Tao Yao’s Free and Fast Life

Chapter 25

Chapter 24: Reborn Educated Youth 23

on the soul.

After ten years of crackdown, police officers are basically atheists, and the world view is broken when they see ghosts.

However, they responded quickly and thanked the Tao Yao Empress for her intense inquiry work immediately.

Tao Yao was not an investigator, and left the house before the police began to question her. After all, the corpses inside were corrupt and the smell was not very fresh.

It’s guards are useless and can’t see ghosts, but he saw the appearance of the police and knew that something must have happened at the scene. He is also a staunch atheist, so he is very concerned about the existence of ghosts Curious, I couldn’t hold back my curiosity and asked Tao Yao: “Boss, do ghosts really exist in this world?”

The Tao Yao said: “Of course.”

Otherwise, there would be no time-travel girl and the original owner, so ghosts should exist, even if they don’t know where the people go after death, it’s also very curious.

The guard asked again: “What kind of existence is a ghost? Can it be interpreted in a scientific way? If not, wouldn’t it be…” Dare to speak.

The peach demon does not know what the principle of ghosts is, but it remembers some books that the original owner has read, and some arguments that he has heard from tourists in the past, saying: “It can’t be like this. Saying that blindly believing in the current scientific theories is actually a kind of superstition. If ghosts exist, they can definitely be explained by scientific methods, but it is a science that cannot be fully interpreted for the time being. Some people think that ghosts are probably a A magnetic field, you should have read a book? Do you know what a magnetic field is?”

The guard nodded and said, “I heard.”

Tao Yao said: “Just like the planet under our feet, there is a huge magnetic field, but it is invisible to the naked eye, but does this mean that the magnetic field does not exist? No, because the magnetic field has been used by scientists The instrument proves that if a scientific method is used to explain the ghost charms and other talismans for ghosts, it should be an instrument to prove the existence of ghosts, but the production of this kind of instrument has not yet found a scientific method.”

The guard suddenly realized, “Oh, I see.”

It is not in vain that Tao Yao has racked his brains.

The two of them waited at the door for about half an hour before the people inside came out.

“How is it? Did you ask?” Tao Yao asked.

The police said: “I asked, but we can’t take the ghost as a witness, and we need the help of the master.”

“Why?” Tao Yao felt strange that the soul of the time-travelling woman didn’t escape because it was trapped by it with the soul bead, and the ghost was not immobilized by it.

When the police heard this, they glanced at Tao Yao in amazement, thinking that this person is not a master? It wasn’t even clear why the ghost couldn’t move.

Although he was a little curious, he still told the truth: “The ghost said he couldn’t leave his body.”

The Tao Yao couldn’t understand why, so she could only say: “I’ll get a soul orb to pack him up and take him away.”


Several police officers saluted it and said, “It’s all right, thank you Comrade Wei for your help.”

Tao Yao waved her hand and said, “You’re welcome, you can come to me if you need help in the future.”

It is lacking the opportunity to perform. It is not bad to be listed in the public security system, which is more conducive to its performance.

In the days to come, Tao Yao’s life is really busy, but fortunately, it entrusts Lin Xiufen to do the merits, otherwise it will be exhausted.

The research institute has asked it to discuss the issue of making talisman paper several times. The research seems to be progressing. Let Tao Yao try the talisman paper they made.

Tao Yao went to try it, and found that the talisman paper they made turned out to be exactly the same. It can now control the release of aura at will, so I tried it and found that it was made by the research institute. The talisman paper can even draw talismans.

These scientists are quite formidable and patient, doing experiments over and over again, Tao Yao gave them a thumbs up.

It never thought about making the raw materials for the talisman by itself. At that time, I just thought of having the opportunity in the future to go to some immortal world and buy some materials with local currency to draw the talisman, or just keep drawing the talisman in the void. That’s enough, after all, there aren’t many opportunities for ordinary worlds to use talismans.

Seeing that the researchers have researched the talisman paper in such a barren situation, Tao Yao thought that it had to learn from this group of people, it was a skill after all, so it began to follow Researcher learns to make talisman paper.

During this period, Tao Yao was summoned by the police again and went to several places to help solve the vicious cases.

There are so many cases solved, it is not easy for Tao Yao to keep buying soul beads in the mall, because it keeps taking out magic tools, and the source is not easy to explain, so it took some from the research institute Talisman paper, and draw some soul talismans.

The use of the soul talisman is not as convenient as the soul bead. After the soul orb locks up the soul, you can communicate with the soul inside without breaking it, but the soul restraint talisman does not work.

The soul locked in the talisman has no perception of the outside world, and people outside cannot communicate with the soul inside. This becomes consumables.

And the souls do not want to be locked in the talisman. According to them, once they enter the talisman, it is like when they died at the beginning, they fell into darkness, and there was nothing dead around. , They were very afraid, worried that they would never see the light of day again, so as long as they entered the Soul Binding Talisman once and were released, they would never want to go back.

It was only at this time that Tao Yao knew that people in this world did not go to the so-called underworld after they died, and they did not know where the dark space they were staying was.

However, there is no way for those souls who don’t want to enter the soul talisman, because they stay outside all the time, ordinary people can’t see them, only a few souls communicate, which is very boring, and there are more The scary thing is that they find themselves getting weaker and weaker.

It wasn’t until one of the ghosts almost disappeared that the other ghosts began to worry, for fear that they would dissipate if they continued to wander like this, so they were willing to stay in the talisman and wait for the advancement of fantasy technology in the future. There is a day of reunion.

Time is so busy, a few years have passed, and it is 1990.

During this period, Tao Yao never went to see the original owner’s parents, but the original owner’s parents never tried to find it. I guess they thought it was still in the countryside, afraid of being dragged down by her daughter, after all, Tao Yao I didn’t take the college entrance examination, so no good news came to the capital.

But even if the other party is a little more attentive, they can find the Maozi’s report about the peach demon a few years ago.

Since the other party didn’t come to the door, Tao Yao was also very happy and didn’t find something to do for herself.

After all, when the original owner kept being reborn, her family played top-notch roles in every life, complaining about her daughter with others, feeling that her daughter would lose their face, and even her son-in-law cheated on her daughter, who thought it was her daughter’s fault. Such a person is too good.

And Tao Yao didn’t go to see the original owner’s parents, and people who knew about it didn’t find it strange, who made the memory of the old monster thousands of years ago now, the original memory of more than ten years is only It can occupy a small corner for thousands of years, maybe it has forgotten that memory, so everyone is very sensible and did not mention it.

Tao Yao raised her eyebrows, if it wasn’t for this phone call, she would have almost forgotten the days when she went to the countryside.

Anyway, I happened to be free recently and have nothing to do, so I will have a party to see what the group wants to do, and by the way, take a look at how the dead ex-husband that the original owner hated so much is doing.

When it was almost the appointed day, Tao Yao took the guards to drive to the countryside in advance, drove and stopped all the way, and played like a tourist. It was about the same time when he entered the village.

Although it has entered the 1990s, private cars have not yet become popular. As soon as Tao Yao’s car enters the village, it immediately attracts countless attention.

It first asked the guards to drive the car to the captain’s house and say hello to the captain. At that time, the captain was very good to himself and had to give him a face.

As soon as the car stopped, a group of children and women gathered around to watch the fun.

Tao Yao’s appearance has not changed much in these years, and she was recognized as soon as she got out of the car. Several women said excitedly: “Isn’t this Wei Zhiqing?”

Because Wei Zhiqing is good at raising pigs, many people in the brigade know him.

The peach demon turned around to identify, but couldn’t remember who those people were, after all, it didn’t get too close to the villagers when it was in the village, but it still smiled at them kindly and said, “Yes ,it’s me.”

“Oh, you are driving a car now, it’s amazing.” The villagers looked around the car in a rare manner.

Tao Yao said politely: “It’s so-so, it’s a state-issued bus, I didn’t buy it myself.”

The villagers immediately took a deep breath: “The state allocated your car?”

“Yes.” Tao Yao smiled, and before she said a few more words, the captain came out of the house.

Seeing the peach demon, the captain said happily: “Oh, Wei Zhiqing is back?”

The person next to him interjected: “They are not educated youths now, they are state cadres, leaders, didn’t you see that the state has given them a car? There are also special drivers, oh, Wei The educated youth is very popular, and we can’t find another person as powerful as her.”

Faced with the praise from the villagers, Tao Yao can only wave her hand and say, “Where is it, you have won the prize.”

The people who go out from the village can have great fortune, the captain is also happy, and said with a smile: “A lot of people have come to the educated youth courtyard these two days, you are also here to attend the party?”

Peach Yao said: “Yes, I’m thinking of coming, I’ll come to see you first, thank you for taking care of me back then.”

The captain didn’t dare to take credit, and said quickly: “That’s because you have the ability, otherwise I can’t take care of you, well, let’s not get in the way here, come to my house for a cup of tea first .”

The peach demon entered the captain’s house, and some villagers outside followed. They drank tea and understood what the peach demon was doing these years. After all, it didn’t take the college entrance examination. Officer?

Tao Yao explained to them that she had special talents, so she was included in the country, and she has been running around the country all these years, assisting the police in handling cases.

The villagers burst into praise.

Having heard enough of everyone’s compliments, Tao Yao also finished drinking tea and said to the captain, “I’ll go to the educated youth academy first, and I’ll say goodbye to you when I leave.”

Peach Yao can say anything, it is not picky eater.

Farewell to the villagers and the captain, Tao Yao led the guards to the educated youth academy.

When I arrived at the educated youth house, there were already several educated youths waiting in the yard. I guess they heard the sound outside and came out to watch the fun.

Seeing that the person who came was Tao Yao, several educated youths gathered around and said, “Yo, Wei educated youth is here, great, everyone is finally here.”

Li Zhiqing, who had the best relationship with Tao Yao when she cut the queue, happened to be in the yard, took her hand affectionately and said, “I’ve finally hoped for you, I was busy studying before, and after graduation I was busy Work, then got married and had children, and I didn’t have time to visit you in the capital. We two sisters haven’t seen each other for many years. You have no conscience. I don’t have time to see you. sad.”

Another female educated youth also came over and took it with the other hand and said, “We Wei educated youth are big people now, you don’t know how much time I wasted trying to find her contact information, It’s hard to find its phone number, or she might not come to our party this time.”

Tao Yao said: “Where, my phone number has never been kept secret, how can I not find it, you are too exaggerated.”

“Hey, you are the best among us. I just heard the villagers say that you drove a car here.”

Several female educated youth laughed, and the gossip hurriedly asked Tao Yao: “We are all married, you should also solve lifelong affairs, right? Is this person next to you you? The one from home? He’s too young.”

“Look at him wearing a military uniform, is he a soldier?”

“No, no, you guessed wrong.” Tao Yao said, “This is the guard assigned by the state to me.”


The educated youths widened their eyes in shock.

The author has something to say:  Ah, I overslept today, but it was completed every day, as expected of me!

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