Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 77

“Uhhh … is it morning … already?” I asked a few days after we set out from the battlefield. It felt like the world was spinning around me faster than it should be able to. One second, I saw a human chest, the next one the ceiling of the carriage.

“It is midnight. Could you please get a grip on yourself?” Since when was Tom standing in front of the carriage and why was the door open in the first place? So many questions … so little time to answer them.

“Leave us alone … like a bunny … hop. Hop.” Suddenly, I heard Arthurs voice from beneath me and pushed myself up like a startled cat, only to realize I used him as a pillow for days and nestle my head comfortably on his chest again.

“You are so … so funny Arthur … hop.” I said while giggling loudly and revealed a bloody mouth. I must have drunk something, but I really couldn’t remember what …

“Alright, Lucinda.” I hissed and glared at Tom until he realized his mistake. “Boss, we will arrive tomorrow night. Whatever this is, you two need to stop.”

“Stop? Why? We only ate a few leaves we found in some chest … alright … I ate … I ate a few more than Arthur, but so what? There is nothing wrong with … with … what did I want to say again?” Arthur and I laughed at my inability to properly articulate myself while Tom was definitely not amused.

“Boss, do you even know what you are doing? You are constantly drugged for at least four days, you are having sex with Arthur and you are generally not yourself.” Tom admonished me for absolutely no apparent reason and made me frown involuntarily.

“I´m … not having … having sex with … Luna … no, Arthur!” I explained myself which didn’t seem to convince him that much.

“The only thing you are wearing is panties. I doubt Arthur is faring that much better considering he is currently groping your butt.” That at least explained the tickling feeling down there. Giggling, I pushed myself up from Arthur and escaped his embrace. The blanket that covered us both fell to the side and revealed us two, barely clothed. After I stood up with legs made out of pudding, I staggered towards Tom and only stopped as my hands were on his shoulders.

“You are looking, but you are not seeing.” I giggled once more because of my philosophical masterpiece and leaned forward. “If you want to see the truth, come in.” I let go of Tom and reeled a few steps backwards to make enough place for him. He closed the door behind him quietly, apparently giving his best to let Arthur continue his sudden sleep. He sat down on the bench we didn’t destroy because we needed more space for our bed and eyed me suspiciously.

Remembering a similar situation, I stumbled towards him and sat down on his lap inelegantly, my knees at his hips. I hugged him and rested my chin on his shoulder, enjoying the fresh taste of a scared human. It was so comfortable … so sleepy …

“Boss, please don’t sleep like this.” I was rudely awoken by Tom but didn’t let go of him.

“Should I tell you a little … secret? I´m a kinky little freak … I would even fuck you if it is necessary to reach my goals … but this isn’t what happened here … there is only darkness spreading inside this carriage.” I mumbled into his ear and pressed my cheek slightly against his.

“I cannot follow.” He said to my disappointment. So much potential wasted because of lacking education. Sighing, I stood up and staggered towards Arthur where I laid down on top of him again, this time while looking at Tom and my belly facing upwards. I squirmed a bit as Arthur woke up and tickled me as he pulled me further upwards. Tom was looking at us with a strange fascination and I could see his gaze wandering away from my face more than once.

“This is what´s  happening here.” I said, right as Arthur sank his human teeth in my neck and slurped up the blood spewing out of the open wound. I moaned in pleasure, induced by the drug and strangely enough, his bite as well. Driven by my nature, it just felt right to give him my blood and I gained a strange, thrilling sense of satisfaction.

A few seconds later, after the wound healed and Arthur licked my shoulder clean, I turned around and returned the favour. I bit into his neck and sucked on very strange blood. It tasted like a human for the most part, but I also noticed the distinct taste of my very own blood. Even more satisfied, I rested my head on Arthur´s chest again and looked towards a shocked Tom.

“What have you done?” He gasped and although he still had troubles understanding, he started to realize what I did. I grinned in delight as he understood the real reason behind staying in this carriage for so long, only occasionally leaving to hunt.


Just after the elves left, I sat on a chair and waited for the coachman, Arthur and Tom to come back with the carriage as we had a few bottles of wine to carry. I was obviously adamant about protecting these as someone had to continue the alcoholism of Markus. As soon as they were out of sight, I dashed towards the forest, hunted a few animals as fast as I could and ran back towards the wine bottles.

I was never a big fan of self-mutilation, sure, I was certainly kinky in more than one way, but hurting myself was not on the list. For the sake of Arthur´s family though, I just had to do it. I opened every single bottle without damaging the cork as much as I could and emptied a bit of each bottle in the river. Afterwards, I put the eighteen open bottles in one row and started my work.

After taking out my dagger and hovering it above my hand, I slit the inside of my palm. Blood instantly spewed out of it and I just had to check that not a single drop was wasted. I made sure that an appropriate amount landed in each bottle and successfully closed the wine bottles again except one.

Immediately afterwards, I dumped the animals I drank from in the process into the forest, packed the bottles again and took the one I left to my chair and started sipping on it. It tasted mostly like wine, but obviously also had the horrible taste of my own blood, not that anyone except me could actually sense that.

Happily, I stored the wine bottles on the roof after the carriage arrived and took the open one with me inside where Tom and a still slightly distressed Arthur set.

“For the king and country.” I said as I sipped on the bottle once more and gave it to Arthur afterwards.

“For the king and country.” Arthur said and emptied a large portion in one go. Amused by the development, I interjected just as Arthur was giving the bottle to Tom.

“I don’t think he has earned this. Tom didn’t do anything during this war and certainly didn’t lose anything.” I said while looking intensely at Arthur. His gaze towards Tom instantly turned hostile just after I said that. Manipulating a broken man was easier than I thought.

“Get out of my sight.” Arthur said and took another sip out of the bottle. Tom looked towards me, surprised by the development and not really understanding why I did what I have done. I nodded slowly and my gaze shifted towards the door for a second. Tom did understand the wink and stood up, seemingly in anger. He left the carriage even as we sped through the elven territory and climbed towards the coachmen. He already knew where to go after all.

“This wine is good,” said Arthur after we were alone for a few minutes. For the first time on this planet, I didn’t mind small talk for once. “It has this exotic flavour I really cannot put into words.”

I took the bottle from him and took a sip of this horrible drink only to scratch my cheek and nod slightly.

“I think I know exactly what you mean … the elves sure do crazy stuff.” I smiled sweetly as I handed Arthur the nearly empty bottle again. Let´s turn him into a vampire.


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