Tales of a Seductress

TOAD – Chapter 42

{You have mastered Sex!}  

{You have earned one additional skill point.}

{Congratulations!!! You have leveled to Demon Queen Lvl 8!}

{All stats increase by one.}

{You have three skill points.}

{Experienced Pregnancy (Passive): Experience X3 while pregnant.

Pump and Dump (Active): Forced ejaculation shortly after penetration.   

Monster Vagina (Active): Vagina can change to form to match any monster you’ve been with.

“Now?” I panted. “This is what ultimately makes me a Master of sex?”

The beast clawing my sides stopped, cocking its head to the side as if wondering why I suddenly cried out. I shot a look back at the beast.

“I didn’t say stop!”

Whether it understood me or not, it began to thrust again, panting as it did. I was bent over in doggy style while the monster took me from behind. If I was to say what monster, I suppose it’d be the animal you’d expect to have in doggy style. At this point, I could no longer claim I didn’t commit in bestiality because there was ultimately very little human about the wolf beast mounting me from behind. His knobby cock still felt amazing just the same, and our babies would be first-generation werewolves, or so I’ve been told.

“Still… three months, huh?”

Another three months had passed by, which were three more baby monsters. King’s son was a second-generation demon, so it had a much longer gestation period closer to humans. However, the slime was supposed to be due any day now. I was very intrigued to see just what kind of babies I had made. I had finally gotten a chance to meet my son Bree as well.

Bree was seemingly a half-troll. Trolls weren’t like the cute little dolls with hair. They were short, ugly, and hairy. I also seemed to recall they liked to spray people with semen to mark their territory. Well, even if I didn’t remember, Bree reminded me by spraying me several times. However, where a troll’s semen came out a fine mist, Bree was thicker. His projectile semen was difficult for the staff to handle. Even I came out looking like I had been through a bukkake.  

I know, three months to earn only one level? Well, I only got to experience a new sexual partner once a month when it was time to get pregnant again. Otherwise, all of my experience came from Reinhart or myself. This might also have been why sexual art took so long to finally max. I had required three months and six unique monsters to finally get that last level of sexual art to become a master. I didn’t know what I was expecting from mastering something. I supposed I was expecting something cool, like a sexual superpower. Maybe I could turn people into sex puppets just by looking at them. Well, technically, I already could, but better than that! In the end, all mastering sex got me was an extra skill point. Skill points were nice and all, but I had earned so many of them. At the least, I would have thought I’d get a title. Why couldn’t I be Aria, Master of Sex!

I tried to pass up my disappointment by focusing on the skills that were offered. I had three skill points, so if I had wanted to, I could select all three skills. It was rare that I allowed myself to build so many up. It was somewhat refreshing having my options open and not having to frantically go from skill to skill. I could try to evolve a single skill three times if I wanted to. I wondered if that was possible, and if so, what would I end up with?

While the wolflike monster kept thrusting into me from behind, I ignored him and checked the skill list that had appeared in front of me. Another experience multiplier would probably be nice. I was only level 68, and those 8 levels had taken nearly half a year. It had been a bit over 18 months since I had been in this world now, and time was starting to pass me by as I maintained my job as a baby-making factory.

It wasn’t an easy job. I was constantly pregnant. They may take it out before I start stretching and long before I had to push it out, it did still do a number on my body. My tits were sore, but Reinhart was always willing to suck on them until they felt better. My breasts had grown a bit, as well as my hips, giving me a much shapelier body. I had once had the slim and luxurious body of an eighteen-year-old hotty, but after so many pregnancies, I now had a curvy mom body. When I bent over, my butt made a heart shape. My tits no longer pointed forward, but down just a bit. Even my classes couldn’t negate such a burden on my body.

Reinhart said that my body was growing more mature and that it was far more appealing. It was like a flower in full bloom. I didn’t hate that side of him who could say romantic things sometimes. He rarely did, more absorbed by his science.

Pump and Dump would speed up situations like I was experiencing now, with a monster behind me who didn’t quite seem to be able to finish. Were our bodies too incompatible? That never stopped any monster before from finishing in me quickly, but it did cause me to wonder when it came to the Monster Vagina. If I just used the ability and made my vagina a wolf vagina, then our parts would fit together perfectly.

I rather liked my vagina. It was pretty, and no matter what I shoved in it, she always managed to come out still looking pretty and clean. I had seen some pornstars with flappy brown slits. I didn’t have that at all. My pussy was still pink and pure.

“Aroooo!” The wolf howled as it came in me.

I didn’t think that was necessary. It wasn’t that good of a cum. I still stood up, tossing him off my back. I didn’t even wait to watch as a group of people opened the door and tried to coerce the monster out. Over the door was a cage, and there was food sitting in the cage. As long as the monster entered the cage, it’d close shut and he would be moved somewhere else.

The group gathering the monster didn’t even look my way as I stood naked with cum leaking down my legs. Maybe they had grown used to it. A monster that none of them would dare be in the same room with for a minute even if they were in full armor, and yet it could be let loose in my room while I was naked, fuck me for thirty minutes, and then leave without me being harmed. Well, most of the time. There was the occasional choke out our excessive bleeding episode when things got a bit rough.

The wolf, having just lost its load, was in a relaxed state and didn’t hesitate to enter the cage to get a snack. What was it about my pussy that made monsters want to eat after they fucked me? I shrugged to myself, as such a thing wasn’t really important to me. This was demon number 8. Other than my half-goblin and half-troll, this would be my sixth successful demonic union. Considering they had been doing this for years prior without a single successful union, this entire program had to be a resounding success, right?

Before the werewolf, I had also created a vampire type and a half-orc type. These three were all declining families who were giving this institute a lot of money to rejuvenate their bloodlines. There was something somewhat amusing to me that my blood would be spread into all of these demonic families. That was part of the reason I had gone with it, although I was starting to admit a certain degree of boredom with such generic monsters.

Thankfully, monsters weren’t the only thing I had going for me. I had also been working with alchemy some more. As promised, the scientists took my alchemy products, sold them, and used the currency to buy me more alchemy products. I suspected they were also taking a bit off the top. Okay, they were probably flat-out exploiting me, but I didn’t care. As long as I got what I wanted, I had no thoughts of being rich or powerful.

I had managed to create numerous different potions of interest. Some increased virality, while others increased stamina. I could make potions that would enhance people and increase their stats temporarily, and I could create poisons that could kill monsters instantly. They were less enthusiastic about the poisons I made, especially since one maid who wasn’t being careful had ended up touching one of my poisons and then keeled over dead.

The reason my progress was moving so quickly was that I was given books on mana and alchemy and I was allowed to study them. It wasn’t perfect. I had found some books had been censored. There were words, sentences, and entire pages sometimes omitted from the text.

“It’s not you.” Reinhart sighed. “These are the books from our archives. Some magic has been banned or censored by the guild and considered too dangerous. They’ve tried to cut knowledge toward certain magical truths.”

“What kind of magical truths?” I asked curiously.

“Do I look like I’m a high enough rank to know?” He asked, chuckling softly.

“You haven’t even heard a hint?”

He gave me a side look, and then after a moment, he leaned in close. “Alright, it’s not a secret, but one such piece of knowledge that is somewhat censored is the Great Mana Decline.”

“Great… Mana Decline?”

“Have you ever heard the story of Bahamut?”

“Yeah…” I narrowed my eyes. “A bit personally…”

I had been violated with the severed penis bone of Bahamut once. It wasn’t something I was likely to forget. Reinhart saw my expression and then made a face.

“That’s right, Nidia… I had almost forgotten.”

I shook my head. “It’s fine, wasn’t Bahamut summoned by the demon king?”

“Not exactly. How do I put this? Bahamut was a god.”

“A god?”

“People say that level 100 is the highest level someone can obtain. To reach above level 100 is to exceed the boundaries of the mortal world. If you reach level 101, you become an immortal. It was said that Bahamut had passed level 100, and had become the god of this world. The Demon King was fascinated with this, and he held Bahamut in high regard. They were friends.”

“I see…”

“Back then, the war was actually in the opposite situation. Demons were on the human continent and slowly invading it. The human countries were becoming fewer and fewer. Fearing annihilation, they did a horrifying ritual, sacrificing five fourth-class heroes to bring the hero from another world.”

“Yes! I have heard of them!” I said excitedly and then blushed.

There was a time I fancied myself a hero from another world just like them. I had found absolutely nothing out about the hero though. Their records seemed to have been hidden. I couldn’t even find their name.

“Well, the hero gathered all of the human forces, and they crossed the ocean and attacked the demon lands. The hero managed to break through against all odds, and stop the demon king just as he was trying to conduct a ritual.”

“A ritual? What ritual?”

“The age of dragons was gone, and most of the dragons had been wiped out by humans. This made Bahamut especially hateful of them. Bahamut had decided the Demon King would be his successor. He was passing his godhood to the Demon King. However, the hero interrupted the ceremony and cruelly slaughtered Bahamut and the Demon King while they were at their weakest. This caused the godliness of this world to be lost.”

“What does that mean?”

“Well, that’s the hush-hush part. You see, since that day 40 years ago, Mana in this world has been on the decline. The God of this world is also the conduit that fills this world with magic. Our demonic problem started forty years ago because monsters started to grow scarcer. Most don’t want to talk about it, but we may be on the eve of a mana apocalypse!”



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