Tao Yao’s Free and Fast Life

Chapter 24

Chapter 23: Reborn Educated Youth 22

Seeing Wu Wenxuan’s frowning look, Tao Yao asked, “What are you worrying about?”

Wu Wenxuan pinched the bridge of his nose and said, “I’m worried about how to write a report and explain it to the top.”

Tao Yao said: “What’s there to worry about, isn’t this a research in the wrong direction, after all, it is an unknown field. It is normal to make mistakes at the beginning, and the leaders will understand.”

All the money was wasted, and he was dying of heartache, let alone above.

Seeing that Wu Wenxuan was distressed by the waste of money, Tao Yao said: “It’s not a waste, you see how many genuine goods are there, your research this time has not been wiped out, not to mention, now I am coming.”

Peach Yao blinked at Wu Wenxuan.

Put your heart back.

Thinking about this, he began to care about the people with real skills at the scene, and asked Tao Yao for advice: “What special talents do they have? We have done research before, and their The ability is not outstanding.”

Because those few are more solid-eyed, they will only do things silently, and the masters of the “ideas” faction can’t speak with their mouths, so most researchers don’t focus on them, mainly their abilities Not fancy, boring to study.

Tao Yao said, “You should know Kung Fu, right?”

“I know.” Wu Wenxuan nodded and said, “They all practiced Kung Fu from outsiders. Although they can perform performances such as smashing boulders in the chest and silver throats, it is similar to juggling. As long as you master that skill, ordinary people can practice it, and this skill can’t be put into use, it can only be used for performance, and it has little research value.”

It is because they have uncovered the mystery of these people that they are not interested in foreign martial arts. Strictly speaking, it is not a special ability.

Tao Yao said: “How can it only be used in performances, I see that they have practiced a few kung fu very well, and they have a special aura.”

“Aura?” Wu Wenxuan said in surprise, “Can you see an aura that ordinary people can’t see?”

Peach Yao said: “Yes, but it’s not seeing, but feeling, this feeling can’t be explained, it’s a bit like a sixth sense.”

When it is still a peach tree, it can perceive the aura of different creatures. After cultivation, the feeling is more acute, and it can quickly distinguish whether what is in front of it is a threat to itself.

Most people are very ordinary in its perception, but those masters who have practiced Kung Fu from outsiders have a stronger aura than ordinary people.

But it is only a little stronger than ordinary people, and it is not a threat to it now.

The researchers were very excited when Tao Yao said that the trainees were different from ordinary people, and they asked him to explain the difference.

The peach demon has a headache, because there is no way to explain the illusory feeling.

It thought about it for a while, and decided to ask for help in the system mall. There was a martial arts mentality on it. After buying it, it said: “Martial arts is different from my cultivation system, I can’t explain it to you, so Well, I have read some martial arts secrets in my previous life, copied them down for you, and let them practice, and then carefully study what is going on, this is more useful than my nonsense.”

Isn’t this a legendary thing? Does it actually exist? However, when I think of Tao Yao’s awakening memories of previous lives, people have lived for thousands of years in previous lives, and it seems that it is not surprising that they have read one or two martial arts books.

Seeing that it is so generous, the researchers asked again: “Then can you also transcribe a copy of your spiritual practice for us?”

Peach Yao shook her head and said, “My method of cultivation is innate ability, which is as natural as breathing. As long as you live, you can increase your cultivation, and you can’t learn it even if you take it. Now I can’t use the old method anymore because the body is different.”

“Okay.” If people don’t give it, the researchers can’t force it. After all, it’s good to have martial arts.

As for the way of cultivating immortals in ancient times, maybe it is really as described in legends, immortals are born immortals, cultivation is as simple as eating and sleeping, and their lifespan is very long.

After all, the planetary environment at that time was different from now, it is possible that immortals and ordinary people are not the same species, these mortals should not try to break the genetic shackles, at least the current biotechnology cannot do it .

Although the researchers are regretful, they are very helpless due to the reality. They can only give up studying how the Tao Yao cultivates, and start to interpret the martial arts that it contributed. By the way, chat with it thousands of years ago. What is the world like?

, or when the incense is at its peak, it sees more talents, so it knows very little and is not objective.

The researchers knew that the peach demon had always lived in the mountains and did not care about the world, and they said it was a pity. They thought that the existence of the peach demon could solve many archaeological mysteries. This person was actually a dead house in his previous life, which is really regrettable.

However, some of the information it reveals also confirms some historical facts from the side, which is very useful for historical research, and it is also a surprise.

After they spread the news, many experts and scholars who study history can’t wait to put their wings on the research institute and ask the peach demon to pass.

However, the research of history is important in the future. Of course, the research institute pays more attention to the research of supernatural functions. Whether it can be popularized in the whole country, even if it cannot be popularized among the people of the whole country, it is only used to cultivate talents for the army. The strength of the country will certainly be able to Overtaking on a curve, no longer have to look at the faces of Western countries.

The people in the research institute are very friendly and easy to get along with, and they live very freely in it. As long as Tao Yao wants to do and want, they will be satisfied within a reasonable and legal range.

The living area here is indeed as He Jianguo said, the conditions are better than the outside, because the environment must not be bad for the masters to give up the free life outside.

Tao Yao has a dedicated person to serve here every day, and you don’t need to take care of yourself in life. Those people take care of it in every possible way, making it almost happy.

But in the end, Tao Yao resisted the temptation of Wenrou Township, remembered her career far away in the capital, and decided to go back to engage in private property first.

The above leaders have also approved Tao Yao not to be resident in the research institute, as long as they report when they need to cooperate with the research.

At present, the Institute has made great progress in the interpretation of martial arts and hard qigong and other foreign martial arts.

Zi Zhenshen is put into the experiment.

The results of this real-life experiment are also gratifying. In addition to being able to resist the cutting of sharp weapons such as swords, the golden bell can also resist the damage of a common bullet shot 10 meters away.

The day the experiment was successful, everyone hugged excitedly.

However, it is not easy to practice the golden bell jar. The master has been practicing martial arts for the longest time, for 40 years, so he can quickly practice the mind method provided by Tao Yao. After practicing the golden bell, other people’s aptitude and understanding are inferior to him, and currently he has no clue about the cohesion of the golden bell.

Although the appearance of the golden bell is very exciting, it still needs to go a long way before it is put into use, because condensing the golden bell needs to gather gas in advance, which takes a long time and takes time Many skills are of little use in actual combat, but if you practice this magical power well, you can save your life at a critical moment.

Unfortunately, how to shorten the qi gathering time, and how to reduce the power consumption, they currently have no clue, and Tao Yao can’t provide any ideas, so they can only continue to study.

As for the method of drawing talismans and the materials they need, Tao Yao also provided them with a copy. Whether they can study it or not depends on their fortune.

The explanation is that everything has been explained, and Tao Yao gets a very special certificate – a member of the special function team of the Ministry of Defense.

The name looks very high-end and high-grade, and there is an official seal on the certificate. No matter where you go, you can prove your identity. Like a soldier, you can enjoy certain social privileges. , There are allowances, benefits, and buses to use every month. In addition, although Tao Yao has already bought a courtyard house, the state still allocates a house to it.

It stayed in the research institute for half a year, and when he returned to Beijing, he had a lot of things hanging on his body, as well as a car that the security guards arranged by the research institute and the state delivered.

The guard is also the driver, driving it back to Beijing by car.

Peach Demon: Orz, there is another person to serve him, I feel that except for the few years in the countryside, it has always been a happy waste, I don’t know if there is still a next world. this kind of treatment.

After returning to the courtyard, waiting for Tao Yao is a large number of customer appointments.

It flips through the appointment application submitted by the puppet, and asks the puppet to notify the customer to come to see it from tomorrow, and whether to sell their talisman paper or not, it has to look at the results of the chat inspection at that time, and now it The talisman paper has been registered with the state department, but it is very precious and not everyone can use it.

After processing the to-do event, there was a knock on the door.

The puppet went out to open the door, and soon came in with Lin Xiufen.

As soon as Lin Xiufen entered the door, she asked, “Where has the master been during this time? I haven’t seen you for a long time when I came back, and the Maozi client I brought with me can’t wait for you and has already returned to China.”

Tao Yao remembered the plan she had made before, which was disrupted by the Supernatural Research Institute.

It patted its head and said: “Oh, I forgot to let you know, I went out to do errands some time ago, and now I have become a civil servant, you don’t need to help me with publicity in the future, because last time you were there After Mao Ziguo’s propaganda, I was asked for trouble by Maozi Hei 丨 gang. When I called back, I was photographed by reporters. The incident was a little big, and now I was recruited by the state. In the future, my talisman paper will be the national reserve and cannot be sold to foreigners. ”

In just a few words, the Tao Yao said that the risk was indifferent, but Lin Xiufen was terrified. She could imagine how thrilling what happened in the middle. What a hassle.

Lin Xiufen expressed her concern to Tao Yao, and then asked: “The master’s talisman paper cannot be sold to foreigners in the future, but can it be sold to people in my own country?”

Tao Yao said: “Of course you can, but the types are limited. In the future, you can only buy talismans such as peace talismans, and you can’t buy lucky talismans.”

Because the experts of the research institute have studied the effect of the charm paper provided by Tao Yao, they have tracked the use effect of the lucky charm and found that the speed of accumulation of wealth is amazing. At that time, it may cause class solidification, which is not good for ordinary people, so the above people stipulate that Tao Yao can only sell some talismans that are helpful for life or study.

As for the luck charms, you can sell them, but you have to examine the customer’s composition. Be careful not to sell the charm paper to criminals, so as to avoid criminals using the luck charms to escape the police.

The research institute summarizes the matters that need to be paid attention to for ordinary people to use the talisman paper, and hand it to Tao Yao to tell it that it is okay to sell talismans in private, but pay attention to the grasp of human nature, sometimes it sells The original intention of the talisman is good, but who can guarantee that the person who gets the talisman will use the talisman on the right path? So if you want to sell talismans, sell some talisman papers that have little impact on others.

Tao Yao thinks what they said is very reasonable, which is something it hadn’t considered before. Fortunately, it didn’t sell much before, and those few customers were not bad people, so they didn’t make a mistake.

It has decided to sell meditation talismans, Wenchang talismans and other talisman papers in the future.

Meditation Amulet, as the name suggests, can calm the mind and calm down the restless mind in a short time.

Wenchang Fu can improve study concentration and is the most popular Fu paper for students.

Instead, he felt that the paper was useless and even more angry.

And the Wenchang Talisman must be learned after use, otherwise the knowledge will not run into the user’s head, so after using this Talisman paper, you have to continue to work hard, but most people who buy Talisman just don’t want to Work hard and hope that everything will be done by Fu Zhi.

However, the combination of the Meditation Talisman and the Wenchang Talisman can achieve twice the result with half the effort. If someone buys these two Talismans for a student to use together, as long as the student is not too stupid, he can basically do it in a short time. Improve academic performance.

At the time in the research institute, several masters and researchers who practiced Kungfu from outside the home used this set of talismans when interpreting and learning the mind of martial arts, and the effect was very good.

Tao Yao thinks that it has to design a set of advertising words to promote these talismans that benefit the society. The best advertising words can make customers feel ashamed and feel that their mentality of buying certain talismans is too utilitarian, crying Shouting to buy other talismans.

I don’t know how the slogan “The National Academy of Sciences has used it and said it is good”?

It felt very good, Tao Yao immediately waved to Lin Xiufen and said, “Come on, I’ll give you a task, and I’ll give you a set of talismans.”

Lin Xiufen immediately said, “What’s the matter?”

Peach Yao said: “help me print an advertising leaflet, and I will put it here for the guests to see.”

It told Lin Xiufen the requirements and slogans, and then wrote down the introduction of the talismans to her, and then asked: “Is it all right?”

Lin Xiufen hesitantly said: “It’s not a big problem, even if there are not many people who can read, and there are so many types of content on it, there shouldn’t be many people who can understand it, right?”

Tao Yao thought so too, and said, “Forget it, I’ll think of another way.”

After a few minutes, it suddenly clapped its hands and said, “I thought of it.”

Tao Yao invited puppets and said, “In the future, when you answer the call of the customer who made an appointment, you will inform the other party of the content of the talisman paper sold. If the other party does not want to buy it, there is no need to make an appointment.”

However, it still asked Lin Xiufen to make a billboard.

This is not false propaganda, but a genuine admiration.

Lin Xiufen spent a week making the billboard, during which Tao Yao received more than a dozen guests.

Those who resolutely want to buy lucky charms are rejected by Tao Yao, because wealth and silk are attractive, no one can guarantee whether that person will change his original intention when he is rich, it uses lucky charms to be controlled by the state excuses refused.

Buy the talisman paper such as the peace talisman, it will not say anything about the reception.

After the billboard is finished, it will be placed at the entrance of the courtyard. Tao Yao quietly pulled Lin Xiufen aside and said, “How is your company’s performance now?”

Lin Xiufen said: “It’s okay.”

Tao Yao said: “I used to say that I would use talisman paper to **** your business, but now the lucky charm is under control, but I didn’t hand over the formation to the state, but it can be in yours. Are you interested in gathering money at home and in the company?”

Lin Xiufen has been suppressed for so many lives, and her ambition has long been unstoppable.

However, the master will definitely not mention this to himself for no reason. Lin Xiufen asked: “I don’t know if the master needs my help after this formation?”

Tao Yao patted her on the shoulder and said, “Yes, very good, I do have something for you to do. After using the Gathering Array, half of your company’s profits will belong to me.”

Lin Xiufen did not hesitate, and immediately agreed: “Of course.”

“Don’t worry, listen to me first.” Tao Yao raised her hand to stop Lin Xiufen’s loyal words, “Although the half of the profit belongs to me, you don’t need to call me the money, as long as Donate in my name to do good deeds, and it is best to donate to education and cultivate more students who have contributed to the country.”

Before Tao Yao thought this method was troublesome, so she didn’t adopt it, but now it’s better than nothing, the world’s beliefs are not easy to brush, and you can change the merits.

Thousands of students who have contributed to society.

Lin Xiufen didn’t ask Tao Yao why she did this, she always said “Okay, no problem”.

Tao Yao patted her shoulder and said, “Let’s go now, when you donate money, if anyone asks, say that because you bought a lucky charm from me before, and now follow my instructions It is required to donate money to do good deeds.”


Lin Xiufen brought Tao Yao to her home and the company, Tao Yao took out the array to activate it, then hid the array, and went back to the courtyard to adjust the follow-up plan.

However, it has not yet adjusted the plan of brushing merits, and a group of special guests are welcomed in the courtyard.

It first received a call from the Institute of Supernatural Functions, saying that a vicious case had occurred, and now that the prisoner has absconded, I hope Tao Yao can use the talisman to help hunt down the prisoner.

Peach Yao said: “I can’t solve the case? How can I hunt it down?”

The institute said: “The police found some evidence at the crime scene suspected of being left by the criminal, but the identity of the deceased is unknown, and the identity of the perpetrator is difficult to determine. At present, the investigation methods are limited, and this case is very difficult. It may become an unsolved case, so I would like to ask you to help me by means of metaphysics.

Tao Yao said with a headache: “Okay, I will try my best.”

The merit is boundless.”

“I hope so.” Tao Yao said.

However, the research institute has indeed provided it with a new idea, which can help the police solve cases, expel evil, and restore the world to a brighter world. This is also a great merit.

Not long after the Institute’s phone hung up, people from the Public Security Bureau came to the door, expressing their intention to pick up Tao Yao to assist in the investigation.

Peach Demon brought the guards and set off in the car sent by the state.

The people of the research institute should have told the people of the Public Security Bureau about the identity of Tao Yao in advance. They did not take Tao Yao to the bureau, but went directly to the crime scene.

In addition to the time-travel girl, Lin Xiufen and the original owner, Tao Yao has never seen other souls in this world, and she doesn’t know if she can bring back the soul of the victim.

Entering the crime scene, Tao Yao saw some corrupt corpses lying on the ground.

It looked around and found that there was no soul around, and then looked at the body, and it seemed that there was no soul sealed inside.

Seeing that several police uncles were looking at him with hope, Tao Yao could only put on an air and say, “I haven’t found the soul of the dead around, so I’m trying to use the spirit charm to summon the soul, if it doesn’t work, I can’t help that.”

“Trouble Master.” Several police officers were polite and did not look down on Tao Yao.

The peach demon pretended to take out the soul talisman from the Qiankun talisman, put it on the body of the deceased, and then activated the talisman.

There were no windows in the room, but a gust of wind suddenly blew from a certain direction.

The wind lingered in the room for a long time, and when it almost disappeared, Tao Yao finally saw a transparent figure slowly appearing on the corpse.

It looked back at the police and found that they were not moving.

Peach Yao asked: “Can’t you see it?”

“What did you see?” asked the police officer, “Has the master summoned his soul?”

The peach demon said: “I recruited, but the corpse is too decomposed. I don’t know if the soul is the corpse itself. Wait, I’ll find something to see if I can let you see him.”

The author has something to say:  There is one more update, which will be posted during the day

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