Tales of a Seductress

TOAD – Chapter 41

“Hah… hah… ahhh… yes, right there.” I croaked in a strangle breath.

There was once a time in my life where I banged monsters to acquire their semen and use it for my experiments. It had been Reinhart who gathered ten-some monsters for me, and I had given each of them a test ride of sorts. I had eventually left that dungeon and that life. I killed a country, traveled to another continent, became a slave, and crushed an army. I had traveled so far, I ended up traveling full circle and ending up right where I started.

It was just me, a monster, and the pleasure it could give me. Back then, I had focused mostly on humanoid monsters. Trolls, orcs, goblins, devils, pigmen, and so on were my monsters of desire. They all had humanoid forms, but each cock was unique. This time around, I was a lot less selective on who I let in my bed.

That wasn’t to say I just picked anything. I typically went for exotic and fun things. I wanted to try new things, and I went with the species that could give me an experience I had never had before. Reinhart accommodated, giving me a list of different monsters I could try out, and they would then work on capturing said monsters. My first pregnancy was with a slime. I had slept with a slime once before, but that was before I had the Fusion skill. I went inside him, and then he went inside me, and shortly after I was pregnant.

I wonder what kind of baby a half-slime would make? The baby would have to be born first, and that wasn’t my job. Once they took the baby out, it’d take a month for me to recharge, and a few months for it to pop out of some other unfortunate woman. Since it was a slime, she’d probably survive the birth, so lucky her.

I could have chosen not to make my baby directly with the slime. Actually, in the case of the slime, I don’t think they knew if it had semen or not. The scientists were just as curious as I was about the slime. When I had suggested it as my first, they had initially laughed it off. To them, such a monster wasn’t even something that could make a demon. It wasn’t just that they were focused on the so-called humanoid creatures. To them, a slime didn’t even have a sex, let alone a sex drive. They had the running theory that slimes reproduced asexually, and would just split into two at random intervals.

I had to explain to the scientists that technically all of the monsters reproduced asexually, and the production of offspring through raping humanoid women was some other kind of impulse. When I revealed that a slime had molested me once before, a long time ago, and that it had to have a sex drive and a desire to procreate, they decided to get it a test.

Ultimately, all of the rewards Reinhart had promised me became dependent on this success. Not only convincing a slime to fuck me, but also getting pregnant and successfully fusing to make offspring, that was the condition needed for them to start putting their eggs in my basket, or should I say it was the point in which they readied themselves to take my eggs from my box.

After I was impregnated, they waited two weeks and then ganked the baby from me. I’d need to wait another two weeks before I was viable again. That was when I used Reinhart for my pleasure. He acted dutifully, keeping me just sexually satisfied enough that I could wait until my next exotic experience. For my second pregnancy, I chose to do it with a morgawr.

They were surprised by my choice. Morgawr were underwater monsters, a sea serpent that would wrap itself around people and drag them into their depths. I had wanted to have sex underwater, but I didn’t want to bang a fish monster. I eventually settled on the morgawr, which had the least disgusting appearance of the underwater monsters I found.

They had initially told me this couldn’t happen. After all, any underwater beast would drown any woman they even attempted to rape. Thus, it was generally assumed that underwater monsters did not have sex with humans. When I told them that this was an idiotic theory, we were back to testing it, although this time it was less an ultimatum and more of a curiosity. Once they realized how advantageous adding an underwater demon to their species roster would help them on the military side, they couldn’t jump over themselves fast enough to try it out.

Of course, they had been right that any normal woman who was raped by an underwater monster would almost certainly die. I wasn’t any normal woman. With mana breath, I could be underwater an infinite time as long as I could absorb mana, so I could frolic with the serpent. As for my comments on the experience, it was somewhat slimy. He wrapped around me many times and squeezed until it hurt, and his dick was more like a needle than something with mass. I was disappointed, but I did get pregnant.

That’s why I went with my current offering for baby number three. This monster was called an Illiad. It was a short monster consisting of mostly tentacles. They might have complained once again. After all, it was hard to say where the penis was on an Illiad. However, it wasn’t its penis I was interested in. Rather, after having the serpent, I became a bit more interested in those tentacles. There existed an entire genre of hentai based around women being molested by tentacle monsters. I had been in this fantasy world for over a year, and I hadn’t fucked a single tentacle. How was that fair?

Well, my day had come, and the little Illiad was placed on my bed. It didn’t take too much seduction to get him to finally start performing for me, but in short order, his tentacles came out and wrapped all around me. Those tentacles liked to explore too. They slid into every nook and cranny. I didn’t just mean my ass and pussy, but they all ended up going up my nose. I had never given head to a tentacle that plunged down my throat and then came out my nose, so that was a first.

After some foreplay, it had wrapped tentacles around my neck and started choking me, and that was the point I was at. I started tweaking down my mana breathing, refusing to absorb mana and causing myself some mild asphyxiation. I was very careful about it. I wasn’t the kind of girl who would be found dead with a belt around her neck, her pants down, and a dildo shoved up her ass. I knew how to take it to the edge and then pull back.

“Fuuuuck yeaaah!” I moaned, orgasming wildly as his tentacles dived deep inside me

Then I passed out. Oops. Well, thankfully mana breathing was a passive ability, and as soon as I passed out, my oxygen levels returned to normal. I woke up sometime later in my bed. The Illiad was gone, and the light was low. However, I knew there was someone else in the room with me. It was hard to say what skill specifically gave me this awareness. It could just be a part of having such massive stats, but I could always sense other people. My eyes turned to Reinhart sitting in the corner.

“So… am I pregnant?” I asked.

“You truly live recklessly.” Reinhart’s voice came out slightly angry.

“A girl just knows how to have fun,” I responded.

“Fun.” He spoke the word like it was unpleasant. “That Illiad had its tentacles around you so tightly we couldn’t get it off.”

“It certainly got me off.” I chuckled. “Besides, I can breath with mana breath… when I want to…”

“Which wouldn’t matter if it broke your neck! We had to kill the thing to get it off you!” He snapped.

“Oh my… how unfortunate,” I said those words, but I didn’t sound remotely upset, and that only seemed to irritate him more.

“Aria… you’re incredible.” Reinhart declared. “You’re special… more special than you know. Your alchemy skills are top-notch, and your ability to fuse demons makes you worth more than everyone here. They all know it. You should be running this place. This should be your show. However…”

“However…” I repeated, settling back down.

“You don’t seem to care about anything, even your own life. This wasn’t the Aria I met in Nidia. What happened to you?”

I gave a weak smile. “I lost things… one after another. My dreams. My freedom. My slave, Min.”

My thoughts immediately twisted unpleasantly on Min. Did he want to call himself Bryson now and act a hero? I didn’t care. Man, woman… none of it mattered to me. Thinking back to the last time I saw Min, bloody and beaten on the ground. How could I ever face him again?

“Aria… you still have your life. You have your health, your beauty, and more. You don’t have to give up so easily.”

Reinhart was looking at her with real concern. It immediately made her feel uneasy. This world had used and abused her until nothing mattered anymore. Even now, her worth came from a random skill she had. She was just Aria, the baby demon maker. What kind of future was that? She loved her children, but she could only meet them occasionally. Since they wouldn’t let her toy with other people, then the only thing she could toy with was herself.

“What do you want, Reinhart? You don’t usually come to give me a wake-up call.”

He sighed, sitting back in his chair. “The next monsters have been decided. It will be an Ahool.”

I shook my head. “I’m sorry, that name passes me by…”

He pulled out a paper and showed an image of a monster that appeared to be a giant bat.

“Not interested… how boring.”

“It’s not negotiable. You’ve gotten to play with the last three. The Ahool is requested… ahem… I mean required…”

I narrowed my eyes. “No, you were right the first time. You said requested. Who is requesting it, and why?”

Reinhart made a face and cleared his throat. “Strictly speaking, they told me not to explain this to you.”

“Strictly speaking, I don’t give a damn what they say.”

Reinhart could only shake his head and chuckle wryly. “Alright, as you know, the demon lines are dwindling. The production of new demon lines is interesting but ultimately not that important. All of the work you’ve done… these five monster babies you have produced, are merely a curiosity… a proof of concept.”

“I’ve had six…”

“That baby would be a 2nd generation demon. Useful… but something any woman could produce.”

“Still, I’m making first-generation children…”

He shook his head. “There are already demon lines. They have established demon lines, demon lines with a long genealogy… and a lot of money.”

I showed my teeth. “Oh, I get it…”

“A demon type known as a vampire is part of the dwindling population. They have a deep history in the demon realm. Lord Vladamir is willing to give us a very substantial contribution as long as we can create a first-generation vampire. He was willing to reveal that their species progenitor was an Ahool. Some demons keep their progenitor monster type a secret. For example, no one truly knows the demon king’s progenitor…”

“I can’t believe he’s named Vlad… so help me…”

“There are numerous other demon families desperately looking to rejuvenate their dying bloodline. Many believe a 1st generation reinjected into their family line could skyrocket them back into power again. It was this belief that got this project all the initial funding, and now after proving that successful fusions can be conducted on command, it’s time we moved onto the next phase…”

“Profit…” I sighed. “I have a feeling my choices are going to close up quickly.”

“On the plus side, we will have more money, and can improve your accommodations.”

“You know what else this will mean…”

“What’s that?”

“My blood… my genetics, will be injected into every demon family. They won’t just have a revival of their demonic side, but I will become the mother of all demons, directly related to every major family line. I really would be the demon queen.”

Reinhart looked up in shock, only now realizing this. What would that mean for the future of the demon race? Only time would tell.



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