive artifacts while he flew.

They were nothing major. Stronger than grenades, but not enough to do more than give superficial wounds to Legendary Cruor. Unless they were hit directly.

However, the sheer amount of area that he was covering, combined with the sheer number of explosives, would carve a swath of destruction that would at least inconvenience the Cruor.

The Broodmasters probably wouldn’t be effective, but this was nothing more than a petty revenge attempt that made him, and the ones that helped him make the Artifacts, feel better. A poke in the eye compared to the kick in the balls that the Cruor had done.

“I am aware that going to the mountains will be something of a detour, but it doesn’t take us so far out of the way that it would be inconvenient. Besides, with how the Fjorya is recovering, we can simply write off any attempts they make to get us to stay.”

Even though he felt like it was a harsh decision, Ezekiel knew that he couldn’t afford to delay any more than he already had.

It was bad enough that he was leaving the rest of the world to fend for themselves, with him being the only one that stood a chance against the Broodmasters. But he had to leave. Not only did he need to find his family, but he also needed to take time to properly isolate himself, along with Shine, to actually meditate and find his sixth Chakra.

Only then would it be possible for him to complete his energy synchronization, merging his soul and mana to break through. His body merging had made progress. The Ichor he’d absorbed had blasted him forward by a lot, but he simply didn’t know as much about that method as he did energy cultivation.

It was possible that he was merging his body and soul in a way that would prevent him from taking that final step. He couldn’t take that risk. Not right now. He needed to focus on his Chakras.

“Besides... If the reports coming from the Fjorya are right, then I’m fairly sure that I know what’s going on, and there’s nothing we can do about it.” Ezekiel focused on what was in front of him, the stream of falling explosives now nothing more than background noise while he flew. “Actually, I think that, so long as they are willing, we will be able to get a number of assistants on our journey into the Desert. If they have the numbers to spare.”

A memory that he had tried to suppress, from over a decade ago, when he had last visited the Fjorya for more than a few hours, surfaced in his mind.

It was the looks of adoration, and wide-eyed awe tinted with an undercurrent of fear from the various tribesmen who had seen him transport the Ancient Glacial Pool. The worship he had seen in their eyes had been stomach curdling. He didn’t like it. It had reminded him too much of the various cultists he had killed over the course of his life.

IF things hadn’t changed in the relatively short time he’d been away from the world, then it was possible that he would have a massive amount of support, and additional bodies to throw into the Ancient Legacy.

“Are you certain that the Legacy will have enough resources to keep things going for potentially hundreds of new residents?” Shine’s question made Ezekiel pause to think.

“I should be able to make something work. It was impossible when I was just a Legendary Hunter, but now that I’m on the cusp of becoming an Ancient Being, I should be able to set up a conversion array that won’t require a Mage or Spirit to act as a conduit.” Ideas passed through his mind. The various conversion and mana gathering arrays he had created over the years meant that he had ample experience with such matters. “I believe that there are also a large number of Void users, since there was never a purge in the Fjorya. We’ll likely be able to get a large number of helpers just from that group.”

“That will mean that it will take a longer time to travel. You know that, right?” Shine pointed out the flaw that Ezekiel had been ignoring.

“Then we’d better pick up the pace now to make up for it.” An idea passed from him through his bond with Shine. He heard a quiet chuckle in the back of his head in response. “I’m out of explosives anyway.” He tipped over the last of his specially made Void Pouch, showing that it was empty.

With a flash Ezekiel and Shine split apart, and the massive, shining sword was now beneath Ezekiel’s feet. No longer clad in Spirit Armor, Ezekiel was forced to bear the brunt of the forces pushing against him with his body alone.

Shine glowed brighter and brighter, with more mana filling them up. A small bubble formed around them, covering Ezekiel up and surrounding them in white light.

There was a stretching sensation, and Ezekiel felt half his mana disappear, while different [Understandings], [Logic], and [Rules] were forced upon the world.

With a high-pitched whine, followed by what sounded like a bowstring being released from having been pulled taut, Ezekiel and Shine disappeared. A blast of air threw the skies into turmoil.

Below, the blast wave reached so far that a small hole formed in the miasma covering the Desolate Lands. It disappeared within seconds, but for the first time in centuries, sunlight had peaked into that area of the world.


A party of Legendary Hunters and Spirits had gathered around the peak of a mountain. While it wasn’t the original Feathered Peaks, it was close enough that there was little difference to those that had gathered, and for those that weren’t originally from the Feathered Peaks it made little difference.

“Is he coming?” Feynari’s question could be heard by everyone else, the focus and anticipation welling up inside them was keeping everything silent.

Callrond formed several circles of light around his eyes. They shifted and reshaped themselves at a constant rate, but whatever it was he was trying to do continued to escape his grasp.

“I can see something,” he said with a pause that Feynari was certain meant that he wasn’t sure of himself. “But it’s strange... I can only see where he was... Not where he is.”

Those words didn’t make sense in Feynari’s mind. Was Ezekiel moving too quickly for her brother to see him? If that was the case, then wouldn’t he be able to adjust to where Ezekiel should be based on the trail?

“It’s not that he’s too fast... It’s that there’s nothing to see but a wake of clouds.” Once Callrond explained, others began searching for signs as well.

“What is that?” Another Legendary Radiant user spoke up, and several others made similar exclamations. It got to the point where the fear and anxiousness were beginning to cause arguments.

Several people had even begun saying that they should leave or prepare themselves for the worse. Just in case this was a trick of some sort.

Then Feynari saw a Void Mage. Merely an Adept, and among the weaker ones within the gathered assembly. However, as he looked through the scope created by a nearby Radiant Spirit, his own eyes shone with white light flickered with ethereal specks of other colors.

“Quiet!” Feynari raised a wing, and her now peak Legendary night rolled over the gathering, forcing everyone to be silent. “What do you see?”

Though she did not approach, her [Will] flowed along with her voice, and in that moment, the Void Mage looking through a golden scope became the center of attention.

“Nothing... but not the normal nothing. It’s like there’s a ball where nothing can exist. The absence of anything and everything, directed in a way that draws in what’s in front of it... Which causes the world to shift, in order to fill the Void...” Opalescent light began to flicker in and out of existence around the young man who had spoken. His voice was faint, and it seemed like he was in a daze.

He immediately sat down, entering a state of meditation, all while the other Void Mages and Hunters began frantically asking for Radiant Mages and Spirits to show them what they saw through their scopes.

“It seems like Ezekiel is nearly here... Though, I did not expect that his presence would be enough to grant enlightenment to his fellow Void users, just by having them look upon his magic.” Callrond’s voice was filled with a sense of awe and confusion.

Feynari just smirked as best as a bird could without any lips. “I don’t see why you’re so surprised. Given how much is still unknown to the masses regarding the Void element, it should be obvious that those that can grasp a glimmer of [Understanding] even if they cannot condense it just yet, would see great strides in their progress.”

Callrond grunted in agreement, but Feynari could tell that he was unsettled. Truth be told, even she felt a twist of something in her chest at the sight before her.

Something similar had happened, once before, not long after Invera had begun making progress toward the middle Steps of the Mythic level. It had been quite a sight, having several dozen Lightning Hunters and Spirits make breakthroughs to higher Steps, just from having their grasp of their element become stronger due to the information and insights contributed by those of a higher power than them.

“It seems like we’ll be able to get out answers after all.” Feynari settled on a statement that didn’t directly convey her feelings on the matter. Instead, she focused on what was most likely to happen once Ezekiel got here.

“Only so long as he is willing to aid us. Do not forget that he has his own goals, and it is unlikely that he sees our problems as a primary concern. You know as well as I do, that the world is on a timer.” Callrond’s words were now hidden from the rest, directed solely at his sister. “If we get in his way, it’s just as likely that he will turn on us, now that he has nothing to fear regarding what we could do to him.”

Feynari hated how much sense her brother’s words made, but she didn’t allow her hope to fade. While she wasn’t as close to Ezekiel as Invera was, she liked to think that she had made an impact, and that the boy that had fought to save her life once before was still inside him.

Before she could voice her retort, however, there was a strange buzzing sound that filled the air. It only existed for a few seconds, but the following explosion of noise high above them put them all on guard.

It was like a landslide of rocks after a cliff broke off from a mountain. The sound was not unfamiliar to Feynari, or indeed, any of the other Hunters and Spirits that lived atop the mountainous peaks in the Fjorya.

However, the sheer volume and cascading echoes were enough to nearly put her on the ground, and she knew that if she had been flying, she would’ve been knocked out of the air with ease.

Everybody had flinched away from the noise, and all of them were readying spells to attack whatever it was that had approached.

“Hold!” Feynari shrieked, and her voice was just as easily heard as the explosive noise from before. “He is here.”

It took a moment for the others to understand what she was talking about, but when they did, several fell to their knees, not in pain or shock, but in worship.

Looking into the sky at the figure covered in opalescent light and carrying a sword that was even larger than he was, Feynari could understand why they had done so.

There was a presence to Ezekiel. One that wasn’t there in Invera, or any of the other Mythical Beings that had been through their mountains. She didn’t know if this was an effect of being at the peak of Tier five, or if Ezekiel had achieved something more, but she knew at that moment that her brother’s worries were not unfounded.

“Hello,” Ezekiel’s voice rolled over her, not oppressively, but simply because his presence had yet to be fully reigned in once again. It was simply as if his existence was getting to be too big for his body. “I heard you all needed some assistance with a few things. Hopefully I can help.”

The light surrounded the Herald of the Void dimmed, and Ezekiel took shape once more.

Feynari felt her worries fade, not fully, but more than before, at the sight that was beneath the light. The sheepish grin on the most powerful human being’s face, reminded her so much of the boy she had met nearly a decade and a half ago.

In that singular moment, upon seeing that familiar boy from the past, she felt, for the first time in years, that everything was going to be alright, and that the world would make sense again one day.


The shift in mood when Ezekiel arrived was something he was apprehensive about. A part of him had expected it, but to see such a positive attitude aimed at his presence made him uncomfortable.

He was more than capable of dealing with hostility, and the practice he had from years of threats and other negative views was more than enough to get him used to being ignored, or at least being respected for his power.

Here, however, there wasn’t any sort of respect brought about due to his power. Instead, all he could feel from the tribes’ people around him was a sense of awe and fear.

I don’t like this. It’s too much. These people... they look at me like I’m a god... Though he couldn’t speak aloud, for fear of turning the people against him, he could at least complain to his partner.

Just deal with it. Shine said, not giving Ezekiel any pity. You’re the one that said that we had a bunch to gain by coming here. Don’t complain when this was your choice.

Ezekiel sighed, and nearly winced when several people looked in his direction, or away from him, with wide eyes and racing heartbeats.

“Let’s go to whatever meeting chamber you have set up. Best not to disturb your people’s peace more than I already have.”

They had slowly been making their way down the mountain by foot, the naturally formed formations and protections would be at danger of breaking if he had simply pushed through them. “I’m fairly certain I have an idea of what happened to bring about at least some of the changes that have been occurring here.”

In the time that he had spent traveling to and through the Fjorya, he had managed to confirm a few of his theories. Both by sending a message to Headren, and by spreading his senses out and down, into the few smoking mountains that he had passed by.

It had been slight, but he could sense a change in the flow of Flame mana. Changes that the Flame Spirits would’ve noticed, given their more refined senses that were tailor made for such things, but he was simply stronger, and in this world, strength was the most important thing.

“This way, Exalt, the upper cavern is currently hosting a number of injured Spirits that cannot currently control their size. The lower chamber will be where we meet this time.” One of the Hunters, a Legendary Glacial user with an icy squirrel on his shoulder redirected them to a more straightforward path. Within minutes they had arrived at their destination.

Ezekiel had to work hard at keeping a straight face when he realized that his guides were nervous, and that the road they had taken was not the one that was intended for him.

I think that they wanted to impress you with their welcome.

Shine’s mental poking was ignored. Instead, Ezekiel just continued walking and made a note to apologize to whoever organized his welcome later on.

Within the large chamber, with a circle of lava bubbling in the middle, had chairs lining the walls and perches meant for the various Spirits to rest upon. Several tunnels that led upward also indicated that there were external entrances that were likely openings that doubled as vents for the heat.

Seeing the large seat at the far end of the room, he walked toward it, watching for any reactions that might indicate that it wasn’t his seat. Though, he knew that there was no other place that he, the strongest human in the world, would be seated in this situation.

Looking over the room, he was actually delighted to see that there were several powerful Void Mages, and even a few Void Hunters, that were inside. Each one wore the symbol of the Church of Ten, but the fact that they were welcome in the tribes despite that was heart lifting.

The two peak Adepts, whose souls he could barely sense were just above the requirements to reach Tier four, were of particular interest to him.

Make a note to seek them out later. We might be able to impart some knowledge and help them gain an [Understanding] before we leave. He could feel Shine taking note of the two he had pointed out.

Perhaps they can come with us? They would gain quite a bit if they could access the memories of the Ancients in the Ancient Legacy. Shine’s thoughts nearly made Ezekiel nod. It was only the fine control he had forced onto his face after seeing all the people watching him that kept his face expressionless.

“Well then,” he spoke with a deep and calm voice, not through any actions of his own, but simply due to the power he was allowing to fill him. “Let’s start things off. First, ask your questions and raise your concerns, but know that I will only be staying for two days. Your nation does not need my interference when it comes to the Cruor and their Broodmasters, so I will be on my way as soon as possible.”

He could vaguely see that several Spirits that were roosted above him weren’t happy with what he had said. But it was a more sorrowful unhappiness, rather than a frustrated or angry one.

He felt particularly guilty when he saw that Feynari and Callrond seemed to frown. Their beaked faces dipping in disappointment with downturned eyes. For a moment, there seemed to be a glare on Callrond’s face, until his sister’s shadow slapped his and his eyes settled into a neutral expression.

Do you think it’s fear that keeps them from getting angry? He idly asked Shine before the assembled Legendaries could ask their questions.

The Void Spirit had no reply, so Ezekiel could only wait for the gathered Legendaries to speak. Only to realize that they were likely to start screaming over each other if he didn’t do anything to keep this gathering focused and on track.

Raising a hand, he stopped any outcries and cacophonies from breaking out, and after pointing to his left, the meeting began in full, and he settled in for a long and boring discussion.


After several hours of arguing and attempting to keep things in line as best he could, Ezekiel finally got a chance to head to the quarters that had been set aside for him. For the moment, Shine was also silent, focusing on keeping their little group from being seen by others.

Thank you for your assistance. Ezekiel did express his gratitude to his partner once they were finished, but a sigh that was filled with mental exhaustion was all he got in reply.

The information he had provided regarding the changes in the ambient mana that was affecting the environment was enough for them to calm down, for the most part. It was the same as what he had told the people in Quintessa during his brief meetings prior to him setting out and clearing the border.

Regardless of that, however, it was still a surprise for the Fjorya natives to learn that the world itself had Spirit Pathways that were large enough to fit large islands in them.

“You seem distracted,” Feynari, who was perched on his shoulder, nuzzled his hair while they walked toward his designated room. “I assume you are lamenting on the efforts expended on the recent meetings?”

Ezekiel sighed, “More or less. Though I’m happy to have friends here to help me.”

Callrond puffed up from his perch on Ezekiel’s other shoulder. “I would hope so, given the number of us that will be heading out with you on whatever expedition it is you intend on going into the desert for.”

There was an undercurrent of nervousness in the Radiant Spirit’s voice, but Ezekiel ignored it.

Even though there had been some bad blood at one point, due to Ellen’s Spirit, Tina, suffering years prior, the two had more or less returned to their previous friendly relationship.

“I am thankful for the help, but I am hoping that you can get me in touch with Spina and Morty. While the information regarding Eldramir’s Spirit Paths is the reason for the overall increase in ambient mana, there might be something different happening regarding the Flame mana in the mountains and hot springs.”

The twin Spirits shifted, and Ezekiel could feel their talons digging into his shoulders. Fortunately, it didn’t seem like they were really scared, but their nervousness was still frustrating.

“Are we not enough for this?” Feynari’s question made him sigh.

“It’s not that you are not enough... It’s just that I feel like Spina, at least, will be missing a great opportunity if she doesn’t come. Morty is needed, since with three of you coming, he will be left behind to fight on his own. Best not to leave him without any notice.”

By this point he had finally reached his room, and upon entering, the two Spirits lifted off to fly over to a desk that was set in the corner.

“We can get them here, but what opportunity could be that great?” This time Callrond was the one who spoke.

“Simply put, I think that my wife would like to return the favor from when Spina helped her break through to Legendary. While Morty isn’t someone I can help at this point, you two and Spina have a chance.” Ezekiel watched the two Spirit’s eyes widen in shock. “Of course, whether or not you manage to enter the realm of Myths will be up to you. All I’ll be doing is providing a chance and showing you what the path forward looks like.”

“... We will get Spina and Morty here as soon as possible. Though I feel that Morty will be a bit disappointed that he won’t be able to come too...” Feynari bowed her head, and Ezekiel felt a wave of guilt flow through him.

“... Don’t think that I’ll be leaving him with nothing.” He took a couple of objects out of his Void Pouch. “It’s not much, but I managed to get a few things from the Kraken and the Whale, from the short interactions I had with them this past month.”

The objects he took out were a small crystal whale and kraken. Icons that were made in the shape of the two Mythical Glacial Spirits. Each one seemed like regular crystals at first glance. But that was only due to the seal that Ezekiel had placed on them.

“What are they?” Callrond asked, pecking them briefly after Ezekiel placed them on the table.

“Memory imprints from the Mythical Ocean Spirits. I believe they will be of great aid for Morty’s possible breakthrough. What he does with them is up to him, but I intend to bind them to his life and soul, so that none can access them without his permission.” Ezekiel shrugged when the twin Spirits gave him incredulous looks. “They’ll also melt if he dies, so no one will be able to kill him to get them.”

Without another word, the two birds simply nodded, their eyes still wide, before Feynari shook herself and flicked her brother’s head.

They shared a look before turning into streaks of golden light and pitch-black shadows.

Ezekiel simply closed the door behind them, before sitting in a meditative position on his bed.

As much as he wanted to sleep right now, he knew that he wouldn’t get the chance. He figured he’d have an hour at most before he had to talk with the Legendary birds once more.

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