Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 422

Episode 45: The Relentless Remnant Hunt of the Great General Meer

– Is this…, can you handle it?

Seeing King Yuhal’s face, Meer laughs, nimmari in her heart.

After all, I had prepared Shalok because I thought it was something I had to bump… but it’s a momentum that I’m likely to complete without having to do it.

– Mr. Asha and Mr. Ranya’s reinforcements have worked. Ugh, while I’m at it, I’m afraid of my morality!

People of human virtue, Meer laughs at nimanimas like virtue seeps through.

By the way, needless to say… I don’t have any deep thoughts on Meer. Of course not.

There’s no way Ludwig is even thinking about what he’s saying.

Meer’s thinking is always simple. It is already the thought of multiplying one by one, such as that of multiplying simplicity by the other, which is the true pinnacle of Meer.

There was only one thing Meer had been foolish about.

It’s a relationship of trust with Perugia.

Peru has an abundance of crops. So even in the years of inaction, there will be some leeway. If you stay close to your neighbor, who has a wealth of crops, you must be able to get help in times of trouble.

There exists such a pact that interrupts relations with Peruvian farming nations.

So what do we do? What would Meer do with it?

It’s easy. It is only eliminated if something gets in the way for the purpose.

If you kick in that obstructive stone spot, you just have to put aside what’s going to happen and that kind of difficulty for now.

Or you just have to leave the difficult story to Ludwig.

Meerfully, the only way to get in the way is to kick it!

As a result, I feel that King Perugian’s attitude has softened, albeit somewhat.

Is this coming? and so on, and it was Meer who began to feel satisfied……

“… King Perugian, you’re not going to trust me with a promise not to exchange contracts, are you?

I heard Shalok’s frustrating voice, as if to give him water.

Just as Yuhal was stunned, Shalok couldn’t hide his amazement again.

In the first place, everything was like an accident to him.

The fact that the princess Meer came to this country earlier than planned, and thus, was invited to dinner…

I thought, at the time of the invitation, it should have taken suspicion. But he didn’t wonder…… No, I didn’t want to think so.

Meer has grasped all his movements, and yet he has the art of melting the heart of King Perugian, etc…

In the first place, there was absolutely no need to take it to such a serious story.

I would also add that I will let you negotiate some prices because I promise to stay with you the way you have always been, and prices will rise when famine strikes.

We should have gotten through this with that kind of light exchange.

Nonetheless……, King Perugian got on board because of the words Meer uttered.

“Friendly trust”

… What a white word.

If you are someone who knows the relationship between Tia Moon and Perugia, words like you can never say, words of hypocrisy that could even be hated if the princess of the imperial chamber speaks……

That word was definitely a touch of King Yuhar’s inverse scales.

Hide behind genuine and other making laughs and get through the occasion appropriately……, that’s the best thing to do on this occasion.

It’s evil in my heart. It’s impossible to prove my blemishes. If so, it would have been nice to waste time talking about it without being felt, without letting you grab your tail.

But the Empress Mia won’t let you get away with it.

I dared to invite King Yuhal’s wrath and drag him into my own field. Using that as a starting point, the rest was Meer’s single altar.

Shalok couldn’t even afford to pinch his mouth to the reinforcements that came one after the other.

That was the difference between those who were just trying to delude themselves with bickering and those who came to decide on the battle on this occasion.

That’s how Meer says after dispelling all the distrust of the empire that Sharoke was based on, the Perugian.

Do you trust yourself? and.

Do you trust and accept your words? and.

“Your Majesty Yuhal…, you don’t believe those words anymore?

Let me put it that way……, Sharoke was aware that his own words had no power.

Because already, King Yuhal was charmed. Imperial wisdom, shown by Meer Luna Tiermoon, in the light of hope……

– At the worst possible time, I’m going to do the worst… I see this is the wisdom of the Empire……

“Oh, Mr. Sharoke, I, too, wanted to talk to you.”

To the lid, Meer turned this way.

“I told you before, didn’t I? Money is not everything… In contrast, do you remember what you said?

Meer looks deliberately with her fingers on her cheeks and her neck tilted.

“It’s just sweet to do something that’s not for the money, or something like that, you know?

“It seems so, Her Highness Princess Meer. A merchant is one who lives with faith in gold. My God is gold, the power that governs everything in this world.”

While answering, Sharoke was aware of his lack of calm. And I knew what caused the upset.

Meer’s words and the behavior that embodies that gold is not everything. Because it was a denial of all Sharokh’s ever lived paths……

… say maybe I was wrong… because it’s a word that goes through a slight wound.

Even as I realized that I was in the same state as King Uhur without a shadow…, I couldn’t stop it.

“Merchants, no……, shouldn’t people be like that? People work. What do you work for? Isn’t that for money…… So it’s the right thing to do to make money efficiently.”

My own life is to make money, and merchants should use all the wisdom and power they can have and make money efficiently. It has to be.

So… the outrage of just telling me about money making, such as cold-resistant wheat, can’t be allowed…

“Really? You used to be a lot… Oh? What’s wrong with you?

To the lid, Meer frowns.

What is it, what is it…, it was a sharok that I didn’t know for a moment, but shortly afterwards, there was intense pain running in my chest.

“Ugh… guh”


I also heard a girl who resembled a scream…, and shortly after, Sharoke’s consciousness fell into deep darkness.

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