Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 78

“You are turning him into a vampire?” Asked Tom after I wrapped a blanket around me and dragged him outside. Arthur was fast asleep, but there was no need to worry about the bit of rationality he still had left.

“Aye!” I said and saluted casually while giving my best not to giggle too much. Taking ten times the regular amount of drugs Markus bunkered for the officers seemed to overwork even my body.

“Why? Doesn’t it take weeks for him to regain his speech ability? There is no way you can hide his transformation for that long.” I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head slightly. Honestly, I was more interested in the dark clouds above us than this conversation, but as long as it didn’t start to rain, I chose to humour him at least a bit.

“You looking … but … but … uhm…” I completely forgot what I wanted to say again and scratched my cheek while laughing.

“You are looking, but you aren’t seeing. Did you want to say this, whatever it means?” Was it that obvious? In any case, he was right which made the whole situation a lot more fun all of a sudden.

“Hehe, can you read my mind? Wow … you are just like Aska …” I said and held my hands in front of my mouth after I blurted out something I shouldn’t.

“Do I even want to ask? Probably not … boss, how do you want to solve this issue of an animalistic vampire inside this carriage?” Longingly, I looked back towards the carriage and was just stumbling towards it as Tom held me by my shoulders.

“Let me … go.” I said weakly. Or was Tom just too strong all of a sudden?

“Answer my question first. I will promise to let you go after that.” He answered while making sure my struggles amounted to nothing. With tears in my eyes, I sobbed and explained to him my plan between wiping the tears away.

“First … we will go back to the mansion and commit a few … murders? Then we set … we set everything on fire … I kinda … forgot what we are going to do after that … success?” Tom breathed in heavily and calmed himself down while I completely turned into a crying mess.

“Alright boss … as promised.” He let go of my shoulders and watched how I ran towards the carriage, fell down two times, but finally reached it after a nearly endless amount of struggle. After slamming the door shut behind me, I laid on top of Arthur again and wrapped my arms around his neck. Tears of unknown origin were still running down my cheek but I slowly drifted into sleep nonetheless.

“Oh, for fucks sake, these headaches are killing me.” I said while groaning in pain. Multiple layers of blanket laid beneath me, cushioning the impact from the uneven street. It was pretty cold, but considering the missing blanket above Arthur and me, this wasn’t entirely illogical. At least Arthur warmed me considerably as he laid above me, squishing me with his weight beneath him.

My libs were sprawling all over the place but I was way too tired and engrossed in my headaches to work on this issue.

“That’s what happens if you take a ration of drugs meant for nearly all the officers for several weeks in just a few days.” I sighed as I heard Tom´s voice, not because it was unpleasant, but rather because I really had no energy left to talk to him.

“Is there at least enough for him left?” I asked as I definitely couldn’t bear dealing with a conscious Arthur.

“Hmm, we will arrive tomorrow night.” This journey should have taken a week, and I could barely remember four days of it.

“Oh shit …” I mumbled underneath my breath.

“What happened to you? Why did you take drugs?” He asked with concern. It was nice to know he was worried about me, but I would rather be left alone with this bloodsucker for the last day.

“Do you go away if I answer your questions?” I asked, full of hope.


“He began to get touchy with me on the second day after we threw you out, probably due to my blood he ingested.” I explained and hoped it was enough.

“And it was so disgusting you took drugs to bear with it?” For a short moment, I had to think about his reasoning which was in all honestly quite logical.

“What? No, I grew bored of him.” I told and noticed how Arthur was slowly waking up.

“That is rather unexpected reasoning. Don’t you have someone special?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” I said and rolled my head towards where I assumed Tom sat. He was looking at us with fascination and even in my state, I could see how is eyes glowed slightly in a pink hue.

“Aska.” For a moment, my brain short-circuited. I just didn’t understand where he got that name from, let alone know my connection to Aska.

“How much do you know?” I asked with growing anger.

“Everything.” Tom had a plain expression as he said that, but his hands that gripped tighter around the edge of the bench told me the truth.

“Liar. If you want to survive, you better forget this name.” I closed my eyes again as another wave of searing pain hit my head. I groaned and woke up Arthur through the sudden noise. He was still incredibly drugged and as he laid on top of me, he restricted my every movement and had the perfect access to my neck. Obviously tempted by the sweet blood he drank all the time, he didn’t waste any time and sank his human teeth deeply into my skin and started sucking on my nape. My groaning turned into moaning as a wave of pleasure washed the pain away for a moment, only to recede as Arthur had enough and my wound healed slowly.

“Why are you moaning when he bites you?” I wanted to punch Tom so badly, but I didn’t have the strength or the freedom to do so.

“For fucks sake, you are moaning like a bitch in heat as well when you stick your thingy in a dark, wet hole, you voyeur.”

“That’s an entirely different thing.” He claimed which would have made me laugh if there weren’t these headaches assaulting me.

“Is it? The gods apparently made reproduction a pleasurable experience for both humans and vampires you idiot.” And he was watching. I didn’t know if it said more about me or him that none of or were really bothered as I shared this incredibly private moment.

“Why is he groping your butt and nipples though? Shouldn’t that stop by now? And why aren’t you doing anything against it? And more importantly, where is your bra?” I seriously had to thank him for telling me that. I was so engrossed in my headaches that I already had a hard time to actually listen, let alone feel what Arthur was doing to me. I completely ignored every touch I felt and rather concentrated on the gentle warmth Arthur´s body still provided.

“There is still a huge human part within him … he just expresses his love for me through human and vampire means right now … I´m too tired to … why am I even telling … telling you that …”

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