Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.206

“I’ll definitely beat you this time!” Clarice was angry. Really fucking angry. The twins threw a tantrum since ten minutes already, just because Hannah won our long throw duel.

Unsurprisingly, I was last as I didn’t get the benefit of the system and couldn’t use magic like the others did. I was pretty sure the twins used their blood magic to catapult the head they were using further ahead while Hannah obviously altered the wind a little.

“Give your best.” Clarice took another one of the deprecated heads by its hair and threw it over the merlons of the keep, far into the plaza down below. “I did it!” She jumped around happily and threw herself into the arms of her sister.

“Lucky throw.” Hannah commented and turned around, just to see that we had already thrown every one of this hours victim’s head away.

“Well, I guess we need to search for more.” The twins giggled happily as I said so and even Hannah couldn’t hide the fact that she took a liking to fighting, but also to murder itself.

“Three more for each of us?” Hannah already stepped towards the merlon looking downwards to see a few lit windows.

“Yup.” That would fill the quota of the night, that was for sure.

“Clarice, let’s go!” Clara took the hand of her sister eagerly and pulled her towards the stairs to resume the hunt in the night … even though it couldn’t be called one. These humans were docile beyond repair and basically threw themselves at our blades which reduced Hannah’s fun by quite a bit.

“Well, that was easy.” Hannah commented while I listened to the quieter and quieter giggling of the two.

“Let them have their fun.” I told her and nodded as I didn’t hear the two anymore. Hannah immediately grabbed behind her and gave me her backpack filled with meals for the most part, but also a few nails and pliers. Emptying everything on the ground, I showed the heavens my middle finger and started counting. Not seconds, not minutes, but days. The series was around thirty days behind what happened and if Aska wasn’t able to get his hands on unreleased material, then he wouldn’t know. And even if, he wouldn’t find out anything. I did wrote the letter in a rather dark broom closet after all.

The paper plane I took out of a hidden compartment was folded so that nobody could read it without opening it. Last but not least, I added how to deal with this letter using ink and a feather and handed it back over to Hannah.

“Let’s hope it reaches its destination.” It should be able to. This was the single long distant paper plane Albert managed to creat with the little time he had and he used every patch on that plane to add more mana capacity which was already being filled up by Hannah. “And off you go.” She threw the paper plane forwards a little and activated the magic in the process. Runes glowed up on it, pushing the plane up and out of our sight rather quickly. All that’s left for us to do was to hope it reached Tom.

“So regarding the three murders for each of us … there is a strategy behind that, isn’t it?” Hannah asked quietly, probably vary about a certain god listening in. But I didn’t think he was capable of that. After all, I had taken up all the death in the vicinity which reduced his influence in this place by quite a bit.

“We are thinning the herd. Have a lot of fun.” I waved happily as she jumped down from the roof of the keep and left me alone. I had considered joining her in her fun, but she tended to prolong her victims life unnecessarily. The pain they were experiencing this way was kind of nice, but nothing that gave me the kick I needed.

The twins on the other hand … they were murdering their victims and played with their corpses in front of others.

A mixture of these approaches would be nice, but you can’t have everything. As such, I went down the stairwells and followed the few droplets of blood they left behind here and there until I heard their laughter again.

I soon found them in the hallway, waiting for me in a puddle of blood. It looked like that human had exploded with blood all over the place including the ceiling, but was even more amazing were the twins licking each other’s skin in a feverish rush.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked in front of the first droplet, making it very clear I had no interest in their prey.

“Lucinda! We missed you so much!” Both of them said at the same time and ran up towards me to smear me in blood. Their attire rubbed over mine and they reached up to rub their cheeks against mine.

“Easy … so, what are you up to?” I asked with interest, eyeing the puddle of blood and mush with great interest.

“We want to go wild as often as possible! Will you join us?” My dear kiddies, that was going wild for you? Letting some poor guy explode in gore just because he couldn’t defend against their magic? Well, that did call for an investigation for sure.

“Sure, why not.” I told them right away, not willing to miss out on their playtime at all.

“Great, now we can murder elven times!” Clara shouted happily, finally letting go of me only to twirl around happily, sending droplets of blood flying everywhere.

“I don’t think addition works that way.” I commented dryly and chuckled a little about their laughable attempt at increasing the number of their victims. But on the other hand, Clara didn’t seem to lie at all, which made the whole experience a little bizarre.

“Hey, we were always good at math!” Clarice pouted unhappily about my implicit accusation.

“What’s seven times three?” I asked a little bit concerned.

“Eighteen!” Close … but not close enough.

“Three minus two?”  They both used their fingers to count till three and and then backwards.

“One!” Both of them shouted out happily nearly at the exact same moment.

“Three minus five?” I asked a little concerned about their education.

“That’s impossible!” Clara said, so convinced of her answer that I was indeed quite stunned.

“Did anyone teach you math during your last eight years?” Both of them shook their head right away, revealing the reason for their missing knowledge right away. “Arts?” Still no. “Philosophy? Psychology? Languages? Geography? Anything?” Still no approval. I seriously needed to have a friendly chat with the demon king about their education or rather the lack thereof.

“Nope. The only thing we did was to fight and have our fun.” Clarice explained a little surprised by the anger on my face. Not even Aska was that cruel to teach me nothing at all. Well, he was cruel in different ways, but at least he taught me stuff I could apply in my schemes against him.

“Okay then … in that case I will teach you a bit when I have time.” I proposed but had to notice that my help wasn’t wanted at all.

“Sounds boring.” Clara expressed rather bluntly.

“And sounds like something old people would say.” Clarice added without thinking about my feelings at all.

“That was not an offer.” I growled unhappily. And if I had to punch knowledge into them, I couldn’t bear watching them be this illiterate. They didn’t have to know everything I knew, but a decent level of wisdom wasn’t something that hurt.

“Yes grandma!” Clarice shouted out and dashed away, her sister hot on her heels.

“Hey, you pesky little gnomes!” I mumbled, raced through the puddle of blood after them. I soon caught them standing in front of a dorm door, leaning onto the wall and looking at me with hope in their eyes.

“Then teach us. Teach us how to have fun first and we will be willing to learn from you.” Clara told me with the full support of her sister. Smiling brightly, I nodded my head and strode towards the door.

“They are different in there … they are like us.” Clarice told me, which explained why there were more noises coming from that room than other dorm rooms. “Free in their will with intelligence exceeding that of the other humans.”

“They were hoping to become like us, but the demon king didn’t transform them yet.” Clara added slowly. If they were right, these were the people selected by the demon king himself which would enable us to ruin his night completely.

“Let’s have some fun then.” I knocked onto the door and presented myself with a gentle smile on my face. “Hello! How many are there of you?” The room wasn’t exactly small with each of the candidates having their own bed and little nightstand but other than that, it was completely devoid of any bit of furniture.

“Twenty, milady.” A twenty year old young man answered me right away.

“Oh … may we come in?” I asked quite happily.

“As you wish.” He said and stepped aside to let the three of us inside. All the men and woman stood in two rows looking ahead sternly as we entered.

“Today is an rather exiting day for all of us! Do you know what that means?” They certainly did which was promptly proven as some of them glanced over to me, excitement rushing through their veins. “But … the demon king is only able to transform eleven of you soo … everyone of you except the boy who just talked to us needs to fight for their place.” I told them and didn’t have to wait long until the first one lunged at his neighbour. They were raised to be a lot more aggressive than normal for sure and didn’t hesitate to press their thumbs into the eyes of their comrades for example.

“Why eleven?” Clara asked a little confused.

“Because three times three equals eleven.” I smirked at the twins, but still watched the mayhem unfold in front of me with glee. It was truly a fabulous sight to behold. Some of them were strangled to death, others were decapitated by hidden weapons and some exploded in gore as they were blasted with ice magic.

In the end, we had our eleven contestants including the man I was massaging the shoulders off. “Please push all the beds to the side.” I said and pushed a little down on his shoulders so that he went onto his knees. Bending down, I whispered sweet words into his ear.

“You will be the only one transformed into the mightiest demon general the world has ever seen. We will use a new technique, allowing us to turn their strength into yours. How does that sound?” I asked very quietly so that no other human could listen in.

“Wonderful.” He whispered back, his lips trembling with excitement.

“Now then.” I told everyone and pushed the man forwards. “We will conduct a magical ritual readying you all for the ceremony. For that you will need to stand around in a circle, our catalyst in the middle. Don’t worry about my words, I will use the language of the gods for that ritual.” Everyone excluding the twins and me stood around him while I prepared myself.

“Ooomshtakalaka dumm dumm. Oooomshakalaka doom doom.” Uttering complete bullshit, I walked around them once, always looking at the opposite side to see the participants highly concentrated. Truly, a laughable experience. But as I had turned around that circle once, I clapped my hands once and pulled them out of their concentration while suppressing my laughter.

“Great. With that we will be able to proceed to the second phase as planned. Everyone may leave except our catalyst and someone else. Who wants to go first?” I asked gently, making sure that nobody was suspecting anything.

“Me!” A very eager girl lifted her arm a second before the others, earning her the first spot on the list.

“Perfect.” I nodded towards her friendly and waited for all the others to leave. In the end, we were five people in the room, all of us anticipating what would come next. “Please wait here.” I told the young woman and pulled a bed back into the middle of the room, at least somewhat. Then, I patted the mattress a little and sat down in it while waving the man over to me. “The life of your comrade is in your hands. You can choose what happens to each and everyone of them, but be aware that this is also a test of your creativity. How shall she die? Will you rape her to death? Should we tear her apart and eat her flesh? Or should we spare her?” I whispered into his right ear and caressed his hand eagerly.

“I …” He muttered, really unsure what to do as I leaned over and placed my hand on the inside of his thigh.

“There is no wrong answer. Just make it fun for everyone involved.” I told him and nudged his shoulder a little. I wanted him to warm up to me and to relax after all.

“Will I become a vampire as well?” He didn’t lean away from me, but he also didn’t react to any of my approaches yet.

“Do you desire to?” I asked back.

“I trust the demon king with that decision.” What a boring answer that was. I really hoped that was an outlier rather than a pattern.

“I see.” I mumbled quietly.

“Eat her. I want to see it.” Well, that was better than before. Smiling brightly, I stood up from the bed and strolled over to the woman, still waiting in the middle of the room.

“Undress.” I walked past her towards the twins waiting behind her. “That sicko wants us to eat her.” I whispered into their ears and smiled brightly as their eyes lit up in joy. Turning around again, I noticed how the woman was throwing her clothes away in a hurry and made her kneel down slowly. Slowly, I followed suit in front of her and took her hands. The twins got in position behind her while I focused her full attention onto myself.

“I want to be honest with you. Every grudge you hold against him may impact this step. So is there anything?” I asked quietly and gazed deeply into her eyes.

“I … he tried to kill me in my sleep once.” She admitted which was honestly exactly the type of behaviour I expected from someone the demon king chose.

“How would you repay that debt?” My head tilted to the side a little while a smile crept onto my face.

“I wanted to slice his throat, but never got the chance to do so.” How utterly boring. Nodding a little, I placed my hands onto her shoulder and presented her my fangs. She didn’t shrank back at all, probably not expecting me to lung forwards and bite into her shoulder. I tore out part of her muscles while she tried to scream, but was muffled by Clara’s hand shutting her mouth right away. Clarice bit into the woman’s other shoulder and bit down with all her strength, using every teeth at her disposal to take a bite. Just like me, she tore out a bit of flesh and presented it to the man behind us before munching down on it.

I had to admit that human flesh was far too muscular to be tasty, but the blood made everything so much better. While the woman was still bleeding from her deep wounds, quickly nearing her death, Clara pulled her back and laid her down in the ground before diving down and taking a bite out of the woman’s ample breasts. Not willing to be outdone at all, I bit into the woman’s side, my insatiable thirst flaring up as I did so. Like a hungry wolf, I tore her flesh apart and swallowed everything I could get into my mouth. Blood, fat, organs, everything. And just like mine, the twins stomach seemed to contain a black hole. Like starving animals, we ate everything we could get our hands on and bloomed fully in our roles. In several places, we ate her down to the bones and even her brain wasn’t spared of our doing.

Bits and pieces of her were in our hairs as we collectively decided that it wasn’t tasty anymore without all the blood and we smiled at each other.

“That was good.” Clara whispered into my ears and licked across my whole cheek.

“Woof woof.” Clarice added, going up in her role of an animal completely. I took her paw and shook it a little which made us all giggle loudly. After I had cooled myself down a little, I grabbed her remains and pushed them underneath a nearby bed where they would be hidden from prying eyes. Then, I strolled back towards the man and sat down beside him casually.

“How was that?” I asked deeply interested about his view of things.

“It was … cruel.” So even for him we were kind of crazy. Raising my eyebrow a little, I nudged his shoulder once more and smiled brightly, which may have been impacted by the flesh in my hair.

“So you have realised what it means to be a demon?” I asked while watching the twins licking each other’s exposed skin in that puddle of blood. Someone should have told them they would never be done that way, but I certainly wasn’t willing to interrupt their time.

“No … I don’t think so.” He admitted, even though the craziness was right in front of his eyes.

“We are predators in disguise. My kind press on yours and it doesn’t matter how we do it. We will love every second of it no matter what. The sweet alluring scent of blood, the rising thirst moments before you sink your teeth into your prey, the irresistible taste of blood on your tongue … that’s what drives my kind forwards. Do you want that?” I understood halfway through that this wasn’t what he wanted.

“I … I don’t want to be as animalistic as you three are.” He told me that even though he hadn’t seen the worst yet.

“You would like it though?” I asked and patted his shoulder a little. “How should we murder the next one?”

“Can I choose who it is?” The man asked a little carefully.

“You will bring them inside, so feel free.” I explained right away. The twins were already undressing each other at this point, so I couldn’t have them go out in case anything leaked. And I myself was too bloody in comparison to earlier, so it had to be him.

“I want Lucas to hang.” How boring. And I had asked him to be creative.

“Bring a rope and a stool with you then.” But I knew very well how to spice things up for the twins. He came back with a black haired man his age who didn’t ask any questions regarding our looks, particularly because he didn’t want to look weak.

After I secured that rope at a wooden beam, I pulled the twins apart who were intertwining their tongues in front of our very eyes.

“Before we proceed, we need to test your loyalty, so please step into that stool and put the sling around your neck.” He did doubt me, that was for sure. But in his mind, the twins were still demon generals and their orders were absolute. And so, he did exactly as I had asked him to and presented himself rancher vulnerable.

It was no wonder that Clara kicked that stool away seconds afterwards while her sister hacked his feet off. Then, as the mans neck snapped, they both laid on their backs, grabbed his lower legs and opened their mouths wide to gulp down every drop of blood escaping the corpse.

Once again, I strolled back towards the man while the twins were still busy and knelt down in front of him.

“What’s next?” I asked a little hopeful.

“There is this girl … a real bitch who slept with the instructors … rape her and kill her when she cums.” Whoa, that was some serious improvement. I would have loved to accept that request, but I didn’t want the twins to do that kind of thing, even if they already did it in their past.

“Last time I checked we had the wrong set of genitals for that … but you can fill the void if you want. Teach her some manners with your manhood and knife.” I whispered erotically into his ear and pressed my bosom against his shoulder. He stood up shortly afterwards and brought a brunette back into the room while I pulled a bed into the middle of the room after hiding the other corpse.

“Welcome. I know this may sound strange to you, but the magic we are using on you requires you to have a deep bond with the catalyst. But luckily you two are of opposing genders so you will have it far easier than the other two. Have fun.” The man grabbed her hands and forced her onto the bed while I joined the twins in cuddling on another bed. We were kissing each other as well, but didn’t do the inappropriate stuff happening on the other bed.

The twins were interested though and attempted to get me on board as well, but I pushed their greedy hands away from certain places each time they attempted something funny. As such, it remained relatively humane with us, but the other two really went at it. I wouldn’t even call it rape at this point … they were basically fucking each other in missionary, voicing their lust louder and louder.

And then, the man copied my kink as he stabbed the woman with a previously hidden dagger shortly after she came. The twins shouted out in joy as blood sprayed everywhere with the man stabbing the screaming woman multiple times, even after she was dead. He was still mutilating her close as I jumped up from the messy bed and approached him again.

“What’s next? Anyone else you want to fuck? Or should we eat another guy?” I asked sugar sweetly.

“I heard the twins could let people explode … I want to see that.” Well, that was something I was thirsting to see as well so I quickly told them everything and hid all the evidence as good as I could again.

Then, our beloved human got another one inside the room who directly sniffed the air. Even though most of the windows were open, the sweet smell of blood wouldn’t leave the room at all.

“One of the earlier ones didn’t make it. But be rest assured, I have faith in you.” I told him while sitting next down to the man whose name I still didn’t know. Let’s call him bob.

“Right, we need you to relax. Breathe in, breathe out.” Clara explained soothingly and gave him a sweet smile.

“Calm your mind and create a flame in each of your hands.” Clarice added and the man followed suit right away.

“Hold it there until you run out of mana. But remember the importance of having a calm mind at all times.” Both of the twins distanced themselves a little while the two flames were eating up his mana at a rather astonishing pace.

And then, as his two flames died down, the twins giggled a little crazily and his whole body exploded in gore. Pieces of flesh were thrown everywhere, including on me, and his blood splattered all across the ceiling, walls and floor.

Truly, that was a grandiose sight to behold, even though his death was too sudden for my liking. But at least I understood why the twins couldn’t win every battle like this. The other person needed to get rid of every bit of mana they were capable of using first. Luckily I cancelled out the system in our fight rather early, or I was protected my something else as well. But whatever it was, I was lucky to have them on my side.

“Did we do well?” The twins asked hopefully and ran towards me to earn their hard earned head pat.

“You did. What’s next up on your list?” I asked as the twins pushed me on my back and snuggled up to me.

“I don’t want anyone else to die. They haven’t done anything to me and some of them are my friends.” He explained unsure about our reaction which was less than great.

“But you will get stronger when they die.” I told him bummed out. I seriously didn’t expect him to care about anyone but himself.

“I believe that we all would be of more service to the demon king than just me. Please, it if is possible let them live.” That wouldn’t happen. Not in a thousand years.

But I still smiled gently and gave him my approval to get everyone else inside the room. Nine people arrived shortly afterwards, staring at the room in shock while he explained what had happened so far, naturally not without leaving out a few minor details here and there.

But they were strangely nonchalant about their deaths which honestly made me want to tear them apart really badly.

“We will bring the catalyst in front of the demon king now. Please rest in this room for the time being.” I told them after the explanation, peeled the twins of me and grabbed bob’s hand. I followed the giggling  twins lead through the castle and erased all traces of the system nearby as soon as they got a little quiet. None of us wanted the demon king to be alerted after all.

Bob got a little suspicious as we started to sneak and especially as the twins lock picked his door quietly. At least I didn’t have to teach them that.

“What are we do-“ Without much trouble, I lunged around him and placed my hand over his mouth, muffling every sound he could utter while the twins finally opened the door.

They both turned around smiled at me and drew their swords right away. The demon king was fast asleep as I pushed the struggling bob inside. But I was a vampire and he was a mere human without a system, so it was no surprise that I completely overpowered him.

As such, he had no chance of survival. The twin’s swords struck his side, carving a deep, deep wound in him. And then, I lifted the blockade of the system, letting the twins do what they were best in. The blood leaving his body flowed upwards, entered his nostrils and mouth to let him choke on it. Quite enthralled by the sight, I pushed him a little bit forwards and bit into his nape. I wasn’t there to suck, but rather too kill. As such, I ripped out a bit of flesh, grabbed his chin from behind and twisted it to the right.

A rather satisfying snap later, death filled the room, exiting me to no ends. The corpse was lifted up silently by nothing more than its own blood as the demon king woke up slowly. It was no magic that woke him up, but rather our collective giggling.

With groggy eyes, he looked at the corpse above his bed sleepily and didn’t even react as it exploded above his head, throwing organs, blood and flesh everywhere.

Joyful, the twins threw themselves into my arms while the demon king screamed out in anger.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He was blaming me and me alone, that was for sure.

“Nothing.” I said innocently and took a deep breath, taking in the sweet scent as much as I could. “We thought you would be thrilled waking up like this.”

“Don’t give me that crap!” He shouted out angrily, smearing the organs fallen onto him off.

“Ahh … if you really want to know the truth, then this was payback for what you did.” I giggled a little bit dangerously, making it very clear there was more to come.

“I will make sure you regret doing this.”

“Oh really? You made sure nobody is there to hold me back from doing crazy stuff. You took Luna away from me, you forced me to send Sofie away … and that’s what you get now.” Laughing happily, I curtsied a little, my hair dripping with blood and went out of the room backwards, taking the twins with me by their shirts.

Clara slammed the door shut behind us again and gave me the cheekiest smile I could have ever imagined.

“That was fun! What now?” Clarice asked in her sister’s stead.

“Well … how about we take a bath?” I would have never imagined me to ask that, not in a thousand years, but there wasn’t any better opportunity than that. Both of them looked at each other before nodding in amazement.

As giggly as they were, they dashed ahead with me following closely behind, wary about the steps and cursing in the demon kings room. But he didn’t leave as we were distancing us, so he was quickly pushed to the back of my mind.

After the twins showed me a suitable bathroom without any water inside, we ran back towards the group of waiting humans.

They weren’t shocked at all as we entered again. We were already soaked with blood from the moment we met them, so there wasn’t much of a difference for the most part.

“Please follow us. The demon king is awaiting you.” I simply told them and strolled back out of the room without waiting at all. They were desiring to become bloodthirsty monsters themselves and the twins were a always bloody, so seeing us three drenches wasn’t really an issue for them.

As such, they followed us right away without complaining at all, at least until we showed them inside the bathroom.

“Why are we here?” A young woman asked me, her hands in front of her chest.

“You need to be clean before you can visit the demon king. So please, undress.” I said but one of them seemed to have caught up to us slowly.

“… there is no water in the bathtub.” A young blonde haired man asked. 

“A few maids will bring it shortly.” I told them and smiled happily as they slowly undressed everything. The twins and I followed suit along with them, partly to avoid being too suspicious, but more so because we craved to be sullied in their blood.

As soon as we were done, we stood around a little awkwardly while waiting for a few others to discard their underwear as well.

Smiling brightly, I erased the system all around me once more and lunged at the suspicious man and tipped him over into the wide bathtub embedded into the ground. My teeth found his threat and my nails scratched his chest violently. He struggled a lot underneath me, but the blood made my skin all slippery, making it impossible to shake me off because I was already at his throat.

Someone from behind attempted to grab my shoulders and tear me off him as he was slowly rattling to death, but failed miserably as a sword bore through his belly and scratched my back a little. He collapsed onto me burying myself beneath him and the guy I was tearing apart.

I pushed him off me as soon as the guy was dead, bit into the guy’s arm beneath me and chomped down, enjoying the fresh taste of blood in my mouth while I tore his chest apart with my fingers, dug them into his flesh and broke his rip cage apart. I dug through his exposed organs like a dog, clawed my way through them until I reached his spine.

Violently, I broke several of his bones threw myself onto him to wallow in his open body. The bones poked me a little, but feeling all that blood and death around me drove me nuts.

I didn’t even listen to all the screaming and shouting until it was over and more and more blood flooded the bathtub. But I wasn’t freaking out because of it. It felt nice on my skin, smelled intoxicating and … it was thrilling.

The tub was around half filled with blood, but also a multitude of organs and flesh as I threw out the corpses and let myself be submerged by the thick liquid. There were no flashbacks about all these helpless situations I was in whatsoever. Just pure calmness.

After several seconds, I sat upright once more and cleared my eyes from the bloody mess.

“That’s … so cool.” Clara admitted while stepping into the bathtub filled with blood. Her eyes were shining with excitement as she knelt down taking as little space as possible in the bathtub.

“So even old vampires can have good ideas.” Clarice said, kneeling down from the other side. Her fingers went through the blood, grabbed a bit of human flesh and bought it to her mouth. She closed her eyes, gave it a good lick and then bit into it. Juicy blood dripped down, at least until her sister bit into the piece of flesh as well and they started to fight for it like two dogs.

“Relax. There is enough for everyone.” I told them, leaned over to Clarice and licked my way across her sullied upper arm. She didn’t answer, but rather spit out the flesh and left it to her sister. Instead, she grabbed Clara’s butt and pulled her up, only to get a good taste of her chest.

“We have to do this more often.” Clara pressed her sisters head beneath the blood line, only to allow her back up shortly afterwards.

“I’m afraid we cannot.” I admitted, robbed behind Clarice and kissed her skin, taking up the sweet liquid all over her in the process.

“But why? It will surely be beneficial for Luna’s health?” I had massive doubts about that, but it was still tempting to follow their idea.

“Because we three will need to act more civilised again.” I told them, which did sadden them a bit. I had to agree that being surrounded in corpses and blood was fantastic, but others surely didn’t think so. They looked at me pleadingly, let go of each other and turned their full attention to me. They grabbed my hips and shoulders, only to push me towards the angled edge of the bathtub where I had bloodied stone in my back. Then, they dove down to my chest with their heads, their hands creeping closer to the inside of my thighs underneath all the blood.

“If you want to be my children, this is the worst move you can make.” I wasn’t against fucking them right there at all if they dropped their childish act. But I definitely didn’t want to be sexually involved with my kids, nor those who wanted to be my kids.

A bit bummed out by my statement, they hugged my sides instead and snuggled up close. Then, we all slid down a little so that we laid in the bathtub with everything below our shoulders submerged.

“I wish this would go on forever.” Clarice told me while her sister pushed her nose my shoulder.

“And so do I.” I told them, caressing their skin a little. “And so do I.”



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