Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.207

“So this is where you went.” Hannah sniffed the air a bit disgusted, even though she was carrying a deprecated head without any teeth whatsoever.

“Do you like it?” I asked, still bathing in the blood with the twins who were making out with each other sheepishly. It was already way beyond sunrise after all.

“No … not really.” She answered and threw the head of the strongest demon she could find away a bit bored.  “So, what now? Do you continue to have sex with them in their sleep?”

“I can proudly announce nobody had an orgasm in this room!” I told her, finally sat up from that bloodbath and stood up right away. “At least I didn’t have one. They were going at it pretty darn badly.” I leaned over and whispered into her right ear. She did look at the twins a little bit weirdly after that, but didn’t say anything to them. “But I have to admit that this isn’t giving me much anymore. With the blood dried up and death fading away slowly, there wasn’t much for me to enjoy after all.”

“You might want to talk with the demon king in that case.” Well, I suppose I should do that … to excuse my behaviour or whatever.

“Did he already change all the demons to be more aggressive?” I asked, wondering if I needed to speed up our process of murdering everyone or not.

“Look at it yourself.” Hannah told me, took my hand and guided me out of the room, not even caring about my nudity in the slightest. She pulled me over to the nearest window, opened their shutters and pointed down into the city.

I had no idea there lived this many demons there usually, but the streets were filled with demons hacking each other apart with all they could get their hands on. Like ants, they fought on the streets, inside the ruins and on the beach. The only exception to this rule was the castle and a few races that weren’t impacted by the demon kings doing in any shape whatsoever.

But the majority were. And they were doing it brilliantly.

“I don’t think I have to apologise in front of the demon king at all.” I surmised and gave her a cute wink, which was probably ruined by all the blood in my hair.

“It wouldn’t suit your character in the first place.” She said and closed the shutters again.

“Oh, I’d grovel in front of him if needed, but he has given up on all the value he has already … so no.” I told her and stretched my arms.

“… where are your glasses?” She asked a little bit stunned after a while of looking at me.

“Huh … I can see!” In a rush, I opened the shutters yet again and looked out into the lands of the demons. The sun was shining brightly onto it, showing me the world without the filter of my glasses. “It’s so different …” I muttered amazed. It wasn’t better than the night … but different. The colours were brighter, the shapes less defined and the sun was way too bright for comfort. But … I could see. For the first time in my life I was able to see without any glasses whatsoever which was just amazing.

“Let’s go!” I shouted out happily, grabbed her and and tried to pull her away, but she refused to budge.

“You might need to dress yourself first.” And I should probably wash myself as well. The blood was already to begin clumping horribly, even though I was just a few minutes outside of our bath.

“Right … can you get something for me?” I asked slowly, not really willing to murder everyone I saw on the way to my room … wherever that was.

“Sure thing.” And with that, she left me alone to gaze outside the keep. I was kind of stunned that I had forgot about Aska’s gift allowing me to see during the day. So far, I had either fooled around with Hannah or with the twins during the day and so I didn’t get in contact with any sunlight whatsoever.

Amazed, I leaned out of the window to see a cute butterfly land on my hand, probably driven towards me by the smell. I had never seen that species before. I had never seen such a colourful pattern before … it was amazing.

For minutes, I played with the butterfly until I closed my hand and squished it to death, right as Hannah came back with a bucket and towel.

“Thanks.” Without caring about the carpet beneath my feet, I started washing myself to the best of my ability while Hannah got some clothing for me. I wasn’t approving of her choice at all, but it was apparently all she could find, so I wore the maid uniform reluctantly.

“How do I look, my mistress?” I asked, curtsying deeply like all the maids I had ever met.

“Alright. And now bring me some cookies. I am hungry.” Hannah acted exactly like some of the nobles I knew, without treating me unfairly of course.

“At once, milady.” I giggled a little, lifted the hem of my rather short dress and looked down to the mess I made. Even though I was in maid attire now, I wouldn’t clean that up. “Have you any clue where Aska is?”

“I believe I have seen him in his working room … but I kept my distance like you wanted.” She told me and started walking towards that place.

“He would murder you when you do anything that could justify it after all.” I was pretty sure he wanted her gone, but didn’t want to make it obvious. Hence, I had asked her to keep distance from him except when I was around.

And so far, she hadn’t been imprisoned yet for some bullshit reason he made up which was actually a good sign. It meant that he was holding onto his promise to give me the breathing room I needed.

As such, I was in a good mood as Hannah and I entered the study he stole from the demon king. Since the last time we were in here, it had turned a lot more functional with all the unnecessary stuff like books he already knew thrown out of the window. Happily, I laid down on the desk to get his attention right away.

“What is it?” He asked a little bit annoyed as a mixture of water and blood from my hairs dripped onto the exotic documents in front of him. They were definitely not from the demon king and neither were they mine, so he must have bought them with him. As I wanted to take a quick peek though, I was unable to make out any specific words at all as if the contents itself were magical.

“Oh, I couldn’t help but notice all the death around me. Are you already resurrecting everyone?” I asked, even though I could already feel it happening all around me. But I didn’t want to be outdone by him either and thus had done the same, pushing my magic to the limits without going over it. His magic was spanning the whole world though, making it impossibly hard for me to catch up though. But at least I had found out a rather interesting bit about my own magic. I was able to wrestle control of his magic away from him, at least on a minor scale. He didn’t seem to notice at all, and I didn’t do it with anyone except one to avoid any suspicions, but it definitely could come in handy at some point … maybe. I knew for sure I wouldn’t be able to do it on a scale that would threaten him though.

“So what if I am rebuilding our army?” He asked a little bit annoyed and made all the documents on the table vanish with a flick of his hand.

“Oh, I just wanted to ask when we begin.” I asked, crawling closer to him on the desk until I was right in front of him.

“I already told you it´s more sensible to send the demon king to subjugate the other races.” Much to my displeasure, he did exactly that. But it wasn’t like I was out of options either.

“And I told you I don’t care.” I explained mischievously and caressed his cheek a little.

“I do not know what will happen to our child when you die.” And he was playing that card again. But I could tell he wouldn’t let her die. Before Luna became my child, I could blame the demon king for her demise, but that was different at that point. She was mine and his responsibility and I wouldn’t rest until I could wrap my arms around her, no matter how often we needed to attempt conceiving her.

“There is a rather simple solution for that. I wont die.” I growled a little bit unhappily. “And now tell me, when does the demon king leave?”

“How many people did you murder with your own hands since coming here?” He asked, knowing full well what kind of excused I had planned for this whole time.

“Far too few if I´m honest.” I told him which wasn’t even wrong. I myself didn’t murder that many after all. The twins though … they were using every opportunity I gave them.

“So you asked your ‘friends’ to murder for you … two days.” Well, it did seem he finally relented and chose to leave me as well. If he didn’t … I would have gone nonetheless. He could have tried to rope me in afterwards, but that would entrail me erasing me own memories. Solaris was my world and he promised it would remain that way. And I would hold him accountable. Chuckling happily, I finally let go of his cheek and stood up from the desk once more.

“I guess you are busy with your fruit company?” I asked a bit frustrated that he wouldn’t tell me what he really did. It was godly stuff for sure and while I didn’t want to probe into his things too much just like I didn’t want to have him look into mine, I was still interested.

“It does seem that way.” He explained and shooed me away shortly afterwards. “Nice clothing you have by the way!” He shouted out before I slammed the door shut angrily. I would have loved to see him in a pinguin suit … but he looked good in suits which would inevitably ruin what I had in mind.

As such, all I could do was to stomp away angrily, show him the middle finger through the wall and to think about murdering him. That was sadly out of question though. The only weapon which could force him to bring his consciousness away from this planet – for exactly thirty seconds- was mine. And Schwarz still had it because I just didn’t see a reason to take it yet. On the one hand it was really funny to see him fall for the darkness, but on the other it kind of felt awkward to feel that connection between my soul and his, even though he was far away from me.

“Maybe I should take it away again …” I whispered quietly to myself, but apparently Hannah caught wind of it.

“Huh?” She asked, probably not having understood me that well.

“Nothing. Hey, do you want to go outside? I kind of want to see the world with my own eyes now.” I told her and twirled around exited to see the world of light from up close.

“… you just want to murder, don’t you?” She was highly suspicious of my intentions, but that was to be expected. After all, the mayhem in front of the castles gates still continued on without my input. And we couldn’t have that, could we?

“… yeah.”



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