Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.205

“It’s clearance sale my dearest costumers!” I shouted out on a stage, a human chained to my side with a panicked expression on her face. “And we all know what that means, don’t we? Best price guaranteed!” I patted the shoulder of her a little before I undid the blindfold on her and presented her with the three possible customers, all with their own pros and cons.

“We start at one hug!” I told them and waited a little for them to raise the bid.

“Two hugs!” Clara shouted out and lifted up her number plate.

“A kiss!” Clarice topped up right away.

“Full blown lesbian sex!” Yup … maybe bidding was a very bad idea, especially because the humans I was selling didn’t even belong to me, but rather the demon king.

“A shopping tour through the capital city with the twins.” Hannah proposed which definitely was something I would like to see.

“How can that be more valuable than sex?” Clarice protested on behalf of her sister, but I had already made up my mind.

“Sold! The winner is Hannah.” I shouted out and shoved the woman over to her. She gracefully stabbed her to death on the spot using her black sword. Even as the corpse sank to the ground, Hannah kept stabbing like a crazy person spraying blood everywhere around herself while the twins giggled on their seats.

“She’s crazy.” Clara giggled happily, eyeing the blood all over the place with great interest.  

“Underneath a calm sea lies a turbulent current of terror.” I said while Hannah breathed roughly and then looked at me with a faint smile on her lips. “And next, we have a species long thought extinct. If I may present you …” Curtsying a little, I waved a guy over towards me. Mindless and chained, he followed my order and and patiently waited beside me while I cleared my throat. “… an ordinary human! Who gives me one hug?”

“A meal prepared by me.” Hannah shouted out making me look at her rather weirdly. Her food was the worst.

“A romantic candlelight dinner!” Well, that was creative I had to admit that. Fighting the urge to pat Clara’s shoulders, I waited a few more seconds but none seemed to be able to best that bid.

“Sold! And the winner is Clara!” I shouted out happily and watch her jump onto the stage. She basically pounced at him like a wild animal, threw him onto the ground and filled the room with nice slurping noises. A bummed out Clarice soon joined my side and looked down on the corpse before her sister grabbed her hand und pulled her downwards. Both of them tore the corpse to shreds with their teeth and nails in the most primal way possible. I honestly thought they were having a competition on who could spray blood the furthest … or they were just driven by instincts. Like pigs they were wallowing in his organs, smearing each other red before making out on the corpse.

“Well … at least now I know why you wanted them in their underwear.” Hannah’s attire was already bloody but theirs would be drenched at this point. “They can have the others as well.”

“Really?” Clara asked a little stunned while her sister continued to lick all across her skin.

“Really. Lucinda and I need to organise a few things, so you girls can have fun.” It was rather new for me that there was stuff I needed to do with Hannah right at this moment.

“Okay!” But the twins believed her rather naively, or maybe just didn’t want to be dragged into work.

I waved towards them happily as they resumed tearing that corpse apart with their teeth. Quite enchanted by the view, Hannah took my hand and pulled me out of the room. She didn’t talk at all, at least until she found a dusty broom closet to press me into.

“What’s wrong? Talk with me.” She asked very concerned. So far, I haven’t told her anything, but that may have upset her a little.

“What do you mean?” I feigned a little confusion, hoping she would let it slide for the time being until I had sorted out everything.

“You haven’t told me anything about what happened when you were away which is rare. We talk about every minor detail, but you aren’t giving me anything. So what is it?” Well, it did seem that I had no chance but to tell her a few things.

“I … the demon king was right. The gods do use the reincarnators as their main characters in a fucked up story.” I explained nonchalantly.

“But that’s not what you want to hide, is it?” I didn’t want to tell her what happened to me and Luna. She would be … angry, that was for sure. After all, she told me to give up on my dream of a family because it wouldn’t work out. And now I was still on the path to make one myself without knowing how it would end.

“I … I am pregnant. With Luna.” I admitted quietly.

What?” Hannah grabbed my shoulders and pushed me against the wall, anger all over her face.

“It’s the only way I know to save her.” I justified my actions right away, but I knew she wouldn’t be convinced.

“… why the fuck did you do that?” She growled angrily.

“I … I want her to be with me at all times. I want to cherish her and … and the twins didn’t see any bad side of that either. Everyone benefits from this deal I made with Aska.” I told her and pushed her away from me. We were staring at each other for a little while antagonistic for the first time in hundreds of years. Let’s just say … she wasn’t happy with my actions since I met Aska.

“Put your pink glasses down for one second and tell me this is a good idea. Seriously. You did it because the twins were approving of your actions? They are maniacs.” We’re they? I thought of them as pretty tame all things considered. But even if everything goes right and you do give birth to Luna, what made you think you would be a great mother? Either you twist her beyond recognition or you will raise her to be your ideal daughter.” She hissed angrily, probably furious that I put myself into a rather precarious situation. If I would raise Luna the way I was raised, I didn’t know if I would love her. I did hate Aska after all.

“I won’t raise her the way I was. I promise I will make her live a normal life, because that’s what her soul wants.” I reassured her. I knew I couldn’t be a normal mother, but I would still try for Luna’s sake.

“I can’t believe it … you have to be mentally deranged to accept every part of you, Lucinda. And if she won’t be, how is she going to view your murders?” Hannah asked, her anger slowly vaporising and being replaced with just disappointment that I took action based on my feelings.

“I … I don’t know.” I hadn’t thought about it that far to be honest. In fact, I hadn’t thought at all how this impossible relationship between Luna and me was supposed to work.

“You don’t fit well together … but okay, I guess that’s not an issue right now. Whose is it?” She asked quietly.

“Aska’s.” I admitted truthfully. There was no way to hide it after all.

“For fucks sake … how often do you want to run back to him?” She asked infuriated and shook my shoulders violently as if she wanted to wake me up from a bad dream.

“I’m not doing that!” I defended myself, but I also knew I was on very thin ice there.

“No? Each time he hurts you, you forgive him. And now he is here and you give him a kid? How abusive of a relationship do you want to be in?” She asked, without understanding me, or rather what I was at all. I was a part of a soul and I was driven back to him naturally. It was part of my very core to seek him out, to love him and to do whatever I could to forgive him. But there was still my logical side which admitted had lost the battle in the last few days, but didn’t go down completely. I knew very well how I would end when I didn’t do anything to stand up for myself.

“Hannah … I don’t trust him either. And I know you are being so harsh out of concern for me, but it was my decision and I will stand by it, no matter how catastrophically it turns out.” I told her sternly. I would get Luna back and she would be my family. There was no way I could decline such an offer, even if it meant putting my life on the line.

“Lucinda, if I may say so. You are fundamentally torn between your logical side and feelings you cannot get a grasp on. I want to say this as your friend … if you fail, everyone of us does, Luna included. And I firmly believe that trusting the god of death in that regard was the worst decision you could have taken.” Maybe Hannah was right … history proved that after all. But so far it didn’t seem to be the case. Luna’s soul was slowly healing within me and even turned back to life. And that was everything that mattered to me. If Aska had the same feelings about a family I had – which I knew was the case – he wouldn’t do anything bad to the two of us. We were his family after all.

“I admit that my emotions got the better of me, but I also believe that I made the right decision. Even if it backfires on me, which will inevitably happen, I would still do it again.” I claimed determined. Luna was on a good path, I could attest to that and that was all that mattered to me.

“… please tell me you have a plan.” Hannah still asked which made me smile a little.

“I always do, don’t I?” I asked and opened the door to the broom closet once more.

“Can we talk about it?” Hannah asked quietly, but I had to shake my head in denial.

“Not so close to Aska. But be rest assured, I’m already working on it.” I admitted. In fact, the first phase had already started, it was just that nobody had realised it yet. Smiling brightly, I pulled her out of the closet and gave her a bright smile. “But first, we have to spy on the others a little.” And I didn’t mean the twins with that. The moment they planned more than ten seconds ahead was still far in the future after all. As such, Hannah lead the way to a study which had undoubtedly belonged to the former master of this castle judging by how grandiose it was.

“Greetings my beloved and hated!” I had one lover and two hated in that room, that was for sure. Launching myself onto the sofa, I landed on my belly and looked over to my side to Aska and the demon king. “Would you mind filling me in what you two were up to while I slept with the twins?”

“How about you stand back and let us do all the work? You have been defeated by us already.” The demon king said, clearly forgetting the fact how humiliating it was for him the night before as he joined Aska’s and mine intercourse.

“Monde.” Aska growled angrily, protecting me unnecessarily.

“Defeated? By you? Oh no. Aska is purely here because he hid the fact I was the last ingredient needed to open the gateway and nothing else. You are a pawn, I am the queen.” I told him and giggled a little crazily. “My dear, get down from your high horse or I’ll drag you into the mud.”

“We have worked out a way to conquer this world involving two phases. The demon king is apparently not able to give every single one of his species direct orders, but we can still work with that.” Apparently? Shouldn’t Aska have watched his storyline as well? But whatever … maybe it was better for the demon king not to know that Aska was actually complicit in all of this. I doubted the demon king would forgive Aska easily, which would lead to a rather interesting development if I was honest. “First of all, Monde will make every demon more aggressive, resulting in chaos within the human lands and pure slaughter everywhere on this planet.”

“And then we will resurrect them and slaughter the rest of the demons so that we have a homogenous army which does everything we order them to do?” I looked at the demon king with hidden schadenfreude. I knew very well what Aska planned with this move and wasn’t against it in the slightest. Removing pieces which behaved unpredictable was part of the game we were playing after all.

“Precisely.” Aska nodded right away and as the demon king didn’t say anything, I assumed that was already set in stone. “And afterwards, we will eradicate the other reincarnators.” Well, I wasn’t sure about that in all honesty. These five hundreds may were the only ones capable of possibly ruining Aska’s plan. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t want to be watched by their invisible cameras as well, but I also didn’t want Aska to get even more powerful. Not on my planet. I needed to find a way to throw him out again if he didn’t hold up his side of the deal. Erasing my memories was nice and all to pressure him, but that should be my last resort, not the only option I had.  

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